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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4295680 No.4295680 [Reply] [Original]


Would you eat meat from a massive desert-reversing herd of cattle?

>> No.4295731
File: 65 KB, 420x700, 1330218887675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking loved that talk. The gasp in the room when he admitted to killing 40,000 elephants and then his path to redemption.
Very pleased that someone brought this to /ck/.
Thanks for thinking well enough of us to post this.

>> No.4295818


I love all of /ck/, you should have nice things.

Imagine, completely reversing global warming and taking back deserts with billions of grazing animals. Once we get solar power figured out we'll be set.

>> No.4295834

The problem will be getting huge herds across highways. We could never have buffalo running loose in American again ever though that would fix everything.

>> No.4295847



>> No.4295855


The land that's missing buffalo isn't good without them though. You can use cattle, I guess.


>> No.4295860



>> No.4295881
File: 339 KB, 1024x681, 1332885325586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plebs who dont understand the concept of not being dependent on animals

>> No.4295888

Did you even watch the video?

>> No.4295890
File: 200 KB, 1917x1053, fapfap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no and im not going to

>> No.4295894


The air we breathe was originally created by simple animal life.

>> No.4295893


>> No.4295891

>implying you take that ideology past what you eat
>implying you can even survive in this world without touching/using something that is involved with the death of an animal in some way

>> No.4295901


fucken double negative dumb nigger idiot

>> No.4295909

>ad hominem

stay confused veganfag

>> No.4295910
File: 79 KB, 450x360, hurrrdurrfilenames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this stupid
sorry no im not going to sit through some bullshit 8 minute youtube video to satisfy your rationalization for killing and consuming other living things

go smoke pot or something and pretend you're intelligent, its clear you are not

>> No.4295927

That is a TED video you uneducated twat, and its 22min worth of big words you have never heard.
So ya , you better not watch it.

>> No.4295931

People go vegan for environmental reasons. They should also as easily go carnivore to support some serious sequestering of carbon and revitalization of plant life. More plant life means less erosion and that means fewer dead zones.

>> No.4295934
File: 133 KB, 345x329, republicunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a snob about TED videos

This is what middlebrows actually do

>> No.4295943

TED videos are meant to appeal to a wide audience you elitist. Unfortunately, they do have a lot of shit; but once in awhile they have a few gems.

>> No.4295957

Largest gathering of insanely wealthy inteligencia the planet has ever seen.


Pick one.

You will never have the brains to get a free ticket or the six thousand dollars to buy one of the cheaper seats.

>> No.4295961


I laughed

Keep on pretending to be 0.1%, maybe they'll throw you a half eaten pork chop.

I bet you can buy a Davos hoodie on eBay. Look into it.

>> No.4296203


>> No.4296370
File: 64 KB, 480x360, salatin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched this on TED yesterday. Made me feel good about eating meat. Especially grass-fed beef.

The idea of using herds to green the planet is on par with what this guy here does on his farm. Lets the cattle, pigs, chickens and turkeys run around because it promotes greenery and creates top soil.

Meat eaters will save the planet.

>> No.4296431

>Meat eaters will save the planet.

The cows are doing the saving though.

>> No.4296441

The cows do whatever we make them do. We are in control.

>> No.4296455


Cows in their current shape were created by humans.

Would you credit machines for progress instead of the people inventing and using them?

>> No.4296717

unless theyre used in the exact way they are used in nature by meat companies, or they subsidise people that do, you are not helping by eating meat.

>> No.4296740

I am still going to try to help by eating meat.

>> No.4296763

>Plebs who don't understand the concept of interdependence, ecology, biodiversity.
>Plebs who make moralistic arguments in the guise of logic.

>> No.4296775

That is pretty much the prettiest girl on the internet. What is her story?

>> No.4296776


I have bad news for you.

>> No.4296784


>> No.4296847

That has to be bullshit.
any proof?

>> No.4296852


take this to /g/, they'll set you straight. figuratively speaking only.

>> No.4297992


Salatin is one of the most inspirational people on the planet. It just blows my mind that farmers know how to heal the planet and actually fix the atmosphere but they're some of the most vilified people on earth.

>> No.4298632
File: 852 KB, 1700x1000, 1347667064877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to buy my meat from a local farm until I learned what grain-finished meant. No longer.

>> No.4299942
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The fact that you never
>pic related
pisses me off as well.

>> No.4299966


my poor sides

>> No.4299986


Being THIS insecure. Relax Tex, the cow isn't trying to steal your imaginary g/f or your rightful position in the universe as a snarky basement nerd.