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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4301171 No.4301171 [Reply] [Original]

What's for breakfast /ck/?

>2 eggs over easy
>2 slice sharp cheddar
>4 slice turkey breast
>2 slice dry homemade rosemary toast
>1/2 cup spiced yoghurt
>one glass tea and vodka

>> No.4301172

Fried corn meal with meat, some toasties, a good old glass of chocolate milk, and now I'm thinking in your reference to vodka and thinking there are two Malzbier tins to crack in my fridge.

>> No.4301173

didn't take a picture, but I went easy today. Banana french toast. It was good but I forgot how I don't like bread in the morning. Should've made an omelet.


>> No.4301176

jesus christ

that's like 1000 calories

>> No.4301177

This is delicious, but very ungainly.
I have egg yolk in my beard now.


>> No.4301183

what's in this 'spiced yogurt'?

>> No.4301185

A nice hot cup of tea that makes me smell of licorice.
I rarely get hungry before 3pm unless I've been doing extra cardio.
>tea and vodka
Sir, it's before 8am

>> No.4301189

Fried eggs with cottage cheese, chicken, flask seeds, red pepper and A FUCKING AVOCADO. Also, greek yoghurt.

God damn it avocados taste like shit.

>> No.4301194

>God damn it avocados taste like shit.
Protip: they can be made salty or sweet, it's up to you. If you don't like them one way, try the other.

If sweet: sugar and lemon juice.
If salty: salt, garlic and bits of pepper sauce.

>> No.4301200

It was my first time.

I just peeled it and threw it in raw. Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.4301203

Porridge with dried fruit, nuts and honey. I toasted the oats in a frying pan first and it definitely improved the flavour.

I've never had sweet avacado, that sounds nice.

>> No.4301209

...well, you are. Pure, without condiments, avocado has a poor taste - it's greasy, even considering it's a fruit.

The best way is cutting it in halves, taking the large seed out, then spreading the condiments, then eating with a spoon.

>> No.4301228

>it's greasy, even considering it's a fruit

Avocados are majority fat, that might be why.

>> No.4301230

Some white cheddar cheez-its and a glass of juice.

>> No.4301239

>avocado has a poor taste - it's greasy

Creamy is a better word. I find avocado by itself delicious as long as it's properly ripe. They tend to vary in quality. A good avocado is delicious.

>> No.4301244


I agree with this. Still tastes great with salt or sugar though. Usually I use sugar.

>> No.4301285

I had a small turkish stone baked bread roll filled with avocado and salami.

>> No.4301286

I can just spoon out that shit, damn good.

>> No.4301287

Eat it mashed with [sweetened] condensed milk.

>> No.4301288
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>> No.4301321

>Sir, it's before 8am
it tastes good

just the right burn to get me up in the morning

>> No.4301325

I made rabanadas after the Anon in the challenge sticky, with some sliced peaches. Really, really good. No picture cause I ate it all.

>> No.4301628
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I had donuts with eggs in them, and the remainder of my chocolate cake that was used to make this.

>> No.4301634

roast chicken breast and a glass of water

being ill rocks :/

>> No.4301641

A can of beer, a bratwurst and deep, soul searing depression.

>> No.4301652

>2 eggs over easy
ok. fine
>2 slice sharp cheddar
processed cheese food
>4 slice turkey breast
processed with god knows what
>2 slice dry homemade rosemary toast
suspiciously looking like any dry old store bought home made pita
>1/2 cup spiced yoghurt
ooh what else do i have that sounds clever? also in a plastic pot
>one glass tea and vodka
you are beyond gross

i generally have fruit and protein for breakfast

>> No.4301651

Breakfast: 2 shots of vodka and a glass of orange juice.

It's been a weird week, and today is no different. I wasn't going to drink today, until things got weird.

>> No.4301653


only two? anyway, start rocking mimosas and fruit salads

>> No.4301662
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Do you get your protein from a powdered mix, or just straight from some dude's cock?

>> No.4301667
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>> No.4301689
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Ok I'm used to the gun and knife /k/ food deal by now, but a hammer and duct tape?? What is this, a /diy/ meal?

>> No.4301698
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4 cups of coffee and a Lucky Strike

it's 1:30 PM

>> No.4301705
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>breakfast of champions, r-right guise?

>> No.4301711

Keepin' young and beautiful

>> No.4301714

Only one Lucky Strike? And no alcohol in your coffee? I'm disappointed in you, son.

>> No.4301719

You're retarded that's not close to 1k.

>> No.4301718

One at a time, I have to smoke outside. No alcohol, I have to quit that shit.

>> No.4301724
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>Not smoking an American Spirit Perique Blend cigarette

What are you, some kind of skinhead?

>> No.4301725
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My shitty iron chef entry this morning. tasted great doe

>> No.4301729

Lucky Strikes are $12 a carton online buddy

>> No.4301730

Grow a pair and grab a beer, Nancy. That shit ain't drinking itself.

>> No.4301736


>> No.4301740
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>> No.4301814

If I grab a beer, I'll grab 15 beers. Then where am I? Drunk at home alone on 4chan.

>> No.4301843
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is it weird that that looks kinda good?

>> No.4302077

>5 Whole Eggs
>1/3 Cup of Oatmeal
>Half Cup of Walnuts
Mad calories, mad healthy.
I'm gonna go back to /fit/ now.

>> No.4302100


>turkey breast

you really don't need that for breakfast bro
your intestinal flora must be screaming blue murder

>> No.4302260

>suspiciously looking like any dry old store bought home made pita
>what else do i have that sounds clever? also in a plastic pot

go see a doctor bruh
your eyes are whack

>and you're a dick