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File: 141 KB, 822x1200, IMG_2274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4319273 No.4319273 [Reply] [Original]

Pineapple is the godtier fruit in the fruit kingdom.

>> No.4319309


>> No.4319307
File: 829 KB, 1579x1216, banana[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down before the real motherfucker, pineapple.

>> No.4319315

I agree
So tasteful

>> No.4319323

Plebs who never tried a plumb or a mango.

>> No.4319326

plumbs are meh and mangos taste weird

>> No.4319325

Pleb ehhhhh?

>> No.4319365

No. Nectarines.

>> No.4319375

Shit, pineapple's good and it's really versatile. But I'm still going to have to go with apples.

>> No.4319379

I prefer to eat fruit that doesn't try to eat me back. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromelain

>> No.4319570


My favorite fruit as well.

>> No.4319580
File: 34 KB, 636x520, 1354518755852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple is godtier in everyway, if it didn't fuck up my tounge I would eat it everyday. along with bananas.

>> No.4319585

Blueberries and nectarines conqor, then pineapple

>> No.4319586
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1340506656945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using "something-tier" to rank or describe anything
>being over the age of 15

>> No.4319588

I agree OP.

Most delicious fruit.

>> No.4319631

All my niggas.

>> No.4319638

actually it's mango.

it's the fav. fruit of most people for a reason

>> No.4320160

>using greentext
>implying you're not a neckbearded faggot also
>implying were all not neckbearded faggots

>> No.4320188

hurr durr faggot

>> No.4320192

Has anyone else been spoiled on fresh pineapple and can't enjoy canned stuff anymore?

>> No.4320199
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>> No.4320497

My legs quiver with anticipation.

>> No.4320509
File: 16 KB, 430x300, True Victor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All other fruits are pleb tier

>> No.4320522

try having family in hawaii and being spoiled by the pineapple there. I can't have pineapple back home, its not the same

>> No.4320531


I miss this shit so bad

>> No.4320536


>> No.4320578

This, kiwis, and bananas.
Bananas cause they go with anything and taste good, kiwis and pineapples because of pure taste.

>> No.4320582
File: 104 KB, 1100x1100, jackfruit_thailand_view1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't deny it

>> No.4320592
File: 1.48 MB, 2808x1872, motherfuckingpomegranate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If pineapple is god-tier, pomegranate is science-tier.

>> No.4320598

This nigga knows exactly what's up.

>> No.4320605
File: 225 KB, 1000x1000, asian-pears-1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fuckers.

You will have to wade through some awful ones; the majority of the ones you buy will be terrible and sometimes taste bitter or leave a sickly taste in your mouth

But when you finally get that ONE, that perfect ONE...it's truly the essence of perfection. Crunchy, watery, sweet, crisp, and cool perfection.

>> No.4320608

I got a whole carton of pomegranate juice for free the other day because it was a few days out of date, normally sells for $20 a bottle. I don't get why it's so expensive.

>> No.4320609

Blueberries and watermelon. i can eat a 10lb flat of blueberries in less than 3 days

>> No.4320613

Pomegranate juice? That's no fun. Pomegranate isn't just a fruit, it's an activity!

>> No.4320620

Not a huge fan of pineapple. I like it, but it's a bit TOO sweet, you know? I almost feel like I'm eating a sugar cube with a hint of fruity flavor. Same could be said of mango, although I love me some mango.

Favorite fruit is probably the tried-and-true Granny Smith Apple. It's got the perfect balance of tartness and sweetness and it has god-tier texture instead of being mushy/grainy.

Blueberries, bananas, and grapefruit are cool too.

>> No.4320621

But you wouldn't say no to 12 bottles of organic pomegranate for free would you?

>> No.4320630

Pineapple is pretty great, but mango is my favorite.

>> No.4320632


Pomegranate are good, but they're such a fucking pain in the ass. I only eat them about once a year because getting the seeds out sucks and they fucking stain everything.

>> No.4320640

forgot about:

>$2.50 a piece

had one before, though, and it was really good

>> No.4320661
File: 32 KB, 400x337, pom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need one of these, Anon. Works great. Got mine at Wal-mart.

>> No.4320670
File: 767 KB, 500x282, america-7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something to help americans eat faster.

>> No.4320673
File: 268 KB, 500x619, pineapple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4320705

pomegranates are my god tier fruit
as are pineapples that weren't imported
and strawberries that are red but firm

>> No.4320720

Perhaps you are not versed in your own language. Pineapple comes from two root words, Pine and apple. In English language's past, apple referred to all fruit. It is only in modern English that apple refers exclusively to the crisp fruit born from a specific species of tree. A pineapple also happens to have pines and is vaguely reminisce of a pinecone. Logically it would follow to call such a fruit a Pine Fruit, but as the pineapple was discovered in a time where apple was still used, it would be easy for it also to be called a pineapple. Because just calling it a pine would be somewhat awkward, the name has stuck to modern times. Pineapple is truly a product of the history of the English language.

>> No.4320738

This... is horribly innacurate

>> No.4320742

That chart is BS considering the Spanish word for that fruit is piña...

>> No.4320758

>A pineapple also happens to have pines

>> No.4320774

oooh la di da, look at Mr.Etymologist. Good explanation though.

Captcha: this dultsyc

>> No.4320783

Haven't eaten nashi pears in ages. Have got some nashi pear wine sitting somewhere though.

>> No.4320794

You shut your whore mouth Mangos are fucking godly.

>> No.4320800

Learn to spell them.

>> No.4320801
File: 83 KB, 728x858, green-durian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




what's this?

>> No.4320808

A green-durian.jpg?

>> No.4320817

Disgusting and in no way better than Jackfruit.

>> No.4320886

I thought it was spanish conquistadors that called it after whatever a pinecone is called in Spanish.

>> No.4320892
File: 1.27 MB, 2277x1832, starfruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Hell yes. Hell MOTHERFUCKIN YES.

>> No.4320901


>> No.4320911

It has important digestive enzymes right? That's why I eat it, not because it tastes good/bad.

I happen to like it, but that's irrelevant.

>> No.4320927
File: 148 KB, 1600x1067, Dragon Fruit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh oh oh, pineapple...

Dragon Fruit, even the name! Dragon! a fucking dragon! How awesome is that. It's named after a motherfuckin' dragon.

>> No.4320932

mah nigga.

>> No.4320962

Oh no, god forbid people from eating fruits.

>> No.4321103

Dragonfruit are the most disapointing fruit ever. They sound like fiery pieces of heaven, they look like they are straight out of a fantasy novel or some psychedelic daydream. And when you taste it, youre expecting something magical, something fun and exciting. Instead all you get is bland and sweet mush, and it feels like someone took your childhood, your dreams, hopes and expectations all rolled in to one and punched them in the fucking face.

>> No.4321108


Also fuck you for reminding me that this abomination exists.

>> No.4321115
File: 61 KB, 320x240, Rambutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4321117
File: 41 KB, 461x440, Mangosteen-Pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4321118

I only found durian good if I had been drinking and it was thoroughly chilled

>> No.4321129
File: 147 KB, 1134x850, 22dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now we just have to wait for scientists to genetically modify them into a godlike, actually tasty delicious sweet and colorful superior fruit. ;_;

>> No.4321133

Fuck, true. Its impossible to get out of the tropics though because they go bad after like 4 hours. I was in malaysia for christmas and ate kilos upon kilos of gods sweetest creation, perfect in every way.

>> No.4321148


>> No.4321149

Go put a banana up your ass you useless filth. How does it feel to not have matured past the age of 14 mentally?

>> No.4321150
File: 47 KB, 580x325, mmdead1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it feels like someone took your childhood, your dreams, hopes and expectations all rolled in to one and punched them in the fucking face.
N-No... Capcom already did that...
Sage for unrelated.

>> No.4321151

How would I know?

>> No.4321153

Any kind of perfumey fruit is the greatest thing ever.

Also lychees,longan, rambutan and the like are very very pleasant. Fresh only though, don't give me that canned shit.

>> No.4321155

Pomegranates really freak me out, but they're so damn good. And getting the seeds by themselves is far too expensive.

>> No.4321177

Fuck yes I love you.

>> No.4321196

Confirmed for having never tried dragonfruit.

Seriously it's just a bland watered down kiwi. Looks fancy in cocktails though.

>> No.4321197

are other fruits even trying?

>> No.4321213

i've been saying this forever. best fruit <3