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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.09 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130313_174655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4311924 No.4311924 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/
Fast food bro back from taco bell.

Isn't it beautiful?

>> No.4311933
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130313_174717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that magnificent box...

What could possibly lie within?

>> No.4311936

the suspense, it's killing me

>> No.4311938

Fast food bro returns!

>> No.4311939

i hope it's pizza

>> No.4311943
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130313_180436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes nothing...

>> No.4311942

I hope it's a nacho cheesier DLT

>> No.4311945

do it faggot

>> No.4311948
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>> No.4311951

How does cool ranch soda taste like?

>> No.4311953

Or what, rather.

>> No.4311955
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OP is small time

>> No.4311956
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Burrito Supreme...!

>> No.4311959
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Tastes strangely similar to pepsi...

>> No.4311967
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Not sure I'm ready for this...

>> No.4311970

with how long it's taking you to post these pictures it's probably cold and nasty by now

>> No.4311971

>all of that unnecessary packaging

>> No.4311973

Eating fast food is like getting a hand job from a hooker with sores on her face in an alley while the pimp watches.

>> No.4311978
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130313_174957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mouth is exploding with flavor

>> No.4311982

...and then having to make out with her after you blow your load in her diseased maw.

>> No.4311985

listen fast food faggot I'm still living the high life my wife in our huge house with monolithic stone foundation and dual 6 figure incomes.

>> No.4311990

oh look basement bro is back

>> No.4311993

lol no, just joking around :)

>> No.4312003

Did you get two of the cool ranch tacos?

When i bought a bix box i got a dlt cheese, regular taco and a burrito supreme, i felt ripped off.

>> No.4312024
File: 2.39 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130313_180132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it was just the drink cool ranch taco regular taco and burrito supreme.
Not bad for $5 though.

>> No.4312055

the cool ranch dont have has much flavor. but not bad.

>> No.4312108

It did have lots of flavor. I just went out and had one after seeing this thread. its like one giant chip, but as soon as you bite in it you can't taste the cool ranch anymore, then it turns into a shitty tacobell taco. You only get the ranch flavor before you bite.

>> No.4312111

I want that burrito.

>> No.4312112

This looks disgusting.

>> No.4312123


>being edgy

>> No.4312138

>not liking Taco Bell = edgy
Wow, it is like you are proud of having shit tastes.

>> No.4312141


>taco bell
>shit taste


>> No.4312143

You only eat the finest instant ramen.

>> No.4312152

Sorry, there are people that don't eat fast food or other processed garbage.

I know you were raised on that swill by ignorant parents and lack intelligent peers, but take my word that there is a whole different world outside of your little neckbeard hamlet.

>> No.4312157


>he thinks the cheesy gordita crunch isnt the pinnacle of taste combinations


>> No.4312162

>the same sad insults

Are you the same guy that gets upset every time he sees a fast food thread? Why are you so easily worked up?

>> No.4312172
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Go back to liberal retard land and dont come back

>> No.4312201

No, he's not the only one. There's a bunch of us regulars who don't eat or dislike fast food. Maybe if there weren't 9999999 fast food threads constantly, we wouldn't get so worked up. There's not much to talk about fast food as it is, besides "hurr what do you order" and inane questions and remarks like that. It's a completely boring subject with no substance.

>> No.4312204
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Go back to barf.com

>> No.4312207

>There's not much to talk about fast food as it is, besides "hurr what do you order" and inane questions and remarks like that

this x1000

>> No.4312211

Fellow healthy eater here, diet is 100% healthy food no cheat meals ever. I've kicked the stuff.

Can you guys who post messages like this please stop? You can give the message to unhealthy eaters to eat better without degrading or being rude to him. It's senseless to act like that.

>> No.4312217


Not that guy, but I eat mcdonalds about once a month, I admit that it's pig disgusting. The only reason I do it is because it's fun when you have a hangover.

It's not degrading or rude to call this shit filthy and gross, it's an objective statement of fact. Doesn't mean that people who eat it are terrible people.

In addition, there really is way too much fast food discussion on /ck/. What is there to talk about?

>> No.4312216
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This thread makes me sad.
You know the people who make these threads are all fat americans too.

>> No.4312249

If you're supposedly cooking most of your meals, where's the OC? Only OC I see is a typical shitty stir-fry, which isn't worth photographing anyway.

>> No.4312257

We have OC all the time. You're just obviously never in the threads that have it since you eat fast food, you fatty.

>> No.4312260

>where's the OC
>replying to a random meta-post

This is always how the fast food neckbeards defend their gross threads. I've been here for 6 years and it's always the same line. Do you honestly think people are going to post their nice dinners in your fucking pig disgusting thread?

>hey guise here's my roast chicken with root vegetables, just thought I'd join the fun lol

>> No.4312262

>not eating fast food = liberal

Never thought I'd say that I'd rather be liberal than the alternative.

>> No.4312265

look, i know Taco Bell doesn't use sarachia or nutella in anything they make.
but that fire sauce on the volcano burrito man... fuck!

>> No.4312271

I post tons of OC, ya fatty fast food apologist. I post recipes, tips, and meal pics on a regular basis, damn near every day when I'm home. I have recipe threads in the archive, dude. I entered the /ck/ challenge. I've already posted helpful cooking advice today, posted a recipe yesterday, and plan on posting my dinner later. This isn't my first rodeo, man. I'm a /ck/ elder. (which doesn't make me more special than anyone else, but it certainly disproves your point.)
>Come at me bro.

>> No.4312275
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>implying this isn't the pinnacle of taste combinations.

if they weren't so expensive, i'd each 3 a day...

>> No.4312280

Where is it? I'm looking at the catalog.

I'll just ignore the silly insults. I'm not defending anything, I'm just asking a question. I'm not seeing any OC anywhere, where is it? If you're cooking all the time, why aren't you posting it on a food & cooking board you whine about fast food on all the time?

>> No.4312281

Why don't you try looking at the fucking sticky at the top of the page.

>> No.4312286


I post plenty of OC. I'm not going to tell you what my damm plates look like because I have a feeling the psycho stalkers of /ck/ (like the guy who was posting pictures from HoF's facebook) are probably the same people who create these incessant Taco Bell/Wendy's/Etc threads. i.e., you.

It's a tired line, this "where's the OC". I normally just let it go but don't think it hasn't gone unnoticed.

>> No.4312284

Let me guess, $5?

>> No.4312287

Then you'd be on of the few that actually cook here, the rest are just bored manchildren complaining for the sake of complaining while they eat instant ramen and McDoubles.

>> No.4312290

But that's the only OC (most of it looks embarrassing by the way) other than the shitty stir-fry. Where's the rest? You're cooking all the time, where are the pictures?

>> No.4312295

yeah. but it's fucking worth it. the burger alone fills me up.

>> No.4312300

Yeah let's talk about fast food

>> No.4312303

It sucks.

I've posted at least 20 pictures of stuff I've made over the past month.
The threads are most likely dead and gone by now, swallowed up by shitty fast food threads.

>> No.4312307

>It sucks.
and why's that? i find some fast food to be amazingly tasty. healthy? depends on what you get, if i get the baconator, yeah, that's bad, but i get the apple chicken salad.

>> No.4312313

Correction: Fast food chains suck. Mass production almost always means lower quality.
It sucks because it's almost always overly salty/greasy/bland/unhealthy.
Why would I want to go to any fast food chain for such low quality food when I could make a better product for less money, or find a restaurant who will do it better?

>> No.4312321

People have different food preferences. I don't like a lot of leftovers and if I didn't cook the night before and I don't want a sandwich, I pick up a burger or Taco Bell on my lunch break. There's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.4312330

>sliced apples, frankenstein worse than perdue chicken, and iceberg lettuce is healthy

"A few steps short of total commitment to self-destruction" isn't the same as "healthy"

>> No.4312332

did they really sell you a cup of ranch dressing?

>> No.4312334

>frankenstein worse than perdue chicken

I always chuckle at the dramatic manchildren.

>> No.4312333

That's the point of fast food, it's fast and convenient. Don't pretend it's something it's not and try to elevate it by talking about it like it's some handcrafted masterpiece.

>> No.4312337
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Right back at ya bro.

>> No.4312340

>by talking about it like it's some handcrafted masterpiece

Where are you seeing this? We're just saying we eat it from time to time and we don't have a problem with it. Why are you exaggerating?

>> No.4312341

I had it night before laest. I got one thrown into my 12 box.
It was just coated with salt, no lie, the cool ranch wasn't even mild ranchy flavor, just thin coating of powdery saltiness.

In conclusion, nacho cheese > cool ranch.

>> No.4312343
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>> No.4312346


And previous threads hyping the fuck out of everything McDonald's/BK/Taco Bell/Chipotle

>> No.4312351
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Pic: they should include a Jump-the-Shark toy in the cool ranch box meal.

> I know you were raised on that swill by ignorant parents and lack intelligent peers, but take my word that there is a whole different world outside of your little neckbeard hamlet.

It was my parents' refusal to buy fast food that added to the taboo allure. That, and especially their shitty cooking drove me to put fast food on a pedestal later in life when I began having my own money.

>> No.4312374

>what is trolling

Are you new? Why are you this concerned about how people feel about fast food? Are you really this bored?

>> No.4312383
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Because it's shitting up this board, and fat people disgust me.

>> No.4312392

Wouldn't your time be better spent cooking, photographing it and actually contributing something worthwhile to the board instead of whining about things you don't like?

>> No.4312395

I do all these things you mentioned.

>> No.4312407

you manchildren and your tantrums.

obviously people want to talk about it if there's so many threads about it. the key is to show them better foods and not being a whiny cunt about someone else enjoying a cool ranch taco.

>> No.4312419


>all dat autism

>> No.4312425
File: 23 KB, 444x329, 1291939439449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is wrong with you people

I am the fattest fuck I know but I still wouldn't touch the vomit crust stuffed in a mummified snatch they call food.

>> No.4312429

Nice blog post, bro.

>> No.4312442
File: 763 KB, 312x240, rYUwY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two sentences
>blog post

>> No.4312449

I know.
I want /b/ to leave too.

>> No.4312506

I really wish they made chips that tasted like those shells. Omg.