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4280985 No.4280985 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with eating horse meat?

Americans seem to be offended whenever they find out they're actually eating horse meat in restaurants. I thought it was a common thing to use horse meat in western restaurants.


Taco Bell uses traces of horse meat.

>> No.4280987

Who cares? I'm just surprised to find out there's actually meat in Taco Bell's meat.

>> No.4280989 [DELETED] 


go back to Gamefaqs

>> No.4280991

>british/european meat scandal
what is going on here?

>> No.4280994 [DELETED] 

In Germany this is a major news issue right now. In german "horse meat scandal" is one word: "Pferdefleischskandal". I swear do god whan I turn on the news its all like "Pferdefleischskandalpferdefleischskandalpferdefleischskandalpferdefleischskandalpferdefleischskandal..." get over it and eat your pferdefleisch fuckers.

>> No.4280995

What? Taco Bell uses a lot of filler. They got in trouble for it in the past.

>> No.4281003

Unlike Eurolards, we actually like to know what we're eating. We don't have horse meat in American restaurants.

>> No.4281013

We're not offended or surprised. It's just a chance to talk shit about Europe, and we desperately need that chance because of how embarrassing our country is to the rest of the world on almost all accounts apart from population and military.

>> No.4281015

You're probably oblivious to what you're eating, dude.


Haha. They are in so much better shape compared to us, as a whole.

>> No.4281018

>Yum Brands Inc
>American multinational corporation
you just collect the profits and have others distribute horse meat for you

>> No.4281020


I think Americans are offended because they like horsies. It's like, a taboo thing. You kill your wife before you kill your horse.

>> No.4281023

I know exactly what I eat, we actually have regulations here. The UK is gaining momentum in that category, Eurotard.

>> No.4281025

I'd kill a horse before I'd kill you. But if I were married to you I'd kill myself.

>> No.4281026

No, they haven't. Some asshats tried to sue Taco Bell saying "derr your beef isn't 100% beef" and the response was "No fucking shit, that's because it's SEASONED beef. It's 90% beef and 10% seasoning by weight." The entire case was dropped.

>> No.4281031

food regulations is much stricter in europe than in the US, keep dreaming

>> No.4281032

Yeah, it's not like you've been unknowingly eating horse meat for decades... oh wait.

>> No.4281037

you don't actually know what the food regulations are like in the US compared to europe do you?

>> No.4281041


I'm American. I know this whole horse "scandal" gets you all excited and ready to bash them, but they actually have better food regulations in most European countries than we do in the US. More strict.

How often do you read ingredients lists or research the names of things in them which are unfamiliar? I put in much time for that and have since become much more aware. You? I've also traveled a lot and many Euro countries have far better regulations and more strict laws about what can be used in food products. For a lot of the snack foods, the ingredients list doubles in size for us compared to theirs. Lots of weird shit in our food and very basic, familiar things in theirs.

Get yer gun.

>> No.4281043

I know ours are obviously better, I actually know what I'm ingesting. The proof is in the headlines, friend.

>> No.4281047

>being this anti-intellectual
stay american, anon

>> No.4281048

Fuck this scandal, I live in the US and want to try horse meat (properly labeled, not secretly mixed in with beef) without having to travel overseas. This scandal only decreases the chances that anyone in the US will begin equine slaughter (even though the USDA says they'll allow it) in my lifetime. Of course, the bigger problem here would be the massive butthurt and outcry from people who love their pet horsies, but this crap doesn't help.

>> No.4281051

Americans are just too sentimental about horses to eat them. The same goes for dogs.

If they were concerned about safety then US factory farms wouldn't be in the sorry state they're in now and anti-whistleblower laws wouldn't be enacted in response to factory farm abuses and the largest beef recall in history.


Horse meat is healthy, I for one would be happy to eat horse burgers. Also some of those guinea pigs on a roasting spit they got in South America, those look good.

>> No.4281052

>stay american, anon

Please understand that we are not all as stupid as he is.

>> No.4281054

>How often do you read ingredients lists or research the names of things in them which are unfamiliar?

I don't buy food that wouldn't be familiar with. Sounds like you eat a lot of packaged food. And those "stricter" regulations sure have helped... all that beef tainted with pork, horse and phenylbutazone sounds delicious. I have a feeling you're angry Canadian guy, he always shows up in these threads with his America envy.

>> No.4281058

Why are you so butthurt about people who live thousands of miles away from us?

You know, you could pass through some of their countries once and experience something new. It's fun.

Truth is they do generally have better food laws than we do. This doesn't have to make you mad, unless you want to change how it's done here and work towards it.

>> No.4281062

>better food laws
>tainted beef in the headlines every week


>> No.4281071

>How often do you read ingredients lists or research the names of things in them which are unfamiliar?
Every time?

>> No.4281074

>America envy

>> No.4281081

Keep clinging on to this one oh so important example. It won't change the fact that they do have better laws for food when you compare it to the shit allowed here in the US.

>> No.4281084

Not a yuropoor, but I want to know what I'm eating. The businesses are lying when they called it beef but it was really horse. I'd eat horse, I don't give a fuck, but don't tell me it's beef.

>> No.4281090

It's only the tip of the iceberg, angry Canadian guy.

>> No.4281091

I bought horse last weekend (Quebec). It was alright, but it isn't something I'd have often.

>> No.4281099

horse is beef so it's not really a lie

>> No.4281138

Actually knowing what you're eating isn't important? This is some serious damage control you're doing here.

>> No.4282290


ignore is bliss ;)

>> No.4282300

nah, with the shit in the Bradley Manning case your military is a bit of embarrassment too

>go on about human rights all the time
>abuse them with gay abandon back home

>> No.4282312

Its American/western ignorance. They are against eating cute/smart things but they eat port, lamb, and other things. There is a lot of animal rights groups against eating dog meat and want countries like Korea and China to ban consumption. I want to go to Korea and eat dog beef stew. I think its unfair that people want to ban eating bizarre foods. I understand that animal cruelty is wrong, but if animals were raised in the farm then there shouldn't be any complaints.

>> No.4282316

the reality is that there is a huge amount of animal suffering in places like China etc. So whilst they could be farmed in a humane and compassionate way, chances are they almost definitely won't be.

>> No.4282423

I think we might just be sentimental since horses are pet/work animals.

That and I've had horse before, it was good, but not particularly better than beef or pork. I don't see any reason to go out of the way to eat it.

>> No.4282443


I don't have a problem with horse meat. I have a problem with mislabeling or intentional misleading of customers.

>> No.4282444

>Yuros find horse in their food
>Still find a way to use it to make an anti-american thread

lol okay guys you sure got us!

>> No.4282445

>food security
son you best not really believe that. the meat industry lobby fucking owns congress and the usda. you've been eating cows with bse for 15 years.

>> No.4282462


I'd eat horse meat if it was labeled as such.

>> No.4282583

Take this America vs. Europe thing back to /b. Nobody cares.

Also the whole deal about horse meat is, that the wrongly labeled meat is full of antibiotics and other medication. It comes from horses, who were not supposed to be eaten.
Also, it's about the fact that companies do whatever they want and mislead consumers, because they don't give a fuck.

This is what makes it a scandal. Not the horse meat itself.

Horse is fucking delicious.

>> No.4282593

Horses are like dogs, an important part of history and should be respected for it.

>> No.4283027

So, if you order a "100% Angus Beef" Burger, and you get Horse, you're not gonna be pissed?
That's called false advertisement.

>> No.4283264

Here (in Germany) eating horsemeat is perfectly fine by most people [I know]. The "scandal" is about all sorts of nasty medicine that comes with the illegally imported meat.

>> No.4284998

> Americans seem to be offended whenever they find out they're actually eating horse meat in restaurants.

We don't get mad, we just clap with one hand.

Lived here my whole life and I've never heard of a case where horsemeat was slipped into the food. That would be big news and I would have heard about it. You have us confused with your turd world country which is likely the UK because only those faggots would try to play dumb and make it seem we eat horsies.

>> No.4285000

because in america you only eat beef, chicken, turkey, and pork. every other animal can go suck it. Seafood isnt meat.

>> No.4285126

There's fucking horse in everything

>> No.4285138

true, I might want to eat dog, if they weren't raised in tiny cages like battery chicken.

>> No.4285145
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>brag on the internet that your special cuisine has a superior attitude towards food
>suddenly, you were eating 99 cent frozen dinners made from trash meat purchased from gypsies
>suddenly, USA and Yurop have a whole lot in common

Let's be friends, Europe. It will be just like 1946 except the Russians won't be threatening as many of you as last time.

>> No.4285203

>We don't get mad, we just clap with one hand.
A good start to what turned into a shitpost.

>> No.4285212

>What's wrong with eating horse meat?

Nothing, really. Britfag here, masses of potential farmland/real estate is wasted on the hobbies of the rich - namely, golf courses and horses. We are going to have to take control of this land if we are going to deal with the impending food crisis, and we are going to have to eat those fucking thouroughbred horses.

But now everyone is freaking out that tons of horse has been found in our budget meat products. How the fuck did you think we kept prices so low compared to the rest of western Europe? Horse is leaner than beef, there's a surplus and we better get used to the fucking taste.

>> No.4285238

Horse meat is of higher quality but it's cheaper because there's no demand.
As long as it's safe I don't care if it's atleast as good.

>> No.4285248

I think people are only hung up about horse meat because we had something like 3-4 consecutive generations of little girls growing up with magical princess ponies and shit like that. Also since it's a "work" animal rather than a "food" animal.

Horse is delicious though. Just give people some time to try it and for word to spread.

>> No.4285269

There's nothing wrong with eating horse meat, but if I buy a pack of meat labeled as beef I want beef, not horse, or tortoise for that matter.

>> No.4285275

But if the horse tastes better and is just as safe I'd call it a pleasant surprise

>> No.4285338

I eat horse all the time. It's healthy and tasty... if you buy horse that was meant for eating.

The problem with secretly dumping horse in the beef grinder is that it's probably meat from racehorses, packed full of antibiotics and steroids and shit.

>> No.4285843

This exactly. It's not the horse itself that's the problem it's the fact that you're being sold something completely mislabeled and that the consumers are being misled.

Also, people have a bit of a taboo against eating horse quite often because they're 'cute' animals, like bunnies or cats. Horses and rabbits are both delicious though. Cats I've never tried.

>> No.4285851

the problem with eating horse meat is thatfor every pound of muscle they put on you have to spend much more in feed cost as compared to a cow.

>> No.4285856

so ususally when you end up eating horse meat it is from a sick animal.

>> No.4285863


This. The type of meat isn't the problem.

>> No.4285865

horses are intelligent and loyal modes of transport

you wouldn't eat a Hyundai

>> No.4285888

yuropeon here

it's all true

we suck

>> No.4285910

I think that was established 100 horse meat threads ago.

>> No.4285919

If it was as tasty as PferdSauerbraten, i totally would. Their intelligence is debatable (donkeys are said to be smarter) and as for loyalty...fucking spare me the hollywood bullshit, please.

>> No.4285977

Horses are commonly given phenylbutazone to help them with symptoms such as pain and inflammation (basically it's the horse equivalent of ibuprofen/aspirin).
However, phenylbutazone is poisonous to humans and can be transferred to us if we eat treated horsemeat.
And since most horses aren't intended to be eaten, they treat basically every horse.

>> No.4285984

Cows are given rBGH and lots of antibiotics. It isn't like that is a great practice either.

>> No.4285987

Nothing is wrong with eating horse. The horse has just been Ingrained to the American population as a "pet" and people think they are majestic and shit

>> No.4285992


Sort of, but you're greatly exaggerating the risk.

Phenylbutazone is normally perfectly safe for humans. However, in some humans (about 1 out of 20,000) it can make them sick. It's banned for human use out of an abundance of caution, but it's really pretty absurd. For a human to get sick from this the following would all have to happen at the same time:

1) The horse would have to have been treated with phenylbutazone close to slaughter time so that the drug was still in the horse's system.

2) The human would have to eat a huge amount of the meat in order to ingest a significant dose.

3) That human would have to be one of the 1-in-20,000 who is sensitive to it.

....and all that is pretty unlikely. It's never happened, but because it *might* theoretically maybe possibly happen, phenylbutazone is banned for use on animals raised for food.

>> No.4285993

>Cats I've never tried.
Tastes pretty much the same as rabbit, except maybe for some very fine nuances. Besides, you can't get a good, wild cat easily without looking like a murderer, while hunting for rabbtis is easy and socially acceptable.

We call it zuurvlees here in the Netherlands, but yes, it's delicious. Trust me when I say they're intelligent, I take care of a couple of Belgian draft horses. We've got one that's 24 years old, and she can open gates, work her way into the room we keep the feed in, and stuff like that. My uncle used to help farmers take the hay off their fields, which was a good way to train his horses. He'd load two big carts full of hay, with one horse in front of each. he'd then ride away on the first car, and the horse behind that one would just follow him(unfortunately for me and my brother, it'd keep on waling no matter what, even if the hay was stacked pretty high, and we were on top of all that hay, which was quite unpleasant when we had to go underneath a bridge).
They're pretty damn loyal too. They know exactly what they're doing. I had just cleaned out the stallion's stable about a year ago, when I let him in, but I fell. He jumped about half a metre just to avoid me. Maybe not loyalty, but he sure as hell won't hurt me, and just abotu any horse on that farm will come gallopping once I whistle.

>> No.4285996

I think it's because horses can be treated with antiobiotics that aren't approved for human consumption.

>> No.4286026


It's not an antibiotic, it's phenylbutazone, which is an NSAID, aka painkiller. Think of it like "horse tylenol". See:

>> No.4286030

I wouldn't care if I was served horse meat that was labeled as horse meat.
If I was served horse meat and was told it was beef though, I'd be mildly perturbed.

>> No.4286043

Considering that cow and pork in reality are no safer to eat than horse I don't see the big deal. Of course I would eat it if it were properly labeled. What I have a problem with is the obvious fact of companies trying to cut the cost of their products, making a nice profit for themselves, and then shirking their responsibilities to tell their customers what they're actually eating (and what they paid for) is not 100% as advertised. People should be more outraged if anything that they paid premium price for cheap meat filler.

Aside from that we just have a culture here in Murrica about not eating household pets or beasts of burden.

>> No.4286109

Horse meat is a cheaper alternative to cow meat, and the costumer doesn't get to pay cheaper.
I call that a scam.
No probably in eating horse, its quite tasty, though somewhat lean.
Still, if you buy beef and pay for beef, you should get beef.

>> No.4286142


Now, I agree with you that it was fraud to label it "beef" when it reality it was horse--no doubt about that.

That being said, nobody here paid "premium price" for anything. These weren't steaks or roasts that were mislabeled. This was generic store-brand frozen meatballs, burger patties, and "lasagne"--in other words, cheap premade crap. There was nothing "premium" about these products, it was the cheapest "meat" you could buy.

>> No.4286160

I love horse meat. I eat it every time I go to France which is alot cos I live near France. Come at me.

>> No.4286196

>it was only in pre-made meatballs and patties
Citation needed.

>> No.4286201


Yeah I didn't read the whole thread, my bad.

>> No.4286203


Did you actually read any of the news stories? Or is this thread the sum-total of what you've learned about the subject?

>> No.4286236

due to genetic transfer via plasmids and bacteriophages and shit, in a few more decades everything's going to have everything else's DNA in it anyway, and testing will be impossible; don't standard cattle now have an absurd amount of snake DNA already?

so get used to Mixed Meat, guys!

>> No.4286252

Europe is competing with the U.S. for first place in the obesity crisis. According to a report issued by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development out of Paris, more than half of European adults are overweight or obese. Obesity rates have doubled in the past 20 years for the 27 member states of the European Union. It is estimated that 1 in 7 children in these states is obese.

>> No.4286272

I'm going to tell you right now, shark fin soup is fucking amazing and I will probably never have another chance to have it in my life. I'd imagine dog and cat would be a bit gamy, but shark fin soup was fatty and delicious.

These pleasures we lose, eh?

>> No.4286278

That's not a citation tough guy.
You don't know for a fact that they weren't slipping horse meat into ground beef, or any other relatively expensive canned meat.
Meatballs and patties are not the only things that have horse meat as the ingredient. And you are naive if you don't think so.

>> No.4286282

asian here, ate both dog and cats.
not gamy at all, very tender meats they have. especially dog meat stew

>> No.4286546

American here, my parents cook dog on a regular basis.
Everybody else thinks its fucking weird, but they're just queasy. Its meat, its no weirder than any other meat.
Its pretty tender too, doesn't really taste like any other meat I've had. If somebody sneaked some dog into your food, I think you'd taste it and be suspicious of the meat

>> No.4286863

enjoy your animal abuse charges and endless court dates.

>> No.4286882

Honestly, I'm not opposed to eating horse. The only complaint I see is people boohooing because they like horses. Hell, goats are more of bros than horses. I'd eat a horse before a goat anyday.

>> No.4286888

Horse meat is a delicacy

Americans just don't like eating anything that isn't beef or chicken.

Also, I'm assuming that if they're using it as filler, it isn't exactly top quality horse meat.

>> No.4286890

>horse meat is a delicacy
>cheaper than beef
>added ignorance

>> No.4286895

>a delicacy can't be inexpensive

>> No.4286911

Asian here again,
used to have a lot of street vendors selling donkey and horse meat years back. But ever since automotics replaced animals in the farm, thoses street vendors are all gone.

it's a shame, their stewed donkey/ horse meat are godlike. You get a few pounds, grab some liquor, nom nom.

>> No.4286915

Horse meat just tastes gross and isn't really worth the cost (in macro terms). Also the way most horse meat is produced...holy fuck, worse than your average slice of beef.

>> No.4286917


>> No.4286919

At least you aren't pretending to have taste, which is more than I can say for most Asians. Do you eat rats too?

>> No.4286922

>eating one animal over another is icky because of social taboos

>> No.4286927

had rats yes, like pigeon, texture wise. They were not sewer rats, but farm grown, they took them out of the cages and slaughter it right infront of you.

Think.... lean rabbit, if rabbit can be leaner.

>> No.4286929

europeans and their descendants eat worse shit than fresh horse meat.

pickled herring anyone?

>> No.4286931

Oh no, pickled fish!

Get over yourself. Have you *ever* traveled and eaten foods outside your little comfort zone?

>> No.4286933

Horses are a burden people want to offload in any way possible. It's not about taboo, you simply can't expect safe meat with the racing industry being what it is.

>> No.4286935

I eat everything, from termite queens to rotten fish.
Nothing's off limit for me, for I am Asian!

>> No.4286939

Yes, and it's garbage. Some of it is literally rotten garbage.

>> No.4286943

Do your parents know you use the internet when they leave for the night to eat dinner and pork each other in the minivan?

>> No.4286948

Eh, Americans have some weird thing with certain meats. Of the people I know, there's no horse, no goat products, no lamb, and no duck. Basically all they eat is pork, chicken, and beef.

It's usually something like the animal being too cute, or having some attachment to certain animals (people who raised horses tend to feel this way).

>> No.4286952

Are you describing your typical day, Anon?

>> No.4286958

because their history is a history of privilege. they've never experienced sever food shortages or have a tradition that's longer than 300 years.

Other than having no tradition and history, they are also corrupted by all the ads they are seeing from corporations.

>> No.4286968

you mad of our freedom eurofag?
you mad of our prosperity eurofag?
you mad of our excess material good eurofag?
you mad in general eurofag?

>> No.4286970
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>> No.4286976

how's that medicare 'murika fag

>> No.4286977
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>> No.4287440

I'd be fine with it if I knew that it was in there and had been tested and found safe to eat. I'd be mad if I was told that I had been given beef, but it turned out to be horse.

Some bizarre thing I've noticed recently is that people seem to be afraid of meat if it's not something they eat normally (in this case, cow, pig, chicken) and seem to think that all other meats are dirty and diseased or somehow unfit to eat, like cows and pigs and chickens are magically edible and others aren't.

As others have said, there is the pet aspect for a lot of people. Horses often fall on the same level as dogs, both are used as working animals and also pets.

>> No.4287471

the problem is that they don't say its horse meat.

>> No.4287482

Yeah, I think everyone knows this.

>> No.4287816

I'm sure this has been said already but the problem isn't that it's horse meat, it's that they thought they were getting beef and were instead getting horse. I want to know exactly what I'm buying. I would be fucking pissed off if I was lied to.

>> No.4287829

And that they were unknowingly consuming phenylbutazone as well. I'm a little pissed because I travel to Eurolardopia yearly and I've probably eaten this shit.

>> No.4287840

Why are you asking about Americans when it was a British scandal?

>> No.4287879

Iz dat a horse penis in the case?

>> No.4287934

I eat horse meat all the time
It's cheaper and leaner than pork or beef

>> No.4287940

If anything, we would be upset that we got horse when we ordered beef. People in the US get upset when you sell them one thing, but get another

>> No.4287957
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Thank god I live in the U.S. where I'm not forced to eat like starving Ethopians. What's next yurope, cats and dogs?

>> No.4287958

Frankly, as long as it isn't dangerous, I don't really care what the meat i'm eating is. If it tastes good, and I won't be at risk of health repercussions (more than eating any kind of meat that is) from eating it, then I don't care.

I'd eat some horse meat plain cooked up if it was good.

>> No.4287963

>risk of health repercussion
Wouldn't actually knowing what species you're eating help you plan a better diet?

>> No.4287973

>as long as it isn't dangerous
Yep, because those folks selling you horse lasagna without telling you have perfectly legit sanitary practices.

>> No.4288012

This thread is pleb over 9000

Horse meat is a delicacy

The actual scandal is about inappropriate food control, misleading declarations etc.
And retired racing horse's meat filled with odd medicines/doping getting into food supplies

>> No.4288048
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>Thank god I live in the U.S.

>> No.4288240

the scandal was that it was advertised as beef.
you can't bait and switch meats, but otherwise people are fine eating horse.

>> No.4288241

come to Vicenza, you'll eat the best cat of your life.
way better than Vietnamese.

>> No.4288242

A thousand times this.

If they lie about what's in the food, the consumer loses all trust and will start to wonder what else is in that meat that they aren't telling you about. No one would give a shit if the package said "horse steak". You either choose to eat that or you don't at that point.

>> No.4288245

>my religion forbids horse meat and whoever eats horse meat is a filthy infidel

>> No.4288260

horses are used for work
and an old workhorse has terrible meat
as such there not really common as food

still, here in austria, we have a few horse specialities
even the original wiener schnitzel was originally made from horse meat, but that was a long time ago

>> No.4288263

I can understand some fuss over 100% beef stuff having meat but the none-100% stuff...

People have no fucking idea how much of their "beef" products are actually textured soya or fungus.

I'd love to actually try horsemeat but you can't get it over here except for specialists who cost a fortune to order from.

>> No.4288282

>even the original wiener schnitzel was originally made from horse meat, but that was a long time ago

What a load of shit.

>> No.4288320

Do Americans really think the whole scandal happened because people don't want to eat horse meat because they like horses?

>> No.4288331
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>This is what yuropeons actually believe.

>> No.4288339

Ausfag here. I grew up in a town with two final destinations for animals. One was known as "the abattoir" and was meticulously clean, with trucks full of well-fed happy cattle going in one end and trucks of delicious meat going out the other. The other one was called "the knackery". A procession of unloved elderly horses, dairy cows no longer able to keep up with milking, and a selection of other nearly-dead livestock went in one end. Clouds of smoke came out the top, a foul stench wafted over the surrounding landscape, and various animal byproducts for use in industry were trucked off in drums. My mother used to have to go there to get offal for dissection by the local highschool, because the rest of the staff started vomiting within a few hundred metres of the place.

Now, the idea of eating dairy cattle or horses turns my stomach. It's an instinctive thing.

>> No.4288370

That's a shame. I used to eat horse sausage slices on bread virtually every day as a kid, it's fucking delicious.

>> No.4291236


>> No.4291237
