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File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4311361 No.4311361 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best run of the mill swill? None of that faggy micro brewery stuff.

Pic related.

>> No.4311368

Sapporo Premium

>> No.4311370
File: 5 KB, 207x244, ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really pisses off the micro/craft brew faggots that this has won the world beer cup four times.

>> No.4311374


Only if it's in the feminine body shaped can, it tastes like shit out of a bottle.

>> No.4311375


I remember finding Grolsch drinkable once

Sam Adams technically qualifies as a microbrew, otherwise that's pretty good and not very uncommon

If you're asking, "Which bud light analogue is the least shit" the answer is that they're all shit and it doesn't matter

>> No.4311380


The only answer is regular Coors.

>> No.4311383

Not really. It's in literally the shittiest category: American style light pilsner. Might as well name the category pisswater.

If I am drinking pisswater, I want the least amount of taste while still the body of a beer (so no miller 64 or bud select). I would have to say coors or coors light.

Michelob lager is actually pretty damn tasty, but it's not nearly as ubiquitous as miller/bud/coors or even corona.

>> No.4311390
File: 16 KB, 280x280, pbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician as fuck.

>> No.4311391

>Not really. It's in literally the shittiest category: American style light pilsner. Might as well name the category pisswater.

Just stopped by to say exactly this (except the category is American style light lager, not pilsner).


>Making it sound as though there is only one winner for the World Beer Cup, and not over 90 different categories...

>> No.4311395

I stick to High Life.

>> No.4311397
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Busch, PBR, Bud, Coors. They're all drinkable and you get dat rice flavor. The only bad run-of-the-mill-swill comes from those generic, store branded, canned beers that they sell at Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and "bargain" grocery stores.

>> No.4311399


Anything that comes in 30 packs is immediately disqualified from being good; they only sell them like that because it is assumed the purchaser is a drunk and will be needing a larger quantity of swill without any concern for taste.

>> No.4311402
File: 85 KB, 333x500, octoberfest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on the time of year. Normal Sam when this beauty isn't available. I don't think anyone would really consider this a microbrew, whatever the technicalities may say.

>> No.4311403


>judging drinks on packaging rather than taste

i hope you realize how dumb that sounds ;)))))))))))))))))))

>> No.4311408
File: 711 KB, 1705x2042, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff for me.

>> No.4311411


>be so new to beer
>doesn't even realize that shit beer comes in larger quantities

Are you still waiting until you're old enough to buy your first beer?

>> No.4311415

My favourite "big" brand is probably Hoegaarden.

>> No.4311416



lol, you would have to drink infinity of those to catch a buzz.

>> No.4311421

White beer is fucking weird. Can't decide whether I hate it or love it.

>> No.4311422

so drink the 4.5%...

>> No.4311425

>be so new to beer
>doesn't even realize that easy to drink beer comes in larger quantities because it's easy drink and cheap to make

>> No.4311442

Didn't study the picture enough to even seee the light one to be honest.

>> No.4311444


naw, that's still way to low...I couldn't even get drunk on that, I'd just get bloated and piss a lot.

>> No.4311447


>be so newbie
>doesn't realize that it's just a marketing tactic to appeal to heavy drinkers who would pass up something good for an extra six pack of shit beer because they care nothing about flavor.

>> No.4311449

I like the tryhards that come here and say how pleb bud light and other cheap beers are and make fun of people for drinking it. You freak cheap beer when you're at a party or some college bar. You buy more expensive beer to relax with friends. You're not impressing anyone on the internet with your "superior taste in alcoholic beverages."

>> No.4311450

This is a "run of the mill" thread. Most run of the mill beers don't top 5%

>> No.4311452

>You freak cheap beer

>> No.4311460


>don't top 5%

haha, name any malt liquor, shit that has the word "ice" and 90% of non-merican' beer.

>> No.4311462

>be so newqueer
>doesn't realize it has a neutral taste so that anyone and everyone can partake in the drinking festivities
>and it's cheap

>> No.4311466

Even college bars sell decent ale in Europe. It's just parties or round people's houses i'll drink pleb stuff. Nothing wrong with a cheap (cold) lager on a hot summers day at a bbq.

Hell i've even drunk Strongbow cider when it was the only thing on offer.

>> No.4311467
File: 1.13 MB, 4000x2248, Kampstation Køleskab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4311468

What? Heineken, Estrella, carling and amstel are all 5 or lower. Basically coin beer that's not German or Belgian will be low.

>> No.4311471

>Hell i've even drunk Strongbow cider when it was the only thing on offer.
I'm glad for the trend over the last couple of years of faggoty fruity ciders taking off. Now if i'm around a cider drinkers house I at least get offered some yummy fruit juice instead of the drain cleaner it all was 5 years ago.
Usually i'll bring my own supply though.

>> No.4311473


>be so newfag
>doesn't realize shit 30 pack beer just watered down, off flavor seconds, that failed quality control of their 24 pack cousins, served up to people who don't care how they get drunk.

>> No.4311478

Sam Adams or Boulevard, depending on where you live of course. USA in my case. Boulevard is more midwestern in availability - based out of Kansas City

If in China, it's all swill or worse unless you buy overpriced imports. Snow is probably the best of domestics unless you're actually in Qingdao province. Hite is decently priced in China even though it's an import, and tastes better than anything local, and if you have a Metro supermarket they'll stock shitty Australian imports (XXXX) but even those are much better than Chinese domestics.

>> No.4311494

>be so newchode
>doesn't realize glorious 30 pack is the brewery reaching out to the working class in this poor economy

>> No.4311499
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Either this or Yuengling if it counts.

>> No.4311501

Some do too in the US but your average college bar that bands kids under will just sell bud light, Sam Adams, coors and mixed drinks

>> No.4311505
File: 263 KB, 821x1095, Steel Reserve 211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This counts as swill and at 8.1% APV gets the job done.

>> No.4311508


>be so newjew
>doesn't even realize 30 pack beer is just a way for the global military industrial complex of macro brewers to sell inferior products to disenfranchised peoples under the auspicious perceived value of extra beer.

>> No.4311511

Oh god please no. I'd rather drink a natty ice.

>> No.4311514
File: 16 KB, 300x300, GetImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to get this at the party store I used to go to. Pretty good and price wise about the same as PBR, natty ice, etc.

>> No.4311516

High Life ftw. I used to drink it all the time in my alcoholic days.

>> No.4311560

>end of the world

>> No.4311743


>this is what retards actually believe

>> No.4311755

I too like plain ol Budweiser.

There's nothing offensive at all about the taste, goes with any food, goes with any occasion.

>> No.4311759

dawg... dawg... 30 packs for 7.99

>> No.4311776


>goes with any food
>goes with any occasion

WAT...sure if you never leave the trailer park and eat exclusively those shit mixed mystery meat hotdogs with mostly filler.

>> No.4311784


YO G...it'll rot your guts out, that's why it's 7.99.

>> No.4311799
File: 5 KB, 166x303, godsbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking disgusting piss-water Americlap puddle juice. I went to USA and tasted that shit. Fucking revolting.

Drink pic related if you wish to reclaim your dignity.

>> No.4311805

>i'm trying so hard not to be a pleb someone pls listen

>> No.4311832
File: 299 KB, 500x375, 1361546926566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to the US
>drinking budweiser instead of microbrew

>> No.4311888

why did you go to America to taste a Belgian beer?

>> No.4312134


>Not bringing a bomber of microbrew to a party to start off the night before drinking the free PBR when you already have a buzz going.

I never start a night of drinking with the cheap stuff. The quality of the alcohol I drink as the night goes on diminishes.

>> No.4312145

i love molsons when i can find them.

>> No.4312164
File: 25 KB, 231x330, labatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this only this

>> No.4312163

God, I am Canadian and wouldn't touch that shit beer.

>> No.4312171
File: 507 KB, 525x750, L50 1 P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level

>> No.4312174


wat. never seen that

>> No.4312182
File: 440 KB, 500x551, pizza hut taco bell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PBR. Unfortunately, you don't get it at most bars here in Ontario. :/
Molson Canadian is usually my go to beer if I'm at a crappy bar that doesn't have PBR.

>> No.4312219

But Guinness offers a low ratio of alcohol to the cost. It's only like 4.5%, and costs much more than the big American lagers, plus almost anywhere you go in States the bartenders don't know how to serve it right and/or don't care. Unless you go to a nice pub and pay $6 for a pint it's going to taste watery. If were talking about the least worst cheap macro brews for the purpose of getting drunk, the regular (non-light) American pale lagers are best and cheapest.

>> No.4312237



>> No.4312240

>But Guinness offers a low ratio of alcohol to the cost.
Not everyone is drinking hairspray and worried about the alcohol:cost ratio.

>> No.4312245
File: 30 KB, 640x488, miller-high-life-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4312246

PBR dude.

>> No.4312254

That's not the MGD logo

>> No.4312258

Yes. This.

>> No.4312261

I think high life is the best canned tall boy.

It's the only beer I know where it's actually worse out of a bottle. Probably because it's clear and gets skunky most of the time before purchase.

>> No.4312269

If you pour the beer into a glass, can > bottle every time.

>> No.4312293

This. If anyone tries to tell you that can beer has a tinny taste, tell them to use a goddamn glass.

>> No.4312310
File: 12 KB, 231x120, were getting slizzard harry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who drinks a lot of cheap beer, these are my rankings.

1. PBR, Bud Regular, Yuengling (Good flavor)

2. High Life, Coors Regular, Busch (Less

3. Bud Light, Coors Light, Natty Light (Almost No Flavor)

4. Natty Ice, Bud Ice, (Slight off taste, gets you drunk though)

5. Olde English 800 (Noticably odd taste, but cmon its olde english and 40s are awesome)

6. Keystone Light, Miller Light (Noticably odd taste)

7. Steel Reserve, King Cobra, Keystone Ice (Bad taste, gets you drunk)
998. Odoul's
999. Big Flat 1901 a.k.a. walgreens beer
The worst tasting beer I have ever had. They were 2.50 for a six pack and I could not drink more than 1.

>> No.4312324

PBR. Best beer that comes in a 30 rack.

>> No.4312328

Craft beer isn't a swill.

>> No.4312344
File: 340 KB, 800x600, Icehouse-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4312345

I like to match the beer to the moment. Coors lite for football, Budweiser if I'm at a rednecky place, Hamm's for fishing, Summer Shandy for the beach.

>> No.4312366


This thread is literally worse than every single fast food thread I've ever seen on /ck/.

Seriously. This is obviously a troll thread. ("None of that faggy micro brewery stuff.")

There really isn't anything to compare among shitty American pisswater macrobrew "light lagers" (or, "American rice beer"). It's literally all complete crap.

People are delusional if they actually think there is something to discuss here...

>> No.4312385
File: 16 KB, 360x240, 1276582322004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4312396

There are a lot of situations where you can only choose a macrolager.
OP's simply asking everyone what their favourite one is. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.4312412


Hey man if the poor and tasteless want to have a beer thread they have a right. There's certainly other beer threads where YOU can have a meaningful discussion with other like-minded individuals if that's what you want. Of course if you're just trying to be an asshole, then by all means continue...

>> No.4312432

>There are a lot of situations where you can only choose a macrolager.

Perhaps we have lived in very different places than me, but I've been in very few situations where the only options where macrolagers; and when that was the only option, there was really only one beer to choose from to begin with, and hence, no real choice.


I sage because I know I'm not contributing. But when OP clearly discounts micro-brews he/she is obviously either trolling or has some unreasonable hatred of the vast amount of beer variety available to him.

>> No.4312435


get the fuck out

>> No.4312437
File: 128 KB, 484x461, 1359606352067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking anything in this thread excluding Guinness, Killians or High Life

>> No.4312439
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>PBR rank 1
I agree with yuengling though

>> No.4312459

im assuming he called micros faggy because elitists like you come in and act like fags. there are microbrew discussions on ck all the time so go peg your boyfriend with your duvel tulip glass until someone makes one

>> No.4312470

pbr and tecate are my go to

>> No.4312502
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>> No.4312623 [DELETED] 

Your're that fag who brings a 6-pack of expensive IPA to a tailgate aren't you
There's lots of scenarios where I just want to sit back with an ice cold BMC and chill out with my bros

>> No.4312630

Your're that fag who brings a 6-pack of expensive IPA to a tailgate or a cookout aren't you
There's lots of scenarios where I just want to sit back with an ice cold BMC and chill out with my bros

>> No.4312641
File: 41 KB, 271x300, superlager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4312646

>There's lots of scenarios where I just want to sit back with an ice cold BMC and chill out with my bros
But you don't have friends.

>> No.4312666

Chav juice!
would glass a cunt for

>> No.4312669


That's not buckfast.

>> No.4312706

There is a bar across the street from U Ottawa that has PBR on tap. However I go to the bar down the street that has Steamwhistle on tap.

>> No.4312711

That greasy diner owned by... Turkish people or something.

>> No.4312739
File: 18 KB, 320x240, 1360734465156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a scary amount of love for PBR in this thread.
I tried it once and it just tasted like dirty water, I seriously don't understand the appeal.

>> No.4312744
File: 278 KB, 420x491, 1350515604623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try drinking it ironically.

>> No.4312755
File: 38 KB, 172x184, 1354349990018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you do that? Why would anyone do that? Why wouldn't you just drink something that tastes good? I'd sooner drink Mike's Hard Lemonade than PBR

>> No.4312756
File: 21 KB, 229x486, 13921L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like 25 cents a can dude.
also, this

>> No.4312760

so whats better PBR or Blue Ribbon?

>> No.4312763


>> No.4312765


It's funny because the anon in your picture looks like a hipster as a thumbnail, but it turns out that he isn't.


Seriously though, if you are going to drink any cheap swill american lager you might as well do it ironically if at all; and if you are going to drink it ironically, drink mother fucking PBR.

>It's also the obvious choice for value beer when it comes to the cheapest shit available.

>> No.4312782
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>> No.4312804


At least you didn't post a picture with a handgun for absolutely no reason.

>> No.4312825

i went to a bar in PA that had natural light on tap and it was 1.50 for a 22 oz draft.

it was pretty good on tap.

>> No.4312860
File: 65 KB, 490x490, yuengling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuengling. Its as cheap as budweiser here (ohio) and much tastier.

>> No.4312908

yuengling isn't available everywhere though, pity

>> No.4312912

Why do you hate me for what I drink

why does everyone fucking hate me

i just want to be nice to people. how am i being less nice by buying a variety and giving it to everyone. why do you people still hate me, what the fuck does it take to not be hated by every single fucking person in existence, even for what i want to drink

>> No.4312916
File: 29 KB, 300x300, vb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow ausfags will be hating, I really enjoy it though.

>> No.4312920

I don't even... what? If you're serious about giving out free beer and people still don't like you you're either a horrible, horrible person or your friends are.

>> No.4312921

Gah PBR is so shitty it gives me a hangUNDER.

No need to wait for the morning folks, here's a fuck-all headache right now.

>> No.4312925


Sure PBR is shitty. But for the price it is far better than Bud/Miller/Coors...

>> No.4312939

but it's craft beer. so i'm a pretentious piece of shit that everyone wants to die no matter what i do, no matter what i give, everyone just wants me to kill myself.

>> No.4312949

It's your depressing shit attitude. Get off 4chan and get your shit in order.

>> No.4312971

Onya mate that is the nectar of the gods, can't get enough of it

>> No.4313026
File: 6 KB, 227x222, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a mad cunt.

>> No.4313050


Dude just drink what you like and let other people drink what they like. If they don't like craft beer stop trying to get them to drink it.

>> No.4313305

brilliant! brc m9

>> No.4313457


God tier beer.

>> No.4313513
File: 29 KB, 277x387, redhorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular San Miguel Pilsen comes a close second.

Captcha: tedphosa Science

>> No.4313524
File: 190 KB, 500x500, leffeblonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sam Adams
>Craft beer

Protip: the fact that they market a beer as a "premium" one and sell it for jacked-up prices doesn't make it a craft beer, it makes it an overpriced beer marketed towards stupid hipsters. That being said, I'll agree that Sam Adams is probably the second best "mainstream" beer out there. Leffe still takes the first place for me.

>> No.4313575

I live in Toronto, is steam whistle too small?

>> No.4313585

Yea, I usually put the budweiser classes next to the 2l plastic bottle of pepsi.

>> No.4313590

Can't be worse than Fosters.

>> No.4313609

ive drank many, many beers. Leffe blonde is one of my favourite and my definite favourite of easy to obtain mass produced beers.

cheers to that

>> No.4313613

steam whistle is not a micro brew. It is a local mass produced beer like mill street.

>> No.4313632

Milwaukee's Best

>> No.4313652

I don't care what anyone says, Pabst Blue Ribbon is decent beer and the only macro American that I will buy.

>> No.4313653

I usually get corona.

>> No.4313659


why, why would you even say that...are you insane, damaged and taste challenged? In all serious though, that stuff works better then turbo lax. whenever I'm constipated I grab a 6 pack of the beast, plug my nose and shot gun them one after another; works like magic.

>> No.4313704

you roused? lel.

>> No.4314194
File: 478 KB, 1897x1110, heineken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4314324

fuck yes i love genesee

i love budweiser too.

i love busch

i love cheap beer

>> No.4314356


btw im a girl

>> No.4314357
File: 219 KB, 1600x1200, Great Lakes - Porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edmund Fitzgerald from Great Lakes Brewery.

>> No.4314358


>i love cheap beer
>btw im a girl

More like a fat whore, I bet you have a gut bigger then your appetite for getting the worlds biggest all internal gangbang.

>> No.4314363

>>btw im a girl
>taking a post like that seriously

Just gtfo

>> No.4314371
File: 65 KB, 360x296, 522_large2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried Yuengling a time or two. One of the most boring, tasteless beers I've ever drank. My beer of choice currently is Milwaukee's Best Ice, so my taste buds are probably off a little. Or maybe they've been totally annihilated.

>> No.4314400

Normal Tennents is fine on draught. In Scotland, anyway.

>> No.4314402 [DELETED] 

It's fine on draught in scotland at least. the normal once

>> No.4314414

>Calls Yeungling boring/tasteless
>likes Milwallkee's Best ICE
Yeah, I'm sure your taste buds have rotted away because that shit is atrocious. I'd seriously rather drink dog piss, and I'm not kidding.