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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4252288 No.4252288 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw eating "family size" meals alone

>> No.4252296
File: 2.59 MB, 3648x2736, SDC11676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries anon, I do it all the time

>> No.4252310

>dat plating.

>> No.4252316



skinny people problems

>> No.4252322


Overcooked on outside, raw on inside.

Ya blew it.

>> No.4252329

I'm scared to even ask what half that shit is.

>> No.4252337


l2reply hater

>> No.4252361

Fucker screwed up a 70 dollar prime rib and keeps posting it like hes proud of how poorly he cooked the damn thing.

Shits not cool and his plating was gay.

Did a ninety year old retired woman in florida pick out those plates?

>> No.4252369

>Did a ninety year old retired woman in florida pick out those plates

lol, YES

she was from CA, but yep she gave them to me.

>> No.4252372



Same thing.

>> No.4252378

Some sort of frozen steak that was charred on a pan. 3 pieces of onions, turnips, beets, and potato halves. Mashed sweet potatoes, prosciutto, brie, blue-cheese. I can't tell what the hell are the sauce/soup things are.

>> No.4252420
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>> No.4252432

I don't know that feel. I can barely fit down a jr. burger and fries.

>> No.4252433


it was roasted...like you guys told me to. there are four pieces of onion and celery root, two more cheeses pecorino romano and a smoked gouda. the "soups" are a horseradish cream sauce and the extra rub on the beef of garlic, gay mustard, thyme, parsley and olive oil plus cracked S+P.

>> No.4252441

be fair anon mashed sweet potatos is pretty cool.

That is some shit ass plating and preparation of prime rib though

>> No.4252443


that's disgusting is that one meal? do you eat more than that during a day?

>> No.4252448


>gay mustard



>> No.4252464

>be fair anon mashed sweet potatos is pretty cool.
Oh. Is that what that is? Mashed perderders are good, but this is not appetizing.

>> No.4252470


u forgot to point out that the potatoes look raw

>> No.4252485


ummmm, maybe...idk...sometimes. I asked for your (/ck/) help and I tried, I really tried AND I thought it was really good, tasty, succulent and balanced. but, then all the /ck/ haters basically told me that I have their favoured incurable genetic disease.

then I felt bad and ate moar.

>> No.4252499

Look on the bright side: without meaning it you successfully highjacked this thread.

Well done (get it?!?).

>> No.4252513


i'm a vegetarian so even if that was cooked properly the meat is gross to me, i'm just more appalled by the amount of food and the idea that you ate more after that.

i'm trying to imagine what you look like.

>> No.4252515
File: 197 KB, 1000x747, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No worries, so do I.

21-30 count prawns
Sauteed on steel, removed released water when cooked, finished with heavy cream and crushed garlic

18-22 ounce steak
Cold-Aged for 24 hours dried a bit with seasoning
Peanut oil coat
Was seared on iron and finished in the oven
5-10 minute resting period on elevated surface
Medium rare, no blood leakage
Pepper, kosher salt

>> No.4252516
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Do you even sweet potato? those are not HAIRS it's just the fibre in the potato. Whatever, the whole thing screams of loneliness which is perfectly represented by the onion.


>> No.4252522

Whoever told you to cook a roast for your first dish is a jerk.

>> No.4252524

Oh god it's so pink and raw I want to stick my dick in it. I'm not even sure if it's cold or warm on the inside.

>> No.4252530

Actually, no. I do not sweet potato sir.

>> No.4252538

What the fuck are those things above the meat?

>> No.4252542


that is the picture of perfection

>> No.4252545


no veg?

>> No.4252568
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Ketogenic diet.

Pic related, he got me

>> No.4252569

Is that supposed to be a lot? Are you a 5'4" tall man or something?

>> No.4252576
File: 2.60 MB, 3648x2736, SDC11680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


idk, I'm partial to the post carnage

>> No.4252682


more like a 5'1 guy... but disregarding my height it's still a lot to eat in one sitting.

it's 3 large plates of food plus two bowls filled with toppings, and large toppings. that much food could easily feed at least 2 people for one meal.

>> No.4252701

Doesn't know what prime rib looks like.

>> No.4252726


5'1 bro with a healthy appetite, I love you but, you don't understand. The bowls in the background are just for dipping or sauce on the plate. So it's really just a big hunk of meat and some healthy roasted veg. which is the basis of a good diet. At most it's far less than a average double quarter pounder meal or even single at any fast food joint,

>> No.4252750


i do understand... i understand that there's another plate with meat and cheese right next to the giant plate of meat (red meat isn't all that healthy btw...and i'm not just saying that cuz vegetarian i'm saying that cuz it isn't i don't care that people eat meat at all) plus what's in the mashed sweet potatoes? whatever in them adds up too...plus what's in the sauce?

i don't eat fast food, and let's be fair here portion sizes in most restaurants/fast food places are over-sized, but so is the dinner in the pic.

>> No.4252768


to be clear (and i wouldn't actually eat this cuz why the fuck would you have potatoes with mashed potatoes?) if i was going to eat any of that it'd be more like 1/3rd of those mashed potatoes and then the vegetables around the side of the meat plate and that's it. that's how much food i consider a meal.

>> No.4252788

>cuz vegetarian

you completely lost me after this, all I could see is this red tint in the world that I look upon and then I felt this strange boiling coming from the core of my being as the heat reached my mind or at least what was left of it; the rage came over me. YOU nancy little son of a bitch, how dare you make me like you only to turn out to be some phallic guzzling monstrosity. How in the name of gods green earth do you thing it's even OK to associate with other real humans?

>> No.4252799


if it makes you feel any better i'm totally cool with people killing/eating/wearing animals...i just don't eat meat cuz i can't deal with the veins/blood/fat aspect of it. so i gave up eating meat cuz dissecting my food for a good hour while eating it only to throw most if not all of it away was tiresome and i can't bring myself to touch it or cook it.

it's ocd not giving a fuck about animals.

>> No.4252800

>red meat isn't all that healthy btw

Live life to its fullest, people. Red meat is fucking delicious.

>> No.4252815




>> No.4252818

Dubs of truth.

>> No.4252822


i only said that in response to the whole "it's a healthy meal thing" i smoke/drink/do drugs so i don't really care what someone else wants to pick as their poison of choice.

>> No.4252847


it's too late to try to be edgy now, faggit.

>> No.4252852


too, whatever

>> No.4252853


i'm not trying to be anything, just being honest... and eh im bi so you're only half right there.

>> No.4252857

>5'1" male

You poor soul.

>> No.4252871


eh could be worse, at least i'm not fat, gay, or vegan.

>> No.4252882


wait...............this brings up an interesting point.

can/do you trap?

>> No.4252888
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>> No.4252893


i've been mistaken for a chick before cuz i'm not particularly masculine looking/have long hair but it's not exactly like i try or dress up like a chick or anything like that.

>> No.4252897


f a g g o t

>> No.4252904


are all the spaces there cuz i'm supposed to imagine you saying it real slow?

>> No.4252907
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>> No.4252910
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and if it feels good, do it, amirite?

>> No.4252908
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e m p h a s i s

>> No.4252915


just wondering.

>> No.4252920


ok..oook, everyone cool down. let's just get a glimpse of this to be sure

>> No.4252941


cuz i'm gonna start posting pics after getting called a fag for being a vegetarian? i'll pass.

>> No.4252950


p u s s y

>> No.4252955


eh think what you want. i think this thread's been derailed enough though.

>> No.4252967


vegetarian bi phags will never be man enough to eat a family size meal.

>> No.4252977

for my family, your ic is considered a single serving for a person

They are surprisingly skinny but healthy

>> No.4252994


- t...my bad.

>> No.4252991


eh that's fine, i'm happy being 112 pounds and not eating family sized meals. besides if t you judge masculinity by how much food someone can push down their face that's kinda sad don't you think?

>> No.4253016
File: 33 KB, 668x629, 1360941322193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating alone size meals with a family

>> No.4253022
File: 361 KB, 430x323, vauquelin-ditto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating families with a meal alone

>> No.4253023
File: 26 KB, 241x233, 1354440570820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating meals with an alone family

>> No.4253032

>judge masculinity
< push down their face
>kinda sad

nope and gayest post today

>> No.4253072


Hi sotha sil

>> No.4253080

That's not bad, especially if you hadn't eaten all day. Not the healthiest, but not a family sized portion.

Anyways yeah I've done that before. I'm guilted out of eating it all and decide to save some for later. There's this chinese resturaunt near me that gives you like 2 portions worth of food and I always have to take some home. Also not healthy but man it tastes great!

>> No.4253748

Good fucking god, that pic made me cringe. I love meat, but why would you do that to a perfectly nice piece? Why?!

>> No.4253749

>not saving them for multiple meals