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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4315474 No.4315474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

restaurant rage thread? restaurant rage thread.
>be innarestaurant
>lovely lady sitting in the table next to mine talking to a chef
>hour or so later shes yelling about calling the owner of the restaurant because someone fucked up
>"i axed foh hot collah greens an hour ago wtf!?"
>chef comes out tries to calm rabid bitch
>comps lady's meal
>super effective
>"i aint nevah coming here again"
>i say to myself "if i wanted to see animals i woulda went to the zoo"
>leave 15% tip and spaghetti my way out
>mfw this shit is occuring

>> No.4315481

>children in a restaurant ever

>> No.4315492

>"loose" children in a restaurant *cringe*

>> No.4315524

I just tried out a new Japanese place that opened up near me.

>mom flies in, wants something nice
>try out a place called kabuki
>I have seafood udon noodle soup
>she gets hibachi with beef, chicken, and mushrooms.

Soup was fantastic.
Mom filled up on rice and was too full to eat all the beef and chicken.


>> No.4315574
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>go to restaurant
>"Yeah I'll take a Coke"
>"Pepsi okay?"

>> No.4315591
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>"Can I have a Dr. Pepper?"
>"Mr. Pib okay?"

>> No.4315597

>implying Pepsi isn't far superior

>> No.4315600
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>> No.4315602

I get this all the time at my work. Schwepps is our supplier so we aren't allowed to sell coke. Deal with it.

>> No.4315618

In that case, make it a superior Mt. Dew - No Ice

>Mt. Dew master race reporting in

>> No.4315621

sierra mist ok?

>> No.4315625

>dat caffeine
>dat bromilated vegetable oil
>dat yellow dye
>dat cancer

>> No.4315627
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>ill have rootbeer
>we dont have that pepsi ok?

fuck coke and pepsi

>> No.4315632

the cancer is the best part of it!!

>> No.4315635
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Delicious cancer

>> No.4315644


Is mellow yellow okay?

>> No.4315689
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babbys in a restaurant

crying babbys in resraunt

I have kids. I made sure we never took them as babby's to restaurant, movie theater, etc. People who do that need to be sent to court-ordered parenting classes.

>> No.4315698
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alternative restaurant rage

>be traveling
>hmm i saw alot of restaurants on the way in
>read some reviews
>"hmm, a few of these places look promising, i wonder if they are open this late
>log on to every restaurant website ever
>over the top landing page
>"mission statement"
>tons of unnecessary bullshit
>hours? location? nope
why the fuck with this shit


>online menus in mobile unfriendly massive PDFs

i know why, i guess. no one in a restaurant knows dick about website maintenance but come the fuck on.

>> No.4315736

> taking then-GF to most hallowed restaurant in a 100 kilometer radius
> and I mean, it's like 200 years old at this point, smack dab in the city center, nice old building, reservations for plebs like me need 6 months advance notice
> dress nicely, go
> Bohemia crystal glasses, immaculate linen, a classical but extensive French menu with a few dabs of local color
> Holy shit, that schnapps+coffee+cream while we wait to be seated. Holy fuark, them breadsticks.
> I am emboldened, and order something with cow in it
> GF asks for fish
> we both get soups
> service starts
> waiter dumps croutons in my lap
> they are real croutons made with real butter
> fancy pants stained irremediably
> Maitre d' steps in, apologizes profusely. apparently the previous time this happened was sometime during 1930 and triggered an international incident or something
> Maitre d' uses Steely-Eye-Glint on Waitstaff!
> it is super-effective
> Waitstaff cowers in fear
> we are given special VIP service, but because of nerves no-one performs correctly from then on
> sommelier's hand trembles, he stains the tablecloth
> piccolo forgets himself and dashes in to refill a glass - except it's the wrong wine, the glass is still a quarter full and he should NOT be doing that anyway
> waiter serves both of our plates from the LEFT, then hovers obsequiously
> sous-chef comes out of the kitchen to do our flambee dessert pancakes, singes his brow but bravely soldiers on while his forehead is turning red and visible tears hang in the corners of his eyes
not a rage story, more of a cringe-worthy thing
that was not a fun date by any means, and VERY expensive, but it got better in the retelling

>> No.4315741

I hate it when that happens.
I've had that same sort of experience happen to me in a fine, reputable restaurant, and it's not only tiresome, but uncomfortable, because I certainly don't want to be hanging on every tiny mistake the waitstaff makes while I'm paying out the nose for a meal experience. And it just gets worse because they know they fucked up, and then they fumble more. They need to train that type of waitstaff, first off, to be perfection (inasmuch as they can), and secondly, not to let mistakes rattle their service so badly. Mistakes happen, but you don't have to draw attention to them in that way.

>> No.4315750
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>> sous-chef comes out of the kitchen to do our flambee dessert pancakes, singes his brow but bravely soldiers on while his forehead is turning red and visible tears hang in the corners of his eyes

>> No.4315762


>> No.4315764

>on a cruise
>an upper middle class black family sitting a few tables over in the "serve yourself" breakfast area
>they are complain to each other that there are no grits being served
It was equal parts amusing and infuriating. They were sitting right next to a wide variety of food both common and uncommon, and they were complaining about a lack of grits.

>> No.4315783

>worked in a ghetto restaurant
>owner would let single mom he was banging bring her kid to work
>it just ran around the restaurant unsupervised
>the blacks almost always let their little shits run around free in the restaurant
>0 tips

>> No.4315784

"Is monopoly money okay?"

>> No.4315797
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Well, my sides are gone

>> No.4315832

>driving across state on way back from business convention
>hungry as shit
>stop at a diner in the middle of nowhere
>order pickle chips, a bowl of chili, and a grilled cheese
>pickle chips come
>there is a hair in my first one
>call over the waitress
>she apologizes profusely
>chili and grilled cheese come
>there is a hair sticking out of my grilled cheese
>call over the waitress again and tell her i'm leaving
>she yells for the manager
>some huge greasy guy comes out of the kitchen scratching his head
>i can literally see the hair falling into his hand
>tell him he should brush up on food safety standards
>he calls me a mix of homophobic slurs
>phone the health inspection hotline and flag them

i wonder if it closed down. i can only hope.

>> No.4315835

Blacks are very adverse to change. They hate breaking a habit no matter what, even if its grits in the morning on a fucking cruise to get away from everyday life.

>> No.4315839

Did you read that story in a thread from a while back from the guy who said he was a health inspector and walked into a Chicago hot dog place in like Tennessee, only to discover they were pouring out half finished sweet teas and shit into a big vat and recycling it. One of the most disgusting things I've ever read.

>> No.4315842

>Eating in the South

Nope and nope. I have family from there and have visited, and every single stereotype was true and more. Most disgusting rotting place I've ever been to. Fuck the South and all their people.

>> No.4315845

>Doesn't understand the concept of a "supplier"

>> No.4315853

I understand the concept of genocide, doesn't mean I have to like it.

>> No.4315855

Is it really that bad? I've only ever been to America once: it was NY, for 5 days. Didn't care for it. A lot of beggars/ people selling blank CDs. Visited the Hard Rock Cafe, which was nice, I suppose. I don't remember the food being particularly stellar, though.

>> No.4315858

NYC has great food if you know where to look. The place is a dirty shithole though.

>> No.4315859

NY isn't America. It's basically a third world shithole.

>> No.4315862

Schwepps is owned by Pepsi. How can it be your supplier?

>> No.4315864

It's a legal requirement they say that. If you ask for coke and they sold pepsi to you they can be charged for a number of things including fraud.

>> No.4315865

WTF do you even... logic?

>> No.4315866

maybe they should switch suppliers

>> No.4315869

>not eat for like 2 days because of busyness
>decide against better judgement to go to BK
>2 whopper with cheese
>get to window to pay
>negress shucking and jiving
>chatting with manager
>wait 1 minute
>drive off

I get treated fairly well at restaurants around here, only rage i have is at bottom of the barrel fast food joints

>> No.4315871 [DELETED] 

>>negress shucking and jiving
Two words. White flight. Best move of my life.

>> No.4315873

stuck here for at least another year

then it's off to rural OH

>> No.4315875


not like it's any better but..

>> No.4315877

what are you talking about? there are no blacks where i'm moving to

>> No.4315879

>be deathly allergic to walnuts
>have to watch my carb intake thanks to insulin resistance
>go to some new restaurant with family
>as expected from most restaurant foods, carbs errywhere
>mfw their 'special caesar salad' is literally a waldorf salad (contains walnuts) crossed with a caesar salad
>decide to order antipasto instead
>get antipasto, comes with pita and dips and half the plate covered in dried fruits with a small amount of meats and even smaller amount of cheese
>lift up the pitas, huge serving of walnuts right in the middle of the plate touching everything
>mfw chef tells me antipasto means 'everything' and that there's always walnuts in antipasto
>mfw everyone else has their food and I can't eat mine because the meats and cheeses have touched the walnuts

>> No.4315880

if you didnt make them aware of it before hand, that's on you

>> No.4315881


Antipasto is literally meant to just be cold meats, cheeses, and some chargrilled vegetables. I wasn't served proper antipasto and on the menu it listed everything except for walnuts.

>> No.4315882

it does not matter.
if you do not make them aware of a food allergy before they serve you, then you cannot complain.

>> No.4315889

>I'd like the meat and cheese platter
>Why does my meat and cheese platter have nuts on it?

That is you. You are a fucking moron and need to throw yourself off a cliff.

>> No.4315890

>antipasto antipasto antipasto


>> No.4315891

>Eating in the South
It's a shame you dildos are too righteous to eat McD's. This is what they are good for. No matter where you travel, you can rest assured you will at least not be drinking recycled tea.

> to America once: it was NY, for 5 days. Didn't care for it. A lot of beggars/ people selling blank CDs. Visited the Hard Rock Cafe, which was nice, I suppose. I don't remember the food being particularly stellar, though.

> Be idiot tourist
> Fly to Paris
> Gay frenchmen hawking miniature Eiffle tower keychains at its base
> Spend rest of trip butthurt because I had to walk past 50 bistros just to get to the Burger King

>> No.4315892

except he's right

the onus is on you not to die

entitled cunt

>> No.4315895

Are you fucking kidding me?
You ALWAYS tell your waiter when you have an allergy.

>> No.4315898

I would love to see this play out
>shit tier patron keeps whining about walnuts
>fine, fuck him
>send all his food out with grated walnuts on top
>not liable for death because he didn't tell us

>> No.4315899

Still, americans should know that it is impolite to focus on your country specific products and restaurants so heavily. This was an international board last time I checked.

>> No.4315903


>> No.4315901

No, that's called /int/
Keep whining about your inferior food though.

>> No.4315904


But he's right. If you're deathly allergic to something, you should always tell the waiter beforehand, even if you think it doesn't have it in there. You can't honestly expect them to write out every tiny ingredient on the menu, can you?

>> No.4315908

Please, everyone knows that americanised fastfood crap is not worthy. And yet that is what we instantly think when someone mentions pizza. It is saddening when culture gets ruined like this by americanisation

>> No.4315910

I don't understand why you'd refrain from telling the waiter that you were anaphylactic.

>> No.4315912

too bad you're wrong

american pizza =/= fast food pizza

never in a million years would i make that mangled abortion italians call pizza

>> No.4315913

America doesn't have a culture of its own; it's an amalgamation of all the cuisines of the countries that first colonised it. Sort of like a cultural Frankenstein.

>> No.4315914

You really need to off yourself for being such a hipster faggot.

>> No.4315915

In roman times no one would like crap like pancakes or hamburgers or even the modern version of pizza. Especially not the american style pizza.

>> No.4315918

prove it cunt

cry some more niggerbitch

>> No.4315921

Well, Europeans think that in yankeeland it is anything goes. And really, perhaps not many europeans care to pronounce it out loud but yanks are a tad stupider in the head,

>> No.4315922


You're on an imageboard dedicated to Anime and weaboo culture. So under your own logic you're wrong. Stay retarded, kid.


American fast food is some of the most pig-disgusting fast food that I've ever tried. Which is odd, considering that America is supposed to be the king of fast food. And don't even get me started on American fast food hamburgers - the chicken tends to be good, but the burgers were just downright disgusting.

>> No.4315923

>Friends keep raving about this pizza place I've never been to
>They finally take me there for dinner
>I order a small garlic-lovers pie
>Our food comes out
>Huge chunk of fuzzy garlic sticking out
>I pick it up
>It's black underneath
>Waitress comes back and I bring it to her attention
>"Oh no, that's okay, that's just how the garlic is after we cook it."
>Go to the front and ask to see the manager
>He parrots the same bullshit
>Wave goodbye to my friends as I head out the door

They ended up eating my pizza and vomiting for a few hours, if I recall correctly. I wouldn't have left if everybody in the place didn't try to lie to me about their obviously moldy ingredients.

>> No.4315924
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you're just jealous of freedom
and 4chan is an american site, no matter how much asspain you spew

>> No.4315926

Indeed, but is it such a sin to love one´s own culture and want to preserve it from such cynical foreign exploitation for financial gain.

This is not america here, dignity is not for sale.

>> No.4315927

No, but seriously, in america boiling water is a difficult task, apparently.

And since when elitism was the synonym for having even remote standards. Call me a effing elitist but McDonald´s is shit and so is you fake expresso.

>> No.4315931

>be regular at pho shop in somewhat run down neighborhood
>cashier/owner or whomever always gave me little tidbits on basic Vietnamese
>one day see cat inside store while its closed
>think nothing of it
>see that cat over the course of a week
>next week no more cat
>never eat there again

>> No.4315933

i never disputed the fact that fast food is shit

you said all america has is fast food

you are wrong and stupid

>> No.4315935

Jesus, such american stupidity. McDonald´s well-known for total awfulness in every aspect of its business.

No matter how you look at it, you see a multinational corporation cynically exploiting its economical power with no regard to environment, workforce, quality, culture, or any ethics what so ever, barely staying on the right side of law. When law cannot be altered by corruption and bribery, that is.

And then, with all of the super-unhealthy food produced by utterly terrible means, the company primarily targets children by massive ad campaigns.

This type of thing makes me genuinely upset. I do not tolerate fastfood on its own but this yank crap is something else.

>> No.4315943

>two thai restaurants
>Mom likes the one we'll call Jasmine
>she wants to go for her birthday
>look at menu
>looks okay
>we go
>it got shutdown, even though the website was still up
>we decide to go the the next one which we will call pavilion
>they have the exact same menu as Jasmine
It was delicious but that was fucking weird.

>> No.4315951

you keep focusing on fast food
i think you may have a fetish

>> No.4315952

Man, there are stupid people all over. America just has a big population. Get off your high horse.

>> No.4315983

What the fuck has happened to /ck/ in the last two weeks? It's gone from pretty good to /b/ about food in no time at all.

>> No.4315986

most restaurants that sell pepsi sell mug root beer, which is utter shit compared to barq's

>> No.4315992

This. I live in Memphis. and the South is SO bad. I so can't wait to get out of this hellhole.

>> No.4315997

It's approaching spring.

>> No.4315999
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It's happening to all the boards. /b/ and /pol/ are migrating to other boards and bringing their shit posting with them.

>> No.4316006


You know, the OP from the other thread might be right. It seems that we're becoming closer to /k/ than I thought. We're even beginning to develop a crude form of day/ck/are.

>> No.4316007

I remember that thread.

>> No.4316009

>be yesterday
>sick, have to go the urgent care center for the third time in as many months
>gonna cheer myself up by going to Chili's after
>make a reservation just in case
>get there, crowded as fuck
>seated right away anyway because reservation
>"kayla will be your waittress, she'll be with you as soon as she can"
>she finally comes over about 8 minutes later
>asks us what we want to drink
>no offer of an appetizer
>she turns away when we're barely done saying "water"
>I have to shout after her "AND A SKILLET QUESO"
>she looks pissed off but says OK
>fifteen minutes later she brings us two sweet teas and no queso
>"Ma'am we asked for water. And queso."
>"I'm so sorry, they have me working this whole dining room alone so we can take care of Corporate at the bar"
>brings the water and queso right away
>doesn't come take our food orders until we're done with the queso
>two big tables (4+ people) who came in after us get their food before us
>it was a fucking burger and some chicken tenders

Five waittresses and two bartenders in the bar area (six tables). ONE fellow from corporate over there, sitting AT THE BAR.

One waitress for the dining room (ten tables at least).


I wanted to dine and dash after that, but my boyfriend used to be a waiter and insisted we pay and leave a tip. (I was going to leave a tip anyway, it wasn't really her fault). I did call and complain to management, though.

>> No.4316013

same with chinese places
all sell the exact same shit

>> No.4316014

Man, we don't take them off the tables, but we do take mistakes back from people (in drive-thru), take the straw out, slap a new lid on, and hand it out the next time someone orders that same drink. For the teas, we pour them right back in, ice and all.

Of course, when I say "we", I mean my managers. I don't do it unless they're watching.

Same with pushing fallen ice cream back into Blizzards and picking the blending collars out of the trash, rinsing them off, and re-using them.

I want to report my GM to the health department so badly, but I can't risk losing my job.

>> No.4316018

this is some illuminati tier shit right here

>> No.4316019


Next time walk right up to the guy from corporate and politely inform him that he's ruining everyone's dining experience due to the fact that they assigned the entire restaurant staff to attend to him and as such have got only one guy working the entire main dining dining room. The manager will probably ban you for life after that, but while corporate's still in the restaurant he'll probably be some embarrassed that he'll comp your meal and give you both prime steaks on the house.

>> No.4316022


so embarrased*

>> No.4316034


>> No.4316085


>go to a local burger joint
>"I'll have a rootbeer!"
>MUG or our own brew
>what the fuck do you think nigger
>implying I drink MUG

>> No.4316091

"Who the fuck is this faggot? Throw him in the gulag."

And that's how Anon found out where Chili meat comes from.

>> No.4316101

>live in the midwest
>love the midwest
>out for dinner with some friends
>we go out for burgers
>one of the people puts ketchup on their fries
>takes a bite
"ohh aint that a spicy one don'cha know!"
>they actually think Heinz is spicy
>I have no fucking face

How a Mexican place has survived here is beyond me.

>> No.4316109

>out to eat
>waitress brings us our food
>we were in the middle of a conversation so we don't start eating right away
>start to cut into our food
>waitress comes back not even a minute after bringing our food
>haven't taken a bite yet
>"so how is it?"
>"we haven't eaten yet"
>she just stands there waiting for us to take a bite
>fucking seriously just standing there with that waitress smile for a good two minutes
>won't leave
>shitty service the rest of the night

>> No.4316126

>being a sous chef

>cunty woman order oyster beinville
>she pokes at it and takes a taste


eat a dick, old hag

tell the wait staff if you are allergic. chefs will bend over backwards for serious allergies (nut especially, given how serious it can be) because pretty much the worst thing that can happen for a chef is having someone fucking die in your dining room from your food.

>> No.4316128

no John, you are the morons

>> No.4316143

Why would you bother eating fast food on an international trip, anyway, unless you absolutely had to? I don't eat fast food ever, unless it's unavoidable. You're fucking stupid for coming to this country and eating fast food. I mean, you see the contention and backlash it has even amongst our own cirizens, that should be enough to tell you not to eat it. There's millions of wonderful restaurants here, even cheap ones, you should have looked around more.

>> No.4316148

How can one function normally during mealtime if you find Heinz ketchup spicy? It's basically candy.

>> No.4316151

>has never been to the midwest

I went to a potluck and all the food was bland as fuck and tasted the same. I brought a mild chili and everyone complained that it was too spicy.

>> No.4316162


A. It was a road trip, and your dining choices on the highway 100 miles out of Bumfuck, New Mexico tend to be somewhat limited.
B. It was a three week long trip, and fine dining twice a day for three weeks (three times a day if you cheap out on the hotel) is impractically expensive.
C. Fast food is America's staple food, at least from the eyes of a foreigner, going to America and not trying the fast food is roughly the equivalent of going to Italy and not trying the pizza. And just like Italian pizza, it turns out to be shitty to the point that you find you prefer the pizza back home.

>> No.4316183

Fast food is NOT America's staple food. That is sheer ignorance.
Also, I myself have just recently cruised through the desert of New Mexico, Arizona, and California, and we only ate fast food twice. And both times we were very picky about which places we stopped at.
You're just ignorant. Not to mention, I never said you needed to exclusively eat at fine dining establishments.

>> No.4316192

Totally different anon here, just a lurker. I'm so fucking exhausted; I've been up all night. Nevertheless, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. For the rest of us, eating only waited cuisine every meal of the day for any period of time is prohibitively expensive.

Suck my fucking dick.

>> No.4316220

I want to put ghost chilies in their water supply.

>> No.4316244 [DELETED] 

This is not how this story went and you know it.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.4316249

>go to restaurant in the south
>ask for coke
>they ask me what kind of coke do I want
>say sprite


>> No.4316287

SO fucking dumb.

Lived in Texas all of my life, still can't get around this.

>> No.4316323

>Change an entire corporate business arrangement just to suit one customer's preference

Okay anon.

>> No.4316331

yea.. i lol'd at that too!

>> No.4316336

>being this retarded

>> No.4316343

Dude one time I saw this stray cat around this Chinese restaurant at night and I never saw it again.

>> No.4316346

>sound the alarms

>> No.4316351

>go to restaurant
>"I'll just have a water"
>"Vinegar okay?"

>> No.4316357
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>> No.4316366

They even came to /an/. ):

>> No.4316368

>out to eat with friend at korean restaurant
>she orders a spicy tofu soup
>food comes
>she starts spooning through it
>sees seafood in it
>she forgot to order it without seafood
>asks waitress to make a new one without seafood
>they refuse unless she wants to pay for a new one
>she flips the fuck out
>arguing between them
>angrily spooning out seafood and throwing it on the table
>i'm wide-eyed, speechless and embarrassed
>tell her I'll buy her a new soup if she just calms the fuck down
>manager comes over
>offers to make her a new soup
>180 and she's suddenly all better now
>eats her new soup with a smile

aaand I now make sure to remind her to look closely at the menu before she orders like she's a child.

>> No.4316375

What do you do if you want an actual coke?

>> No.4316378

Clarify Coca-Cola.

>> No.4316384


How does this make you feel?

>Guy hits a deer
>Loads it into his pickup and takes it back to his Chinese restaurant
>Quickly drags it through the seating area and into the kitchen, mopping up blood behind it
>Customers naturally call the authorities, health inspector comes and finds the carcass with the guts already removed
>Owner claims in all seriousness that he didn't know that he wasn't allowed to do that


And apparently, it isn't the first time that this has happened.


>> No.4316407

I told you shitheads about chinese kitchens. Bad juju.

>> No.4316412

Did that once at a Wendy's in Biloxi. We were at the window waiting patiently, money in hand. She looks over while talking to a coworker and gives us the 1 finger with a neck swivel and a "TSS HOLD ON" We drove off and she stuck her head out the window yelling at us.

>> No.4316426

>aaand I now make sure to remind her

So you actually still dine out with this person? Wow.

>> No.4316427

I've only encountered this in texas.

If you want a soft drink and say anything other than coke, you get odd looks.
>soft drink

If you actually want coke, you say it again after they ask "what kind?"

Its better than in the "South"east where you ask for tea and you will get Sweet Tea every time. Even in fancy Japanese and Chinese restaurants, you still get sweet tea by default.
And southern sweet tea is much sweeter than most soft drinks

>> No.4316428


Don't they have cameras that they can get your license plate number off of?

>> No.4316436

Guess not. Never heard anything and this was 4 years ago. They had one of those voice boxes that was all static-y like in the movies. Couldn't hear half of what she said.

>> No.4316440

doesn't matter. It isn't illegal to order food, not get it, and leave without paying.

>> No.4316442

>working at a deli
>answer phone, call in order
>what kinds of bread do you have?
>what kinds of cheese do you have?
>what kinds of meat do you have?
>lingers for 3 minutes trying to decide
>can I get ham on white with regular cheese

regular cheese
wasn't even one of my options

ugh, such is life in the south

>> No.4316450

working at a deli
people ordering like its McDonalds

>DOUBLE cheeseburger
try to explain that it isn't mcdonalds, that burger will cost like $12 because it has like a pound of beef on it.
Nigs don't even listen. Order it and eat half, complain about the $12 price because they could've gotten the "same thing" at McD's for $3

Leaves without paying
Waiter ends up flipping the bill for that dudes niggerdom, such is life in the south

>> No.4316468

If that's true then every culture is just african culture, since that's where our species originated.

>> No.4316501

>implying Mr. Pib isn't superior

>> No.4316596



>> No.4316599

Holy shit I would rage so fucking hard.

>> No.4316602

>hurr I can draw illogical conclusions


>> No.4316639

i'm assuming they mean murican cheese, but i'd ask them what they mean by 'regular' cheese

>> No.4316645

how stupid are you again?

>> No.4316655

>>leave 15% tip
Fucking monster.

>> No.4316659

Fuck you. I love sweet tea.

>> No.4316678

Is it that big of a deal? It's not really a hicks thing, they even ask it in DC.

>> No.4316679


Colonized is the wrong word. We have very little Britbottle or Spanish food here.

We have the food of the people that immigrated here because they were fleeing the shit hole that is Yurop.

>> No.4316683

>dad works for real estate company that builds and leases shopping centers
>we visit new restaurant that he just helped move in
>at the time, he has this idea that all his tenants wants to hear his constructive criticism
>starts commenting on all the little things wrong with the restaurant and service to the waiter
>I know what he's doing; the waiter clearly doesn't
>mid-way through the meal, the waiter is literally trembling
>waiter thinks that if he displeases the landlord anymore, they're going to get shut down
>we're all facepalming so hard as we leave the restaurant
>go back and apologize to the waiter, assure him they won't get shut down
>dad is oblivious
And that's why we don't go out to eat at any restaurants associated with my dad's company.

>> No.4316684

>so is you fake expresso
>you fake expresso

Jesus dude.

>> No.4316690

>the 1 finger with a neck swivel and a "TSS HOLD ON"
Fucking niggers.

>> No.4316702


>> No.4316710

>A. It was a road trip, and your dining choices on the highway 100 miles out of Bumfuck, New Mexico tend to be somewhat limited.
Any small town in New Mexico will be full of diners, guaranteed.

>B. It was a three week long trip, and fine dining twice a day for three weeks (three times a day if you cheap out on the hotel) is impractically expensive.
Fine dining =/= eating at a diner.

>C. Fast food is America's staple food, at least from the eyes of a foreigner, going to America and not trying the fast food is roughly the equivalent of going to Italy and not trying the pizza. And just like Italian pizza, it turns out to be shitty to the point that you find you prefer the pizza back home.
What do they teach you about America over there in Europe? This is just ignorant, and you probably ended up missing out on a lot, and getting a very mistaken impression of America because you went to Burger King instead of Papa Casey's Diner. To most Americans, fast food is something we only occasionally eat, granted sometimes that's while on a road trip. But man, you missed out if that's where you ate most of the time.

>> No.4316715
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>ever eating with that bitch again

>> No.4316726

>going to a restaurant during their down-time, or else maybe it's just not a popular restaurant

>so how is everything?

>so how is everything?

>so how is everything?

It's the same as it was the last four times you asked me. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.4316752

If you can't handle it, don't go out to eat. You better have left a big tip too because they were just being great servers.

>> No.4316759

I don't give a fuck about crying babies in a resturant, sure it's annoying.


What annoys me is the parents who don't try and calm them down or do anything, they just flat out ignore the kid.

>> No.4316765

So, how was everything?

>> No.4316769

Really? I've gone into places and asked for Coke and they've just gone ahead and given me Pepsi without saying anything. Unless it's just an American thing.

>> No.4316786

Depends on the country.
Bongland they get away with "coke" as either coca-cola or pepsi or own-brand shit. But if you asked for pepsi they can't give you coca-cola without asking.

For some reason america seems to think "coke" == coca-cola (in some places. in others "coke" == any fizzy drink).

>> No.4316828

Saying fast food is America's staple food is like saying kebab is Europe's staple food

>> No.4316842

yep same. guess unlike americlaps we don't try to sue over every little thing though.

>> No.4316845

I'd much rather have an over-attentive server than a negligent one who never refills my drink and takes 20 minutes to bring the check after I ask for it

>> No.4316884

Can you say anything without sounding incredibly ignorant? Really, now. It's not because wrongly-served customers would sue over being served a Pepsi when they asked for a Coke. It's because in the past, big businesses have gotten away with serious shit by misrepresenting what they were selling. Laws like this exist to protect the consumer from the business, not to protect the business from the consumer.

>> No.4316910
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>visit restaurant
>order iced tea
>get a teabag in a glass of ice water

>> No.4316915

>go out to eat often with w/ coworker/friend
>coworker/friend can never order something directly from menu without 'customizing' his order - "can i get this without tofu and with extra broccoli kthx?
>order almost always gets gets fucked up
>order almost always gets sent back
>coworker/friend always bitches entire time i'm eating
>coworker/friend always makes lunch twice as long due to being fussy

>> No.4316920
File: 292 KB, 488x399, seriously_bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a teabag in a glass of ice water
i hope you threw that shit on the ground and walked out

>> No.4316939

>Go to some place called Buffalo Wild Wings
>Apparently a sports bar chain restaurant or something
>Family decides to try one down the street
>Wait 20 minutes for a table when place is probably at 20% capacity
>Get seated, table is sticky and covered in filth
>Some dumb broad waitress chats up scary bikers for like 10 minutes before manager visibly goes up to her and points us out, she grimaces and walks up to us
>Absolutely REEKS of perfume and covered in makeup
>Takes order for drinks and food since we had enough time to decide, none of it really sounded pleasing
>Wait literally 45+ minutes
>Food is not only cold, its still fucking wrong
>Waitress never comes back with correct orders

There was another group at a nearby table that had been waiting for a check even before we were seated. They just left eventually and the manager and waitress just looked completely baffled as to why that group had the GALL to walk out on the bill. I'm pretty sure its still open too. What a joke.

>> No.4316955

Dude that is gnarly, if my boss caught us doing that with anything we wouldn't just be fired we would get McGangbanged by a restaurant full of Mexicans.

>> No.4316961

Where is this DQ located, because I want to make sure I never, ever eat there. You don't have to give specifics, but just tell at least the city or county, or even the state.

>> No.4316973

I'm allergic to crab, and I wanted to order the lobster bisque. No problem right? No faggot, I ask if there's any crab in it to make sure and waiter tells me it's made with a lobster AND crab stock.

YOU always need to be responsible for your allergies.

>> No.4316997
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>Go to America
>Order an iced coffee
>They give me an actual coffee with ice cubes in it

Not so much a complaint as it is confusion. It took this happening to me twice to realize that that's actually what an iced coffee is in America.

>> No.4317003

where is this NOT an iced coffee?

>> No.4317005

Happened to me at Second Cup. The guy literally filled a cup with ice and then poured a pot of black coffee into it.

>> No.4317011
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>> No.4317013

I thought Dunkin Donuts was an American chain?

>> No.4317016

Don't blame the restaurant if you don't know how to order what you want.

>> No.4317020
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>>4317011 Is what they gave me. Here an iced coffee is prepared in the American way but then put in a slush machine to give it a slush-like consistency. End result looks like this.

Like I said, I'm not complaining, it was just a bit confusing at first.

>> No.4317031

>Here an iced coffee is prepared in the American way but then put in a slush machine to give it a slush-like consistency. End result looks like this
so like a coffee smoothie?

>> No.4317032

Are you an Israeli?

>> No.4317045


Is that what they're called there? Well, at least I know for next trip.



>> No.4317056

Southerner here. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. In all the places I've been I've hardly seen any of those stereotypes. Stop trying to make us all look like Alabama or West Virginia.

>> No.4317062

The place I work is still fast food, but it's not a dollar menu kind of joint. Our regular burgers are already a third pound.

Fat-as-fatasses reflexively order a double and wonder why it's so expensive. It's an option on the POS, but it's not even technically on the menu, since eating a 2/3 lb. burger is fucking retarded.

>> No.4317066

o lol, ok.. a cup of hot coffee with ice.. lol.. ok.. yea, that's pretty funny

>> No.4317082

Why do people care about the brand?

I drink it warm, cold, with or without co2 still in it

>> No.4317089

God, fuck the midwest. The south is a hellhole but at least the people there eat food with flavors in it and have personalities other than "Boring."

>> No.4317102

Fun fact: Coca Cola was the first beverage specifically engineered to be drunk ice cold.

If you've ever made ice cream, you know that things taste different when cold, specifically sweet things. Carbonation also changes the taste. If you're drinking sodas warm and flat, then you're doing it way wrong.

>> No.4317106

You Califags and NewYawkerfags are worse than Brits when it comes to being stupid about places you know nothing about.

>> No.4317121

Most places don't have dedicated slush machines and probably cannot produce what you want. The Slush-coffee just isn't a thing people drink here.

>> No.4317124

I'm from Texas and I've been all over the country, you pale fat bratwurst eating doublefaggot.

>> No.4317125

Ausbro detected

>> No.4317135

But you're supposed to serve from the left.

>> No.4317138

The sinister side? Only if you like being served by cravens, witches, and poisoners anon.

>> No.4317142

It's in their nature to have a victim complex

>> No.4317151

I've been all over the country too, but I don't pretend to know a place well enough to make blanket statements about it until I've actually lived there for a while. Just because you're from Texas doesn't make you not a faggot.

>> No.4317155
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>> No.4317189

Fucking this. If your kid gets unwieldy, take them outside until they calm their shit. That's what good parents do.

>> No.4317197

Some parents think that giving them any attention will just encourage them to misbehave more. Actually, I think this is mostly true for the kind of kids we see in restaurants. It's the actual crib-bound infants crying, and parents ignoring them, that pisses me off. Last time I saw such young kids was on an airplane, though, and not in a restaurant. I don't know what kinds of restaurants you guys are going where parents bring their infants and toddlers, but maybe you should stop going to Chuckie Cheese?

>> No.4317201

> giving them attention will just encourage them to misbehave more
And that's a parent who doesn't know how to parent. Positive and negative reinforcement can be a wonderful thing. Just the act of giving attention doesn't reinforce misbehavior; Giving attention without any negative reinforcement reinforces misbehavior. It's simple psychology. I work as a nanny for a family with an unruly 10 and 12 year old. You always tell the kids what is expected of them right before you go in and then reinforce what you said when you're inside. If they behave, they get desert or something. If they're bad, they don't get dinner out but have a peanut butter sandwich at home and go to bed right after. I didn't realize that this was a difficult thought process.

>> No.4317213

>supply pepsi products
>enjoy never getting any service because you scrimped out on your supplier choice.

>> No.4317218

You sound like a dickhead/cunt of a nanny. That kind of ultra-naziism is just going to turn those kids into criminals later on as they look for ways to rebel against the rules.

>> No.4317228

I'm a cunt for expecting them to act their age and not knock over an entire display of shit because they were too busy fighting, not scream at the top of their lungs and not nearly get hit for not looking both ways before they cross a busy parking lot? I'm fine being a cunt if it means they learn how to act their fucking age and not get killed.

>> No.4317234

>drinking recycled tea.
oh god... i remember that story..... jesus fucking christ man...

i don't really have any bad stories, just an asshole waiter who avoided our table like the plague. i never got a drink until i went to the back door and yelled, the food was ice cold, like frozen, there were ice chunks in it. she was awful. i complained to the manager, but to no avail.
i was with the marching band heading some where, so it was a big group ticket. but we were the only ones in there, like maybe 25 people. and 4 waiters. shit was infuriating and the reason i've never been to another Cracker Barrel

>> No.4317235

>act their age
But that's wrong, you idiot. You're expecting them to act YOUR age.

>> No.4317243

How is expecting them to not yell at the top of their lungs in the middle of a restaurant not acting their age? They aren't 4 anymore, they understand what sort of responsibilities they have and what's expected of them they just ignore it because their parents don't parent. I have to act as their parents because mom is just a stress ball and dad is an absentee parent. People like you are the reason that kids these days are shitty. They need structure and fun within that structure. That's part of raising a kid who isn't a hellian that the rest of the world stares at and screams "what the fuck is wrong with them".

>> No.4317263

I would rather ask you, what do you think you're doing as a nanny taking kids who are obviously not mature enough to behave themselves, much less appreciate the food, at a nice restaurant?

>> No.4317270

what's the problem?
fresh kill

>inb4 /ck/only eats protein mush

>> No.4317278

There would have been no problem if he'd taken it home and fed his family. Restaurants are supposed to use professionally-guaranteed ingredients. There was no way to certify that the deer carcass was free of parasites, wouldn't contaminate other food by putting a lice-ridden wild animal and its entrails into a kitchen where safe ingredients are also prepared, etc.

>> No.4317279

Whenever mom is home, she demands we all go our to lunch, where the kids do nothing but scream, bicker, bitch and moan and make ridiculously picky choices (hamburger on pita bread, separate the meat and bread and don't ever let them come in contact with each other or the wrath of God will come down upon you in the form of a 10 year old child). I'm left to be the disciplinarian because mom and grandma just groan and eat while the kids act up. Them they bitch "I don't know why they always act like this" when the kids leave to go to the bathroom. It is absolutely infuriating, but I can't say no to it because she pays my paycheck and I would like to be able to afford to live in my apartment and eat every so often.

>> No.4317289

>they also hate guns
>might be related, might not be

>> No.4317334

Lindale, Texas. Not the one near Wal-Mart, the other one.

>> No.4317341

Oh, thank god. Okay, I don't live anywhere close to there. I travel to central TX often, but not to northeast TX, so I am relieved.

>> No.4317342

it's not that fucking scary

the government just hates untaxed goods

>make a homeless shelter destroy 8k in meat because MUH REGULATIONS
>hobos go back to eating garbage

>> No.4317352

I don't think you know what a victim complex is...

>> No.4317364


bro, have you ever had grits made properly? its fucking delicious.

>get in touch with your inner southerner... nigga.

>> No.4317366

>preserve it from such cynical foreign exploitation
Here's an idea. Don't go there. Encourage all your friends to boycott it too. Lemme know how that works out for you.
Seriously, I'm tired of fureners whinging about our cultural encroachment on them. And for some reason you flock to the WORST crap we export.

>> No.4317374

>ask for pickles on hamburger
>they give me spear pickles

>> No.4317401


>I am with you their if the food is total shit why eat it???

>> No.4317406

This video made my day.

>> No.4317430

>ah wen neksdoor an juss.. upchucked.. everything

>> No.4317466
File: 30 KB, 259x320, 139843567043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is practically a tradition over there, I'm surprised you even noticed

>> No.4317489

>I'll have the hamburger
>What?!? This hamburger comes with a bun and condiments?!?