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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 700x466, Broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4281407 No.4281407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian. Talk me out of it, please.

>> No.4281414

Why do you feel like becoming a vegetarian?

>> No.4281411
File: 133 KB, 500x375, carne asada fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it.

>> No.4281418

Beef tenderloin
Pork tenderloin
Chicken tenders
Honey ham
Black Forrest ham
Etc. Etc.

>> No.4281419


You don't have to become a vegetarian. What I would suggest instead is limiting your meat intake to what would be environmentally sustainable levels, and levels that will be healthier for you.

Instead of using meat as a main dish.. like.. roasted chickens or steaks, slice the meats thin and use them as a flavoring element in stews and other dishes.

I don't want to talk you out of it.. the world would be a better place if we all ate less meat. Some, but far less.

You can get a lot of protein from vegetables and fruit.... most people don't realize this. And you can get almost all of the vitamins you need by eating a balanced vegetarian diet. I would recommend some fish and maybe a little beef, pork, chicken once every month or so. But in small quantities.

You can start out by being a weekday vegetarian. Or you could start out by replacing a couple meaty meals a week with a healthy salad.

>> No.4281423

You just want to feel better than everybody. Just donate to some charities and brag about that instead.

>> No.4281429
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>> No.4281431

Vegans are in fact morons, some are even worse.
I know one that started into multiple illnesses, eventually vomiting blood... problem? She was starving to death and rotting away. She had to compromise and become an "ova-lacto vegetarian". Why? Allergic to peanuts and soy, and bad reactions to all beans. Wouldn't eat oats, barley and a list of other things.
Even worse? Fucking bitch wouldn't and couldn't cook, so she put all this crap on her husband to prepare her special meals. Want worse? She doesn't make enough money and he's been unemployed for 2 years now, most of their food coming from the local food banks and WIC.
So yes, as taxpayers we're paying for this retarded vegan to survive.

>> No.4281432
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>> No.4281434

You seem like an angry person.

>> No.4281439
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this dude is mad over nothing.

>> No.4281440
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it's become too easy to be vegetarian
you got boca burgers, you got quorn chik'n cutlets, you still got chips, you still got fries, you still got bread, pasta
you want mexican you got (vegetarian) refried beans, guacamole, salsa, cheese, jalapenos, tortillas, burrito wraps, grilled onions and peppers, sour cream, cilantro.

you want chinese you got vegetarian egg rolls, you still got lo mein, you still got fried rice, got vegetable stir fry, still got sweet and sour sauce

you can get cheese pizza, or vegetarian pizza, you got cereal, you got salad, you got a bunch of soups, you got all kinds of snack cakes, you got nuts to snack on, you got fruit, you got ice cream.

Hell, what do you not have, besides just meat items by themselves?

>> No.4281441


OP, before you become a veg fag - and you clearly have reservations about the idea - go out to your local French restaurant and eat some fucking foie gras (hopefully you don't live in California).

If you go vegetarian (let alone vegan), you will probably never have the chance to try this food given to us by the gods.

You don't need to eat as much meat as, say, the average American, but at least try out the multifarious splendors of the carnivorous world.

>> No.4281442

Also, not gonna be a vegan. I'm okay with egg, milk, cheese, etc, I just don't like the idea of slaughterhouses, and I'm really not willing to just "not think about it".

>> No.4281449

Definitely Mexican - I went to some hippy dippy place and got a vegan taco just for kicks; best taco I've ever had in my life.

>> No.4281450

That's not me at all dog.

>> No.4281453


Being a vegetarian can be expensive. I don't know where you reside, but in the country I live in (Canada, ooh) fresh produce, especially organic, can be quite expensive.
I'm not a vegetarian, nor will I ever be one.
Vegetarianism and veganisim is still, no matter what anyone says, a niche market. And a trendy one, at that.
Look at any speciality item; diapers, paintball equipment, professional go-kart racing equipment, organic foods, etc... They're all reletively expensive. Why? Because people DO want them, just not the majority of people.
If you want to be a vegetarian, fine. Whatever. I just hope your pocketbook can bear the weight of the life-style you choose.

>> No.4281458

I've had foie gras. Moreover, I had foie gras @ the French Laundry (my step-dad was their head sommelier), and you know what? Meh.

>> No.4281460

That might be true if you wanna go out to fancy vegan restaurants of whatever, but I'm thinking a diet of rice, beans, and fresh veggies probably won't be all that hard on my wallet :)

>> No.4281461
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when grocery shopping, meat's usually the most expensive thing to get.
remember, vegetarians just cant eat meat, you're not limited to the tiny "vegetarian" sections.

>> No.4281466

it goes against our biology and evolution.

if you care about animals being mistreated, you can buy organic/free range/locally farmed by nice farmers/game etc. buying from the competition forces change more than not buying at all (simple economics that hippies retardedly don't take into consideration).

if its the death of the animal itself that you are worried about, well, if you want to eat you can't avoid killing SOMETHING. not unless you wanna be some kind of hardcore fruitarian or something. enjoy being on that diet LOL. animals also die to clothe you, they are used in everyday products that aren't food items, anything you think of probably uses animal products at some stage in its creation. not only that, but the products you buy and just generally the lifestyle you enjoy as a 1st world person adversly affects the planet in some way, whether it be child slave labor that made for example your shoes or the energy it took to make them causing polution and damage to the biosphere. you can't avoid it, so unless you want to give living worse than an amish person a try with a bunch of like minded dreadlocked fuckwits, you should probably just kill yourself.

if you are doing it for health or body image reasons you will struggle because you'll have to replace delicious, filling protein with carbs to keep your energy levels up.

>> No.4281467


now go to bed

>> No.4281474
File: 91 KB, 600x460, 1360000141912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so eat fish and seafood and deer and other game that gets shot with a rifle without knowing. no reason to become a complete faggot

pic related

yeah it is the most expensive thing to get. except you get more calories in a $3 pound of ground beef than you will in $100 of broccoli and romaine lettuce (not being exact here)

>you should probably just kill yourself.

lol this entire post

dude, vegetarians are the most retarded people on the planet. even when their bodies are shutting down and dying because they need meat, they still refuse to accept that they were wrong for pushing their bullshit on others.

good story, too

>> No.4281478
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only food animals have to die to create is meat.
if it's calories you're after, get snack cakes. Or fried things, or cheesy things.
Don't really need to worry about calories though.

>> No.4281483

>only food animals have to die to create is meat.

do you know what happens to an environment if there are no predators?

>if it's calories you're after, get snack cakes. Or fried things, or cheesy things.

all of which are unhealthy

>Don't really need to worry about calories though.

go figure

>> No.4281486

Naw, I just took a nap.
Oh hey, another angry person. The idea of someone not eating meat really gets you guys riled up! Look, I'm not trying to be vegan Jesus. I'm not too big on self-sacrifice; there's so many people out there ready to sacrifice you for their own goals without you doing it for them. But you know what? It's a start.

>> No.4281491
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don't know what you mean by no predators.

they're unhealthy in the same sense a burger is unhealthy, and in the same way that a burger has calories, from fats.

if you're eating regularly, not starving yourself, you're getting your calories. Vegetarian doesn't mean only eating celery.

>> No.4281490

Tl;dr, you get better nutrition eating meat. Cut back because you probably eat too much, but there is no good reason if a doctor has not told you to do so to cut out meat entirely.

>> No.4281493

>only food animals have to die to create is meat.

plenty of animals die when old farmer brown revs up the harvester to get at dat wheats. of course they are shit tier mice and whatnot but they are still animals aren't they right? or are you a dumb as fuck vegfag who thinks because they are a pest it is ok to kill them? guess what cows would become if we stopped eating them?

not to mention all the land that has been claimed for planting crops, uprooting wild animals/native fauna's homes and basically killing them.

your move.

>> No.4281494

I've got a few friends who're vegetarians and they're plenty healthy. Pretty damn sexy too. Probably not hard like you though.

>> No.4281497


>> No.4281498

>I had foie gras @ the French Laundry (my step-dad was their head sommelier),

Thank you anon. I haven't laughed this hard in awhile.

>> No.4281500


>i have friends

lying already

>plenty healthy

you're a doctor?! and you're THEIR doctor?! nicely!

>pretty damn sexy too

now just imagine how very little that matters ;)

>> No.4281502

Not going for perfection my friend, just going for better. And yes, imo farmland is better than slaughterhouses.

Your move brother.

>> No.4281503
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how did i come across as angry?

because i said kill yourself?

that isnt angrer that is just being realistic.

>> No.4281507

Um, glad I made you laugh?

>> No.4281508

explain how you get better nutrition
that's not killing animals for food, deer runs out into a street and gets hit by a car is his own fault. Farmer can't help that mice are too dumb to avoid giant death machines.
Farmer can definitely avoid slaughtering cows though.

>> No.4281506

>going for better
>little shitty animals that no one eats don't matter to me

yep, typical retarded veg morals.

>> No.4281504

hey guys, OP here. i know i explicitly said "talk me out of it" but when you try to, i'm gonna say you're mad and tell you about my sexy, extremely healthy friends

lol have a nice day meat-eaters i'm moral and shit!

fucking faggot, what's the point of this thread?

3/10 making me reply

>> No.4281509


How could I?

I could say that you're too stupid to eat properly. But the fact is that omnivores don't eat well either, so what's the point?

If you go forward, well you'll know that you're not only contributing to your own health, physical, emotional, psychological and environmental, but also to restore a balance in the ecosystem in reducing GHG emissions and also in reducing psychological trauma on your fellow humans who have to slaughter poor, innocent, and attaching animals.

Humans are animals too, love them. They're not really mean, they've just been burnt.

>> No.4281515

>dumb animals that die accidently do not deserve life

you veggo's are basically hitler

>> No.4281516


>> No.4281517

It's a genuine thread, I'm still just 'thinking about it'. That said, the veggies in this thread seem like a much more reasonable bunch don't they?

>> No.4281519

>the veggies in this thread seem like a much more reasonable bunch don't they?

3 vegans on 4chan are nice people, therefore i'm a vegetarian

kill yourself

>> No.4281520


>> No.4281523

>how did i come across as angry?
>because i said kill yourself?

>> No.4281525
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deserve the gift of life, sure. accepted the gift of life, not really, since they killed themselves.

stay away from the death machines mice.

>> No.4281526


> boca burgers

Fuck no, soy is death. Biggest mistake a vegeterian can make is to try to fill the void with a bunch of soy. It's linked to cancer and it's full of phytoestrogen

>> No.4281530

>animals are aware that certain areas are dangerous and they might be killed if they venture into them

why? because they can read the roadside signs? does the farmer give them fair warning in mice-language?

i am actually arguing with a retard.

>> No.4281533
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>> No.4281534

>i am actually arguing with a retard.

well soldier, you walked into a vegetarian thread. you knew what you were getting yourself into

>> No.4281536


>do you know what happens to an environment if there are no predators?

Do you know what happens when there are too many predators? Let nature be nature

>> No.4281538

Reasonable means more than just nice - it also means "able to reason". Fancy that.

>> No.4281541
File: 122 KB, 600x684, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can avoid the avoidable, what do you propose to stop mice from climbin up into tractors?

>> No.4281546

i don't know, perhaps we can post more signs? for some reason in your previous posts you are implying they are aware that death is coming for them. perhaps you can think of a better way with your obviously razor sharp intellect.

>> No.4281547

vegetarian lifestyle is unsustainable in the long run. i'm sorry your tiny body is incapable of breaking down meat properly or that you feel sorry for animals that would kick you to death without a second thought


lol, for the record, i got sexy and healthy friends that eat meat. in fact, i probably know more healthy meat eaters than you know healthy grass grazers. i win, by your retard logic

>> No.4281552


Unsustainable how? Won't even insult you, just curious as to what your perception of vegetarian diets is and why you're so defensive about eating meat

>> No.4281555
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so you don't have an answer to the problem. Guess it will have to continue until one is found.

>> No.4281558
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>Talk me out of it, please.

>why you're so defensive about eating meat

>> No.4281561
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>> No.4281564
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pic related

>> No.4281562

>guess i will have to keep contributing to the fieldmouse holocaust

>> No.4281567

without a means to avoid it, yeah

>> No.4281569

are you serious? you can stop eating food that is harvested with machines

you stopped eating meat because it's harvested with shotguns, right?

>> No.4281571

which foods don't involve machines? Hell any food is at least shipped by machines. Rats can climb up in there too/birds flying into planes.

>> No.4281572

i'm telling you to kill yourself

>> No.4281575

Been nice. Thanks for the pleasant discourse.
Go out an' love somebody :*

>> No.4281578

Well I think I've heard enough - gonna head off and get some gaming in before I hit the sack. Think I've heard what I needed to hear. Peace and love fellas.

>> No.4281579

foods you grow yourself.

off you go then.

or don't you actually care for animals after all?

>> No.4281602

If you're gonna be vegetarian for purely moral reasons, let me ask you this question-

What if every single person on Earth was a vegetarian tomorrow? Well, we'd need a lot of farmland devoted to crops. We'd have to keep livestock from eating our food, probably by killing them. Predators would explode in population size with the influx of fresh prey and the animals you think you're saving would now either starve to death, be eaten alive by wild animals(who are a lot less humane than a slaughterhouse, let me tell you), or die from disease.

Enjoy having pigs, cows, chickens, etc, roaming through the streets spreading their diseases, destroying the environment and ruining ecosystems. Not to mention, why the fuck are you spending your few precious years on Earth worrying about the lives of stupid, primitive animals who you can't even tell comprehend what pain is? Sure they can scream and look afraid, but how can you tell they feel pain? You can't. If you are really concerned about precious lives, go help the fucking niggers in Africa, feed them with the veggies you wanna starve your body on.

>> No.4281605

delicious meat

>> No.4281609


>be eaten alive by wild animals(who are a lot less humane than a slaughterhouse, let me tell you),

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. A slaughterhouse, in SOME cases, will kill animals instantly, but the animals are still tortured and confined in the most horrible prison imagineable for years before that time

Why would we have pigs, cows, and chickens roaming the streets too? They wouldn't exist in massive numbers if there aren't slaughterhouses to breed them. We don't have that problem with other animals. You didn't think any of that post out before you submitted it

>> No.4281623


This guy is a complete moron.

>> No.4281629

The reason it's not a problem, you twat, is because we have something called 'hunters'. They hunt wild animals for fun, sport, and food. The other animals we want in mass are the ones we farm and send to slaughterhouses. Have you ever been to or heard of India? They are largely vegeterian, at least in respect to the cow. Guess what? Visit the country, and you will see cows wander the streets as free as any citizen. At first you think this is funny and quirky, but it is actually quite annoying. Cows are not like humans, they don't respect common courtesy. They will shit and piss where they please, try to eat food off of stalls and they cause a general disturbance.

You are so fucking stupid, it hurts. It's obvious YOU did not think out a single iota of your post. Please, leave /ck/ and never come back you retarded vegetarian scum.

>> No.4281630

Beef is delicious. Cows are assholes. Eat beef, feel no remorse.

>> No.4281658

>We don't have that problem with other animals

>What are cats, dogs, rats, raccoons, oppossums, squirrels, coyotes, and rabbits?

>> No.4281700

>The reason it's not a problem, you twat, is because we have something called 'hunters'
No, not really. Humans are not the only predators on this earth and in areas without human intervention killing off all predators (so for example farm animals can feel safe) it works perfectly fine.
Anyway the biggest predator where humans are around really is cars.
I'm also not sure what makes you think that a vegetarian society would let all of the farm animals into the wild and their streets to breed and not try to control them? Considering farmer have 100% control over where their animals live and reproduce it would be easy to just stop reproduction, slaughter the last remaining ones for one happy last dinner and then they are gone for good.
Animals like cows and chicken could still be as locked up as they always are because last time I checked vegetarians still consume milk and eggs and that needs to be farmed somewhere.
I'm not a vegetarian

>> No.4281732

Vegetables taste great! I don't get why some people avoid them like death.

>> No.4281739

Why would you deny yourself meat? Is there any logical reason to do this beside the morality?

>> No.4281747

Steak wrapped in bacon.

>> No.4281750

Epic meal time gross.

>> No.4281754

If you consider yourself a spiritual person, you should become a vegetarian. The only diary and eggs you should eat should be from animals that are well treated and the only meat you may eat should come from animals that died of natural causes and not by human intervention.

If, however, like me, you don't believe in anything, there is nothing stopping you from tucking in to any critter your heart desires.

>> No.4281755

I can't see why eating meat is bad.
However, I avoid convenience food, and especially convenience food that contains meat. Because that sort of meat is shit tier and not tasty anyway.

>> No.4281761
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I'd guess roughly 50% of "vegetarians" do it so they can tell other people they're vegetarians.

i hope you're not serious

>> No.4281768

>the only meat you may eat should come from animals that died of natural causes and not by human intervention.

While agree with the general sentiment of your post, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.4281771

Why would you ruin a good steak by wrapping it in bacon.

>> No.4281780
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still cannot tell if serious

you're breaking my srs meter

>> No.4281790

>Captain America's Americana Hero
>French bread
>Swiss cheese
I laughed.

>> No.4281797

That makes me feel sick.

>> No.4281802

>black and white thinking

>> No.4281833

>you stopped eating meat because it's harvested with shotguns, right?
>harvested with shotguns
What the fuck am I reading? I hope you realize that that meat is fed on food harvested with machines too and the only way to stop mice holocaust is becoming a hunter and gatherer and that is obviously no way to sustain modern population and culture.

>> No.4281843

I think that contemporary science has proven that lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is completely nutritionally adequate. Even just lacto-veg or just ovo-veg. Even vegan, with only one questionable point - vitamin B12 ( which is added in many healthy foods ). A man does not lose anything when cutting off only meat and retaining milk products and egg products. You can't go bad if you become vegetarian. If I am wrong, tell me the facts.

>> No.4281856

>Talk me out of it
You already don't want to do it, so don't do it.

>> No.4281876

You're saying that because of disease rite?

Why don't you just come out and say "I believe that is wrong because of this" instead of being such a passive aggresive little of piece of shit?