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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4329293 No.4329293 [Reply] [Original]

What's the very first thing you would choose to put on a biscuit?

Cheese? Gravy? Jam? Butter?

Me, I'd go with cheese. Lots of melted Fontina.

>> No.4329296
File: 97 KB, 800x572, biscuitsandgravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravy, definitely.

>> No.4329343

Jelly and buttah is the way to go.

>> No.4329360
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>> No.4329368

1. Butter and Jam
2. Butter and Honey
3. Sausage Gravy

>> No.4329372


>> No.4329394

Strawberries and cream, muthabrotha.

>> No.4329487

make a thin biscuit (like my grandma did) and put a slice of ripe tomato in there, with a little salt and pepper

country boy heaven right there

>> No.4329488
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>> No.4329497

biscuits go in tea. What you have there is a breakfast muffin.

>> No.4329499

That sounds really delicious.
Can good biscuits be made without butter?

>> No.4329500

That's not a biscuit, OP.

>> No.4329501

Definitely sausage gravy or honey and butter

>> No.4329502

Please stop trying to shit up this thread Brit.

I like just butter on them or sausage gravy.

>> No.4329503

You quoted the wrong person; I'm not British.

>> No.4329508

You're still attempting to stir up trouble. Please leave.

>> No.4329511

OP asked what goes on biscuits, and I told him/her that biscuits go in tea, which is correct. Stop annoying me.

>> No.4329536

>hehehe I call biscuits something completely different so I'm going to call out op and try and make a funny!

>> No.4329546

We don't actually have a word for american "biscuits" at all. You'd just get blank looks once you've established it's not a scone.

>> No.4329547
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Those aren't biscuits.

>> No.4329550

Looks like a muffin to me, Brit.

>> No.4329553

A muffin is a small sponge cake.

>> No.4329554

English muffin; That's an American muffin.

>> No.4329558

Having lived in England all my life I've never encountered the term "English muffin" or any foodstuff that would meet that definition outside the internet.

>> No.4329560

very similar to a crumpet, but made from a dough, not a batter, and is cooked on both sides of the skillet.

>> No.4329561
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>calls himself british
>has never eaten a full English breakfast with muffins

>> No.4329569

I think you meant
>and is cooked on both sides *in* the skillet

a skillet is a frying pan, and it doesn't matter what side of the frying pan you cook it on because the cooking area is an evenly heated disc.

>> No.4329570

Ingredients are very close to a savory scone though, just not sweet or with any herbs added. Sometimes made with buttermilk.

>> No.4329571

pardon my lack of caffeene. yes. cooked on both sides in the skillet.

>> No.4329572

if it was hot and soft, a good smear of apple butter. oh god

>> No.4329575


Wikipedia says that “biscuit” is American for muffin.

>> No.4329582
File: 3 KB, 126x96, 1247230750242s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because wikipedia is never wrong, right?
muffin is more of a mini sponge cake, and has nearly nothing in common, ingredient percentage-wise, with an American "biscuit"

>> No.4329586

Second choice jam.

>> No.4329588
File: 49 KB, 500x316, 20090513-english-muffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are nothing like biscuits. Why is it so hard for Brits to understand that our biscuits are something completely different and we have a wider variety of food?

>> No.4329596

Muffins are nothing like sponge cakes, unless you are talking about American “muffins” (which I am not).

>> No.4329601

Great discussion guys.

My favorite thing for biscuits is butter and honey, followed closely by sausage gravy.

>> No.4329602


Nope. Also it says 'English Muffin' which aren't regular muffins.

In the USA:
>Biscuit: OP's picture, flaky delicious bread, moist and chewy when done right
>Muffin: A larger cupcake sans-icing. Usually the fake 'healthy' alternative because there are raisin/oat/berry/fruit/whatever the fuck else muffins. Many people only eat the caps.
>English Muffin: Strange flat bread that you usually slice in half and toast. Soaks up sauces/gravy very well so good alongside breakfast foods that drip. Has lots of holes and I genuinely don't know how its made or why it is called an English Muffin

>> No.4329603

>we have a wider variety of food
>Burger King
>Pizza Hut

>Burger King
>Pizza Hut
>Taco Bell
>In'n'out Burger
>Five Guys
>Dunkin' Donuts
>Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits
>and more…

We'll give you that.

>> No.4329607

It also says that English muffins are regular muffins. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_muffin

>> No.4329609
File: 469 KB, 2200x1800, Muffin_NIH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this then?

>> No.4329611

That's also a muffin. But we don't eat those for breakfast.

>> No.4329627
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This board is "Food and Cooking" so I don't think this is too out of place or off-topic, but here's some percentages to compare American goods. Everything is expressed in baker's percentages (google it) and from the same baking textbook. For reference I live in California.

Biscuits (American):
100 Flour
65 Milk
35 Butter
2 Salt
5 Sugar
6 Baking Powder

100 Flour
45 Milk
40 Butter
15 Eggs
1 Salt
12.5 Sugar
6 Baking Powder

Scones and Biscuits are mixed exactly the same (In the baking industry this is called the "Biscuit Method"
So there. All you brits are informed. I'll post up some for other goods for comparison if wanted.

And for the record, an "English Muffin" is made using a yeasted bread dough, similar to baguette dough.

>> No.4329631
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gravy ahhhhhhh

>> No.4329635

I'll never understand how people see these as breakfast food. It's a fucking little cake. Why don't you just go full fattie and have a slice of cheesecake with your eggs

>> No.4329636

Maybe everyone isn't a lazy sloth like you.

>> No.4329638

It's sweet, goes well with coffee, and usually runs around 300-odd calories a piece.

It's not a bad breakfast as long as that's ALL you're eating.

>> No.4329642

>Cupcakes are too fattie to eat for breakfast
>makes fun of people for eating them

I'm against eating food like that, dummy. Reading comprehension

>> No.4329647

No real nutrition though. It's empty calories (you know what I mean, no vitamins, protein, anything like that). I just cant justify starting my day with a cake, you know? They do taste awfully good though, I'll give you that

>> No.4329670

eh just take a vitamin pill and get your protein etc at later meals. that's how I do it

>> No.4329684

Fair enough, can't fault anyone for that

>> No.4329712

>take a vitamin pill
There really isn't any convincing evidence suggesting that a multivitamin is a substitute for proper nutrition.

>> No.4329728

There's nothing about nutrition that says you have to get it balanced across all three meals.

If you're meeting your dietary needs with the rest of the food that day and all you need from breakfast is calories, that's fine.

>> No.4329772

gbt /fit/ you fucking faggots.

>> No.4329802

>ctrl+f "syrup"

None of you are true biscuit eaters. First time I had biscuits in the South, had that shit warm with a nice layer of syrup.

>> No.4329806

Butter and honey

Or, bacon gravy.

That is all you ever need.

>> No.4329807

Usually if I have biscuits I'll save it for the end of my meal and have it with honey
But if there's gravy I'll have it with gravy

>> No.4329827
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Strawberry jam and clotted cream.

>> No.4329828

biscuits are so fuucking nasty
literally the worst thing there is to eat. so fucking nasty and makes your mouth dry. terrible

>> No.4329847

gravy of course

>> No.4329850

Gravy, or jam/jelly.

Also, if you put butter and jam/jelly on toast you should be shot and killed.