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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4291969 No.4291969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Teavana's Global Treasures set comes with Javavana Mate, Golden Mojito, Moroccan Mint, and Spiced Mandarin Oolong inside of four airtight tins. It costs eighty dollars.

The airtight tins are six dollars each. Four tins are twenty-four dollars. Javavana Mate is 7.20, Golden Mojito is 15.00, Moroccan Mint is 4.50 and Spiced Mandarin Oolong is 9.80 for a total of thirty-six dollars and fifty cents.

All of that comes out to sixty and fifty cents.

What does the extra twenty dollars pay for?

>> No.4291973

Goy Tax

>> No.4291992

>What does the extra twenty dollars pay for?


>> No.4291995

It's probably a hipster fee.

You can't blame a company for charging prices that make no sense if there's plenty of idiots lining up to pay it.

I personally hate teavana, but that's probably because I grew up in an area with a lot of chinese people so there were legit mom&pop tea stores. Anytime my girlfriend drags me into a teavana I can't help but laugh at the fact that they charge easily 5x as much as those local tea shops for the exact same little cast iron tea pots.

>> No.4292000

the pretty box it came in

>> No.4292004

I don't understand why they call those canisters 'airtight'. They really aren't. In fact, virtually no canisters on the market are, unless they work in tandem with a vacuum sealing machine.

There are better ones on the market, however.

>> No.4292006

Maybe for the gay wooden box? Not sure. But as far as Teavana goes, I don't use their pots or their super stacks or anything. They do have good sales though on some good teas with decent quality. If you don't buy the sale item when it's on sale though, it is a rip off. Some of their mixes I have tried taste like ape shit though.

>> No.4292008

>GF dragging into Teavanna

Both of your are shit

>> No.4292017
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lol wut?

I don't bug her about stupid shit she spends her money on, and she gives me the same courtesy when I buy shit that she thinks is dumb

I guess you don't know what a functional relationship feels like?

>> No.4292020

I hate how their sample drinks are loaded with so much fucking sugar. How are they supposed to properly advertise the quality of their tea if it's prepared with 30% sugar?

>> No.4292021

I have never had a gf nor do I want want one in the foreseeable future. But nice try.

>> No.4292025


>I have never had a gf nor do I want want one in the foreseeable future


>> No.4292042

>functional relationship feels like?

How in the world is that a functional relationship in the first place? Going to a place where you hate so much because she has a vagina. Come on stop being such a spineless cunt. I see this stuff all the time with "relationship" where the female would whip the guy around because they are the dominate figure.

>> No.4292043

Sorry, but some people actually like to live their own lives and their happiness isn't dictated by a pussy that decides what they can or can't do.

>> No.4292047

>a normal relationship is doing only what I want to do

Socially inept Perma-Virg 2.0 detected.

>> No.4292049


I was thinking about getting one of their teapots. Where would you recommend I go to get one, since Teavana has such a large markup?

>> No.4292048


Just drop her and find someone who likes what you like.

>> No.4292051

Exactly, why are you in this sort of relationship with someone you have no interest in.

>> No.4292055

>20-something narcissist neckbeard detected

>> No.4292056

Starfag here, we own Teavana's ass now.

Still wondering when that means I'll get a discount there....or if they'll keep them separate like our Seattle's Best brand.

>> No.4292057

I think you are looking to deep into it. OP doesn't like to go to a store with his gf, it isn't the end of the world.

>> No.4292060

People are not allowed to have their own interests outside of the relationship? You don't have to like everything they like.

>> No.4292066


Why would you even want to?

>> No.4292068

Not according to the neckbeards. They won't settle for anything less than their future gorgeous yet insecure, virginal, and shy waifu who doesn't care about looks and just wants to play WoW with them on weekends in the nude.

>> No.4292088

>typical misandrist view of men who have standards or have some misogynist tendencies

>> No.4292094

You can but pushing personal agendas over dumb vapid shit. Not only that but when a girl like that picks a guy. Well let's just say that the partner is her equal when it comes to being shallow.

Vagina? You like vagina thats nice. I like vagina want to vagina in my vagina to see some vagina. Sure is vagina

>> No.4292092

>men who have standards

More like a religious approach to sex combined with anime fantasies and no footing in reality.

>> No.4292100

Religious? Why does it even have to be religious? Having standards is such a terrible thing to grasp? I see these shallow relationships with little to redeeming qualities and the guy bitching about her women. I mean come on it wasn't hard for me to find an interesting girl to be with. Sure we might have some difference but dam not over some really shallow shit

>> No.4292101

>pushing personal agendas over dumb vapid shit
>c'mon ____, just come to Teavana with me, I like your company

You sound really bitter. I doubt you'll have the chance at a relationship in the distant future, but that kind of attitude will result in loneliness masked with sour grapes and an overtly insecure superiority complex.

>> No.4292104

>I see these shallow relationships with little to redeeming qualities and the guy bitching about her women.
You seem like you really know anon and his gf.

>I mean come on it wasn't hard for me to find an interesting girl to be with. Sure we might have some difference but dam not over some really shallow shit
Someone wanting to go to a store you don't like is that big of a deal to you? Really?

>> No.4292107
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>> No.4292108

>more misandrist banter

You know what really pisses me off? My spellcheck is telling me "misandrist" isn't even a real word. Fuck this Feminist controlled society we live in.

>> No.4292111

>start thread about Teavana

>guy posts about going to Teavana with his girlfriend despite not liking Teavana all that much

>Everything is ruined forever

>> No.4292113
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You won that argument bro

>> No.4292115

How can you even call that a relationship when it has little to no redeeming qualities. Just take a look at the things around you instead of shoving that penis of yours into anything.

> Cause fwak them roinery neckbeard who never get pussy i get lots o fpussy i bang shitton of girl im alpha fuck you grapes and fox ad hominimem starw argument ethosu mad bro

>> No.4292118


Holy shit, man. All the guy said is that he goes to a store that he doesn't like because his girlfriend likes it. How the hell does that mean that there are no redeeming qualities to that relationship?

I mean...holy shit. Doing things that you don't like because your significant other does is part of being in a healthy relationship, so long as they do the same thing.

>> No.4292120

>being this upset and virginal

hee hee hee

>> No.4292127

>How can you even call that a relationship when it has little to no redeeming qualities.
What information are you basing this on? Because anon didn't provide you with enough data.

But yes, you are definitely an angry, probably overweight, virgin who has created a delusional defense mechanism to convince himself it is the fault of everyone else that he hasn't kissed a girl.

But hey, you wouldn't want to anyway... you are better than that and shouldn't settle for such lowly, dirty aspirations as coupling with the opposite sex.

>> No.4292135

>Just take a look at the things around you instead of shoving that penis of yours into anything.

Must be a femanazi dyke.

>> No.4292138

To everyone in this fucking thread: So I've never had physical contact with a woman, who fucking cares? That doesn't mean you have to parade around your sexual escapades like some fucking strumpet. I come on /ck/ to socialize and look at food porn, not be forced to face my socially-dictated "inadequacies" by some stupid cumdumpster-obsessed fags like you.

Wow, I haven't had a gf yet I lead a fairly productive live. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. I may not be happy 50% of the time and I may be on anti-depressants, but I'm doing pretty fucking good considering the situation. I was born into a family rife with mental illness, my father divorced and left us for his perfect little family while my mother and 2 brothers had to sell the family house (oh and did I mention we all have at least one mental health illness???), I weigh 320 lbs mostly due to my meds and a lack of motivation to exercise or eat properly, I couldn't finish college and dropped out after one semester, I haven't had a car since highschool because I got in an accident and couldn't afford the tickets and points, and I don't have many friends.

So what. I manage to force myself out of bed most mornings, work, and have my own condo. It may seem like a pittance to selfish cunts like you but it takes twice the amount of energy to maintain what I have than it would take the average person. Not everyone can be rich and famous and have hundreds of "lovers" (or cock-pockets as I'm sure you call them).

Some of us were dealt a shit hand but we are still trying to be in the game and keep it going. I've thought of suicide at least 1,000 times in the past 12 months but I'm still trying and it is hard but at least I'm giving life my best and not rubbing my luck or misfortune in others faces like you ignorant fucks.

Was my post too real for you guys? Well good, because you assholes have no clue, NO FUCKING IDEA what is behind each post and the story of each anon but you still think you have the knowledge to judge me.

>> No.4292141

Anon:Pseudo-hipster thinks he is hot shit for "knowing " tea
Anon GF: She takes him to these generic places for "fun" most likely inside of a shopping center.
Shopping Centers:over priced clothing with nasty food courts

> you are definitely an angry

Why would I? I just that the anon was in a shit relationship and being whipped into a shallow relationship .

>> No.4292143

Dude. You are taking things way too seriously. Remember where you are.
Also, be prepared to see your post repeated numerous times via random copypasta.

>> No.4292149

>angsty teen detected

>> No.4292151
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>> No.4292152
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This >>4292143

>> No.4292153

>angtsy teen
>going to teavanna in the first place

The only people I seen at those establishments are asians or yuppies.

>> No.4292166

>implying asians would go to teavanna

are you trying to ruse us or something?