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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 354x282, Roquefort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4232630 No.4232630 [Reply] [Original]

Roquefort. What the fuck Frenchies, that shit is absolutely disgusting.

Who enjoys Roquefort cheese?

>> No.4232632

I do.
Now back the fuck off?!

>> No.4232635
File: 33 KB, 400x267, OR-04598_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone, last I checked.

There's something wrong with you.

>> No.4232636

I love Stilton. How different is this?

>> No.4232637

>I do. Now back the fuck off?!

We seriously need an age filter around here.

>> No.4232643

it's a reference to an image I can't find

>> No.4232645


It's disgustingly sour and gross. I honestly doubt you find any redeeming qualities in such a pungently foul food.


Roquefort is so strongly salty that most French people don't even like it, and they love cheese!


Agreed. I'm trying to find someone who enjoys this stuff, so see their side of the argument. Because I think it's awful.

>> No.4232646

>We seriously need an age filter around here.
You must be pretty new if you don't remember this from that whale cooking thread.

>> No.4232644

>op starts a thread with stop liking what i don't like

>> No.4232651

*grabs you by the throat*

>> No.4232656

>It's disgustingly sour and gross. I honestly doubt you find any redeeming qualities in such a pungently foul food.
I basically drink hot sauce, so this is just a cheese version of extra spice for me. There's also horseradish cheese, but that isn't as good.

>> No.4232662

i'm going to trust the patricians, it's expensive so it has to be amazing under the right circumstances with the correct pairings or whatever

>> No.4232663


But do you enjoy it?

>> No.4232668

babby wants nice slice american cheese?

>> No.4232672

Yes, because it's strong.

>> No.4232691
File: 29 KB, 425x301, attack of the giant faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roquefort rules. You eat it on crackers with a tiny slice of bacon and wash it down with a sip of port. Om nom nom.

>> No.4232692


Have you never had Roquefort? It's insanely salty. It's like eating play-doh. Or drinking salt water.

>confirmed for not knowing what you're talking about


Fair enough. I just don't see any upsides to it.

Any special ways you prepare it? Or do you just eat it with some bread.

>> No.4232703

Sandwiches or tortilla chips
I should try it on pasta. Maybe mixed in with alfredo sauce.

>> No.4232710

There are stronger tasting bleu cheeses than Roquefort.
I like the balance between cumb and cream textures it has, the tangy musk cutting through the cream flavor is very nice as well. It's really not all that sour in the world of stinky cheeses. It works extremely well as a palate refresher.

>> No.4232726
File: 221 KB, 400x3206, 1327522017500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like Roquefort actually, and have had it many times.

I like eating it plain, on crackers, or mixing it into a salad (arugula!) with a combo like figs and walnuts or something of that nature.

>> No.4232730


Hmm. Maybe I'll have to give it another shot. When I had it, I just had it on a plain piece of bread. Maybe it needs a good support to really bring out the best parts of it.

Thanks /ck/!

>> No.4232752

I'd probably like the cheese OP

There is literally nothing out there food wise i don't enjoy

Fruits veggies


Not a fan of candy

>> No.4232757

bosc pears and mild sausage with roquefort and toast
it'll kill you slowly, but you'll die happy

>> No.4232833
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>> No.4232837

I actually really liked blue cheese. Then one day I looked it up on wikipedia and it said that the bacteria that give blue cheese its flavour are the same as the bacteria that make feet smell bad.

Now whenever I am eating blue cheese I imagine myself licking disgusting decade old foot-cheese off some hobo and I feel like vomiting.

>> No.4232842

No its not the same bacteria. Wikipedia lied to you. It's a actually a distinct kind of edible mold. It doesn't smell putrid, which is what inedible toxic bacteria waste smells like.

>> No.4232868

Its frequently posted on /v/, almost daily IIRC

>> No.4233485
File: 10 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French here, I like it. It's far better than some other blue cheeses that are dry and strong (bleu de bresse comes to mind).
The best way to enjoy it would be with fresh, warm walnuts bread, a thin layer of unsalted butter, some dried fruits or fresh grapes, and a glass of either rich red wine, or cool sweet white (what you guys call dessert wine?) like muscat or montbazillac.
Also your roquefort shouldn't be right off the fridge, let it at room temp for 5-10mn before enjoying, so the flavours aren't locked like when it's too cold. When it's cold all you taste is salt, whereas when you have it less chilled with the right ingredients, you may jizz your pants.
If roquefort is still too strong for you, you may want to look at its creamier, milder cousins, such as Saint Agur or Gorgonzola.

Yeah, we like our cheeses but for some it's more of an acquired taste, and you sometimes need some sides to really enjoy them.
As often, it's worth the effort though

>> No.4233564

>too strong and too sour

funny, I consider it one of the sweetest cheese around. That's why it's so good. Unlike most other cheap bleu cheese, it doesn't leave an unpleasing salted sourness taste in the mouth.

>> No.4233601

That cheese has blackheads.