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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 459x457, 052709-hamburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4218161 No.4218161 [Reply] [Original]

What is your personal perfect burger?

I love making homemade Bearnaise and spreading it on both of the buns. I just love it, but sadly I have not heard of anyone else doing this.

It's fucking delicious!

Anyway, here's my perfect burger:

(Raw red onion slices)
(Caramalized onions)
(Beef patty)
(Tiny bit of tomato relish)
(Bacon slices)
(Bearnaise again)

No Cheese. Served with home made onion rings and a nice cold beer.

>> No.4218174
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>bearnaise on burgers

>> No.4218177
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I pretty much love anything that is a meat patty slapped on a bun.

Bacon, the burger and cheese are key ingredients for me.

Next I like it with pickles for the taste, and lettuce just for the texture and feeling (you won't taste the lettuce but it makes the burger feel nicer in your mouth). And onions of course.

I dislike tomato since it makes the burger "watery". Tomato is wet and I dislike the feeling of wet bread.

McDonalds and other food chains that sell burger have really good sauces. Probably because they are specifically made to fit on said burger.

However if I make them myself I prefer not to use sauce since the basic ketchup & mayo & mustard won't taste good on the burger. They are too sweet and dominate the taste.

Pic related

>> No.4218184

I would also love to hear any creative ideas on what you could do with a burger.

I've already tried grinding my own meat and that was downright fantastic.

Please tell me what is wrong with Bearnaise on a burger. Instead of calling me an idiot, could you please use your own words to tell me why it is wrong?

>> No.4218188

Have you ever tried homemade Bearnaise on a burger? Have you ever tried homemade Bearnaise?

It's a whole lot different than in those powder packages.

>> No.4218204

Bearnaise was made for ONE thing - beef tenderloin.
Go put some beurre blanc on your frozen fishsticks, you raging fag.

>> No.4218211

Bearnaise is good on a whole lot of things.

Why are you so narrow-minded?

>> No.4218221

Not narrow minded. It peeves me to watch plebs bastardizing classic and proven foods because they think it's neat and awesomely different.

>> No.4218243

In all honesty, do you really think that it would tarnish the legacy of the Bearnaise to put it on a good burger with good meat?

But I am however interested in hearing what your favorite burger contains.

>> No.4218259
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>Bearnaise was made for ONE thing - beef tenderloin
>Talking about food, a matter of taste, in total absolutes

Hell, even classic French cuisine acknowledges that bearnaise goes on a multitude of dishes such as; poached or grilled fish, eggs, asparagus, broccoli, ham, etc. At least educate yourself somewhat before you attempt to be a traditionalfag.

Anyways, grind some chuck, then grind a white onion, mix with some fresh cracked pepper and a splash of heavy cream. Make patties, grill or sear to medium, melt some good quality brie or camembert on top. Put on a toasted potato bun with some onions sauteed in butter with thyme, a squeeze of garlic mayo, some mesclun mix and thinly sliced kosher baby dill.

>> No.4218260

Meat. Cheese. Good bun. Bacon, tomato, lettuce are the only variables.

>> No.4218268

You put cream in your patty-mix?


>> No.4218271

>Oh look, this guy

>> No.4218272
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Vegetables and condiments are distractions.

>> No.4218276

Everything you have said in this thread has now been invalidated.

>> No.4218280

I was making my bones in kitchens that you will never eat out of while you were still eating paste in kindergarten, junior.

>> No.4218281


Just a splash, keeps things juicy.

>> No.4218286

>i have no idea what the difference is between bearnaise and hollandaise

>> No.4218287

I'll try that next time. Thanks for the tip.

I usually just put thyme, ketchup, tabasco, salt and pepper in my patty mix.

>> No.4218288

>fuck off
>nobody likes you
>fuck you

>> No.4218297

Guac bacon from Goodtimes.

>> No.4218301

What is that?

>> No.4218305


And yet you still think bearnaise is only meant for steak ... That's really kind of depressing. How does it feel knowing that your dinosaur-era attachment to traditions that even chefs in France experiment with and change will surely leave you irrelevant in a few years, if not already.


Don't samefag. It's unbecoming.

>> No.4218308

Raw onions
Pickled Cucumber
Beef, Heart & Liver patty

>> No.4218313

Bearnaise for Beef, Holladaiae for meaty Fish.

>> No.4218314

I'm pretty sure my feelings have been shared in this here thread, Sherlock.
Sub par food for sub par times. Enjoy your delusional based mediocrity.

>> No.4218318

Tell the tripfag that, not me. I actually know what I'm doing.

>> No.4218320
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A guacamole and bacon hamburger from a restaurant called Goodtimes?

>> No.4218322

And i use beefmeats in my burger.

>> No.4218326

Bearnaise is actually really good on juicy roast chicken.

>> No.4218343

A matter of taste, I generally eat my chicken without sauce, though it's great if you're having fries or rice on the dise.
Well potato wedges, can't stand mealy industrial fries.

>> No.4218347
File: 22 KB, 300x300, wimpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like a burger cooked on the grill with cheese, mustard and ketchup.

Maybe a whole wheat bun or sesame.

Ah the simple pleasures.

>> No.4218354

...I agree. Is this wrong? It can't be, right?


>> No.4218356

Ah yes, because nothing says 'truth' quite like some others agreeing with you, especially on an anonymous image board. I'll enjoy my mediocrity, you enjoy your living in the past.

>> No.4218366

I don't even know what you are talking about anymore. Go choke on another cock and get back to me.

>> No.4218367

It is not wrong as long as the meat is dry aged ribeye cooked medium rare.

>> No.4218378

eat shit and die

>> No.4218383

>plebs bastardizing classic
again, please die

>> No.4218385


Shit bro, you really told me, just questioning my sexuality and that's it. Top tier comeback, I have been bested. You know I've met dozens and dozens of cooks like you and I think it's just adorable how you keep thinking you're right while the rest of the culinary world marches on without you.

>> No.4218388
File: 48 KB, 640x384, IMAG1245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, because a dirty cunt like you must surely know more, be kitchen-wiser, and more accomplished than the great Julia Child. Eat a bag of dicks.

>> No.4218392
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>> No.4218399
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Oh, and heres the rest of it, in case anyone else is interested, other than that narcissistic faggot.

>> No.4218400

Keep saging your shame, dipshit.

>> No.4218402
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>> No.4218404


Keep avoiding the subject and bumping the thread with unrelated replies, dinosaurbro.

>> No.4218409

>I have to refer a book written by a woman to argue with someone with vastly superior knowledge and skill.
Keep digging, loser.

>> No.4218415

>Julia Child
Is it the 20's anymore? No, and the so-called credentials you seem to think her name represents is laughable.

In 40 years will you be dragging around The Great Alton Brown's name as a citation?

>> No.4218417


Welp, you're obviously just trolling now, so I'm fucking done with this, but I'll just point out that Larousse Gastronomique mentions bearnaise's use on fish as well before I go.

>> No.4218422

Oh god, you're such a moron. This is hilarious. Just how far will a pencil dick cat fucker like you go to try and preserve what little dignity you have?

>> No.4218423

>trying to pad your argument by turning your trip on and off
Yes, you are done. Well done.

>> No.4218429

Dignity? You're the one who cites a celebrity TV chef as your argument.

>> No.4218437
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And, of course Countess de Toulouse Lautrec must be wrong too, according to dipshit anon.

>> No.4218445

You really are making a complete fool of yourself, I hope you at least realize that.

>> No.4218454

Btw, do you have the definitive publication on consomme written by superstar chef, Rachael ray?
I just can't find it anywhere.

>> No.4218469






>> No.4218471
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>> No.4218478

Next, this dumb faggot is going to attempt to discredit James Beard as well on the subject. It must be rather nice to live in your own little delusional world where you think you're some kind of genius.
>get a load of this guy
Your bravado is laughable.

>> No.4218483

Turn your trip back on, you fucking coward.

>> No.4218484

Are you as drunk as I am?

>> No.4218487

I'm better than you are.
Except at maybe the french fry station.

>> No.4218491

I never have and never will be a tripfag. Does it bother you that much to realize that other people besides one think you're a total fucking idiot with an unfounded superiority complex?

>> No.4218496
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 20110811-in-n-out-hangover-helper-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All burgers are delicious. Especially with fries in them.

I hate when they put the sauce on top of the lettuce though, because then the bun just slides.

>> No.4218500

I don't have to slave away like a little grease monkey like you. Instead, I get to write about people like you. Except you're not good enough to be included in the people and places I cover. Sorry.

>> No.4218508
File: 313 KB, 300x182, 1323756177346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a blog

>> No.4218509

Try again, son. You're failing.

>> No.4218530

lol a food writer. Mom must be doing cartwheels.

>> No.4218549

That's so simpleton of you to think that's all I do. See, productive adults usually have more than one goal in life. We work many angles and avenues. Someday, maybe you could be a productive adult too, if you apply yourself! (You have a long way to go, though). And as for "mom", she's no longer here, so you'll have to find another angle to try and attack from. Good luck.

>> No.4218562

Most productive adults have one job.

I'm going to try bearnaise on my next burger just because of all the superiority complex in this thread. I bet you are so socially retarded and yet blame everyone for why you are sad and lonely.

>> No.4218566


Oh, so shitposting on 4chan is one of your "many angles" as a productive adult. got it. You don't really do anything on your own, you just react to what others do and write about it. You're an observer and a reactor, not a do-er. Carry on; we need more followers than leaders after all.

>> No.4218569
File: 194 KB, 500x333, 1336665849288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Antagonistic advice from the guy who needs to prove himself on 4chan.

Try harder, bro.

>> No.4218579

Most mediocre adults have one goal in life.
I never even mentioned the word job. See, you can't even read properly.
Also why would you choose to just try bearnaise on a burger, when there's so many other dishes it's just as good on? I don't think you understood the arguements in this thread.

>> No.4218594

Lol, you think you're some sort of leader because you work the line? That's hilarious.
I guarantee you've both read and used things I've written and/or developed. "Leaders and followers", indeed.
I'm sure you think you're being clever and insulting, but I couldn't care less.

>> No.4218603


I think you're mistaking me for someone else, bro. I've never worked in a restaurant. I also never said that I was a leader.

> but I couldn't care less.

If that's true then why did you reply to me? Why did you write "I guarantee you've both read and used things I've written and/or developed"? You care plenty, you just won't admit it.

>> No.4218622

You are mistaking being coversational with caring. I've had to have many intense coversations with people over time, and document them, without really caring a bit about what they said. It's a skill, not an emotion.

>> No.4218628
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>> No.4218720

No, it sounds like you are definitely emotional but are trying to come across as apathetic and cool.

>> No.4218727

Having a blog/being a "food writer" is nothing to gloat about. What's the matter, didn't have the imagination and talent to be a real writer?

>> No.4218743

Never have and never will have a blog. Blogs are for arrogant people with narcissistic personalities, but who can't actually go out and do anything. Try again.

>> No.4218745

You sound like you can't control yourself.

>> No.4218750

>ITT: A food writer talking about living a productive life

Okay, I'm lol'ing

>> No.4218754

Says the person who can't stop shit-posting while convincing himself he "doesn't actually care" lol.

>> No.4218761

As if your opinion matters. You have no idea who I am or what I do, pertaining to food and writing or otherwise. But I'm glad you're having a laugh, anyway. Laughing is healthy.

>> No.4218763

i made a patty melt the other day for a friend that i didnt think much of but turned out to be pretty friggin amazing
basically made an open faced grilled cheese with swiss & american
then made a med rare burger topped with caramelized onions
slapped it between the grilled cheese with a tomato & it was pretty spectacular

>> No.4218769

>You have no idea who I am or what I do
If you have to tell anonymous people on 4chan how great it is, it is pretty evident you aren't getting enough slaps-on-the-back from your peers.

Just saying.

>> No.4218776
File: 64 KB, 456x648, youdontknowme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As if your opinion matters. You have no idea who I am or what I do

>> No.4218795

Just where did I say it was great? Not many people have "great" careers, all careers come with ups and downs, and I've had my share of up and downs like anyone else. Luckily, I've been on an up for a while now, but I didn't say it was "GREAT". It can always get better. You're ability to read things into posts that aren't there is amazing.

>> No.4218801


>> No.4218816

I'm starting to get a real kick out of how many people here find the need to try and belittle me. It's amusing as hell.
If OP or the mods were smart, they'd just delete this thread, because you guys obviously aren't going to stop. It's gone from talking about burgers, to talking about a particular sauce, to throwing insults. Oh 4chan, you so silly.

>> No.4218819

>You're ability
A writer ehhhhh???

>> No.4218822

(not-too-wet Cucumber)
(fresh jalapeno)
(patty using my secret recipe no u cant have it)
(black pepper)

>> No.4218832

(Top bun)
(small dab of A1)
(Small dab of bbq sauce)
(fried onions)
(egg, fried over easy)
(6 strips applewood smoked bacon)
(slice of smoked gouda)

>> No.4218840

Of course, because you KNOW, all writers, everywhere, are magically immune to typos. If that were the case, there would be no copy editors.

>> No.4218847

protip: mix the bbq sauce in when forming the patty

hot damn

>> No.4218849


>> No.4218866

(Leaf of lettuce)
(piles of red onion)
(light ketchup)
(piles of red onion)
(leaf lettuce)

>> No.4218878

You have so much autism that, should someone ever construct an autism-o-meter, your very existence would immediately destroy it due to the sheer amount of autism pollution you flood the world with constantly.

You should kill yourself to prevent that from happening.

>> No.4218911

{bun} "Pub Style" from a local bakery, toasted w/butter
{bbq sauce}- Just store bought and doctored up a bit
{bacon}-The thicker and smokier the better
{jalapenos}-I like the pickled ones
{onions} Either sauteed in beer or the fried ones
{cheese}-Usually Cheddar, sometimes pepper jack
{patty} brushed with Worcestershire, bourbon and dijon, cooked in skillet with the bacon grease. I usually go for a nice ground chuck with some finely chopped onion added to the mince.
{Lettuce}-Just simple romaine, nothin special
{bun}-See above

>> No.4218909
File: 44 KB, 500x389, derpderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Gee, you sure told me. Can't think of anything better than that old tired "autistic" insult that is so broke and pathetic no one even cares anymore?

>> No.4218926

Only a true Autistic would ever say such a thing.

>> No.4218931

That isn't a typo
It's a grammatical error stemming from ignorance, sport. Now seriously, shut the fuck up. This thread is about burgers, not how fragile your ego and it's connected e-peen are.

>> No.4218937

>Go put some beurre blanc on your frozen fishsticks, you raging fag.
I literally do this every time. U mad?

Also, bearnaise on beef isn't all that classical. It's most often paired with fish.

>> No.4218955

Wrong. Sorry you're so raging butthurt over it. It is a typo when it's done during the speed of memorized typing. A grammatical error out of ignorance would have to be done with calculated intent. You really are underschooled. Now, go be stupid somewhere else. You're just continuing this cancer, but by all means, if your asspain is just too great, continue. I'm getting a good laugh out of all these responses.
BTW, you don't seem to be posting about burgers either, junior.

>> No.4218959

You need a dictionary. And a thesaurus. Badly.

>> No.4218961

Tomato should always go under the patty. This is burger 101.

>> No.4219022


>> No.4219031

That isn't a typo bro.

>> No.4220485

Here's how I like mine.


>> No.4220637

Fuck you, Danefag. Remoulade doesn't belong in burgers.

>> No.4220692

Damn near ANYTHING can belong in a burger, that's the nature of sandwiches (of which a burger would be one). So get bent, you anal retentive fuck.

>> No.4220694

Sorry. You're wrong, you twisted hipster dick spurt.

>> No.4220700

Sure, buddy. I'm wrong because some monkey abortion on the interwebs says I am. Go back to picking your boogers and let the adults talk.

>> No.4220705

No, you're wrong because you are incorrect and you know it because now you are upset what someone on the "interwebs" said.

>> No.4220708

Nope. You're the incorrect one here, you're just too stupid to realize it. I don't know why you even bothered leaving your trailer park this morning.

>> No.4220713

Your mom called. Your dad isn't getting the job done.

>> No.4220721

What are you, 12? If you are over 18, and you just typed that, I feel really sorry for your family. It must be embarrassing to be related to the village idiot.

>> No.4220731
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My Negro.

>Kaiser roll
>Touch of ground cumin
>Dijon mustard
>Light mayonnaise
>Three tomato slices, salted and peppered
>Shredded Romaine lettuce
>Quarter inch pineapple slice
>Red onions
>Guacamole, without tomatoes.
>Thick cut bacon, 3 strips
>Elk patty, medium well
>Garlic fries on the side.

>> No.4220753

It's not too bad and your mom really seems to like me. You should be nicer to me, I might be your dad someday and I am very pro spanking.

>> No.4220758

Is there something about burgers that makes people angry?

>> No.4220759

How do you make you patties?

I've bought ready-made, but I'm not really a fan. They aren't great, and it's an unnecessary expense for something so simple. So I've been thinking of creating some economy of scale, buy a shitload of meat and make lots of patties that I can freeze. What do you guys put in yours?

>> No.4221138

Pineapple ring
Cheese of some sort
Beef patty

>> No.4221170

I don't like all that shit one it, so mine is: bun, cheese, beef patty, bun. Everyone looks at me strange when I ask for a plain burger, like I'm committing some grave sin.

>> No.4221175

That's the only proper way to prepare a burger. Everyone else is gay and most likely is suffering brain damage from their AIDS virus.

>> No.4221218

There is so much faggotry and autist shit in this thread. You all should be embarrassed as fuck. You should feel ashamed and filthy for having such ignorant, stupid opinions. You should go and apologize to your parents for bringing shame on your families. You should be wearing hair shirts and flogging yourselves while chanting "I must never post in a burger thread again" over and over until you cry.

>> No.4221228

god it reeks like preteen on ck today

>> No.4221243

I think you mean HIV.

>> No.4221249

Whatever, they're infected assholes.

>> No.4221814
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>> No.4221897

(thousand island)
(onion rings)
(pepper jack/provelone cheese)

>> No.4221918

Bun, huge raw Vidalia onion slice, mayo, bacon, patty, dijon mustard, tomato relish, pickles, and provolone.