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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4278676 No.4278676 [Reply] [Original]

Could I survive on $100-150/month for food in a major urban centre?

>> No.4278678

sure, beans and rice

rice and beans

>> No.4278682


>90 Cupped noodles = <$90
>30 Oz. of Steak = <$20
>Assorted veg = leftover budget

>> No.4278689

I live on 40/mo in chi-town with no governmental assistance and eat well.

>> No.4278690



>> No.4278692

>$1.33 per day


>> No.4278700

Buy rice in bulk. But dried mung beans and sprout them yourself. Buy old vegetables, eggs, and stale bread at reduced prices.

>> No.4278714

lol, no. Unless you wanna eat rat shit and sleep in a box.

Get a job faggot.

>> No.4278716

Survive? Easily as hell.

Eat well? Sure, it may take some smart shopping and cuponing though.

Eating like a king? No.

This should seriously be some /ck/ sticky by now. If you want to live cheap get a big ass dry bags of rice, beans, lentils, (others if you really want), buy eggs, and fresh vegetables. Go to a local butcher and ask if he can do something for cheap or for unclaimed game meat. Go to a bakery after hours for free bread, or ask grocery stores for discounted day-old bread.


>> No.4278717


>> No.4278720

Yes! Find your nearest mexican market. Best, cheapest produce ever. You'll eat like a king if you can cook. My boyfriend and I spend around that amount and eat really well.

>> No.4278724
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>My boyfriend and I

>> No.4278737



>> No.4278736

Rice, ramen, beans, pasta and those $1 Banquet dinner things.

Just enough variety to make it feel like you're not 'too' poor.

Also, chicken. Lots of chicken.
Cheapest by the pound and healthy too.
I usually buy whole chickens, which makes the price go down to like 80 cents a pound.
Boil that shit or whatever, and you've got chicken for days to use for whatever you want.

>> No.4278760

You wouldn't happen to be British, would you?

>> No.4278782

Nah. Just a very cheapass 'murrican who like to pinch every penny I can.

>> No.4278785

Nah, I was talking about the boiled meat.

>> No.4278793


I buy rice at the azn market for .15/lb bulk
only buy the loss leader on the store ads
go to more than one store
get the veg. on the shits gone bad rack
cook in bulk
portion and freeze
plan ahead
never buy shit you don't need
don't buy shit you can make if yourself
keep easy stuff you made around for times of weakness
when you find a great deal...stock up
foods with a long shelf life are your friend
simple spices can elevate boring leftovers
never buy one of anything
get the most out of what you have

>> No.4278794

For whole chickens, yea. Its easiest for me.
It cooks it, 'and' makes stock at the same time.

I usually take the broth and toss in some veggies and spices, then cool it down and fridge it for later use.

>> No.4278801
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>buying anything on the 'shits gone bad' rack
I'm broke as shit but even I got standards

>> No.4278809

Not that guy, but boiling chicken is great.
Dead easy and you get a gallon of stock out of the deal.

>> No.4278820

I don't know, I could see picking through it if I was poor.

Luckily I've never had to do that though. Whenever I walk past it I briefly look at the completely rotting fruit/veggies for "only" half price. It is disgusting.

>> No.4278829

>tfw I grew up in an upper-middle class household and my dad was a phenomenal cook who used very high quality ingredients.

I don't think I could sink that low.

>> No.4278827


I'll shove nine inches of zucchini I just got for less than five cents a pound down your little cunt throat. I get shit off the rack all the time, you just have to be able to discern what is safe and what has really gone bad; cuz those tricky bastards will try anything to move product. Even if there is one really ugly rotten bit in with lots of other safe usable bits it's worth tossing one to save the rest and HUGE money.

>> No.4278836


Oh...two more things.

Your broke because you don't know how to live poor and your sheltered and worthless values aren't doing you one damn once of good.

two: SGU was the worst SG spin-off ever and completely tanked the whole franchise...thanks assholes.

>> No.4278846

major urban centers are really good for getting food super cheap, when i lived in san jose, i was within 5min walking/biking distance from
cheap farmers market
grocery outlet
bulk item store (sams club)
bread outlet
some dumpsters with free food
lots of neighbors in the food buisness (chinese guy who brings back pizzas form work and sells them, fisherman, meat company dudes.
ethnic stores
as well as a bunch of super markets surrounding me

now that im back in the suburbs, i have to drive to the supermarket, luckily i go to the city a lot and there is a grocery outlet on my way home

>> No.4278850


how the fuck is being frugal LOW, you GD 1% drop out; I hope you enjoy your new socio-economic status and further I will revel in how it breaks you.

>> No.4278852

wow relax dog

>> No.4278854
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>being this angry over some rotten veggies

>> No.4278859

>people still getting mad on 4chan

>> No.4278861

I'd be pretty pissed to if I had to eat moldy cucumber.

>> No.4278862

>1% drop out
>Implying my parents aren't buying me and my brother a house in the city so that we can have a rental property and not have to pay for board while we go to school
>Implying we aren't both getting professional degrees


>> No.4278868


what you think your better than me, because once upon a time you had a happy life with lots of money and now you're just living in the shadows of society like me? To think, I tried to help your fellow broke ass...fuck you asshat; you are doomed to die on the streets, grasping at the life you once lived.

>> No.4278873

Getting a professional degree =/= having a professional degree.

It's cute you and your bro stuck to the same school (and probably major) though.

>> No.4278878

Yup, its a top 20 global engineering school

>> No.4278889

>what you think your better than me, because once upon a time you had a happy life with lots of money and now you're just living in the shadows of society like me?

Who said that?

I'm just a jew and want to equity invest early to compound my money, saving money on food early on is easy money and potentially tens of thousands a decade or two from now because of how powerful compound interest is.

>> No.4278890

I can physically feel poorfag jelly radiating from this post.

>> No.4278895


And why are you seeking help here, then?

>> No.4278899
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>what you think your better than me

At least he isn't eating rotten vegetables.

>> No.4278902


>> No.4278900


sorry faggit, I'm not like you. I grew up POOR, went to school...graduate school and even though I make $$ now; I still live like I only have a dollar in my pocket. I can think back to all of the times where I literally had nothing and just had to make due with whatever I had on hand. Now I look around at all the waste, careless spending, ridiculously priced *name anything* and it makes me sick.

>> No.4278912

>Growing up poor

You're doing it wrong

>Not having traveled to 21 countries before by age 18
>Not having your education paid for
>Not having intelligent parents who passed on god tier genes

>> No.4278910

No, not really. My parents have 3-4 million but they never bought me a house. I wouldn't accept it either - how can someone consider themselves a man if they have their parents take care of them like that? There is a sense of dignity in working hard and making it on your own.

>> No.4278916

easily if you know how to shop for your moneys worth.

>> No.4278917


Well maybe if you weren't so busy stealing land form the defenceless "original" and rightful owners of Israel, you could get off your high horse and deal with your shit. =

>> No.4278915

It's not low. Low is eating shitty packaged foods and McDonalds, blowing food stamps on calorically worthless shit. Low is also being consistently wasteful of food, even if you have money. Cooking with what you can manage to get a hold of is very respectable. God forbid you ever get to a third world country where people have to make do in extreme poverty all the time.

>> No.4278919

>Implying I'm literally a Jew

>> No.4278923
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>guys look at me, look how special I am

>> No.4278930

>I'm just a jew
Stopped reading there.

>> No.4278924

Not that guy, but my parents paid for my first year then I worked lucrative summer jobs and paid for the rest of my undergrad. My MSc paid alright and I am now making very good money as a PhD students thanks to my previous publications, conferences, grades, recommendations, etc.

You are obviously quite young though, so maybe you will grow up a little over time.

>> No.4278929

>they never bought me a house

So this is why you're so jelly

>> No.4278928


OK, that's it you filthy jew bastard; if I had a pizza oven big enough for your ass right now, I'd bake it until crispy,

>> No.4278933

I think you should keep reading my post, specifically the part where I wouldn't accept it if even offered.

But I do own a house on 9.5 acres of land, which is very nice, especially for a grad student.

>> No.4278935


Jesus Christ, came down, I'm half German, half Anglo-Saxon

>> No.4278939

>If I save money on food I'll be a millionaire in no time

Guess how we all know you are an undergradfag?

>> No.4278943

You claim that your parents are buying a house but you want to save money on food of all things.

Something isn't adding up.

>> No.4278944


there were lots of German jews before they did the right thing.

>> No.4278946

>specifically the part where I lied to myself to feel better

>implying my parents bought me a house

>> No.4278948

>Implying I said millionaire

Capital gains are not taxed up until $18500 per year (initial investment) where I live, so its beneficial that I don't wait to put as much as I can in while I'm young.

>> No.4278965

hurr...need monies for foodz
durr....imma millionair
hurdurrr...I skool at top 2o
durrhrrrrrrrrrrrr....got no hoose
hurrrrrrrrrrrrdureeeee...9.5 land measurements
aldklakj;iore;raej......too proud to eat slave food
blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...imma minority

>> No.4278976

I'm not sure why you are pushing the jelly thing - I am more educated than you, make more money than you, own property and a house, and my parents are probably wealthier than your ($3.5 million last time I talked with them about finances, which was 1-2 years ago).

It is cute that your parents let you and your bro go to school together to watch out for each other. It is also cute that you have such a new money mentality and obviously do not socialize with more discerning peers.

>> No.4278977


holy shit, what are you a liberal arts major or does your family have a really shitty CPA, because that is the most shit way to accumulate wealth I've heard in a long time.

>> No.4278984

>Thinking that's me

>> No.4278995


>> No.4278997


we're done here son


>> No.4278998

>being this insecure

>> No.4279001

Seriously, who thinks cutting their food budget in half to invest money makes any sense?

You'd think he would tell Daddy to give him an extra few hundred a month for food/investment purposes.

Sounds like a poorfag in denial. I hope he is, otherwise he is borderline retarded.

>> No.4279006

>replying to someone is insecurity

>> No.4279009

>I am more educated than you, make more money than you, own property and a house, and my parents are probably wealthier than your ($3.5 million last time I talked with them about finances, which was 1-2 years ago).


>> No.4279012

Dawwwww OP is a U of T students that thinks his Canadian piece of paper means anything outside his country.

>> No.4279013

How can I be jealous of someone when his metrics of accomplishment are nothing compared to mine?

It has nothing to do with insecurity, rather I am arguing at his level.

>> No.4279014


amen brother, but I fear we are dealing with the former.

>> No.4279022
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>How can I be jealous of someone when his metrics of accomplishment are nothing compared to mine?

Lol oh wow

You're full on mad trying to have a dick measuring contest with a university kid on an anonymous food board because he made fun of you for eating rotten veggies.

>> No.4279024


mother of god, son. didn't mommy and daddy let you go to debate club? that has to be one of the most ill conceived, disjointed and frankly just stupid concoctions of random utterances strung together with bubble gum, duck tape and your broken dreams.

>> No.4279031

Food is pretty cheap in Toronto OP, stick to China Town.

>> No.4279035


whoa....rotten veg. eater here; I have nothing to do with him digging his own hole and the post you are referring to is NOT me.