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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4307748 No.4307748 [Reply] [Original]

what's for dinner /ck/?

<<baconator, 6 regular chicken nuggets (ate 2 in the truck) and chili cheese fries

>> No.4307753

oh god you make me want to drive right back into town and buy a hungr bustr and a medium pop

also clean yer table

>> No.4307777

Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a fucking 24 oz bottle of jack instead of all those flasks?

>> No.4307813


you must be so goddamned obese, I shudder to think.

>> No.4307814

if i buy more i drink more

>> No.4307828

please, OP, I can't believe I'm saything this....but if you're gonna eat that shit, please buy light beer and clear spirits. This, this isn't natural.

>> No.4307834

Do the world a favor and drink that bottle of glass cleaner too.

>> No.4307854

>All dat shitty beer
When the last time you ate a veggie, man?

>> No.4307857
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>> No.4307862

Are as unimpressed with their chili cheese fries as I was?

>> No.4307867

Wendy's appreciates your patronage. They will use your money for a good cause in fighting for a better tomorrow. In return, you will be nourished with high quality, nutrient dense food items which will ensure a long and healthy life.

>> No.4307871

they were alright. i'm not a big fan of fries to begin with though.

>> No.4307873

Progun is our resident alcoholic.

>> No.4307880

You guys got really shitty alcoholics

>> No.4307882
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A grilled chicken breast, arugula, generic wisconsin chevre, walnuts, and as soon as I finish the dishes, a Dogshit Head Indian Brown Ale

>> No.4307884

ITT: Who is progun guis?

>> No.4307895

I doubt he even drinks every day. Much less gets drunk every day.

>> No.4307896

Even so this is probably one of his worst. Srs.

>> No.4307897

how long's it take to you to drink all that?

>> No.4307903

a day or two

>> No.4307904

>empty plastic bags everywhere
>trash everywhere instead of inside plastic bags

Person should be shot in the head.

>> No.4307908

>Monster Rehab
>YEAR, that'll fixus!

>> No.4307914

Even the cat is like jesus christ man

>> No.4307918

i would happily live like this

>> No.4307927

not sure I'd be happy, but I'd find a way to take comfort in it. I guess

>> No.4307932


>> No.4307933

sorry i meant it for >>4307882

but in a way it applies to you as well.

>> No.4307936

I could... as long as I never let a single person into my apartment.

>> No.4307938

eh, spend some time as an alcoholic shut-in. It grows on you in a weird, miserable way

>> No.4307939

i am an alcoholic. I will drink now. doesnt even make me feel good. i just have this urge to drink it

the other day my mom asked me if im an alcoholic and i told her, no i am not.

>> No.4307940

>find a way to take comfort in it
Grab a couple yard trash bags and take 10 minutes out of your day?

>> No.4307944

You're not an alcoholic until it's a well known fact.

>> No.4307949

while were on the subject i have a friend who used to be clever, witty, funny, fast talking.

one day someone sucker punched him and he hit his head on a sidewalk curb

since then hes really quiet and just sits at home getting drunk and smoking weed by himself.

when he smokes weed he cant even talk, you try to talk to him and he just shrugs, every once in a while he will try to put out a sentence and it will come out as a jumble of words.

even off the weed he barely talks and only speaks in short 3-6 word sentences

really awkward and depressing to spend time with him. i no longer feel comfortable hanging out with him even though he used to be my best friend

>> No.4307951

> and i told her, no i am not.

helluva counterpoint right there

>> No.4307952


that sucks. he can probably get a pretty good settlement out of the guy that punched him though.

>> No.4307956
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That was not on the subject

>> No.4307958

What, did he go to the ER immediately after he got punched? It might also not be a cognitive thing, and instead be an emotional thing from the trauma. Either way, if you care about him, you need to get him to a specialist.

>> No.4307961

Yeah, it looks like you really got it under control as is.

>> No.4307962

he prolly does and just refills a bunch of old pints

or he doesn't really drink and just saves old bottles to show off

>> No.4307966
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I knew a chick who would fill good quality pints with the shittiest stuff from a handle so she would look more classy at gatherings.

>> No.4307971

lol, imagine when someone wanted a drink and thought they were getting high quality stuff

>> No.4307997
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Listen up nignogs,

>go to White Castle
>acquire double jalapeño cheeseburgers and chicken rings
>no middle bun for the burgers
>extra onion too
>put the chicken rings into the burger

I can usu only eat 3 of them. Fantastic

>> No.4308051

Alcohol has different qualities? And here I thought getting drunk was the point!

>> No.4308052

b-but...I care about my health

>> No.4308067

Then you should just constantly exercise in order to consume good food

>> No.4308096

Right, so why are you advocating the consumption of fast food? I mean, in order for food to be good, it helps if it's actually food. It's not like it's hard to cook a burger, nor do they require specialty equipment or any particular skill.

>> No.4308138

Where's your two liter coke bottle of chewing tobacco spit OP? I know it's somewhere around there.

>> No.4308152

The last year before I hit the wagon I was drinking during work. I didn't enjoy it either. You reach a point where you just drink so you can function. It used to be I would just smoke some weed after a bender to hit even. Than drug testing fixed that. What's odd is I'm not one of those people who is tempted much, at this point anyway, to drink again. I just remember how fucking terrible I felt, all the time.

>> No.4308159

You need to replace the chicken rings with the new shrimp nibblers man. Get it together. I made a thread about them a while back.

>> No.4308163

I've never ever been able to duplicate a white castle slider at home. I don't know anyone who has either.

>> No.4308170

Oh jfc you faggot fast food is "real" food.
Just because they put ingredients in it that you don't like doesn't mean it's not food.
That said it only becomes unhealthy and can make you sick if it's all you eat, and eat it frequently.

And what's so much more healthy of cooking a homemade burger anyway? You're in likelihood to consume MORE calories because you'll make the beef patties bigger, add extra condiments, and will most likely get thicker bread. Not to mention more servings assuming you buy an ample size of ground beef when you do.

>> No.4308171

Dammnit Progun, i see no gun in your OP pic. Did you sell your 1911 to fund the fast food and bud? Or is it because .45 is non available in your area, the same as most ammo in mine....I wanna see 'Murica! I wanna see guns and fast food and cheap beer all in one shot. GIVE IT TO US!
If you don't you will suffer the hate, and watch Glock fanboys litter this board with Glocks and sausage or revolver fags and hot dogs. Move is yours Progun.

>> No.4308187
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>> No.4308207

but it's not intended to -be- food
all the buns at mc d's have an ingredient used in making yoga mats.
But yo dawg, I just gonna throw this out there, no amount of exercise can fix up a constantly shit diet

>> No.4308214


>> No.4308243
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>mfw progun is back


>> No.4308255
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Corvina poached with spinach stems and garlic (vinegar, lemon juice, and veg. stock liquid), over leftover rice. Was good.

>> No.4308292

Am I the only one that cares that progun at least monitors his calories intake. All I ask is that if he eats this food he drinks light beer and clear liquors. Jesus, guys, I care about the man.

>> No.4308303

I have and I would never live like that. Even when drinking for weeks straight, hungover, puking blood (bleeding ulcers) I still threw trash in the trash can and did not make a mess around me.

It "grows on you" if you are a slob, only.

>> No.4308502

yeah, no, you retarded faggot. did you think this was my first rodeo?

chicken rings are superior to the shrimp nibblers

>> No.4308532

>Jack Daniels

Get the fuck out of my /ck/ insufferable tripfag.

>> No.4309011

I heard he was dead. Dayum shame.

>> No.4309046

needs more gun

>> No.4309101

If I ate all of that in one sitting I would hibernate for a week.

And when people tell you that you need rehab they're not talking about Monster

>> No.4309105

OP, you forgot to include the packs of cigarettes you went though as well.

>> No.4309213

so baisically your excuse is that you're too retarded to exercise proper portion control at home, so you need others to do it for you.

>> No.4309219

There was a guy on /ck/ who used to argue that fast food was better than food at home because it had a nutritional listing whereas food you cook doesn't.

Yes, people are this stupid.

>> No.4309522

I drink every day and I feel great.

>> No.4309571
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get rid of the shitty-looking burger

make the chili thing 3 times larger (that shits fucking tiny) and mix with the chicken nuggets, and then we'll talk

pic related; close to what I had today

>> No.4309590

>You must only drink Lagavulin 16 and Westvleteren 12 at all times.

>> No.4309601

I don't understand why it's taken Wendy's this long to offer chili cheese fries. They've had all those things individually since forever.

>> No.4309625

this is not the standard i expect from progun... he usually spends a few hours slow cooking some sort of catastrophe.... and its entertaining.

when i was unemployed i would stay up until 3am to watch his threads.. not anymore... dull.

post some recent pics of MC pleaze

>> No.4309633

>my /ck/
>doesn't know progun and expect this

You couldn't be newer if you tried.

>> No.4309652

Do you actually have a counter argument? Really doesn't seem like you do.

>> No.4309653

How much? I recently quit after drinking 400ml of liquor every day for 5 weeks. Quit once I started puking blood and black stuff.

>> No.4309671

Not him but I just shit black stuff. Sometimes green. Fuck my liver my drunk poo is fascinating.

>> No.4309678

Anyone else lose their appetite after seeing OP's pic? Do Americans really eat/drink all that?

>> No.4309679

Black shit and vivid nightmares are the glorious end to a 3 week, liter a day bender.

>> No.4309685

Yes, we all eat and drink like that every day.

>> No.4309687

Is a counter argument necessary?

Oh wait, it's you, the fast food avenger.

>> No.4309689

Really? I guess that explains the life expectancy and health care stats.

>> No.4309694
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>> No.4309706

Even your insults involve food

>> No.4309707
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>> No.4309735

pig nape, with a green leaf salad on the side
it was pretty good

>> No.4309742

you're a shit friend
get your buddy some medical help
he had a concussion and a brain hemorrhage
and now he's seeing/hearing things and self-medicating to cope
and you abandoned him
you piece of shit

>> No.4310016

>progun thread
>food and cooking

pick one

>> No.4310260

Why are alcohols always screaming for attention?

Anyway, I had some meat balls with a spring cabbage slaw.

>> No.4310263
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I'm retarded.

>> No.4310264

chicken and yellow rice, as soon as I get the motivation to go eat it
I haven't eaten anything today but Doritos and I'm starving but I just don't want to eat anything

>> No.4310265

How about I just eat the fucking burger and chicken separately?

>> No.4310485

asking people what they're eating for dinner isn't really looking for attention i don't think

>> No.4310556

I wish I didn't have to tell them to hold the ketchup, it shouldn't be on there to begin with.

>> No.4310597
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>Progun drinks Monster Rehab (the lemonade one at that)

You are like 500% mah nigga.

>> No.4310626
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> being an alcoholic
ok I get that
> not disposing of the cans/recycling them

>> No.4311453

There's never ketchup on my Baconators. I have to add my own.

>> No.4311518

Holy shit I can't stop laughing.

>> No.4311562

He's talking about portion control. I'm the same way. If I buy a fifth I drink a fifth. If I only buy a pint I only drink a pint.

>> No.4311592

>all those budweisers

why don't people just buy more alcoholic beer?

>> No.4311608


So she went back to her mom's?

>> No.4311636

>why don't people just buy more alcoholic beer?
cuase the only thing in the same price range is malt liquour

>> No.4311741

i cant have weed and not smoke it, so i end up spending like 2x as much buying it in 10sacs.

>> No.4311769

my apartment used to kind of look like that except with coors original cans

>> No.4311772

i was drinking jack last night i barfed this morning

>> No.4311803


can buy a 12 pack of 7.2% ABV Sierra Nevada Torpedo for $13

>> No.4311845

30pk of busch is $11.99

>> No.4311886


right and crap mud for the rest of the week

>> No.4311889



>> No.4312599

How's obesity OP?
>inb4 I'm not fat
>pic or you're fat srr

>> No.4312602


Op is well past the point of "I'm not fat"

Why do you think he's "progun"

Not because he can see his own penis

>> No.4312608

But he pulls Canadian land whales on the reg. You jelly of his swagger?

>> No.4312611

Pick one

>> No.4312612
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He jelly.

>> No.4312656

Is that a goiter, a neck hammock, or what?

>> No.4312684

im planning on trying wendys for lunch tomorrow

what's the best to get?

>> No.4312689

The. Whole. Thing.

>> No.4312700

Having worked at Wendy's when I was in highschool I would recommend the chicken strips or a spicy chicken burger. Ask them to make the chicken fresh because they will deepfry a new one just for you so you don't need to take the risk of getting one that has been sitting in the shelf of hours. They actually make you a fresh one if you specifically ask.

>> No.4312703

How long does it take to cook them?

>> No.4312704
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d-do i have to tip them?