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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4225044 No.4225044 [Reply] [Original]

>On vacation in england
>in a "tescos"
>looking for good old american cheese for some burgers
>shit ton of fruity cheeses with olives and shit in them
>ask where the american cheese at
>"Sorry, (no sir) but trading standards and the food and health safety organisation has listen it as not legally recognised as what we consider to be cheese so it isnt sold.
>also no mountain dew
>sodas made with sugar not the proper american way
>cannot find a burger without vegetables in them
Its strange how you miss the tastes of home.

>> No.4225051

8/10. Took me a few seconds.

>> No.4225052

>(no sir)
That's because in England, that title is usually reserved for knights.

>> No.4225087
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>shopping in Tesco


>> No.4225092

>Have a cold
>Can't enjoy my peaty scotch right now

>> No.4225100

Well that's a pile of horsemeat

>> No.4225104

whats the matter sainsburys
could it be youre craving my market share

>> No.4225105
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Waitrose master race, son.
We don't need your dirty market share.

>> No.4225108

>Buying into the Waitrose scam

Its all the same food, just in a different package.

>> No.4225117

>not buying Waitrose own brand or bread or pigeon


>> No.4225150

Fucking britabongs eating pigeons.

>> No.4225151

My tescos does indeed sell "kraft singles".

>> No.4225152

inb4 amerifat

>> No.4225155
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The closest you'd get to "American Cheese" is cheese slices, which there are plenty of in Tesco, "Kraft Singles" might be what you'd be best with.
Tesco also sell Mountain Dew, but if you get a random one that doesn't, you can go to ASDA, who do it.
Sodas with sugar are how you used to make them in the US. Most Americans prefer them the way we do them, didn't you like them?
And by vegetables in your burger do you mean onion? It's easy enough to find ones without, but onion is just seen as a common ingredient in burgers, adds to the flavour and texture etc.

As for "sir"... we don't use it often because it's generally seen as patronising.

>> No.4225156

There are American cheeses (ie cheeses that happen to be made in the United States) that are actually good. But what most people are referring to when they say "American cheese" are those shitty processed slices that hardly qualify as cheese.

>> No.4225170

hEy l00k EVerYbUDdy i TrOLL hEm!!1one1!1!!!

>> No.4225174


No need to say "hardly qualify as cheese", as those products do not qualify as cheese. By law, they can not be called cheese, as they contain too little actual cheese.

>> No.4225199

>(no sir)

If a Brit calls you sir or madam, he is insulting you.
Same when saying "With all due respect..." All due respect actually means "You are a fucking idiot mong...".

We have these little ways so that strangers don't realise they have just been insulted by our impeccable manners.

>> No.4225202

It's still sold in UK shops, but I think legally they have to label it as "cheese flavoured matter" or "cheesy product" etc.

>> No.4225214

>cheese flavoured matter
10/10 would consume vigorously

>> No.4225242

>peaty scotch

damnit anon, now I want to drink some of my own peaty scotch...

>> No.4225243

>bbq for friends(texas)
>I'm the only person out of 6-8 that puts any vegetables on anything
>you want some burger with that salad
>so lonely

>> No.4225255
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but muh cheese

>> No.4225279
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>> No.4225286

I'd say we have food standards and because it doesn't have enough actual cheese in it we can't label it as such. But with the recent problem with Horse meet...

>> No.4225293

horse meat problems are on imports only

the fact that Britain was the only country to detect what was going on shows the rigorous testing standards of our food industry.

There is no question that these products are also being shipped across the EU.

>> No.4225297

the fact that horse was in there in the first place shows the rigorous failure of our testing standards.

>> No.4225300


No it doesn't. The horse meat was in there because the hungarian (IIRC) meat producer cheaped out and sold horsemeat as beef. To them horse was cheaper and the other company didn't see the difference.

>> No.4225305
File: 8 KB, 812x732, If+you+don+t+get+the+joke+don+t+bitch+about+it+_505f8fea3dd6787dd538498aad02c15c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4225319

>implying there was anything resembling a joke there

>> No.4225345

Holy fuck I want scotch

>> No.4225348

Yeah we genuinely do this. All the time.

>> No.4225409

Horse>?>Romanian>Belgian>Findus/teos etc

>> No.4225412
File: 16 KB, 530x298, woodpigeons_master_tcm9-18492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yanks might know it as Squab. The pigeon we eat is not dirty feral city pigeon, but superior wood pigeon with big fat breasts and delicious taste.

>> No.4225424

10/10 OP, very well done. Took me a few minutes and reading the thread to get it.

Saging because I don't want to bump