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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 686x288, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4270694 No.4270694 [Reply] [Original]

After traveling 4000 miles across this country, and having to eat fast food out of necessity, I can say, without a doubt, these are the BEST fast food chain burgers in the country. Whataburger and Freddy's. I'm still dreaming of a Jalapeno and Cheese Whataburger. Which I won't be able to have again for a long, long time. Boofuckinghoo.
>inb4 some chucklefuck says In-N-Out, I live in NorCal, and while it's good, it can't hold a candle to those two places.
So, you lucky bastards who live near those two chains, thank your lucky stars and give praise to the gods of fast food burgers for your Whataburgers and your Steakburgers.

>> No.4270715


>having to eat fast food out of necessity

That is a completely untrue stereotype of merica' there are plenty of really good places to eat all over. Just because your unwelcome lazy foreign ass didn't take the time to discover the true cuisine of merica doesn't mean that anyone is interested in your gluttony.

>> No.4270721
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god i hate it when i click on an image and it is small or blurry.

it's worse than a prick teasing hottie.

>> No.4270723

>says the fucking retard who can't read properly.

0/10 try again

>> No.4270733


>dry, cracked bun
>mold on bun
>wilted lettuce
>greasy as fuck
>overcooked burger
>merican' plastic cheese
>soggy bacon
>watery tomatoes
>one shitty tit end of a jalapeño

would not eat

>> No.4270742


merica hates you and we're glad you went back to whatever third world cesspool you came from.

>> No.4270746
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are you halucinating?

>> No.4270749

Yet Mcdonalds will be around long long after your trendy hipster burger joints are a distant memory.

>> No.4270750

I concur op.
in-and-out is highly overrated.

>> No.4270754

>Braums/whatburger /DQ

Best places to get a burger

>> No.4270758

Terrible trolling. Truly awful. You need to sharpen your skills, bro.

>> No.4270765

Yeah, thank god we have DQ in NorCal. That's as close to a Whataburger style burger I'll be able to get here. Technically, I guess both of those are sort of "Texas-style" burgers, but I much prefer those to the burgers out here that are slathered in "spread" or what other places call "special sauce".

>> No.4270772

Braum's offers more when it comes to Texas style burgers than Whataburger can ever accomplish. I understand whatburgers appeal with its burgers but there is more to it than that.

>> No.4270773

Whataburger is fucking great. Never been to Freddy's, but Five Guys is also one of my favorite fast food chains. They don't look appealing, but god damn those burgers are so satisfying.

>> No.4270781

mmmm five guys... and them fries... slathered in malt vin. delicious.

>> No.4270784
File: 854 KB, 1200x900, burger876732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in-and-out reporting for duty

>> No.4270791

I guess you've never been on a roadtrip where you're busting ass to get from one city to another as fast as possible in as little time as possible. You have to drive the interstates, and guess what food is along interstates? Fast food. Some people don't have time to wander around cities looking for special snowflake restaurants.

>> No.4270796

I hate seeing in-n-out pictures on here while I live in the mid-west

>> No.4270804
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>live in dallas
>have whataburger, in-n-out, and 5 guys all right next to me

>> No.4270812


when you say "road trip" I'll assume that you were in a car and didn't bring your camel and a wagon to merica. There really isn't any need to search very hard for a decent place to eat here, just don't go anywhere that has a sign with cartoon characters or serves meals by numbers.

>> No.4270823

>didn't bring your camel and a wagon to merica

This is what americans actually believe

>> No.4270826

Only semi-related, but does New York have any decent fast food places? My friend intends to visit next month and I figure there has to be some place better than McDonalds. All that we're used to is McD and KFC due to being britbongs

>> No.4270828

What? The U.S is littered with Fast Food establishments because they bring the consistency at a low cost. You can always stop at those roadside restaurants but they do not offer much when it comes to variety. Its like going to the waffle house.

>> No.4270833


>Its like going to the waffle house.

please don't hate on the waffle house. at 2 am it is a lifesaver.

>> No.4270835

How much does a double double actually cost?

>> No.4270837

You're right, they are consistently SHIT.

>> No.4270844

You must not drive much. Either that, or you must live a very leisurely lifestyle (in your mom's basement).
Yes, there are millions of delicious and wonderful restaurants that are not fast food in this country, but we're talking a specific experience here, not philosophizing.

>> No.4270849

Not hating on the Waffle House but its fast food diner like environment.

For whataburger? About 7.89 more for the onion rings

Consistency of a burger should taste like

>> No.4270852

I suggest hitting up a Five Guys. Only decent fast food chain I know in NY. Other than that go to local delis and pizza places.

>> No.4270853


>You must not drive much

DUDE...I'm merican, I drive to the end of my driveway to pick up the mail. Why the hell would anyone come here just to plug up their arteries on shit fast food when you can get the same low grade swill all over the world.

>> No.4270854

Nah, the double double is what they call the In-N-Out Double cheeseburger.

>> No.4270858


Oh, we drive all the time. It's just that you don't have to stop at McStanky's at the side of the road, choose to eat at non-franchise restaurants instead. It's part of the fun of the trip--instead of eating the same 'ol fast food every time, you try out the local specialties.

>> No.4270860



screw that, most local restaurants all over the country have a lunch specials for 4.99/5.99/6.99 that come with bread, soup and salad.

>> No.4270865

>Five Guys

Yeah have fun spending 12$+ on a burger and fries

What other places do you even suggest?

6.79 with fries and a small drink

The problem with those establishments is that they come few in between. Not only that but the stuff they manage to make is not very good or bland.

>> No.4270866
File: 33 KB, 500x375, 20100313burgervilleburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think Burgerville is the best big chain fast food burger, can't beat delicious northwest grown ingredients. It's not flashy but it's just simple quality that no other fast food burger replicates.

this, my experience is the restaurant scene in NY is pretty bleak though there is a lot of good stuff in the city.

>> No.4270878

Any meal in NY is going to be 10+ dollars.

>> No.4270882


> few in between

There are over one billion strip malls in merica' and 80% of them house independent restaurants, are you blind? All you need to do is look for cars in the parking lot at peak hours. If other faggits are eating there it's probably ok, if there's no one there...move on to the next.

>> No.4270894

Why would anybody live in NY is beyond me and the prices are ridiculous for what you pay for.

Several strip malls in my area and all they have are fast food chains and the occasional Asian restaurant.

>> No.4270898

I live here because I have to to study with the best teacher of my instrument on the planet. It's kind of a shit hole compared to where I come from though

>> No.4270899


I call bullshit you have no indipendant restaurants around. What city are you near? Use google.

>> No.4270902

Stop with the "merrica".
It makes you look stupid.

Also, it's "Faggots" not "Faggits".

>> No.4270906

>best teacher of my instrument on the planet


>> No.4270915


>doesn't realize spelling it correctly is a b&

see you in three days

>> No.4270917

Even then the entire state is a shit hole with not going for it besides high prices and minorities

>> No.4270922

Several hundred locations but they are mostly fast food joints with the occasional asian restaurants. The other ethnic restaurants are just not worth cost of spending 14$+ on a meal.

>> No.4270927

Not sure I see the problem, but I am just a music major.

Except the whole arts scene and the fact that it houses some of the best schools in the country (especially for music).

>> No.4270932

>just not worth cost of spending 14

do you even groupon?

>> No.4270933


So you've eaten at all of these restaurants, know the prices of every one of them, and also have eaten at every one and therefore know that they are all not worth the money, and not a single one of them is any good?


You simply have a narrow comfort zone and don't want to try anything new.

>> No.4270940

>arts scene

This is 2013? You can find art scenes all over the world from one click of the mouse. Not only that but the internet has made it accessible to local meetups. NY used to be famous for the things you have mention.

>best schools in the country (especially for music).

No? Most of the the people that come out of these prestigious schools come out as nobody's with debt. Better to do the stuff at home since the internet has everything including tutorials and advice. Sorry but the whole cultural phenomenon that NY was once known for does not apply anymore.

>> No.4270976


On small scale restaurants? You high?

>> No.4270982


NO, they do lots of local joints around me but I you want more specific regional deals, double take deals is the same thing just more local.

>> No.4270990

Sorry, I mean specifically the music scene. Avery Fisher hall sucks dick but the NY Phil is one of the best in the country, and outstanding orhestras from around the world regularly come to the city. If you want to audition for anything major there are always auditions in New York. Plus the new music scene is really hot in NY still and there's tons of concerts of all types readily available. There is no other comparable city in the US. Sorry, but you're just wrong.

>No? Most of the the people that come out of these prestigious schools come out as nobody's with debt. Better to do the stuff at home since the internet has everything including tutorials and advice. Sorry but the whole cultural phenomenon that NY was once known for does not apply anymore.

>implying you have any idea how the classical music world works

good luck getting an audition without a big name on your resume, much less winning one without years of practice under the tutelage of an outstanding teacher, and there's a huge congregation of them in NY. There are other good music schools around the country, sure, but NY has some of the best as I said.

also yes most people come out as nobody's with debt and skills, which is better than being a nobody with no skills.

>> No.4270995

So let me get this straight you want me to spend hundreds just find a suitable place to eat. Even though I can always ask friends specific questions or look through reviews. Even though the establishments are just more burger joints or some risque area. Not only that but the high chance of having food poisoning because these places have little to no oversight when it comes to quality control. Do you know why restaurants have a huge failure rate? They do not have appetizing atmosphere which is very important.

>> No.4271028

OP proclaims these are the best burgers in Merica while only going to chain restaurants. Why should anybody take his opinion seriously?

>> No.4271033

Not the small restaurants in my area and that only specials that they have are the ones for lunch.


Not even that

>> No.4271043

Best fast food chain burgers, you fucking retard

>> No.4271053
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>> No.4271055

You can find new music scenes through the internet .

> audition for anything major

When the entire orchestra industry is taking pay cuts?

>Plus the new music scene

Internet meaning international network

>concerts of all types readily available

They also travel around the country

>comparable city in the US

Who said anything about a particular city? The internet has absolutely everything.

>getting an audition

Too what exactly? No mention of specifics.

>tutelage of an outstanding teacher

The internet has lots of teachers and flavors too choose from.

>good music schools

2013 the internet has made it possible to close these gaps when it came to specific scenes.

>> No.4271101

>If other faggits are eating there it's probably ok
i guess mcdonalds is the best restaurant in the country then

>> No.4271111

this is getting way off topic

>implying listening to music through a computer is an appropriate substitute for live music

>When the entire orchestra industry is taking pay cuts?

Mostly do to bad management, good music will never die. Lots of orchestras still hire, and I don't mind if end up only making 45k a year instead of 60k.

>They also travel around the country
somewhat, but not to the level they do to NYC. There are some other hubs but I've gotten to see Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago, London, and others all in NYC and no other city has that.

>Too what exactly? No mention of specifics.
Summer orchestra festivals, many jobs, artist management companies, etc. If you want a list of specifics its gonna be super fucking long. Where I used to live I had to travel 16 hours by car to get to San Francisco for comparable opportunities.

>The internet has lots of teachers and flavors too choose from.

You just don't understand the amount of skill classical music involves, an internet teacher talking to a wide audience is useless compared to one on one work with a real professional who can help you with your instrument, with your sound, with interpretation, and fixing everything you specifically do wrong.

>2013 the internet has made it possible to close these gaps when it came to specific scenes.
The internet is no substitute for being in a real community at a good school, with orchestral experience and chamber music and having like minded peers.

I promise you that 0% of people who only study instruments at home through the internet will ever have a career in classical music. Maybe they will do okay in something easier like pop or jazz, but never classical.

>> No.4271135

>computer is an appropriate substitute for live music

Depends on the sound setup because having the right audio card and headphones/speakers.

>Mostly do to bad management

Not when they are expected to take pay cuts because the industry is not the same anymore. Several decades ago someone would have to physically move to listen to new music.

> orchestra

They are the ones that are most affected by the transition of analog to digital music. Even then with the pay cuts involved or even living in NY which has high living cost.

>no substitute for being in a real community

When you have community forums?

>career in classical music

No such thing with only a few people even being able to make a living out of it. The high snob society that NY used to be known for is not the same.

>> No.4271151
File: 29 KB, 619x720, zoidbergF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look DELICIOUS!

>> No.4271227

Lol I do love some whataburger, there is about 300 ft from where I live.

>> No.4271231

You must live in or near texas.

>> No.4271235


No, I don't want you to spend hundreds. I'm calling you out on your bullshit. I don't believe for an instant that there are "no good restaurants" in your area. I know this to be true because there's no way that you could possibly have eaten at all of them. Therefore we know you're full of shit when you say that none of them are any good. You have no idea because you've never been there.

some risque area? who cares? little hole-in-the-wall places are often some of the best places to go. little to no oversight for food quality? all restaurants are inspected by the health department of your city. Your McDonald's falls under the same laws as Juan's taco shack.

Admit it: in reality there are plenty of options for you try out on your road trips that aren't fast food chains. You're just too much of a pussy to try them so you keep making up excuses why you can't. for example:

>They do not have appetizing atmosphere which is very important.

1) As opposed to your precious fast food chains? Wow, the McDonalds in your area must be really nice to have such good atmosphere.

2) Are you trying to say that you've been to ALL of those restaurants and that ALL of them have bad atmosphere? Bullshit. You have no clue what you're talking about...more excuses and more BS....

>> No.4271259

Nice picks OP, are you from the south? Whataburger is always a good place to go and definitely has one of the better fast food burgers. Freddy's food is good but it has the highest price to amount of food ratio of any fast food place I've ever been to.

>> No.4271275

Not murrican, but you didn't come across a grill'd? How about a hungry jacks (burger king?).

>> No.4271278
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>> No.4271281

>burger king

>> No.4271282

>I don't want you to spend hundreds

How can someone know the tastes of individual food items on the menu without buying it?

>estaurants are inspected by the health department

Depends on the area since health inspectors have different standards. NY would be a perfect example of lots of shitty restaurants in a densely populated area. Shut down? Nope

>McDonald's falls under the same laws as Juan's taco shack

Mcdonalds knows the the importance of having a final product that meets standards. Every couple of weeks the entire facility in that mcdonalds is power washed.

> road trips that aren't fast food chains.

Taking the risks of having food poisoning while riding a motorcycle? Hell no only some small snacks here and there but nothing big. I made the mistake several times with these establishments. They are not required to keep the same upkeep like they do in large chains.

>As opposed to your precious fast food chains?

Sanitary, have you been to these places? They have all sorts of animal feces in the back and having family members in the industry telling me what happens behind closed doors.

>them have bad atmosphere

Nope, I never made those sort of generalizations but what I have experienced in the past with discomforts.

>You have no clue what you're talking about

I do exactly and the only thing you have been doing is insulting. Tell me kind anon what do these places offer more ?

>> No.4271290

am I mistaken?

>> No.4271375

Yeah like those diners with their delicious Sysco foods.

4000 miles and you never hit a fucking Culver's? Good heavens, man.