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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4312552 No.4312552 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/?
First time posting here.

I really want to make my boyfriend a really good steak, and I'm at a loss when it comes to preparing meats. Any info or help is appreciated.

He likes it medium well btw.

>> No.4312576

If he likes it medium well then he doesnt like steak. Try cutting the leather off of his shoes maybe? You could serve it with a nice pairing wine.

>> No.4312582

You might as well plan on having it come out wrong the first couple of times. Just so you know.

Also, this >>4312576

I'll take anything between rare and medium, but medium well is just bad.

>> No.4312586

Lecturing OP about an opinion that isn't their own..

>> No.4312585

Cook his balls because obviously they aren't worth anything to him if he asks for a medium well steak.

And what is this with making your spouses do things for you that they are bad at or have no experience with? Why not do something that involves a practice you are good at? I'm not going to make my girlfriend cook me a steak badly when I can cook one for both of us perfectly.

>> No.4312589


Try something different than steak.

Buy a cheaper cut of beef that has a high fat/collagen content and simply braise it in a flavorful liquid/sauce.

You can cook it pretty much forever and it will only become more tender and flavorful.

Seriously. If your boyfriend enjoys his steak medium well you should try braising something.

>Short ribs sound fancy and are delicious, for example.

>> No.4312591

welcome to 4chan where my opinion matters more than yours.

>> No.4312601

Why did you feel the need to mention your bf?
Jesus you coupleds are so insensitive

>> No.4312604


I'll couple with you RoseBot. You can just lie back and take it. I'll do all the work.

>> No.4312615
File: 64 KB, 1152x514, gosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to want this to happen?
Not with some nameless faceless Anon, but a strong man of able body and a mind like mine?
Sometimes being taken is all I daydream about...

>> No.4312622

confirmed for hambeast

>> No.4312625

Here's a tip. Make sure to get the pan good and hot so you sear it on both sides to help lock in the moisture and prevent the steak from getting too dry. And if you want, melt some garlic butter on it at the end before you serve it for extra deliciousness.

Also, condolences for bringing up steak that isn't rare on /ck/ or at all really. It's a sore subject.

>> No.4312631


If I lived anywhere near you I'd seriously post a throwaway email account to get this going, but alas it shall not come to pass.

>> No.4312651

if you have access to skirt steak just sprinkle with salt and grill or fry it. Flip it just once on each side.

>> No.4312692

is the steak in OP picture rare or medium-rare?

>> No.4313197

While this is good advice it is not for the reason suggested. Searing doesn't help seal in moisture, but a good seal really helps with flavour. Melting butter over it is an excellent idea

>> No.4313209

Some tips: do not salt and season the meat a bit before cooking it. You can apply salt to it either immediately before it goes in the pan, or over a couple of hours before you cook it, otherwise moisture is drawn out and flashed off in the pan.

You can flip a steak as much as you like and regular flipping helps it cook more evenly.

if you have a meat thermometer at home use that to check internal temp of steak to test for doneness. It's the most infallible method.

cooking in oil is fine, but towards the end use a little butter in the pan and baste this melted butter on both sides of the steak to help it get a nice attractive colour.

Rest your steak after cooking for 5 to ten minutes depending on thickness. (insulate it in this time so it doesn't get cold so like put some tea towels over it or something)

Hotter pans means better sear on the outside which means better taste, but as you are cooking it to medium well just be aware not to burn the outside getting it cooked through.

>> No.4313211

it was poorly cut to begin with and thus it is medium-rare on the left side and rare on the right

>> No.4313212

> do not season the meat a bit before cooking it.
full pleb

>> No.4313213

medium well? you will do fine
1.steak+salt and pepper
2.pan+olive oil+heat
3. cook steak until it leaks clear juice when you press it should be firm
4. let it rest at least 3 min on a plate

>> No.4313236
File: 53 KB, 599x415, e8361c88e8bbe53ac99fa731e5ccfe045387a0d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and youre sure youre not dating a backwards little bitch? a man eats his steak rare.
sear that shit on both sides and serve it up
pic related

>> No.4313237

You either season in advance, or the last second. Seasoning a little before hand will dry your steak out even worse than cooking it beyond medium

>> No.4313247

By which I mean absolutely season it well in advance. Preferably with kosher salt. Salting the steak hours before cooking it does amazing things to it.

>> No.4313277

>> try something diferent than steak
>> buy a cheaper cut of steak
>>of steak

cook, you just got fired you fucking retard.

>> No.4313334

>>See thread
>>It's about steak
>>Today is Steak and Blowjob day.


>> No.4313358

>Steak and Blowjob day
dude your so bro lololol

>> No.4313394
File: 595 KB, 646x1658, steaksousvide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4313395

Cube steak.

>> No.4313396

>He likes it medium well btw.

Well, tough shit for him. A medium well stake is a waste of a perfectly good steak, you might as well feed it to a fucking dog. Cook it rare and tell him to man up.

As for cooking it, this video is all you need to know.


>> No.4313428

Thank you to those who posted actual advice. I look forward to using these tips.

As for the rest of you, well, I really don't understand how someone else's taste in things can make you so mad.

>Stop having opinions different than mine

>> No.4313470

You best put more effort in to the bj than you did the steak.

>> No.4313504
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Being new to this board, I don't think you quite understand the gravity of what you posted. /ck/ is more autistic about steaks than anything else in the world. Posting on /ck/ that you're planning on cooking a medium well steak is roughly the equivalent of posting on /mu/ pics of your tickets to a Justin Bieber concert with One Direction opening. And that's probably an understatement.

>> No.4313557

pretty sure he doesnt give a shit about the steak, op

>> No.4313615

The reason these assholes don't like medium is because they use the traditional method of cooking and just leave the steak sitting there longer like the lazy faggots they are.
Just make sure your pan is searing hot and keep flipping it frequently til it's done enough.

>> No.4313620

>implying 1D would open for Baby Bieber these days

>> No.4313642

just get him a burger from bk and give him a handy

>> No.4314011


>thinking that every cut of beef is steak...

>> No.4315704

> Acquire steak, preferably a decent one.
> Cut into portions that you are going to eat it in.
> Rub about a quarter of a teaspoon of salt flakes (whatever not table salt) onto the meat
> Pour some olive oil on the steak and rub that in a bit too
> Prepare pan, i use cast iron skillet
> put on medium-high heat
> Spray or put olive oil on pan, roughly cover by turning pan around
> wait until it is smoking a bit
> Place steak on pan (this will cool it down)
> Depending on your pan it wont burn it
> Watch for about 1 minute, rotate steak to get char marks and get different position on pan
> 1 minute later flip steak, should look like a classic steak
> Keep watching it for another 2 mins
> Take off
> place under a bowl to rest so it doesnt cool down
> rest for about 3 minutes and prepare vegetables or whatever

>> No.4315728
File: 24 KB, 460x276, Gordon-Ramsay-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I haven't seen this posted in awhile, I will share with you one if not the best way to cook a NY Strip.


>> No.4315805

That's a good method of cooking a steak, but I'd hardly consider it the best. It's one of the most common methods because its quick, easy, and the results are great.

I grew up eating steak cooked in a more similar style to these:

I find these methods taster, but I don't do it when I cook at home because it's just too labor intensive (while I'm trying to prep other things at the same time).

>> No.4316060
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If I wanted to marinate a cheaper cut of meat (like a very thick chuck steak) to pan-sear, could I air-dry it for a few days after marinating it? Perhaps with a more subtle marinade so it doesn't become too concentrated after air-drying?

>> No.4317532

Yes? No?

>> No.4317538

>People giving actual advice to woman and not making a shit ton of meat jokes.

Faggots, faggots everyehwere

>> No.4317612


16 is a fun age

>> No.4317933

lightly seasoned with salt pepper and olive oil on both sides. cook on a grill for about 8 minutes per side.

>> No.4317945

seriously... go back to /b/

>> No.4317980

If you want to make a good medium well steak (yes it is possible) use butter and medium heat.

Let the steaks get up to room temperature, coat the sides with s&p, then put a knob of butter in the pan on medium. Get a good sear on one side, a good sear on another, and you're done. Then just make a nice pan sauce with the remaining butter/drippings/beef bits.

>> No.4317990

Hahahaha that's for well done burnt to a crisp kind of steak

>> No.4318023


>> No.4318129

>How about I fuck you

give this nigger some jagsguy

>> No.4318135

>give this nigger some jagsguy

Umm. I'm in a (not exactly happy) relationship, and I am legitimately curious about what "jagsguy" is.

>Sage because I have a feeling jagsguy isn't food related.

>> No.4318143

wouldn't that depend on the heat of the grill?

>> No.4318161

>wouldn't that depend on the heat of the grill?

Yes. Anyone who bases anything cooking related on a set time donesn't know what they are talking about.

Grills in particular can give forth far differnt amounts of heat, depending on any number of possible factors (the amount of charchol, the hight of the grill, whether the top is down, etc...).

>> No.4318202

depends on the heat of the grill, the thickness of the steak, the starting temperature of the steak, the air temperature, if the steak has a bone, etc, etc.

cooking times are useless, basically.

>> No.4318262

Rate my steak, I'm eating it now. Grass fed Angus scotch fillet

>> No.4318264
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>> No.4318353

Overcooked shoe leather