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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4271678 No.4271678 [Reply] [Original]

Hello CK. sci.

In a recent discussion I have realized that I don't like eating.

I don't like to prepare foods, I don't like to consume foods. I don't enjoy taste, and I don't enjoy consistency. I don't like deciding what I should eat. I am also lazy.

Therefore I would like to devise a kind of all-puprose nutrigel. please advise what I should put in it. It should be cheap, and cover all bases.

What I'm thinking of including:
20%Red Beans
(by dry mass)

2% Horse brain
13% Horse flanks
4% Horse fat
(by condensed volume)
+~1% vitamin supplement, iodine, salt, w/e.

maybe peel the beans, and then thoroughly blend the plant matter after cooking and straining. boil animal matter, strain, put it through a meat grinder, and mix gently into the remaining mixture.

make cubic or sphere molds, flash freeze to prevent crystalization and vacuum boil. vacuum package with silicon deseccation agent.

What do you think? tips, suggestions (hints on vacuum drying would be appreciated, so far I would guesstimate -30°C)? the idea is to cook once a year and be done with this shit.

>> No.4271696

Just eat some dinner in a pill like the goddamn astronauts do, fag.

>> No.4271693

>12 step food processing
>I am also lazy
pick one..

>> No.4271699
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>> No.4271711

Rofl, that actually looks kind of good.

>> No.4271719



Were you really rolling on the floor laughing? At a picture of rice in a bowl?

>> No.4271722


I was

>> No.4271725

smoke some bud, it will restore your love of food

>> No.4271727

No matter how little you think you like food you will get sick of this tasteless goop in three days.

>> No.4271738


Should've seen the prototypes.

>> No.4271752


I was in the army once. taste = bad. tasteless = good.

Obviously I'd do some test batches, i'll find out then whether it's manageable or not.

to maintain variety, I guess I could not mix it, and make each pellet a different flavor.

that's some good reference, I'mma save that. I didn't think of calcium, but I imagine it would have been part of most generic supplements.

upon further googling it turns out that there's a US Office of Dietary Supplements in a dot gov domain. lolz.

can I scrap variety in favor of supplements and the cheapest base matter? or is base matter variety still more favorable?

>> No.4271755

You dont need potatoes, couscous, and rice. Just pick one starch. Add something green and leafy (like spinach, or kale), and maybe some tomato paste. Just do research on what vitamins are in the foods you are adding, then dont bother with the suplements.

>> No.4271766

rice + beans, or tofu will give you a complete protein. Throw in vitamin supplements and you should be good to go.

>> No.4271770
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>all of those carbs

/fit/ help us

>> No.4271785

I'd recommend doing some extensive research on supplements. It's trickier than it seems.

>> No.4271793

Check out this article:

The author analyses food, and realises you can fulfill ALL of your nutritional needs with nine foods (liver, sardines, eggs, whole milk, sunflower seeds, oats, cocoa, spinach and broccoli)

You can refine it further, if you want, hitting all of your daily needs with: 100 grams of liver, 200 grams of sardines, 200 grams of whole milk, 100 grams of sunflower seeds and 200 grams of broccoli (1,300 calories).

>> No.4271795


the supplements are there in case I forget anything, or there is something the body should rather have instead of not.

I'm not sure if leafy material can be reactivated that well, because the epidermis might hinder digestion after the water is removed and the cuticle seeps into the pores and effectively makes tiny indigestible capsules. I guess I'll have to experiment with that. freeze dried spinach exists, i'll give it a look.

tomatoes are definitely a good idea.

what are the cons of different starch types, given identical cost?

>> No.4271809

Do you read this horizontally or vertically? I am legitimacy stumped over this, and I'm not a retard. What is wrong with me, /ck/.

>> No.4271824


>> No.4271859

Who the fuck thought that format was a good idea? Number shit. Jesus Christ, I'm a bachelor not a rocket scientist.