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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4286402 No.4286402 [Reply] [Original]

Came here to discuss food and kitchen etiquette, but mostly I need to know if it's possible to contaminate food if you have a cold sore outbreak.

So my friend's boyfriend (who has a cold sore outbreak) came over to my place, and I gave him some food to eat. I wasn't paying attention to him, until I saw him in my fridge eating my sister's food with his fingers. I just simply told him that was my sister's and not to eat that. Then a few minutes later, I see him double dipping his fingers (dipping, then licking, then dipping again) into my peanut butter jar. He also had my good preserves and a cream cheese container out, but I'm not sure if he touched those. I made a joke about him not spreading his herpes in my food, but really I wanted to fucking kill this guy. I was so disgusted. Some people don't have manners, and what's worse is my friend will always defend her boyfriend.

Should I throw everything out that he touched? Also, tell me some of your horror stories, things that really rustle your feathers about people and food.

>> No.4286404

>letting someone do this at your house
also he has herpies

>> No.4286408

i would throw the food out if i were you, even without the cold sores i'd find that disgusting.

>> No.4286412

Something like 80% of the world has oral herpes. You should be good though, but seriously that guy is a fucking dick. If someone started doing that shit to my food I'd tell them to gtfo. Herpes or not

>> No.4286414

I didn't let him do that. I caught him and told him to stop. Normally, I would get angry at someone for doing this, but because my friend always defends her boyfriend, she would have thought I was a bitch or something, I guess I kind of am a pushover, I lack the guts to confront people.

>> No.4286437

thats pretty gross
I'd have given him the food he contaminated and kicked him out. I also would have made it really fucking clear that he's not to do that shit again. Don't steal food or else he's looking for an ass beating, especially considering the disease he's likely to spread

>> No.4286445
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Anon do not let this man lick your vagina. Oral herpes can turn into genital herpes with one lickout.

>> No.4286454

I offered him the peanut butter but he just denied it. I wish I could be more assertive. I'm a tiny girl and he is this big guy who is really mean. He verbally abuses my friend all the time, but I think she takes it and likes it. So sick.

>> No.4286457
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This thread sounds to me like OP is having problems wrestling with her intense feelings for her BFFs man. Looks like he came in with some serious alfa swagger that left OP wet and confused. The grossout factor is just sublimated sexual desire.
Go rub one out OP, things will work out fine.

>> No.4286462
File: 15 KB, 367x338, deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy sounds alpha as fuck

tell him off or stop complaining about it on the internet

>> No.4286471

did I just stir some feelings up that are deeply rooted in your own shame for having the herps?

>> No.4286477


>> No.4286478

Many people have sexually transmitted skin viruses are asymptomatic carriers, especially if they're sluts who've had over 15 partners and think they don't have one.

>> No.4286481

I don't think you're correct. the oral herpes that we think of as nasty cold-sore producing herpes is not the same herpes that most of us get as children, which is presumably what you're referring to.

>> No.4286483

I am not all that freaked out about the herps as I used to be. I have slept with three chicks that told me AFTER sex that they have the herpes. I never did get it so maybe im immune.

>> No.4286490

Are there adult non-religious zealots/r9k types who haven't had >15 partners?

>> No.4286491

>15 partners

Jesus what you would think if me...

>> No.4286493

See post >>4286478.

>> No.4286497
File: 89 KB, 570x577, sriracha-stilettos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time squirt some sriracha in his eyes, he'll see who the big scary man is, then. He'd probably be blinded enough to push him out the door without much struggle.

Pic related, girls like shoes right?

>> No.4286498

You're a typical strong, independent womyn who don't need no man dick to overcompensate for your feelings of insecurity and inadequacy of integrating yourself into society,

>> No.4286509

oh stop getting your panties in a twist and randomly insulting people based on nothing

>> No.4286517

stop taking offense to anything said on an anonymous message board

>> No.4286527

do you keep the brim of your fedora down over your eyes when you go out in public?

>> No.4286530

I have 5 roomates, all college men.
They all smoke weed and munch on any available food at night. (and two of them have herps)

I quickly learned to store my food in my room if I wanted it to last more than 4 days, or If i wanted to be the one to eat it. I bought a minifridge and now cook happily ever after.
If there are untrustworthies around your food, hide that shit

>> No.4286531

Cute. But, misogyny ≠ autism. Nice try, though.

>> No.4286533

why did you let her boyfriend over in the first place

>> No.4286537

What is "virus load", "outbreak", "weakened/compromised immune system", and "virus half life"?

>> No.4286554 [DELETED] 

okay guys, don't let this thread go off toppic

He was picking my friend up from my place.

"the herps"

>> No.4286561

okay guys, don't let this thread go off topic

He was picking my friend up from my place.

"the herps"

>> No.4286571

>peanut butter

>> No.4286573

I would toss it out just because some stranger was dipping his filthy mitts in my food. What kind of fat fuck eats pb with his hands anyways? Fucking disgusting. Ask your friend if that sick fuck has herps, he probably does.

>> No.4286575

I'd just throw that stuff out, OP, and not let him over again. If he does come over, watch him like a hawk.

It's sad, but it's worth the money to replace it to not get mouth cancer.

>> No.4286577


Sorry, forgot nokosage is still broken.

>> No.4286578

That'd mean her BFF probably also has herpes.

>> No.4286579

read the thread, he does

>> No.4286584

organic preservative free peanut butter

>> No.4286588

Normally peanut butter has to be in the fridge like most of its type.

>> No.4286591


Must have missed it. Burn that shit OP and don't let that slob back in.

>> No.4286607

>told me AFTER sex that they have the herpes
That's more sickening than the herpes itself.

>> No.4286761

Right? The first two really freaked me out, now I just make sure I jimmy up no matter how fucking drunk I am.

>> No.4286827

> confusing alpha swagger with being a repulsive fat asshole

>> No.4286850

Throw the food out.

Get new friends.

Only people that have the herp think its okay to spread it around.

>> No.4286880
File: 16 KB, 300x309, 1341067649805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gross. You should have kicked him out or at least bitched at him for not only being a fucking slob, but also for eating your food.

>> No.4286899

Lot of overlap there.

>> No.4287007

Pro-tip: Condoms do not protect against Herpes or HPV

>> No.4287036

Do you have a source for that or are you just making shit up?

>> No.4287039

I've had cold sores all my life pretty much, and I find it fucking disgusting he did that shit.

It's worthwhile to know that the longer someone has been having breakouts, the level of contagion decreases, and also, only at certain points in the break out cycle is a cold sore really contagious.

I've taken Valtrex before for cold sores, and after a 24 hr regime, you are effectively noncontagious, even if you still have the sore on your face.

This guy is a scumbag. If he wasn't on meds he's akin to people with AIDS who fuck without a condom.

>> No.4287041

making shit up

>> No.4287042

Think about it. Just because the shaft of you dick is protected, doesn't mean the area around the base of your dick won't get covered in vaginal fluid during sex.

>> No.4287046

Yes, yes they do.

>> No.4287049

They're skin viruses, meaning, they don't require the transmission of fluids to be communicable. Simple skin sloughing, which directly comes into contact with live skin (which happens all of the time during sex), almost instantaneously, is sufficient in the spread of such viruses.

If you still don't believe me with that explanation, please feel free to google "do condoms protect against HPV or Herpes".

>> No.4287052

lrn2science instead of flawed superstitious and unfounded belief

>> No.4287071


I can testify to this.

I caught the herp using a condom.

Apparently it was because I had an ingrown pubic hair near my nuts. My doc told me that it would be enough for the vaginal fluid to transfer the virus.

I know it's just an personal anecdote, but I'm living proof that a condom won't protect you from herpes if you have anything else going on down there, even something as minor as an ingrown hair.

>> No.4287072

The relationship between condom use and herpes simplex virus acquisition
>Of 1843 participants, 118 (6.4%) became infected with
HSV-2. In multivariate analyses, participants reporting more frequent use of condoms were at lower risk for acquiring HSV-2 than
participants who used condoms less frequently (hazard ratio, 0.74
[95% CI, 0.59 to 0.95]); categories of increasing condom use were
0% to 25%, 25% to 75%, and greater than 75% of sexual acts.
Nineteen (2.9%) of 659 participants at risk for infection with
HSV-1 became infected. No statistically significant association between condom use and infection with HSV-1 was found (hazard
ratio, 0.79 [CI, 0.48 to 1.31]).

Case-Crossover Analysis of Condom Use and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Acquisition
>Results: One hundred ninety-one eligible participants acquired HSV-2 during follow-up. This approach detected a 3.6% increase in the odds of HSV-2 acquisition with each unprotected act (odds ratio = 1.036; 95% confidence interval: 1.021–1.052), but no increase in the odds of acquisition associated with protected acts (odds ratio = 1.008; 95% confidence interval: 0.987–1.030)

>> No.4287088

>The relationship between condom use and herpes simplex virus acquisition
Lowered rates of infection. Okay, big surprise; but get this--that article is from 2005 and believe it or not, scientific thought changes and adapts to newer studies. The numbers regarding effectiveness have dropped with further research.

>> No.4287095

I'd probably throw it out because having someone's fingers in my food would gross me out. But herpes doesn't last long after it rubs off the body. Like it dies off in seconds after leaving the body.

So it's gross, but you're good. Two minutes in Google would help you next time.

>> No.4287098

The second paper is from 2012 and you are now backtracking on your, "condoms don't protect from herpes".

Learn to read scientific literature.

>> No.4287109

Come on, you're trying to get me on semantics alone when you said that condoms protect (implying 100% protection and don't say that wasn't the implication), against skin based STDs.

>> No.4287121

>protect implies 100% immunity

No, it sounds like you are arguing semantics.

>> No.4287124

Herpes dont protect condoms from scientific literature.

>> No.4287126

Well they certainly don't protect [100% of the time], either.

>> No.4287129

No shit. Do you understand what the word, "protect" implies in medical literature?

>> No.4287131

>how do I keep arguing when proven wrong

Just stop. Please.

>> No.4287141

Look, I don't even fucking care at this point. Go ahead and think that condoms have any sort of substantial protection against skin based STDs, and continue playing roulette. It's all an 'occupational hazard', anyway.

I really don't fucking care, and we've deviated from the original topic enough.

>> No.4287152

>Go ahead and think that condoms have any sort of substantial protection against skin based STD
Did you read those papers I posted? They provide statistical significant protection against herpes. Do you understand how scientific research works, or do you just say, "lrn2science" when people say things that contradict your emotional arguments?

>> No.4287159

>condoms don't protect against herpes or HPV
>well they don't work 100% of the time so they don't protect
>Look, I don't even fucking care
>I really don't fucking care

hahahahaha I like this guy

>> No.4287164
File: 10 KB, 299x168, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God damn it anons get it straight. I have my hard fucking cock poised to slam into this seriously nasty festering blistered vag and if the condom is not gonna help the I am just going in bareback

>> No.4287166
File: 613 KB, 120x113, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this herpes talk is making me hungry, thanks /ck/

>> No.4287170

It's all good man. You're significantly protected against the transmission if you use a condom!

>> No.4287174

To add more confusion:
>To our knowledge, this is the largest analysis using prospective data to assess the effect of condom use in preventing HSV-2 acquisition. Although the magnitude of protection was not as large as has been observed with other STIs, we found that condoms offer moderate protection against HSV-2 acquisition in men and women.

>> No.4287188

I'd throw it out even if he didn't have herpes. The peanut butter anyway.

>> No.4287236

Don't eat it, it's not worth catching their herpes and if you do it'll just make you madder.

To your friend: "Ooh, I caught (her bf) sticking his fingers in my jar of peanut butter and there's no way I'm eating that now. You want it?"
She says Yes: Then joke, "OK that'll be 3 dollars lol" (laugh so sure she knows it's a half-joke, but accept the money if she offers)
She says No: Then tell her you're throwing it out and can she pick you up a jar next time she's out.

If she refuses to pay for it then she has no respect and you should probably find new friends. If she says you have to take it up with her bf, that's bullshit and she knows it. Tell her the truth, that he's intimidating and rude and you'd rather not get into an argument with him.

>> No.4287248

>being this upset and not able to say, "gee I hadn't read that"

>> No.4287251

FUCK fuck, it's me, OP again. I went to go throw out the peanut butter to find my sister eating everything that he had out. I didn't tell her what happened. Please tell me she is not going to get this disease, I've looked everywhere to find out if herpes can be spread this way, can't find shit.

>> No.4287254


You're aroused now, aren't you.

>> No.4287262

You should take your sister to the doctor, she's kind of fucked. Make the asshole pay the bill.

>> No.4287264

You had better not lick your sisters vag for a while OP.

>> No.4287267

meant to reply to

>> No.4287269

does that mean she already doesn't have respect for me since she was there and witnessed this even take place and didn't say anything? i'm an aspie when it comes to social situations... fuck

>> No.4287283
File: 10 KB, 180x280, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herpes peices peanut butter

"hey you got herpes on my peanut butter"
"well you got peanut butter on my herpes"

>> No.4287284

your sister will be fine, viruses generally aren't very sturdy.
why didn't you just throw the peanut butter out? also... if you had to come here to ask us how to stand up to some guy contaminating your food, you should go to therapy and learn how to be assertive. because one day it's peanut butter, the next day it will be the raise you're not getting, and everyday after that it will be people in your life detecting that you're spineless and exploiting that to the hilt.

>> No.4287290

This is so true, I have a huge urge to shove my cock in OPs peanut butter jar. I fucking love aspie subs.

>> No.4287296

I would kick him the fuck out immediately. That's nasty.

>> No.4287301

I guess it's just the way I was raise. But you're right, it's my main problem and I'm working on it. Also, I went to the kitchen this morning to throw it out to find my sister eating it. She just happened to desire peanut butter, of all the things we have... fml.

and i'm sorry if you guys feel like i'm whining about this situation on the internet

>> No.4287307

How small are you OP?

>> No.4287313


I have a semi

>> No.4287315

5.5 and he is about 5 heads taller than me. also he's fat. i've seen him get aggressive before, and he has anger issues.

really, I wouldn't normally want this guy in my house ever, but he was picking up my friend.

>> No.4287320

you're a sick fuck just like him

>> No.4287323


What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?

>> No.4287324 [DELETED] 


>> No.4287329
File: 16 KB, 120x120, rushhour2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black panties, black bra, Victoria's Secret, spring catalog, page 27. Girl got class.

>> No.4287335

If he eats pb with his fingers, why would he wash his hands after using the bathroom?

>> No.4287338

Where do you live? I'm 6'5'', 216 and seriously have an issue with what this guy's doing. I'd have maybe thrown him through my window. Fuck your friend's boyfriend. Take it up with her, and forget being a bitch.

>> No.4287347

*I'm implying I wish harm on this guy for doing this and terrorizing you

>> No.4287354

Calm down whiteknight

>> No.4287355

haha thanks, if only I could hire you as my personal body guard. could really use one of those. also, those >>4286497 sriracha heels could come in handy to stiletto a spicy kick in the balls to anyone who tries to violate me.

>> No.4287359

what if, now hear me out

what if herpes is cured by peanut butter?


>> No.4287368


looks like karma will kick this bastard in the ass. hope he enjoyed that peanut butter. just wait til you watch his swells grow, OP.

>> No.4287372

This guy may be onto something....

>> No.4287387

Dump that food then dump your friend. She's obviously retarded.

>> No.4287393

5.5 is not tiny for a girl.

>> No.4287475
File: 27 KB, 325x214, 13467894290518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're misinformed,

It's not 80% but a significant portion (roughly around 35%~40%) of the human population has HSV-1. Do note that not everyone shows symptoms of HSV-1 (cold sores, etc), they're simply carriers. Most people are contaminated during their childhood by adults (most common case) and it persists through their lives.

>> No.4287609
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I lost my appetite

>> No.4287650 [DELETED] 

This. Once we catch a virus, we always have it. However, look to >>4286537 with terms which determine how likely we are to spread that virus.

>> No.4287691
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Yeah I assumed my number was way off. Thanks for the information 4chan :3

>> No.4287767

As disgusting as your guest was, herpes is a virus, and requires cell-to-cell contact to infect someone. You would have to touch him or something with a few loose cells within seconds. You'll be okay.

>> No.4287780

That's if he only has herpes. Seeing this guy's cleanliness (or lack thereof), he probably doesn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom. Do you want OP to eat poop peanut butter?

>> No.4287792

You can't get herpes from sharing food, you dumb shit. Might as well say you caught any other STI through a fucking toilet. You get it from skin-to-skin contact.

But that doesn't mean double dipping is gross and pigging out in your fridge is okay. Kick your friend and boyfriend out until they get their act together.

>> No.4288390

I bet your friend and their bf have a good laugh at you behind your back, otherwise why would he feel at liberty to disrespect and shit all over you? Even complete dickheads need some kind of pretext.