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File: 233 KB, 500x285, taterchips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4239082 No.4239082 [Reply] [Original]

You damn well better vote chicken and waffle.

>> No.4239084

I prefer Peanut Butter and Miller High Life.

>> No.4239087

>sweet potato chips

>> No.4239092


Fucking bullshit.

I came up with like 10 different flavors and they were all better than this garbage.

>As though Lay's is going to get together with Sriracha...

>> No.4239101

sweet potato chips are so freaking good

>> No.4239108

some dude came here last night and said the chicken and waffles tasted bad
he said it tasted like mold, and how would he know what mold tasted like? maybe he wasn't being serious

>> No.4239114

hue. actual sweet potatoes cut into chips are good, but potato chips with sugar, noty

>> No.4239119
File: 160 KB, 670x1374, 1358497115661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4239180


>Implying anyone over the age of 12 hasn't tasted mold.
>Implying there aren't as many types of mold as there are cheeses...

>> No.4239184

I want all three. Forever. ALL THREE.
Plus, I want them to widely distribute the India's Magic Masala flavor, so I don't have to go to just the Indian market to get it. THAT is glorious, btw.

>> No.4239192

i don't know, edible mold is "umami" isn't it? isn't that a good thing?

>> No.4239201

The Sweet Bay I walked to a few hours ago for beer had a 2 for $7 deal on them. It was rather hard to resist.

>> No.4239205

$1 off a bag printable coupon here for USAfags: http://coupons2.smartsource.com/smtsource/index.jsp?Link=EMSGW3RGEZ4
Pretty much all major stores take printables, i.e. walmart, target, kroger, any other chains.

>> No.4239225

My dream flavor is Mountain Dew flavored Doritos.

As horrifying as it sounds, I'm pretty sure if they did one of those limited runs, they'd sell every last bag from sheer morbid curiosity.

>> No.4239233

>Mountain Dew flavored Doritos.
They actually did this.
>In 2008, Doritos debuted a "mystery flavor" Quests with prizes being given as puzzles were solved. The mystery flavor was Mountain Dew.[14]

You missed out.

>> No.4239240

I wanted to try this!

>> No.4239266

>Level 63 Neckbeard with +13 Permavirg Cloak detected

>> No.4239284

They were pretty unimpressive, bro.

Need to bring back my fucking cheeseburger ones, those fucking cunts.

>> No.4239327

The ones that tasted like lettuce? Don't be gross.

>> No.4239331

lays taste like shit.

I get headaches because of how much glutamate it contains

>> No.4239334

You all know cock sauce is going to win, regardless of what we want.

>> No.4239346

I was going to pick up a bag but I opted for actual food, tight budget with Valentines Day this week.
Next week I'll pick up all three and see how they are, I'm skeptical about the chicken and waffles.

>> No.4239347

I texted them sriracha a million years ago, am I going to win a million dollars or something?

>> No.4239349

That's because you were born with an inferior physiology.

>> No.4239352

Wait nevermind my name isn't Tyler I guess I don't win.

>> No.4239368

That's conclusively disproven as a real thing.
Enjoy your Munchausen's Syndrome.

>> No.4239378


>> No.4239381

If you want cock sauce chips, just take plain ones and dip into cock sauce.
If you want garlic and cheese flavor, just sprinkle garlic and cheese powder onto your chips.
If you want chicken and waffles, there is no simple way of achieving that except eating chicken potatoes and waffles together, or vote for these damn chips.

>> No.4239386

They all sound great but in reality, don't transfer to good chip taste.

>> No.4239390
File: 34 KB, 74x233, shark-brand-sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha fucking low level hipster faggot, at least get the real stuff from Thailand. You hipsters are so fucking stupid that you don't know that you're stupid.


Learn it, know it, love it, don't be fucking homosexual hipster eating shit made in Los Angelis when you can get the real stuff.

>> No.4239393

oh my god do you know what a hipster is?
it's you
you are the hipster

>> No.4239396

naw, been going to thai and malay places in nyc since I was a tike, way before hipster was coined. friends of mine from highschool at stuy would beat the fuck out of hipster fucks for fun. That never stopped me from knowing where to get some decent stuff.

>> No.4239399

So faggot, why don't you tell me what it is? In your own words if you have any, which I suspect that you don't. Since you're incapable of having any words for yourself... does obamaspeak escape you?

>> No.4239404

You don't have to be a hipster faggot to pass a test ya know... a simple one at that.

Yammer Yammer Yammer and Blah Blah Blah
That's where hipster came from, from assholes being able to pass a simple test to get into schools such as Stuyvesant, it's not that big of a deal, unless you make a big deal out of it.

It's just a test, get over it faggot!

>> No.4239424

never got the big deal about sriracha, it's certainly not bad but not that amazing either among hot sauces. and something about the bottle design just puts me off

>> No.4239434

Jesus. Never even seen this much rustling before

>> No.4239444

Wow. I don't want to mess with you and your friends! Beating people up for how they dress or what they enjoy.
Tuff guyz!!!!!

>> No.4239450


>> No.4239500

I've only seen people give a shit about the Chicken and Waffles.
Sriracha and Garlic Bread getting no love, but Sriracha is getting overrated honestly.

I'd go for Chicken and Waffles because I'm a sucker for it, but Cheesy Garlic Bread is the only one that actually seems like it works with a potato.

>> No.4239524
File: 24 KB, 300x397, 35643654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4239526

because there can only be one winner.
but don't feel bad, here in The Netherlands the winning flavour is: Spicy Reggae Chicken
ingredients: SpicyReggaeChicken-Flavour

so, we have no fucking clue what I'm eating, at least you know what you taste: waffles with chicken (seriously, who the fuck came up with that combination)

>> No.4239528

>before hipster coined
>literally before the 1920s
>this guy knows his shit

>> No.4239529

It's jerk chicken, but "jerk" holds too many unsavoury meanings, it's best to call it "spicy reggae".

>> No.4239533
File: 239 KB, 640x480, 8007183927_6d79de9085_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad Roast Pork didn't win, i would've bought the shit out of that flavour

>pic related

>> No.4239534

>chicken and waffles

>> No.4239561
File: 163 KB, 908x600, 2-3-13-disease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken and waffles is a thing in the South.

>> No.4239590

poor thing

>> No.4239594


God damn, that poor fucking deer.

>> No.4239674

Welp, threads over.
I can't tell, are those things ticks, tumors, or maybe some kind of burn scar?

>> No.4239680

oh god what

>> No.4239681



>> No.4239842


Brian Luther of Norwood, N.C., enjoys using scouting cameras and is a huge fan of Deer & Deer Hunting’s “Candid Whitetails” column. As a loyal follower of “Candid Whitetails,” Luther has seen a lot of strange deer photos, but one of the strangest he’s ever seen was taken with his own camera.

Luther obtained a photo of a doe whose body is largely covered with some sort of wart-like growth. His question, understandably, is “what are they?”

These growths appear to be papillomas, one of three benign tumors known to affect white-tailed deer (the others being fibromas and lipomas).According to Leonard Lee Rue III, “These are caused by viral infection, cannot be transmitted to man, and are seldom very injurious to the deer.”

Although none of these deer ailments are common, papillomas are the most common of the three tumors and consist of wart-like growths that may number in the dozens. However, despite their unsightly appearance, the growths come off with the deer’s hide when the deer is skinned, and the meat is completely safe to eat. Cattle also contract papillomas, but of a different variety.

>> No.4239862

This is what happens when deer aren't harvested every year. This is what anti-hunting groups want. This is what will happen on a massive scale if hunting is ever banned.

Disease and starvation.

>> No.4239874

go bac >>>/k/

>> No.4239878

>Implying you can't seel those warts a an aphrodisiac delicacy at your local chinese place.

>> No.4240496

Where can I get these chips up here in Canada?

>> No.4240524

Tried them today and Chicken & Waffles wins with Garlic Bread a close 2nd

>> No.4240619

>the meat is completely safe to eat
yeah ok i'll take their word for it

>> No.4240627

>he thinks the cows he eats don't have papilloma warts

>> No.4240661

these are out already or is the vote for picking one flavor to produce?

>> No.4241693
File: 521 KB, 451x553, 1360124732296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to get in Canada or the US, eehh?

>> No.4242597

FUCK sriracha. That shit is disgusting. I don't understand why hipsters fucking like it so much.

>> No.4242636

spiracha sounds the best but cheesy garlic bread will be chosen because it's the most familiar.

>> No.4242858

All ready voted for C&W. Garlic bread was boring. Haven't tasted Sriracha. How are they?

>> No.4242878

I don't usually eat chips, but I tried one out of curiosity. It was pretty good, great even. I had a handful after that and felt satisfied. I hope they keep the chicken and waffles.

>> No.4243583

I really liked the garlic bread but it got boring
I have never had siracha but I really liked the chips ;(
Chicken and waffles was amazing to me, but not something I could buy/consume on the regular

>> No.4243630

the same reason they like red velvet cake

>> No.4243737

just so you guys know, c&w isnt gunna stay, most people are voting against it cause they think it SOUNDS gross. so stock up if you like it

>> No.4243755

>I don't understand why hipsters fucking like it so much.
Sri racha has been around and well known for a long time... just because you became of it recently due to hipsters doesn't mean it is novel.

>> No.4243768

I don't know why people still use hot sauce and sriracha. Is it for people who can't afford to buy fresh peppers? I grew up between two cultures. One that doesn't really have a version of hot sauce (traditionally, anyway, nowadays yeah) and one that does. The latter introduced hot sauce out of the fact that they were too fucking poor to afford peppers.

That said I hate both.

>> No.4243779

>I don't know why people like what I don't
Me neither

>> No.4243805

I know you feel really good about using a popular phrase but that's not even the case here. I understand why they like it, I'm mostly wondering about why they use that instead of peppers. True, I don't like hot sauce because they often have vinegar and that taste doesn't go with everything very well. I don't think you know what I'm talking about.

>> No.4243808

I tried the C & W just this afternoon. It's not bad, but it's not one I'd drop my own money on. The flavor, imo, is not well enough balanced between the chicken side and the waffle side of the flavoring.

>> No.4243811

I thought the chicken and waffles was a joke

what the hell?

>> No.4243815

Nope! Saw it today at the grocery store for the first time. Find this thread here is a little ironic for me.

>> No.4244161

Um... hipster? Are you retarded?

>> No.4244165

How on Earth is that ironic?

>> No.4244180

Like that song by Alanis Morissette.

>> No.4244198

I've only had the cheese garlic bread one but it was pretty good. Have a bag of the chicken and waffles I'm going to open up tomorrow.

>> No.4244214

Exactly. It's ironic that a woman sings a song titled ironic that has nothing to do with irony. The title of that song should be, "Bad Luck."

>> No.4244218


>welcome back to grade 9 english class

>> No.4244230

>oh my god guys I dropped out of school for this very reason! to get away from this BULLSHIT

>> No.4244332


who are you quoting?