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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 194x259, bacongrease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4253033 No.4253033 [Reply] [Original]

The best kept secret in my kitchen? Bacon grease. I store it in a jar in the fridge and use it like butter. Better eggs, better vegetables. It enhances chicken and beef, lamb and pork.

So let me ask, why don't you keep your bacon grease ck?

>> No.4253036

bcuz i eat out 90% of the time

>> No.4253037

i keep it in my arteries

>> No.4253038
File: 23 KB, 400x300, lolwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y u no cook?

>> No.4253039

because I want to see my thirties.

>> No.4253040

It's just as healthy as vegetable oil or butter.

>> No.4253042

Actually you use a lot less than you would butter.

>> No.4253047

I don't eat bacon often, I don't even think I have had any in over a year.

>> No.4253051

oh ok if you say so anon!!

>> No.4253052

I do at times but I often find that when I want that flavor I am usually cooking bacon for a dish at the same time so I just use a tiny left over amount of the fresh grease.

On storage: just make sure to filter out the little bits. if you do bacon grease keeps for a long long long time.

>> No.4253053

what, you think it has 'special' powers?

>> No.4253054

i gotta stock my fridge and cupboards for sandwiches and burritos cus thats what ilike haha plus i'm not good at cooking awesome like most ppl

>> No.4253055

Because it's too overpowering. If I need bacon grease, I'll just cook a bit of bacon.

Otherwise I don't use it to cook, because I want things to taste like something besides bacon.

>> No.4253059

Why would you do that? The flavor bits are the best part. No oxygen gets in there so it's not going to go rancid.

It's fine. It's like kimchi, leave it in your fridge and rediscover something great the next year.

I think bacon grease has an undeserved bad rap.

>> No.4253061

It doesn't taste like bacon exactly. It's just better. I fry up my eggs in a basket with the stuff and it is awesome.

>> No.4253066

You know how I learned to cook? I went on recipe.com and picked something I liked. I made myself cook something every month and pretty soon I was winging it on my own.

>> No.4253070

Oh, my dad used to do that. He'd use it for stews, heavy soups, chili, but only a little at a time, and only sometimes.

>> No.4253083

I agree it will not go rancid very fast but it can if you are storing it for any amount of time. Plus when I keep small amounts I don't keep it in the fridge. So being overly safe I filter. When I use it to cook eggs when fresh I, of course, keep the tasty bits.

>> No.4253098

i value the grease more than the actual bacon, someone should sell it in jars

>> No.4253100

cuz it's disgusting to save shit like that and i'm vegetarian.

>> No.4253106

die in a bbq veggie freak

>> No.4253109

I feel the same way, love the stuff. Just made a grilled cheese this way, delicious beyond belief.

>> No.4253110

>it's disgusting
what other perfectly edible byproducts do you throw out on a regular basis?

>> No.4253111

My family has always cooked with bacon grease; shit's straight-up magical for sauteeing eggs and vegetables.

>> No.4253112

I prefer coconut oil.

>> No.4253113


i think it's odd that i don't give a fuck about whether or not people eat meat, but a lot of people who eat meat seem to really care that i'm a vegetarian.

why do you care if i don't eat meat? just think of it like now there's more for you.

>> No.4253114
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>> No.4253119


i could wrap my head around using it fresh like making bacon before eggs, or throwing pancakes into the grease after, or grilled cheese whatever... but the idea of saving oil or grease etc. and re-using it just makes me sick if it's not immediate.

so i suppose it depends on what you mean by perfectly edible by-products.

>> No.4253124

he probably gave a fuck about whether you eat meat because you came in and declared it in a thread whose premise implicitly assumed meat consumption. this comes off as cheeky and obtrusive.

>> No.4253159

pancakes cooked like this are beyond amazing

>> No.4253163

If you're worried about that, then just freeze it instead. It thaws very quickly; you can take the jar out of the freezer when you're prepping your stuff to fry, dig a few tablespoons out (it'll probably have the consistency of very hard ice cream at this point) into your pan and then put the grease back in the freezer.

>> No.4253164

Op here, when I cook for guests and even family I never tell them about using bacon grease.

Simply because of the stigma. But they all rave about the simple foods like it's something special ^_^

>> No.4253169
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my grandparents grew up in the depression and lived very frugal for the rest of their lives
>they would put the left over bacon grase in a tin can on top of the stove and plan to use it later
>the can just sat there, collecting dust
>there was always a thick layer of dust
>it was gross
>they used it occasionally
>it was never refrigerated

this is why, op
pic fucking related

>> No.4253173

My parents put it in old small coffee can with a lid under the sink. I still use it to cook.

To be honest, you don't have to refrigerate or freeze it. Just put a lid on it and leave it out.

Do you refrigerate vegetable oil? Of course not.

>> No.4253174


the colour and texture and the idea that it's old are all completely disgusting to me. i can't even eat leftovers if it's been more than a day.

>> No.4253178

Oh wow. Hopefully you grow out of that.

>> No.4253200


i'm 26 so i doubt it.

>> No.4253203

Why use butter or veggie oil to cook with?

Tell me what is good about either

>> No.4253216


i pretty much only use olive oil or coconut oil (sometimes sesame oil for something asian) ...i don't eat butter, i'm not vegan i just don't eat it/think it's gross.

>> No.4253220

I'm guessing you don't eat bacon on a regular basis.

>> No.4253227

Never have bacon grease to spare, if we fry bacon, eggs or w.e else we're having goes straight after.

We do have a oil fry canister though, put oil we have left over from deep frying, changes the taste alot having fried fish to potato in it.

Slightly jelly of you anon

>> No.4253231

Because I cook my eggs in the pan after cooking bacon to soak up all the grease

>> No.4253233

All of it? I usually poor most of it off and cook the eggs with the rest. This is how I have built up such a store.

>> No.4253238


>> No.4253240

lol wut

>> No.4253244


>> No.4253248
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>> No.4253256


>> No.4253266

Did australia just get home from school or

>> No.4253281
File: 19 KB, 642x464, reaccklol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I really don't like bacon. So much salt so much grease, I want to see my thirties.

>> No.4253291

Because goose fat is better you disgusting fat fuck.

>> No.4253310

Because Jew.

>> No.4253324

burden of proof nigga!

>> No.4253325

So I have a decent amount of this saved up, about a cup. Would I be right in thinking that the fat that is left is the same thing as lard?

>> No.4253326

but with a lower smoke point, especially compared to wet rendered lard.

>> No.4253328
File: 105 KB, 403x498, 1359485699763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude what the fuck, why wouldn't you strain the baconbits out?

>> No.4253329

Well, what I was considering using it for is making tortillas, as I have been assured that the only way to make them is with lard.

>> No.4253330

it should work fine, but they'll probably retain some of the bacon flavor

>> No.4253336

My friend puts it in his refried beans. It's good like that. He's from Montana.

>> No.4253337

Oh sweet jesus, that sounds delicious! I'll have to try that!

>> No.4253340

I prefer my eggs cooked in butter and my vegetables dipped in olive oil. Pork fat makes me feel great (especially in the morning), but I don't really don't use it all that often. I usually cook sausage and throw out the grease.

By the way, not sure why everyone thinks pork fat is so unhealthy. I feel so much better in the morning after eating bacon/sausage and eggs compared to eating cereal, yogurt, and orange juice or any other typical breakfast. Keeps me satisfied for a long time and puts me in a better mood before I even get started with my day.

>> No.4253347

Because duck and goose fat is better

>> No.4253352


nah i'm vegetarian...and when i did eat meat i'd only eat bacon if it was burnt and i had to pick it apart even then...too many fatty pieces.

>> No.4253360

Speaking of kosher... Just because you arent supposed to cook a kid in its mother's milk, why is that applied generally to no meat/dairy combinations?

>> No.4253369

>sauteeing eggs

>> No.4253373

its called scrambled

>> No.4253378
File: 108 KB, 1181x897, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sauteeing your eggs

>> No.4253379

That's what I thought though... Who calls scrambled eggs sauteed eggs?

>> No.4253396

>eating bacon on a regualrly enough to cache the grease


bacon should be reserved for the rare heart stopper bacon egg and bbq sandwhich

>> No.4253403

I dont even know what the big fucking deal is.

Everyone goes batshit crazy about bacon, obsessing over even the word itself. It seems like it's all hype.

Bacon isnt that good. I can enjoy it every once and a while, but it generally is an inferior breakfast meat. It is too salty, almost always either burned or flimsy, laden with fat, and unsubstantial.

>> No.4253404

>still believing fat is bad for you

You can eat bacon daily in moderation.

>> No.4253406

>in moderation

choose one

>> No.4253407

Honestly when I eat bacon it's usually for breakfast and I use the same pan with the bacon fat in it for the eggs afterwards. I always just use the fresh fat for the rest of the meal, I don't just make bacon as a snack so I don't get the chance to collect the grease..

>> No.4253410

A slice of bacon a day isn't bad for you. The FDA is an agency hell bent on giving us diabetes.

>> No.4253412

Thats kind of my point, one slice of bacon is 1 oz when raw, probably about .4 oz when cooked.

At that point there are many other breakfast-type meats or proteins that are the better option

>> No.4253413

Sure, but the hysteria about animal fat has got out of hand IMO. Humans evolved eating animals and naturally we are very good at processing it... if we stay in good physical condition.

>> No.4253418

the fat doesnt concern me. the amount of fat compared to the amount of meat, and the overall cholesterol concerns me

>> No.4253423

That's where the exercise come in.

>> No.4253426

>cereal, OJ, yogurt
daahbeetus everywhere, juice and grain are the worst thing to eat in the morning because they completely fuck over your insulin and blood sugar levels for the rest of the day

>> No.4253429

>dietary cholesterol
you could eat it pure and it wouldnt affect your blood levels, its trans fats and the other things your liver turns into cholesterol you need to worry about

>> No.4253464

I did this briefly, but I was nervous that it would go rancid. How long do you keep it?

>> No.4253471

A week or so in the fridge. You can smell when it's turned.

>> No.4253472

>A slice of bacon a day isn't bad for you.
who eats just one fucking slice of bacon a day? retarded.

only 70% of the population are non-responders, so you're giving out potentially dangerous advice here.

>Humans evolved eating animals
we may have evolved eating animals, but our predecessors evolved for much much longer eating plans.

>> No.4253475

Get out of here vegetarian scum.

>> No.4253479

i'm a proud omnivore.

>> No.4253485

cholesterol cannot be turned in cholesterol. Your body is incapable of doing this.

>> No.4253489

Cholesterol is absorbed in the gut.

>> No.4253493

whether or not we can absorb it doesnt matter, its blood sugar levels that lead to problems like blocked arteries and heart conditions, cholesterol itself is very important to the body as its what many cells are made of

>> No.4253495

that's bullshit. It is broken down to simpler lipids.

>> No.4253501

Because since I don't exercise during the winter (middle of nowhere, snow everywhere), so I cut out bacon until it's safe for me to go outside again.

>> No.4253503

High LDL cholesterol levels are linked with heart disease. This is very well established. You can find dozens of scientific researches to back this claim up. Eating cholesterol raises LDL.

Of course it's important to the body, that's why we have means to produce all we need.

Right, that's why things like cholesterol absorption inhibitors are a thing, right? It's true not all of the cholesterol is absorbed, and indeed dietary cholesterol is only a fraction of total cholesterol levels (15-20% I think) but it's still absorbed. In some people moreso than others, as well.

Anyway I'm sick of all these bro-scientists and paleo-fags trying to act like they know shit about nutrition when they read a few blogs, or worse, what some fag on 4chan said. /fit/ pls go

>> No.4253504

No, you need the fat to help you stay warm. See Eskimo diet.

>> No.4253508

This being said, dietary cholesterol isn't the end of the world. Keeping saturated fat intake down, eating a lot of fibre and cutting out refined/simple carbohydrates will do you a lot of good.

>> No.4253513

My house has heat in it. I don't want to buy new pants.

>> No.4253514

Here's some good advice. Do an hour long strenuous workout every day and you can pretty much eat whatever you want in moderation. Just make sure to get vegetables in.

>> No.4253517

off topic, but
I just got an elliptical machine. If I start using it, is that strenuous?

>> No.4253524

can I eat cocaine in moderation?

>> No.4253526

Whatever you want, Anonymous. And I'm pretty sure cocaine is a vegetable, so good on you.

>> No.4253570

I do save bacon render. I also buy whole chicken breast at 99¢-$1.49/lb and de-bone, de-skin and fillet boneless myself.
I render the skin for chicken render, which is almost as wonderful as bacon render, and save the ribs until I've enough for stock.

Proper use of bacon render (or lard) can result in wonderful potatoes for a Sunday roast. Par-cook the potatoes first by boiling or steaming, then sauté them in bacon render briefly atop an hob-and-oven-safe pan and finally, put them in the oven to finish. They'll be well-crisped and with good flavour.

Bacon render is also my fat of choice when cooking paprikás, gulyás and other stews.

>> No.4253574





>> No.4253636

But I do.

Love using it for fried eggs, potatoes, chicken, and pancakes. I don't use it every time I make them, and generally a small amount lasts me an extremely long time. I keep it in a little jar in the fridge.

>> No.4253661

I love you

>> No.4253711

If I collect enough, I put it in skillet with potatoes and add garlic and onions half way through... Glorious.

>> No.4253789
File: 26 KB, 431x479, 1359922509052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsaturated fat is fine. Saturated fat is, indeed, bad for you. Therefore, bacon fat is bad for you.

>> No.4253795


>Saturated fat is, indeed, bad for you

it's only saturated if you eat it directly. once you mix it with some other foods it is unsaturated, or diluted, which is what clears your arteries.

>> No.4253805

actually unsaturated fat AND saturated fat are goof for you, Polyunsaturated and Transfat are bad for you. http://lewrockwell.com/miller/miller38.1.html

>> No.4253808

I got drunk once and ate a half a jar of solid bacon grease before I realized it wasn't mayonnaise.

>> No.4253823

Wow, you really got lucky there. Mayonnaise would be fine but bacon grease...

>> No.4253848

I hate you

>> No.4253921


>> No.4253995

This nigga knows whats up

>> No.4254002

>ITT: Vegetarians who have to tell everyone that they dont eat meat, people who dont understand cholesterol, faggots treating these threads like they're commenting on facebook, and a handful of people who aren't pants-on-head retarded

>> No.4254135

I store Salmon grease. Farmed Salmons are srsly obese and salt-frying them in a pan usually result in lots of fat.

>> No.4254139

ok, i love salmon grease more than I should, but farmed salmon is some nasty shit. Wild salmon are just as rich if not moreso since they have to pile it on to make it up the river.

>> No.4254514

Yeah, ok, so boiling the grease isn't going to kill any bacteria that might be growing in it. The only sane way to east something is right after it's been harvested or thawed. Got it.

>> No.4254551

No, the frying portion kills any pretty much nonexistant bacteria which can live in a 100% oil bases environment.

>> No.4254555

actually is full of cholesterol... It tastes better when you fry anything in it, but it's not that healthy.

>> No.4254684


>> No.4254686

It's all part of the stigma that pork gets. Mostly started by the chicken lobby.

Remember people, 99% of what is said badly about any food is said by the competition ^_^

>> No.4254702

I don't eat that much bacon, but I do save the fat from making short ribs. I freeze it and cut a wedge when I need it

>> No.4254864

you can thank commodity checkoffs for this and many things like it

>> No.4254884

Because I keep a container of duck fat in my fridge instead.

>> No.4254890

how much do you guys weigh?

>> No.4254909

I'm fit as hell thanks. Op here, I play sports and walk all the time.

I have been eating bacon grease with things other than bacon since I was a kid.

>> No.4254927

Older people here (mainly in the rural areas) use pig fat to cook.

>> No.4254955

I wish I had seen this comment first.

>> No.4254963

remember how thin your grandparents were, how thin people in the 60's and 70's were?

They all cooked with bacon grease ^_^

>> No.4254977

I have no clue how that relates to my regret at not seeing the summary comment first before I read the stupidity this thread dissolved.

>> No.4255308
