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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4262833 No.4262833 [Reply] [Original]

What's for dinner, /ck/? I had an early dinner today; a po' boy with roast beef, gravy, french fries and cheddar cheese. I never had fries on a sandwich before and it was a little... dense is a good word, I guess. Was better than is looked.

>> No.4262843

Two bottles of wine and a hockey game. I never get hungry when I get drunk on wine or hard liquor. If I was drinking beer, I'd order a large pizza with everything by the end of the night.

>> No.4262858

About to start cooking a batch of deer stew. I've made this recipe with beef before, but this will be my first time trying it with deer. Hope it turns out alright.

>> No.4262871
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Cubed, sauteed chicken in a Marsala reduction over seasoned brown rice with a summer vegetable blend (the last was sadly frozen, but you know, it's winter).

>> No.4262874

That chicken looks tasty.

>> No.4262879

thanks... and it only took 20 mintues.

>> No.4262889

I've had that before. its sooo good but after I eat it, my stomach feels like a vat of putrid bile.
Anyway, just ate my fav spicy dish that i just posted on here a little while ago
Rotini noodles w/ stir fry chicken and veg (caramelized red bell / green peppers, baby corn, water chestnuts, and onion) with extra Szechuan Extra Spicy Stir Fry sauce topped off with diced red Serrano chili pepper.

>> No.4262909

I would be shitting fire, I can't handle spicy food anymore.

>> No.4262917

lol, a lot of the people I know hate anything hotter than a 3 day old jalapeno. I on the other hand can now eat a naga pepper once every other day. They actually have a really good taste to them before the heat kicks in

>> No.4262936

Crab Rangoons, Spring Rolls, and Hot and Sour Soup from the Chinese place a couple blocks from where I live.

>> No.4262971

Grilled chicken breast with Frank's and potato salad.

>> No.4263007

Clam chowder.

>> No.4263022
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I made a juicy lucy. It was a goddamn mess to eat, but pretty damn tasty.

>> No.4263032
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Honey Garlic BBQ Chicken with roasted potatoes and spinach.

Wish I made more.

>> No.4263051

that looks amazing. One thing you did wrong, too much ketchup. Another tip. it sounds really weird but you can use strawberry/blackberry jam instead of ketchup. It tastes soooo good

>> No.4263058

oh and one more thing, if you baste the bun in olive oil and throw it in the oven/ top rack of the grill, it adds so much flavor, its unbelievable.

>> No.4263073

It's not ketchup. It's a tomato-jalapeno sauce I made myself. It doesn't taste quite as strongly as ketchup, so I needed a bit more. I will, however, try basting the bun next time. Sounds good.

>> No.4263093

my apologies, from the pic, it looked like ketchup. that sauce combo sounds really good, but yeah the basting the bun in olive oil does wonders to the flavor of the whole burger
to do that
Oven: put each piece on baking sheet with a layer of tin foil, heat at 400 F for 5 minutes on each side
Grill top rack: throw it right on, over the beef patties while they are cooking for 3 minutes on each side, this lets the fire from the dripping juices cook it right

>> No.4263154

That sounds good, but your sauce is a little thin.

>> No.4263166
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A few sprays of warheads and some beer chasers and I'm ok.

>> No.4263176

Yeah. I used too much of my stock. I thought it would cook down more.

>> No.4263261 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 400x300, tacobell_taco_party_pack_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As many Taco Bell tacos as I can. I'm having a party of one.

>> No.4263265
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As many Taco Bell tacos as I can. I'm having a party of one.

>> No.4263307
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>> No.4263310
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I was hungry as hell. I ordered a party pack of locos supreme. I ate six and could barely move for the rest of the day.

>> No.4263407

I could probably do 9 or 10 before I'd topple over and end up in a food coma.

>> No.4263425

yep, they used to have the $10/10 tacos and I used to devour all 10 in one sitting at least once a week, then I started working out again

>> No.4263452

>better than it looked
I don't think that's possible

>> No.4263485
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Dutch oven hens with squash and onions

>> No.4263487

yum i love chip butty (as it's know in aus and nz), i like em with fresh white bread, butter and totato sauce

>> No.4263496

are those like cornish game hens?

>> No.4263501

That they are friend, fist time having them, very good

>> No.4263587

>fist time


>> No.4263629


u seriously ate all those tacos to yourself? u most feel like death about now.

>> No.4263636

you've never had a typo, astonishing, i'm going to fist you

>> No.4263639
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Cornish game hen in pooper nao!

>> No.4263661

I lol'd.

>> No.4263734
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This is what my wife made for us today, had a nice long horseback ride, and even though a truck almost got me killed, it certainly hit the spot. Its thin sliced chicken, white wine, capers, mushrooms, artichoke, lemon juice ,and of course, butter. This all cost us 2.74 for the chicken, 1.58 for the hearts, and the rest we just had laying around. And with all the chicken left over, this can be made in the future. Maybe... 5.50 per plate?

>> No.4263742
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My first fisting.

>> No.4263750
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forgot to mention garlic, its a staple so i rarely remember to put it in, little brighter

>> No.4263765

i was planning to eat out cause im still at work. checked the menu online and got butthurt at how much more expensive the shit was than i thought.

so im just gonna go home and probably fuck around with some eggs and shit.

>> No.4263785
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>Eggs and Shit

>> No.4263792


not kidding, man. i only got eggs at my house cause i ate my entire weeks supply of groceries and grocery shopping day is tomorrow.

i have cereal but yeah. im fucked.

>> No.4263796

Hm, got anything else? The wife may know of something

>> No.4263804


nah i dont-- just seasonings and shit, which i'll play around with. its no biggie and thanks for the offer.

>> No.4263808

Do you have milk and butter?

You could make a really basic souffle.

>> No.4263816

Bread, mayo and a bit of brown mustard and you have egg salad sandwiches

>> No.4263826

I want to fuck that sandwich.

>> No.4263854

why would you ever want to? Its not even a correctly done poboy. I live in louisiana, those things are called "Trash Can Sandwitches"

>> No.4263858

Because it's delicious.

>> No.4263863

nigga they put french fries in a goddamn sandwitch, put the FORK AND KNIFE DOWN SIR

>> No.4263889
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>pic related

>> No.4263945

Those are some manly chunks of beef. Are you a manly man, Anon?

>> No.4263949

Of course

>> No.4263970

>thinks corpse chunks=manly

>> No.4263977

Nothing is manlier than a big hunk of meat.

>> No.4263982

-Penne with cream sause, radichio and parmesan cheese
-shrimp fra diavolo
-panna cotaa

it was meh.

>> No.4264001

lel vegan faggot can't out of closet

>> No.4264024

That actually looks and sounds delicious. Good job.

>> No.4264081

Chicken fried chicken with cream gravy and green beans.

>> No.4264128

I just had a late meal of pork strips in onions and worcestershire sauce, chessy green beans with mushroom sauce, and chili beans. coca cola to drink.

decent bachelor food. very cheap.

>> No.4264150

The wife can cook

>> No.4264525
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>> No.4264649

That looks great. Where are the röstzwiebeln, though?

>> No.4264677
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Let's continue with breakfast! Had some lovely red velvet banana pancakes this morning

>> No.4264692

... why?

>> No.4264695
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they were there, but turned out a little to dark so i spared the picture

>> No.4264736

Ziet er goed uit

>> No.4264741
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>> No.4264764

>had some dye

>> No.4264779

nope beetroot

>> No.4265597


>> No.4265618
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>have a cold
>open chicken soup
>add extra chicken
>add fresh spinach
>heat, stir, serve in snowman mug
>sure to be cured now :)

>> No.4265635

you surely will, elixer of the gods

>> No.4265644

OP, we had a restaurant in my town for a while, made sandwiches like that.

Was amazing. Any traditional fast food thing you could think of, you could get them to put on your sandwich.

Cheese curds, burgers, fries (came on every sandwich), chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, etc.

They went out of business, sadly, because the only time most people would go would be when they were drunk off their ass.

>> No.4265754

Needs some hot sauce to clear your sinuses.

>> No.4265773
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Naw man, try this stuff out for sinus clearing...
Gold's Horseradish, or Coleman's Mustard, or combine the fuckers.

If that doesn't clear your sinuses then you need to see a specialst doctor.

>> No.4265775

Beef liver and onions with some buttered rolls. 2 bottles of Grolsch. Carrot cake for dessert

>> No.4265787


Make an omelette then. Obviously. Season it with what you have.

>> No.4265802
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pic related.

>> No.4265888

What are you doing with them?

>> No.4265918

Made myself a chicken wrap, cooked some pre cut up chicken strips, used some shreded lettuces and put a slice of cheddar in a tortilla. I am new to cooking so a good first step. Thinking about marinading the chicken next time.

>> No.4265920

I stirred a bell pepper, an onion and some fennels with vegetable oil, a ton of pepper, a teaspoon of some home made hot sauce and a tiny bit of worchester and soy sauce; while stirring I added some leftover eggwhites from earlier today (about half a cup).

Dunno why but I feel sick right now, after hours I feel like everything its still on my stomach

>> No.4265930 [DELETED] 

Well I was going make some turkey Tacos not hungry, But I should eat something today So going make a grilled chicken

>> No.4265934

Well I was going make some turkey Tacos but I'm not not hungry, But I should eat something today So going make a grilled cheeses

>> No.4265989

sear them in pan. Sauté some green onions, garlic and peppers. cook the whole thing on med heat for 15 min. Serve with rice.

>> No.4266078
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Very nice Hawaiian sushi roll!
Also, is the picture floating around real?
Is Our Mootykins married with a new babby?

>> No.4266087
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Please refrain from suggesting that hawaiian sushi roll is real sushi when posting on /ck/.

>> No.4266090

5 taco bell chicken quesadillas and 2 40s of Mickey's.

>> No.4266097

What should I call it instead?

>> No.4266112

He posts similar crap in every sushi thread. He likes to pretend raw fish and rice is special somehow.

>> No.4266160

>Also, is the picture floating around real?
What picture?

>> No.4266182
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OP, I love f.f. poboys, I haven't had one since I lived in New Orleans. Yours looks great!
I am trying to eat real/traditional foods diet. So I made burritos with some sprouted grain tortillas. I sauteed onions, sweet peppers, and finely diced potatoes in some coconut oil. I added some ground deer meat and browned it and then added cumin, fresh oregano, chili powder,granulated garlic, sucanat, sea salt, paprika, and 1/4 cup f broth. Simmered it down nicely and mixed in some cheese and some greek yogurt (I was out of sour creme) and rolled it up and grilled it to make it nice and browned on the outside.
pic related: I used the same filling for the empanada on the left.

>> No.4266188

I didn't save it because I didn't want to believe, but it was in r9k recently. It shows a pretty blonde lady holding a shiny red babby, a handsomefaced big jawed guy with a mole that Moot didn't have before, and facebook comments about mole and babby underneath that are supposed to have come from his account.

>> No.4266198

Lobster, ribs and fried shrimp with corn on the cob, brussel sprouts and salad.

The lobster wasn't really fresh so that was disappointing (and also the reason it was cheap) but the ribs and shrimp were delicious.