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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4244759 No.4244759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what would a /ck/ meet up be like?

>> No.4244761

fat and rapey.

>> No.4244770

we don't do that kind of thing on this site.

>> No.4244775

I'd imagine a room full of autists, standing around shuffling their feet and staring at the floor.

A few of them would probably cluster together and discuss how superior their tastes are while they regurgitate their idiotic hipster beliefs about being a "gourmet chef" while they make fun of all the rest of the "plebs".

>> No.4244777

buncha fake ass weeabos talking about food they've never eaten.

>> No.4244778

Well done steak with ketchup for everyone.

>> No.4244784


>I'd imagine a room full of autists,

i bet a /ck/ meetup would be more successful in terms of normal socializing than any other board. people who cook love to talk about food, and we wouldn't argue as hatefully as we do here.

imagine a setup where various people could be preparing food to give away or sell, from simple nachos to anything someone is ambitious enough to try.

it would work quite well, i bet.

>> No.4244787

> vegan attention whores arguing
> neckbeard fatasses stuffing their face with meat and bragging
> autistic people pretending to know everything about food
> stoners smoking weed and eating junkfood

>> No.4244790

No, that's an /a/ meet.

I think a /ck/ meet would be everyone trying to figure out where we should have lunch, then breaking off into smaller groups, and never actually talking to each other. Just either at each other or at the food. I imagine huge arguments about tipping afterwards.

>> No.4244791


you pretty much described a decent party.

>> No.4244794

This is what I imagine as well. Throw in some college poorfags too and you're set.

>> No.4244806
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>> No.4244819

Well it would have to be a meetup to a restaurant.

It would go quite well but there'd be an argument about how much to tip at the end.

>> No.4244824

MM this wine is outstanding

Ooh yes this pretensiousness is quite great

>all dem 'food critics'
fuck thatq

>> No.4244830

>Someone orders a steak well done.

>> No.4244843

burgers at mcd

>> No.4245396

Party breaks out into fist fights over how to prepare Ramen

Then we blast techno

>> No.4246992
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>> No.4247004

a /ck/ potluck picnic would be fucking off the charts!

Everyone brings a signature dish, somewhere outdoors with a grill would be pretty boss.

>> No.4247021


Not a clue, I often wanted to find out.

>> No.4247028

Probably a lot like a bar a couple hours after all the nearby kitchens close. A little more autistic maybe, as this is 4chan, but not too bad.

>> No.4247653


>> No.4247668


>> No.4247672

Its a gathering were everyone brings some food. Out of curiosity where are you from that you haven't heard of them.

>> No.4247677


Until somebody suddenly realizes to pair of chopsticks and starts eating perfectly normal western food with them.

>> No.4247690

Yes! But I'd be afraid to eat anything that 4chan brought.

>> No.4247701

i'd be willing to host a lil tea party for /ck/ here in socal. have sum teas from nepal and other good teas i've bought here. might have to bring your own mugs, i have like no cups.

>> No.4247703

I think a few asshats aside, it'd be pretty good. Everyone here is pretty normal, meaning most of us act like demented shitheads on the internet.

>> No.4247710
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Yeah, most people put on an edgy aggro persona on 4chan. But most of us are completely regular

>> No.4248696
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>> No.4248716
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agreed ... this isn't fucking /b/ ... a /ck/ meet-up would like be the most civil of any 4chan meet-ups

>> No.4248735

We would order a catering company to make us specific dishes. Well done steak, with ketchup cup caddies. Ten bean chili. Vegan section. Dolled up Maruchan ramen. Stringy mornay fondue fountain. Boiled hot dogs. Kraft mac n' cheese. And the entire alcoholic menu will be the hoppiest triple IPA in existence.

>> No.4248736

an elaborate trap to finally kill sceak. carry on gentlemen.

>> No.4248762


/ck/ grill/picnic meetup sounds really great.

>> No.4248765


Did he get banned again? I haven't seen him post in a while. I could just be overlooking his posts, though.

>> No.4248767

i think /diy/ and /ck/ would probably have the most "normal" meet ups of all the other boards

>> No.4248784

The /k/ meetups are apparently very fun.

>> No.4248789
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So long as everyones white

>> No.4248906

no, I was suggesting one, I guess it was confusing that I linked it to a different post. I actually heard the term first when I was 17 though, and I'm from Jersey.

>> No.4248911

>people who cook love to talk about food
>implying it wouldn't be full of ramen children and other neckbeards that cant cook past ordering pizza online

>> No.4248914

a really bad idea with a lot of ketchup outside of refrigerators

>> No.4248985


>So long as everyones white

please don't drag /pol/ into this

>> No.4249000

Hopefully it will be like a slumber party between a bunch of little girls.

>> No.4249014

I would totally do a /ck/ meetup. Anyone live in the Midwest?

>> No.4249075

We've had a few chicago meetups IIRC.
Never the right date for me to go though :/

>> No.4249112
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>> No.4249133


>> No.4249138

there would probably literally be spaghetti everywhere

>> No.4249158
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/ck/ meetup would be awesome. I'd do it at a nice bar or brewhouse so that we would weed out the tasteless freshman ramen and fast food eating crowd. Of course the bar would need to serve good food.

>> No.4249252

I don't think I'd eat food much from complete strangers, MUCH less people from 4chan...

>> No.4249264


So everyone would argue over where to go for 4 hours then say everyone else are pleb fucks and go home.

>> No.4249273

How bad would Sceak be beaten up?

>> No.4249298

a /ck/ meetup would contain a potluck. one dish from each person who is to come. it shall be held at a warehouse.

>> No.4249308
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>a /ck/ meetup would contain a potluck
Reminds me of when I was in high school, if one of my friends had parties at his house we'd all buy/bring food and cook it together. Good times...

>> No.4249315

>i suggested potluck hours ago
yea, i wonder how/who would set it up. would be very nice

>> No.4249337

It would be dinner and a movie. We'd esch prepare a dish to contribute to the feast, then we'd attempt watch Jiro together.

>> No.4249363


>"hey anons? guess what? this dessert is full of my semen."


>> No.4249378

we meet up at moots house, or a random bros place and store the food/ingrediants there.

>go to manhattan and have brunch, hang out, pick out a grilling spot, and possibly dine and dash. (rolling 30 deep, no one says they know one another, sadfrog.jpeg chef rages, we lol as we leave) or if we want to be adults about it, pizza bomb a shop, order 8 or so pizzas and dine like adult ninja turtles.

>in the afternoon we head back in two groups.

>> No.4249394


Dude, that sounds awesome.

>> No.4249418

group A, beer/wine run, and rent a 64' for the day from rent a center.
group B starts cooking.
vidya tourny and general talking while we wait.
foods done, time to party, watch some good movies, then some anime while feasting on the ultimate catering experience.
monster and redbull fueled good time,

omlet, and BACON time...
watch cartoons till 12 and then head over to central park for a day of 4chan fun, maybe do some grilling.

we all go home... >:,(

>> No.4249426

Excellent observation.

>> No.4249446

I think a brawl would break out between the fast food marketers, the guys who put cheez whiz in their bag of cheetos, and the foodies. Mid-mele, half of the alcoholics and coked-out line cooks would join in, while the other half slurrily cheer the ruckus on and/or observe in morbid amusement.

>> No.4249455

>at a McDoanlads

>> No.4250040

So where and when?

>> No.4250055

/b/ would find out and crash it.

>> No.4250064

>what would a /ck/ meet up be like?

Socially retarded wannabe-hipsters seeing the location and rapidly leaving because of anxiety, after seeing a group of viral marketing employees already there.

>> No.4250115

Sharing tips and recipes at a restaurant!


>> No.4250146 [DELETED] 


Fuck did I miss quads?

>> No.4250175


>> No.4250197
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chubby people and hipsters with tattoos wearing hats indoors
(more women than you might imagine)

>> No.4250225

You're such a fucking pleb, please leave this board.

>> No.4250274

If y'all have a /ck/ meet up in NC, I'd be there :-)
Or NY? Normally long bus rides are scary but 4chan wouldn't let anyone hurt me.

>> No.4250319

Is this from The Monkees? I loved that show when I was a kid.

>> No.4250323

Anyone here south east asian?

>> No.4250345

What the fuck is Jiro? We're obviously going to watch I Heart Huckabees.

>> No.4250359
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depends who's asking

>> No.4250406


Why don't men do this?

>> No.4250407

what do you mean?

>> No.4250418
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male > body temp > female = gay spooning gets uncomfortably hot
..or s-so they tell me..

>> No.4250420

I still don't get what you mean

>> No.4250421


Oh, i guess thats why girl hands are always cold as fuck.

>> No.4250423

>male > body temp > female

>> No.4250424

God, what the fuck is that smell?

Oh Jesus, tits what s that?

Don't fucking mix those things, you'll make mustard gas!


Sceak, why are your nipples so low?

There would be at least three fires, four guys trying desperately to get the attention of a hambeast, and one person who is scarred for life by horrible grease burns.

It would be the worst fucking thing ever.

>> No.4250426

Its true!

Male hands are always so warm, good to feel when the air conditon in theatres are blasting

>> No.4250429

Why not? I mean, you only live once don't you?

>> No.4250430


>> No.4250439

You're the one who will slip and covered his face and torso with near-boiling canola oil.

>> No.4250472

why me

>> No.4250474

every meetup is always in the US of A, never in Western Europe

It breaks my heart

>> No.4250478

How about Asia?

Come on! There has got to be some chinks here too.

>> No.4250484

oh is that what you were on about
thought you were talking about ethnicity rather than locality

>> No.4250509

This. /thread

>> No.4250532


Why don't you start your own meetup in western Europe then?

>> No.4250536

so we might as well set up a meet up for 4chan's Bday/ten year anniversary.

Two day event in NY. As long as we set it up months from now what could go wrong?

>just have to be selective about which boards we invite.

>> No.4250571

>caring about quads

>> No.4250578
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Oh hey cool, a meetup thread



>> No.4250613

I can imagine an accident where that one anon murders someone because he was served chili with beans.

>> No.4250739

It won't be that bad

Trust me, a meet up would go much better than planned

>> No.4250745

there was an attempted /ck/ meet up a few years ago that was a miserable failure.

2 people showed up.

>> No.4250775

But you know it wouldn't JUST be semen.

It would be bottles of semen collected over the last 18 months.

>> No.4250983


That's too bad. There has to be another, but most people here are just loud casuals. It's like the food world, really, lots of critics, lots of cons, few artists. inb4 sandwich artists.

>> No.4250988

i agree, 4chan needs more michelin starred chefs and fewer casual plebs.

>> No.4250995

Board meetups(especially slower board meetups) usually don't end well because a lot of people can't even get to them and people are really spread out

>> No.4251002
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Hey /ck/

707 California

making a huge pot of Coconut Thai Curry.

Grinding the spices with morter and pestel and everything.

it's going to be scrumptuous

Also just bought my first house

>> No.4251009
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This is your best viddy/instructions for Thai curry

I make it like this but i also wing it.

I have some Kamiir lime leaves around here but i can't find them :-(

i also don't have palm sugar but whatever.

also adding some american veggies (culiflower)

and the spiciest pepper i have ever fucking come across. Bought them at an asian market yesterday.

Tiny red and green peppers.

totally kick my ass and i LOVE spicy

Shit's intense

>> No.4251024

Fuck you
>tfw no kitchen
>tfw no kitchen next year either
Recommend me some good dorm room+microwave curries /ck/

>> No.4251056
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no kitchen>?


i suggest you work harder anon.

I am also in college for Biology/Entomology/Mycology

I work at a shitty grocery store as head of the Liquor department

I alo work at various restaurants as a waiter

I make enough money to save up/
just bought a house, very happy about that.

Curry is simmering in the kitchen. not even close to done and looks amazing.

>> No.4251057

It would need to be some kind of event otherwise it would just be awkward.

Like a /ck/ chili cook off or barbeque would be fine I think, but just meeting up somewhere would be weird.

>> No.4251064

No way, Im in Healdsburg, you should split it with me.

>> No.4251067

Best English-language kaeng vid I've ever seen! K'hun t'hai syam (no Thai keyboard, sorry).

>> No.4251094


Santa Rosa here

oh yeah man? My Grandmother lives in Healdsburg. Good places to eat there.
Ever been to the La Crema tasting room?
Or that sausage place? Or Bear Republic?

rare as shit that 2 anons in same area on /ck/

perhaps another day anon.

Curry nearing completion. I'm going to take a pic with my phone.

oh... also i like to pick my own mushrooms.

i added some wild picked Oyster mushrooms i obtained from the cost

>> No.4251099

host a bay area ck meetup!
Id bring soup

>> No.4251100


join away Mr. Fairdeild

>> No.4251097


>> No.4251098


yeah. great video.

made my home made curry even better

i was using curry paste in a jar b 4 that

now i make it my self.

>> No.4251104

Blacks and flips not welcome, sorry

>> No.4251111

I was going to bring grape drink ;_;

>> No.4251116
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Here's my curry

You know you jelly

>> No.4251122


Hmmmm... Decent idea. Might be a little wierd. Haha. I'm down for meeting new people. Would probably be a great pot luck. Mmmm. Various food party. I think I might do that in the near future

>> No.4251129

I'd imagine it would be just list posting here. Say we set a meeting place and put out a bunch of tables there would be a table or ten for Steak discussion, how do you like it cooked, ketchup A1 or no sauce, etc. Then the fast food section. The I'm broke and a student cheap eating section where everyones response is rice and beans. Of course there would be an all you can eat buffet. Really the only difference in my mind would be that it would be face to face and no typing involved.

>> No.4251132
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>> No.4251134

Im in oakland, I'd probably come if transport were no issue. I think theres a bunch of bay areans on /ck/ too. Plus, sceaks over in montreal or some bullshit so he cant come and ruin it

>> No.4251136
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Also what the fuck are these? Bouth them from a little asian market yesterday and they are kicking my ass.

Sooooo fucking spicy

>> No.4251140

Birds eye probably

>> No.4251146

Bay area anons!

it rained today!


if you aren't into it you should be, makes for some damn fine meals.

>> No.4251152


oh yeah?

Thank you. i was wondering. i ate a few last night and they kicked my ass.

i usually have no limit to spiciness

>> No.4251159
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Found these Chanterelles in Annadel State Park last March

Can you believe that shit?

Fucking annadel having tasty ass mushrooms.

>> No.4251167
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They look far more like Chili Arbol to me.

>> No.4251174


Most of them are green.

A few red ones though

spicy as all hell

>> No.4251184
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Arbol isnt that spicy though, whereas birds eyes are nearly as spicy as habaneros. You can tell the difference pretty easily.

>> No.4251185

Guess you're not Thai? I asked if you were in the above post. No worries.

But yeah, that's the most fantastic English language vid for Thai curry I've ever seen.

>> No.4251200


No i am American

and yeah it's the best one i have found.

Spot on Recipe

Thank you for your input

I hope to visit Thailand soon.

Might be going to Burma next year

>> No.4251205


These things are more spicy then Habenero.

I can eat a Habenero no problem, but these kick my ass.

>> No.4251226

Ha! Love Burma! Better food than Thai IMO, but they make the same sai ua sausage, they just call it something different.
If you go, you need to be careful as it is the poorest country in SEA. The food is very good and the people are friendly, but because of the poverty it can be upsetting for foreigners. There is not so much crime in Burma as in Thailand (esp. BKK), but it can be dangerous all the same.
I would more recommend Chiang Mai: lots of bamar and shan, so much of the same food is available as in Burma proper, but the area is not as poverty stricken. You can get shan-style potato almost everywhere and nangyit'hohk, lett'hohk and montdi are easy to come by, too. Also, that Burmese-style milk coffee, too.

>> No.4251277


cool. sounds delicious!

Poverty sounds bad though.

I am kind of rich and would like to help.

but i know i couldn't help everyone. So giving money away probably wouldn't help much

i want to try Dog, Goat, Frog, bugs.and a lot of other tasty foods

That's why i want to go to SEA

also i have a terrible case of Yellow Fever... Fucking K-pop

>> No.4251303

I just started listening to the solo on Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd as I opened your gif OP lol

Thank you

>> No.4251305

People in SEA don't typically eat dog, though... maybe in muban, but not in cities. You're thinking Korea which is about 4000k away.

>> No.4251582

I'm under the impression that these mystery chillies are fairly spicy as you like to keep bringing up