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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 448x550, heinz-ketchup-on-steak-1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4322639 No.4322639 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw a Heinz ad from the 1960s implies you should put ketchup on steak

>> No.4322656

It's just a piece of meat, it's not anything special. I won't eat a steak without sauce.

>> No.4322653

>oh no they're doing something I don't like!

>> No.4322661

that's because they didn't have A1 yet.

>> No.4322664

>I've never had a steak not cooked into oblivion

>> No.4322670

I cook my steak medium rare.

>> No.4322729

Don't northerners put ketchup on everything? Plebs.

>> No.4322738

Quick, now tell us about how you're a supertaster and that by enjoying things that you don't, we're clearly autistic. C'mon, little buddy, don't let me down.

>> No.4322739

Still mad about the civil war, eh cleetus?

>> No.4322743
File: 80 KB, 640x480, 19238256181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why southerners ate pizza with ranch dressing, it must be one of those "for southern people only" thing

>> No.4322745

I'm from the north and I've never heard of such a thing.

>> No.4322751

Southerners drown their food in condiments. That's why they're all so obese.

>> No.4322752

You see, if southerners don't fill their bulging guts with fat and sodium regularly, their brains start working and they gain the ability to read. The last time that happened, black people were allowed to go to the same schools as white people, and they're afraid of what will happen next. True story.

>> No.4322754

Lil' bit yeah
I didn't know it was a southern thing. The first time I ever had it was in Norway. My yankee boyfriend also eats it.
I've heard many horrific tales of your food. One day I will come taste it for myself.

>> No.4322756

Its not implying when its right in your fucking face you turquoise dickmidget.

>> No.4322759

I don't do it regularly. It was just something to do to make school food seem better for me.

>> No.4322781

>turquoise dickmidget
I can't say I'm a fan of the unwarranted hostility, but good lord I need to use this term in conversation more often.

>> No.4322785

I'm from the North and I pretend ketchup does not exist.

>> No.4322789

It might be for the onion rings right next to it.

>> No.4322798

>tomato plus beef

Why do people act like this is a bizarre combination? You see it in a million other forms.

>> No.4322811

/ck/ is worse than /v/ for "stop liking what I don't like".

>> No.4322820

And rightfully so. It's delicious. That steak is fucking raw though, which is gut wrenching disgusting.

>> No.4322828

Not really.

It's just that people who prefer their steaks well done also prefer to put condiments on their foods. The two go hand-in-hand.

People who prefer to eat their foods unseasoned, or pure would generally also prefer to have a medium rare or rare steak to maximize the amount of beef flavor.

>> No.4323414

Probably because everyone around you is drinking it by the gallon, northern scum.

>> No.4323942


Heinz in the 1960s wanted us to put their sauce on everything and in everything. I'm pretty sure I saw one saying that just the sauce on its own could be heated up and eaten as soup.

>> No.4323943

I've had ketchup soup.

>> No.4323987

Ketchup gets so much hate, but tastes so damn good. Also meat was cheap as fuck in the 60's

>> No.4324004

I've seen a movie where a kid mixed ketchup with water and made a soup.

Was that guy that was in clockstoppers, just 10 or something.

>> No.4324010

When I bread my chicken breasts, I dip each bite into ketchup.

But I personally don't understand why anybody would eat ketchup with a steak, steaks are delicious when cooked perfectly and I like to taste the meat on its own.

>> No.4324012


I don't care if people eat a steak with ketchup but your comment was fucking stupid on so many levels I'm not even going to bother explaining why.

>> No.4324019

Ketchup is fine with chips/fries/whatever though i'm not the biggest fan of it in the world. Personally i prefer tomato salsa or chutney.

My brother enjoys mixing Ketchup and Mayo however, which makes me wince.

>> No.4324044

Ranch dressing on pizza is absolutely disgusting. Dipping pizza in blue cheese dressing is vastly superior

>> No.4324046


Are you eeven SUGGESTING

That at some point in HISTORY

A food advertisement involved a POPULAR FOOD




>> No.4324061

I've been doing some serious research on this and I don't think that it's actually true. Just that silly OP testing out another ruse on us.

>> No.4324063

Ketchup + mayo isn't a bad combo, though. It's just ketchup with some added fat and creaminess.

>> No.4324255

sounds like big mac sauce

>> No.4324729


I thought Bic Mac sauce was just a shitty cut-corners patty melt sort of sauce?

>> No.4324870

Honey, would you like some ketchup for your onion rings?

>Sure, thanks.

Here you are dear. *shake shake*

>Awww Mom, you got it on my steak!

>> No.4324880

Does your mom shake shake shake your dick after you take a piss, too?

>> No.4324947


Your mom shake shake shakes my steak.

>> No.4324950

Here in Utah, ketchup and mayo is called fry sauce, and it is everywhere. I even know some people who refuse to eat fries without it. They even go as far as to ask their waitress for a side of mayo so they can make it themselves if the restaurant doesn't have any. God this state is weird.

>> No.4324994

> They even go as far as to ask their waitress for a side of mayo so they can make it themselves if the restaurant doesn't have any

LOL!! That's so random!

>> No.4325018


>> No.4325041

>eat exactly one scone all day
>see this thread
>craving pizza with buffalo wings smothered in ranch with a side of tender steak
>all at once
>I'm not even remotely fat

>> No.4325060

>implying you need to be fat to crave loads of delicious food
It's called hunger, I know it's pretty rare in suburbia, maybe you should wiki it.

>> No.4325075

>buffalo wings smothered in ranch
This trend happened specifically because crybabies who don't like eww blue cheese eww, got in on the wings craze, then cheapass restaurant owners saw the profitable difference. But, it wasn't ever meant to be!

>> No.4325103

>ranch + hotsauce

aw yiss

>> No.4325102

blue cheese is disgusting

>not even pleb taste

shit's just not compatible with me

>> No.4325146 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 1408x1056, PA160407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys eat if you want a little sweetness with your steak? Sometimes I'll make a pan sauce or serve the steak with grilled tomatoes, but usually it's easier to just add a little ketchup to whatever starchy side dish i'm having on the side.

pic unrelated, a vegetarian housemate's cooking accident

>> No.4325151
File: 328 KB, 1408x1056, PA160407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys eat if you want a little sweetness with your steak? Sometimes I'll make a pan sauce or serve the steak with grilled tomatoes, but usually it's easier to just add a little ketchup to whatever starchy side dish i'm having.

pic unrelated, a vegetarian housemate's cooking accident

>> No.4325166

What was that even supposed to be, some kind of baked fish with spinach and i dunno what else?

>> No.4325171

caramelized onions and mushrooms, every time

>> No.4325178

No, it's saying that can make anything, even things you're not really supposed to put it on, taste good.

What the fuck do you think "Heinz makes EVERYTHING taste good." means?

I'm not gonna lie though, I tried some steak with ketchup, it was fucking delicious.

>> No.4325204
File: 470 KB, 1406x1054, PA160410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot about mushrooms; I often have those with steak but they're not quite sweet enough on their own. Caramelized onions would work but I'd have to start making them a little early, maybe I'll try a little caramelized onion chutney next time.


Spinach, feta and toasted (lol burnt) pine nut pie. Note the careful crimping on the pastry crust in the middle of that mess.

I think he misread the recipe because he started cooking the pie on the electric element and the extreme heat shattered the crappy imitation ceramic dish he was using. I heard the crack from my room and found him in full panic mode sweeping that mess into an oven dish.

pic is the gore shot of the element after this incident.

>> No.4325215

cooked onion and bell peppers

>> No.4325253


>Heating ceramic

Haven't these fuckers at least taken a high school chem class? Jesus Christ...

>> No.4325309

if you've ever had Heinz 57 steak sauce it's like spicy ketchup so it makes sense. Before the gourmet revolution of the 1970's most of America ate tough chewy cuts like bottom round and blade steaks.... WELL DONE. That's why they needed all that ketchup & steak sauce.

>> No.4325505


caramelised onions, usually.

though, I went to a steakhouse recently and they were offering chilli jam as a condiment. I was interested and I got some, it was pretty good.