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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4206281 No.4206281 [Reply] [Original]

Why do foodie hipster faggots pretend to like brussels sprouts?

>> No.4206283

Why do faggots make such shit threads?

>> No.4206287
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>not knowing how to cook brussel sprouts means everyone else is untalented and hipster

>> No.4206291

>Hating brussels sprouts
What's next, hating cabbage?

>> No.4206297

Don't listen to these guys OP
I'm mad at my dad too

>> No.4206315
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>Not liking brussel sprouts.

Nigga, what?

>> No.4206329

Cabbage tastes likes like ass and makes your house smell like ass.

Eating any vegetables is honestly just hipster as fuck.

>> No.4206337
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>Eating any vegetables is honestly just hipster as fuck.
>How's my steak guys? Is it red enough?
>Time for some ketchup!

>> No.4206345
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>> No.4206351
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>Eating any vegetables is honestly just hipster as fuck.

>> No.4206352

It's true though. No one fucking likes vegetables. No one at all. The only reason to eat them is to look 'quirky' or 'unique' in front of your hipster faggot friends.

>> No.4206359
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>Eating any vegetables is honestly just hipster as fuck.

>> No.4206360

>not knowing how to properly cook vegetables
>any year after 12634 BC

>> No.4206362

Who doesn't like potato chips, crisps, fries or whatever you want to call them.

>> No.4206364

>It's true though. No one fucking likes vegetables. No one at all. The only reason to eat them is to look 'quirky' or 'unique' in front of your hipster faggot friends.

>> No.4206382
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>No one fucking likes vegetables.

I fucking love vegetables.

>> No.4206392

ughhhhhhh parents are so DUMB

i kept tellin me mum lik "ewwww disgusting fuck off with ur brussel sproutz" and she went MENTAL and made it like EVERY day ffs tellin me 2 eat them or i would pget to play halo tonite

like this if ur mum is a f@ cunt

>> No.4206424


I enjoy my anus not bleeding from a fiber devoid diet of hot pockets and doritos.

>> No.4206428

Fucking hipster fag.

>> No.4206440
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what is a vegetarian

>> No.4206448

I'm neither a foodie or hipster, but a well prepared brussel sprout is great. A poorly prepared brussel sprout is a nightmare.

>> No.4206494
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> mfw I fell in love with baked brussel sprouts after hearing horror stories from my mom's youth.
> mfw I tell people that they are eating brussel sprouts and they say "These don't taste like shit!"

>> No.4206504

I remember when I was in 4th grade, I was with a friend of mine in the back of our school where they had a garden of brussel sprouts and we would eat them raw. It was pretty good.

>mfw he starts eating dandelions and telling me people in China do it

>> No.4206505

how many times has this shitty thread been made?

must mean those """hipsters""" are simply better cooks, if you can't fucking make edible brussel sprouts.

>> No.4206528


I genuinely think they're good.

>> No.4206535
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But they do.

>> No.4206537

...You have my attention good sir, any tips for baking them?

>> No.4206560
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>> No.4206589

Sure is the stench of trawllies.

>> No.4206604
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yeah i like 'em

pic related my dinner last night(sorry for the lack of flash)

>> No.4206717

Taste good to me when cooked right. I only avoid them because they upset the fuck out of my stomach and give me terrible gas. For some reason, cabbage doesn't have nearly as strong an effect so I'd rather just eat that instead. Maybe I like them so much that I tend to overeat them which makes it a lot worse.

>> No.4206744

My mother sometimes cooks brussels sprouts in the oven.
Hits them with some finely chopped garlic, chopped up almonds and nuts, and some oil and soy-sauce.
Otherwise just browned in a ceramic dish.
Shit is cash

>> No.4206761

disgusting vegetables:

brussel sprouts
romanesco broccoli
cauliflower (this one especially)

>> No.4206782

feels won't away :(

>> No.4206785

I had a friend in kindergarten who chewed on dandelions right out of the school gardens and fields. He tried to get me to do it but I didn't dare.

>yfw I'm Asian and the other boy was white

>> No.4206786


>> No.4206788

>hating broccoli or cauliflower

>> No.4206790

Broccoli is alright in small amounts but cauliflower is downright disgusting.

>> No.4206792

But they're so similar!

>> No.4206794

Broccoli doesn't stink as repulsively when being cooked.

>> No.4206796

>replying to troll threads

>> No.4206797

i LOVE brussels sprouts and cabbage,soo good!

>> No.4206801

>Not enjoying a plethora of vegetables with your stir-fry

>> No.4206802

Anyone here never eat vegetables ever? How often do you poop?

>> No.4206806

yes. never. i have a stoma bag.

>> No.4206808

My uncle, every holiday, goes on about how even brussel sprouts can taste good. He talks about lightly frying them with olive oil and some spices. I told him "anything can taste good if you cover the damn thing with other things"

>> No.4206817

good thing they taste delicious by themselves then. you never steamed or cooked them until they're just right and had them with a tiny bit of oil/butter and salt/pepper did you?

>> No.4206824

That's not them tasting good. That is putting something else on them to make them taste good.

>> No.4206825

nope, it's them tasting good. you ever tried oil and salt by itself?

>> No.4206862


Brussel sprout leaves are like little cups to hold fat and salt, and they crisp up wonderfully.

Here try frying a brussel sprout in a deep fryer and eat it by itself with just a touch of salt.

If you say "herp you added salt" well what kind of fucking tardo doesnt salt his food?

Oh and adding things to it? Would you eat unsalted beef or unsalted pork? It is a total waste of meat doing that, no matter the quality.

>> No.4206877

>every food that tastes good must taste good by itself

>> No.4206888

As much as I hate telling a stranger over the internet that they're right, this faggot is correct, they can be used as little cups to hold delicious treats such as piping rosettes of salmon mousse etc

>> No.4206895

You faggots don't like vegetables? Not any vegetables at all? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4206902

You don't make friends with salad.

>> No.4206928

what's in that? specifically the dressing? I've got two pounds of broccoli and i just found out what im going to do with it.

>> No.4206948

I love broccoli.
I love all vegetables.

>> No.4206976

The ensuing dance number was pretty contrived.

>> No.4206993

not grilling brussel sprout s & adding balsamic to them
fucking uneducated fucks

>> No.4207007

Why do uneducated simple-minded pinhead troglodites not love all vegetables, especially Brussels sprouts?

>> No.4207015

>why do people not like the things I like?

>> No.4207032

Exactly. Thats why OP is a giant flapping pussy faggot.

>> No.4207037 [DELETED] 

I love bruxxel sproux
but i have never been a hipster
but to be honest i am the only person who likes them
most people hate them!

>> No.4207045

ITT: foodie hipster-fucks circlejerking

>> No.4207046

brussel sprouts are the shit
love em!

>> No.4207049

my mom likes brussel sprouts and she's pretty far from a hipster foodie fuck

anyway you're stupid, they're pretty tasty

>> No.4207070
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Brussel sprouts are scrumdiddlyumptious.

>> No.4207141

>I have literally never heard of nutrition

>> No.4207163

1. Cut off very small part from stem of brussel sprouts, remove any loose leaves.
2. Slice brussel sprouts into disks, starting at the base and working your way up (IF YOU DONT USE A SHARP KNIFE THE SPROUTS WILL FALL APART AND WONT BE NEARLY AS GOOD)
3. Dice onions fine, mince 2 cloves of garlic.
4. Heat pan with olive oil and a little bit of butter to medium high heat.
5. Throw everything in the pan once it is hot, top with some montreal steak seasoning and stir well. Toss in a dash of balsamic vinegar.
6. Cook for 5-7 min (or until you can get most of the sprouts browned)
7. Reduce heat to medium, toss in ~1/3 cup of water, cover and steam until water evaporates.
8. Taste for seasoning, add more montreal if desired.
9. ???
10. Enjoy with fish / steak / chicken or just by itself!

>> No.4207174
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>> No.4207713


>> No.4207722

saying hipster these day is the same as saying
"stop liking the things I don't like"
seriously it's so mainstream it's not even worth trying to point out.

Brussel sprouts are great man the fuck up and eat your vegetables. No more TV dinners.

>> No.4207741

I always loved broccoli, my sister made a mac & cheese plate with broccoli in it a few weeks ago.

10/10 would reccomend.

>> No.4207760

Butthurt hipster detected.

>> No.4207785

nice come back

Yup I'm a hipster and don't feel ashamed of it. But butthurt over a vegetable? No.

>> No.4207792

That cat looks delicious.
It's ok I'm from Hong Kong

>> No.4207809

>implying people from Hong Kong eat cat

Of all the fucking Chinese cities you could choose, you just had to be a mouth breathing moron and pick the one that is an ex-British colony and the vast majority of people would rather eat their own leather belts than think of a cat as food. God damn it you fucking idiot.

>> No.4207840

Holy crap kid it was just a joke. Why did you get so mad?

>> No.4207842

>eat their own leather belts
I think you mean
>eat thell own revvel behrz

Seriously, they eat pig anus and don't try to deny it: I've seen it for sale in HK. Love the city and much of the cuisine, but often absolutely repulsive street food. That's not to say that the street food is always absolutely repulsive, just that it often is.

But you're right: that other poster is a derp as I'm pretty sure HKers don't eat cats.

>> No.4207853

asianamericans always feel they gotta defend their culture... then again that goes for just about anyone.

>> No.4207866


In Guangdong they sure as hell eat cats, and much worse besides.

>> No.4207869

Oh you're feisty the FBI must be very proud of your deductive qualities.

>> No.4207880

And like Saigon- pig uterus is high on the menu.

Also Hong Kong does eat cat.
Not in the high end restaurants, but it's definitely available at some of the hole in a wall places.
>mfw I ate it by mistake one night whilst drunk.

>> No.4207881


He's from hong kong, newfriend. Hang out for a bit before posting next time, ok?

>> No.4207886
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>> No.4207887

Some people can taste bitter compounds in Brussels sprouts, while others can't. It's a single-gene autosomal recessive trait.

Personally, I think they taste shittier than any other vegetable I've ever eaten, and by a wide margin. I guess I must have the gene that lets me taste the bitter compounds.


>> No.4207893


Spare the rod, spoil the child.

Humanity never learns.

>> No.4207896

Guangdong/Canton might, but as far as I'm aware, HK proper does not. Maybe the Sham Shui Po part of Kowloon, but I really don't think HK proper does. Could be wrong though: any evidence to back your respective claims?

>> No.4209108
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I love them when my mom made them. I havent been able to make them tasty myself, though.

>> No.4209162

I just realised I have never eaten brussel sprouts at age 23

not because of pre conceived notions of their flavour, but because no one in my family ever used them in cooking

I'm buying some tomrrow, what is a sprouts centered meal I should prepare?

>> No.4209165


>> No.4209167

fry them quartered in bacon fat then add cooked bacon to it at the end

>> No.4209176

We eat them steamed with a pinch of salt and cottage cheese.
Motherfuckers need to embrace the sprout as a delicious vegetable

>> No.4209177

Yeah, with this recipe the sprouts will only taste like bacon. Not the best way to know if he likes it...

>> No.4209227


>yfw I'm Asian and my friend was Mexican

>> No.4209293
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>Parents boil Brussels sprouts with water and butter.
>You literally cannot go wrong with this method, delicious every time.
>Parents refuse to buy brussels sprouts outside of christmas dinner, even though it is my favourite food.
>Get laughed at in elementary school, when I mention brussels sprouts as my favourite food.

>> No.4209319

>parents boil Brussels sprouts until they become a tasteless mush
>they wonder why non of their children like them
seriously shit isn't rocket science

>> No.4209321

it takes a looong time for sprouts to become mush.
If you fail at something so simple, McDonald's is the right choice for you and your family.

>> No.4209328

my parents boiled everything
you name it they boil it, in plain water no additives

>> No.4209331

>boiling Brussels sprouts with water and butter
What a terrible waste.

>If you fail at something so simple, McDonald's is the right choice for you and your family.
If your family refused to buy a certain vegetable outside of a certain holiday it sounds like they are the McDonald's-eating rednecks.

>> No.4209344
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really delicious is to boil broccoli for half a minute (when i say boil i say really hot water). They won't taste like green jelly, but cripsy, juicy natural goodness. Honest to god, try it.

>> No.4209355


You should look into blanching.

>> No.4209356

>If your family refused to buy a certain vegetable outside of a certain holiday it sounds like they are the McDonald's-eating rednecks.
Not rednecks (wrong country and socio-economic background), but yeah, they care little about food, and broccoli was like 5% cheaper so they went with that.
>What a terrible waste.
It got me, a 5 year-old to love brussels sprouts. When you can do this for your children in whatever time you have left between work and after school activities, then you will have my respect. Until then, you are a worthless foodie who has no idea how food works for the common man.

>> No.4209361

that's the word! Yup, blanching. Its good

>> No.4209372


Blanching requires salted boiling water and an immediate ice water bath. Give it a try. It's your method, but better.

>> No.4209376


Why thank you and nice trips queerbait.

>> No.4209438

Friend has schizophrenia, her taste buds are wired so most meat tastes like metal and concentrated sweetums she pretty much only eats greens and such, because they taste normal enough for her. consider you ass debunked you generalizing faggot.

>> No.4209534

I eat vegetables but don't have any friends to impress by doing so. Checkmate, OP.

>> No.4209568

>1. blanch
>2. roast
>3. ????
>4. profit

>> No.4209583

>turkey dinner with brussel sprouts

oh god it's so fucking good

>> No.4209585

You're an idiot. Brussel sprouts are massively nutritious and they taste fine but I suppose if they're not instantly gratifying, then they must be awful for you because you're such a cro-magnon nigger.

>> No.4209628

Roast from raw with bacon and salt and pepper. I will dare anyone to not love my brussels.

>> No.4209639

OP confirmed for bad cook. Nothing tastes good when shit cooks like you make it

>> No.4209682


>> No.4209783

>Scientifically proved that to some people it tastes like shit
>Gotta beat some kids so they know to eat shit

I like sprouts, some people don't.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4209854


I think OP is the same guy who always accuses people who like spicy foods of being tryhards. He can't fathom people liking stuff he doesn't.