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File: 519 KB, 1280x1024, coffee-beans1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4264117 No.4264117 [Reply] [Original]

I want EVERYONES opinion on coffee, from coffee so strong it stands on its own, to coffee so weak its confused for tea. What's your preference, philosophy, brewing style, etc...

>> No.4264126

I like strong Kona coffee, brewed in a french press. I only drink it black.
The only time I use sweetener is for iced coffee.

>> No.4264131


My philosophy is twofold. First, there's caffeine. I want a clean caffeine high. Then there's taste, I want a deep, rich, chocolaty taste.

For those reasons, I choose medium-roast Sumatra Mandheling beans.

Then there's extraction. In my opinion, the best, most convenient form of extraction is the piston coffee maker. You let the ground beans steep, push the plunger, and there's your coffee.

Being on a diet, the beans having been discontinued by the local roasting company, and not really liking other kinds of coffee. I take caffeine pills.

>> No.4264141

This is OhPee, I'll be using this name for i.d. purposes.
I prefer espresso, although due to financial isssues I can't really get my mitts on anything better than Folger's for my machine. I take it as the winds blow, from straight black to sweet with cream, coffee is a treasure. Though I love stiff black with a tsp of sugar

>> No.4264365

My philosophy on coffee can be summed thusly: Coffee should be like scotch, only stronger.

>> No.4264367

I like it black and I like it strong

>> No.4264376


I like strong coffee with milk and enough sugar to rot my teeth.

>> No.4264408

I don't see the point. I wake up just fine without a drug.

However, I go to sleep better with alc.

>> No.4264419

coffee is usually too acrid or bitter for me. sometimes too acrid and too bitter.

i understand this is probably more indicative of shitty coffee than of coffee as a whole, but i will stick with tea.

>> No.4264436

I like my coffee like how I like my women. Black. Bitter. And fair trade.

>> No.4264446
File: 976 KB, 1360x768, eddie izzard plastic cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my coffee like I like my women: in a plastic cup.

Also acceptible:
1) I don't want a cup of coffee from you; you're covered in bees!
2) I like my coffee like I like my women: covered in bees.
3) Yes, I like my coffee hot and strong. Like I like my women: hot... and... strong? With a spoon in them!

>> No.4264450


That British tranny isn't funny

>> No.4264452

Stains your teeth, you don't have enough time in the morning to make it, it's linked to a number of beneficial side effects if you drink a cup every once in a while. I drink my coffee weak, because my guts are rather sensitive when it comes to caffeine. Feels like I've been punched in the stomach after a cup or three.

http://store.dazbog.com/sumatra-mandheling-12-oz-bag.html I've got a bag of this at the moment as it turns out. Now when I get into work and try to sip the stuff that comes out of the coffee maker I have to fight the urge to grimace.

>> No.4264453


>> No.4264454


He doesn't even make a good woman either, he just looks like a weird man

>> No.4265471

So far, my preference is strong dark roasted Aeropressed coffee. It has a wine-like consistency when it's strong enough.

Some day, I would like to brew with a moka pot and an actual espresso machine. Just for the experience.

>> No.4265602


if its not mexican cofee, then its shit

>> No.4265614
File: 85 KB, 800x600, Bustelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always this
I dont care where your beans come from, if they're harvested from some rodent's shit or carried on the backs of poor farmers, if it isn't Bustelo and you aren't making it in a pot or a moka pot you're doing it wrong

>> No.4265615

i like 4 shots of espresso in cold water so i can drink it real fast

>> No.4265634

I think the best coffee I ever had was Pura Vida Sumatra. It's listed as very dark, but it's not like choke-you-to-death dark French roast or anything. They said it had the earthy taste of the mountains it is grown in, and damn if they weren't right! VERY unique.

Just looked at their website-- it's not clear to me if they sell to the public anymore. :(

>> No.4265642

black folgers. i dont give a fuck.

>> No.4265646


If you are not hispanic, drinking that shit makes you automatically curly moustach unicycle riding sleeve tattoo hipster shit.

>> No.4265667

So not very good coffee brewed badly.

>> No.4265686
File: 64 KB, 409x405, doing it wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4265713

I make an unbelievable turkish coffee with a blowtorch.

>> No.4265813

I like a vienna roast, not sure on the blend, made in a french press or a moka pot depending on my mood. If I'm at a cafe, my order is usually two shots of espresso, run a little blonde, with a splash of hot water and two or three packets of sugar in the raw.

>> No.4265815

I guess the old German woman next door is a hipster. I see Bustelo in her recycling on Tuesdays.

>> No.4265828
File: 98 KB, 408x520, 110468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>k cups

Every time I see this, I imagine a device for collecting menstrual discharge. Every single time. Pic not very closely related

>> No.4265826

Colombian Keurig k-cups with enough sugar to induce diabetes. I'm not picky.

>> No.4265833


>device for collecting menstrual discharge

You mean panties?

>> No.4265835

Yeah, they remind me of that too. The coffee from it isn't bad and it's good when you need something quick. I personally love the taste of coffee so I drink it black and I prefer a dark roast.

>> No.4265844

I have a hand grinder for coffee, and order a dark whole bean online. In the morning coffee gets ground and put either into a french press or a Vietnamese coffee drip brewer. I take it black, no sugar.
I like good flavored coffee, but without any sugar or cream. Coffee must always be strong and high quality bean!

>> No.4265850

Everyones opinion? Ok here's mine, coffee is shit, closely followed by tea.

>> No.4265905
File: 228 KB, 1024x921, Plebeian Brand_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, this is just for you.