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4200829 No.4200829 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4200859


>> No.4200870

Yeah, we saw this thread a couple times.

Funny how the so-called god-fearing Christian types don't want to help out their fellow man. Maybe they should actually read the bible...

Also, who thinks a tithe goes to god? Who thinks, "I give god 10%"? God created all, I give him 100%.

>> No.4200883

Britfag here
I don't get it. So some Bible basher failed to give someone a tip? Why is this such big news? Am I missing something.
Also, what's with the 'I give God 10%' thing? 10% of their earnings to some Church or what?

>> No.4200888

he's a holy man; the pastor of a church. that's what makes this controversial. google and read a news article

>> No.4200898

It's an arrogant thing to say to someone who makes a living just reading the bible out loud. Also, to be members of a church you have to "donate" 10% of your annual salary to the church which just lines the pastor's pockets.

>> No.4200906

This. The guy makes a living out of reading a bible out loud and thinking he is righteous as fuck.

He lives on charity and thinks he is too good to give it?

Not even American and part of the tipping culture, just think his reasoning is fucked and typical of religious hypocrites.

>> No.4200911

Yeah, a lot of church goers (of many religions) here give at least 10% of their income to the church. It's "tithing", and most people do it because it's a tax deduction, not because they think it's going to help further god's cause.
And no, it's not either unusual or noteworthy that some redneck preacher used God as an excuse not to tip. Stupid people acting stupid, just another day in the world.

>> No.4200912

The pastor is a female, you illiterate lawn jockeys

>> No.4200914

You don't HAVE to tithe to be a member of a church. Churches just encourage it. For obvious reasons.

>> No.4200916
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>he's a holy man

>> No.4200926

Not surprised that she's black

>> No.4200931

Hmmm, highly morally dubious...and anyway, I'm pretty sure it isn't the waitress who has volition over who she charges automatic tips to

I'm not surprised no one respects or likes you

>> No.4200933

Everybody is worried about the christian not tipping, but not worried about the forced gratuity and the fact its 18%

>> No.4200934
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>> No.4200935


>I live in a fantasy world where blacks are good tippers

>> No.4200936

>these people

>> No.4200938

Of course not. Service businesses have the right to charge service fees, particularly for large parties. Have you ever seen the service charges on a catering bill? Or the service charges and fees when you buy concert tickets? Restaurants are certainly not the only businesses who charge a service fee, so why pick on them? Because people are stupid and somehow think that restaurant service should be free while they blindly pay for all kinds of other service charges at other businesses. It's pure idiocy.

>> No.4200947


The problem most have is that the service is an extra cost that depends on the person giving it. What they should do is include the service charges in the price and not accept tips.

>> No.4200948

The 18% is what the food would cost if there was no tipping system in place. When its a large group the waitress is doing more work than usual so they just include the full price

>> No.4200954

I can only imagine how loud and rude that table was in the restaurant. And the pastor getting all uppity when she looked at the bill. Aww hell naaaw girl

>> No.4200957

Christian here, I tip better than just about anyone I know. Please don't make generalizations about an entire group of people just because a minority of them are idiots.

>> No.4200958

Nice to see another realist in this world. Prepare to be called a racist though.

>> No.4200959

That's exactly what they did. The 18% was added to the bill. Just because there's a space for additional tip doesn't mean you have to give one. The problem with that asshole, is they made a point to scratch out the 18% amount (which they should have been charged for anyway, since it's not up to them to make the restaurant's policy) and then wrote a big fat zero and and basically just acted like complete cunt. There was no need for that, whatsoever.

>> No.4200961

dis white bitch aint getting no six dolla tip, fuck dat shit we be outta here

>> No.4200964

Render unto God what is God's, render to Caesar what is Caesars.

>Fucking pastor making excuses not to tip, can't just say he doesn't believe in tipping

>> No.4200966

You know those women ran that waitress ragged with their requests for more ranch dressing and sweet tea that isn't sweet enough

>> No.4200969


>a minority

not a minority, a good percentage actually.
all my friends in restaurants agree that Sunday mornings/afternoons when the church crowds come in get the worst tips,.

>> No.4200972


yea, but then good service would decline since servers wouldn't have to work for their tips,.

>> No.4200974

It actually surprises me how many people are dicks to the waiters.

I can understand not being overly affectionate with them, but screaming at the from across the restaurant and bitching when your food doesn't come for 10 minutes is over the line (That's what happened yesterday).

Then again - I'm the sort of guy who asks where I should carry the dishes after I'm done, so maybe I'm sort of over the line from the different angle?

>> No.4200975

Yep. I waited tables and I 100% agree. No one wanted to work sunday from like 10am-2pm because it was the church crowd - ABSOLUTELY the rudest, worst tipping, and most demanding people ever. I'm sure they aren't all like that, but a lot were. I'd choose waiting on drunks over the church people ANY DAY.

>> No.4200977

Wait, the bill was less than 35 dollars, and they had a large party? What did they do order and split 3 appetizers between them and have some drinks? Oh no my poor little waiter fingers, I MUST GET 18% GRATUITY FOR THIS TRAVESTY.
If the bill was something akin to $60+(No idea what appleboos prices are) I could understand a bit more.

>> No.4200985

The bill was broken down per person. I thought I had read the total of all people was over $200. Christ, you people are fucking retarded.

>> No.4200988

Split checks, retard.
The news articles on it say the party ordered over $200 worth the food.
And Applebees is cheapish, an entree is like between $8 and $15

>> No.4200990

They split up the bill. READ.

>> No.4200992

AND they have those sales were it's two appetizers and an entree for $20.

>> No.4200994

> news
oh you

>> No.4201000

If you think this is worthy of a fact finding mission, you're sorely mistaken. But 1 watiress and $200 worth of food at appleboos, I can understand it then.

>> No.4201035

>Tipping is a way to give unskilled people a chance at survival.
>Tipping is literally throwing your hard earned money at someone who is not of value to society.
>Welcome to capitalist America

Funny how in my country waiters get 10 Euro an hour without tips.

Want a fair system? Change it. Dont complain about someone not paying for someone else, carrying food from kitchen to table.

When I was in the US I always tipped, not due to the quality of the service, but due to the waitresses soft porn dialogue or out of GUILT mostly.

They hover over you asking "Is everything ok?" Sometimes I was so annoyed at the constant "checking up on you", I would not tip as a passive aggressive statement.

Fuck tipping, fuck the service industry and fuck unskilled people being parasites and having the nerve to feel entitled to my hard earned money.

>> No.4201045

>not American
>thinking your opinion is wanted or even relevant.

>> No.4201049

I was in Germany and the service was super fucking slow. I was told that they don't earn tips and that they can basically treat you however they want. I personally like seeing my waitress bust her ass to make me happy.

>> No.4201052

>carrying food from kitchen to table.

I'm not a waitress and I know that there is more to it than that. Some places like Mongolian BBQ the waitress is just there to refill your drinks and I tend to tip less for that kind of service.

>> No.4201056

look that pastor was an asshole but the fact of the matter is the waitress posted her personal info on the applebees facebook, a clear violation of the companies privacy policies, and got fired for it. its really her own damn fault.

>> No.4201059

That I agree with. When people post receipts online they usually blur out the name or any kind of identifying information.

>> No.4201066
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The pastor should be arrested and jailed for theft of service. Gratuity is mandatory for parties of 8 and over. The pastor refused to pay. That is a crime. The pastor is a thief.

>> No.4201070


>> No.4201072

>And Applebees is cheapish, an entree is like between $8 and $15
>paying $15 for frozen food
Holy fuck, restaurants are bullshit.

>> No.4201094


>> No.4201138
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Here's the deal op

Mandatory tipping = no, and if i EVER see anything like that on my receipt I will do the same. Tipping is supposed to be ONLY done if the service is EXCEPTIONAL.

I mean look at where the idea of TIP came from!

"Tip slipped into the language as underworld slang, with the verb 'to tip' (meaning 'to give to or share with') being used by shady characters as part of the then-current argot of petty criminals.""

If i decide to be CHARITABLE to someone who has done an EXCELLENT JOB then shouldn't the amount that is tipped, or whether or not I DO tip, be wholly MY decision?

I have no time for people who just EXPECT a tip after giving terrible or mediocre service.

>> No.4201156

See >>4200938

>> No.4201160 [DELETED] 


Say that to the Mormons.

>> No.4201162

Every company should just stop all these service charges. They piss people off constantly. Just put the list price so that you don't need any other fees and everything becomes clear. No hidden costs, no extra charges, no disappointments for workers.

>> No.4201164

Well, they're just whackjobs.

>> No.4201166 [DELETED] 


Fucking this. Their salary relies on tips, and they have to spend all of their on one table instead of more, they make less, thus they add on the tip as being required because of this.

When will America just pay their wait staff better rather than making them rely on tips? Being a waiter in America is literally the worst job you could have, it's no wonder so many of them spit in people's food and shit. You get treated like dirt and you have to just take it or you don't get a tip from them, meaning you don't make enough money to live.

>> No.4201171

Pay a decent salary -> Tipping becomes totally voluntary -> Being an extrordinary worker gets you more money

>> No.4201180

this isnt a religious thing, its a race thing
i dont know of any generalizations about christians being good or bad tippers but EVERYONE knows that niggers dont tip
ask any black person & they'll tell you point black that nigs dont tip
& i think the 18% gratuity charge for parties of 8 or more is perfectly acceptable
if you want to be a jew & give a shitty tip when its just you & your significant other thats fine, still shitty but fine
but if you have a whole party of people that means the waiter/waitress has to dote on your table & not give enough attention to the other patrons at the restaurant
besides, 18% is still below the customary 20%
good for the server for making this news worthy & shaming that dirty nigger & her whole church
sorry she got fired for it but applebees aint exactly a great gig anyway, im sure she can find a better job elsewhere with relative ease

>> No.4201217


Waiters get shit pay because a monkey could do their job

>> No.4201219



This so hard.

I grew up around christians, white christians, and they always tipped, and didn't spout their religious shit as a reason to gyp the server, and know that their money comes from tips.

>> No.4201222


Have you been a server?

It's fucking horrible, I've been in retail, worked as a nurses aid, cab driver and now I'm in the military, it's honestly the worst fucking thing I've ever done.

>> No.4201248

>point black

>> No.4201252

There's a difference between a preacher and a Christian.

Preachers are crooks and con men.

>> No.4201274

I ordered Chinese and gave the guy $25 instead of $19

>> No.4201293


>> No.4201295

If you are too poor to tip when going out you shouldn't be going out, period. That's why everyone here gets so fucking butt blustered about leaving 3-5 dollars for service. and if you are really against tipping that much would you prefer to just have all meals go up in price to reflect having to pay the waiters full minimum.

>> No.4201305

i give 20+% in tips every time i eat out unless i realize i actually have exact change which almost never happens. i say thank you every time water is refilled, they talk to me, or do any interaction with me. and stack plates and clean up spills and whatever. ive never worked in the food service industry. i usually work minimum wage jobs or have no job, and i still tip 20+% because im not fucking poor. how fucking poor do you have to be to not give at least 15% of whatever your bill is to. is your fatass so comfortable in life that you eat out twice a day and the 15% is really adding up to make you be so destitute? jesus christ, you people defending the person not tipping should go choke on a big of dicks

>> No.4201311

This. If there's no tipping, prices for meals WILL go up. Do you really think, for even a second, that restaurant owners are just going to shoulder the extra costs? No, increase in cost ALWAYS gets passed down to the customer. LRN2BUSINESS.
Right now, you have a choice as to how much you care to pay for service. If tipping is eliminated, you won't have a choice. In Britain, most of the restaurants I went to charged a 12% service fee, on every bill. So, it didn't matter if you had a shit server or not, you still payed for service. Is that what you want? This is a clear cut case of morons who can't see the forest for the trees.

>> No.4201312

>He lives on charity and thinks he is too good to give it?
charity is given, not taken and definitely not to be expected.

I am outraged every time a restaurant automatically adds tip to a check, I refuse to pay it too.

>> No.4201331

He's either a really shitty christian, or....The staff raped his mother in front of him, i guess?
Pastor's are supposed to be better than that. I'm not taking issue btw with the automatic gratuity - that's common courtesy. or the fact that he put 0 additional into a tip, because it's fucking applebees, and i'm sure service slips when they count heads at the table and realize they're getting an auto 18%.

but that "I give god 10% line" is pure fucking garbage. HE MAD folks. and he let it show. He's human, so forgiveness of course, is in order. but then to want people fired over something like this, well that's weird.

>> No.4201336

I'm thinking if this was a regular white pastor he wouldn't have a problem tipping. But this was a black woman. BLACK WOMAN. Shit, I would think a black male pastor would still tip. This was just arrogance, rudeness and typical behavior of a black woman.

>> No.4201337

you just saw that on louie

>> No.4201343


The service fee should be included in the price of the food and not added afterwards. This way the customer knows beforehand how much they will end up paying.

Crappy service is not something a tip should rectify. Crappy service should be reported to a manager or other supervisor and they should deal it the way they see fit.

>> No.4201354

and you'd think most pastor's would say they give god 100%.

>> No.4201357

Did you even understand what you read?
Also, service fees are ALWAYS listed. It's not the establishment's fault if someone is too stupid to read the notices on the menu.

>> No.4201360

that just isn't the way shit is. This bitch wasn't born yesterday. Everyone fucking KNOWS that for large parties the gratuity is added automatically, it's common fucking knowledge and it's written on the goddamn menu.

That's like going to buy a car and being pissed off when the tax gets added in
>why not just add it to the price of the car?!?!
STFU and into business practices.

>> No.4201377

Tax is always added into the price in my country. So is the service fee by the way. People only tip if the service is exceptional.

>> No.4201380


I know what the deal was here. I just stated that the best system would be to put all the charges and fees in the original price of the food.

And here where I live, luckily this is the case in all restaurants. And by the way, in here the sticker price of a car has tax included.

>> No.4201393

You can't put a large party gratuity into the price of an entree because not every table is going to be a large party. FFS man....

>> No.4201399

I wonder how all countries that are not the US manage. I guess it's just impossible.

>> No.4201766

>Implying a nigger would give 100% of anything they have

>> No.4201796
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>> No.4201797

Other countries have an overall increased food price to pay their servers.
Only two states in the USA require you to pay servers minimum wage. Everywhere else it's like $2 an hour.
It's a double edged sword, you can either have prices fucking skyrocket on the food you want to eat, or they can stay low and you tip for good service.
Or, just don't go out to eat. No one HAS to prepare and serve food to you, you can make it at home for cheaper.

>> No.4201800

niggers are the worst tippers

>> No.4201813

>prices fucking skyrocket

This is the belief that is wrong. The price increase amounts to less than a dollar for each item on a menu.

>> No.4201852

you dipshits that keep spouting that a cover fee for large groups need to get enlightened

they have that shit written all over the fucking menu, and its usually on a sign in the front lobby of the restruant

note: look at the fine italicized print

>> No.4201880

Keep pulling nonsense out of your ass with zero stats to confirm anything.

>> No.4201894

I dont pay my servers less then minimum wage, but at the same time if everyone's pay went up by just 80 cents an hour I would probably sol.

Then again I am not applebees and I refuse to shaft senior members with part time...

>> No.4201898

>less then

When did you drop out of school?

>> No.4201913

Sunday is the worst fucking day to work at a restaurant. You would hope that people would be better behaved right after they left church but instead they act like the worst self-entitled little children. Christian church goers are fucking scum

>> No.4201920

I honestly hate the concept of tipping. Why should I give someone extra money for doing their job? Servers earn a wage, I don't know why society acts as though they deserve more for carrying a fucking plate to me.

>> No.4202021

>Tipping is supposed to be ONLY done if the service is EXCEPTIONAL.

Bullshit you cheap fucking cunt

>> No.4202034

In civilized countries, good service is included in the price of the meal, and customers don't have to bribe their waiter separately to not spit in their food.

>> No.4202048
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I love non tippers.

I tip very, very well. So well, that I am remembered in every restaurant I frequent. I get THE very best service and the very best food. The staff adore me.

The bill is $20? Here's $40. See you next time.

>> No.4202067
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>> No.4202071

Feels good. If you are an attractive male, this will get you laid.

>> No.4202080

>If you are a cheap prostitute, you will put out.

>> No.4202082

in civilized countries, waiters still make less than half min-wage. their primary income is from tips, poorfag autist.

>> No.4202086

I'm guessing you've never been abroad.

>> No.4202091

Nope, I am all man.

>> No.4202101
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>> No.4202108
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>> No.4202139

can someone please explain to me what the big deal over tipping is? don't the people already get paid, or do the bosses pay them fuck all and expect the public to help them out?

>> No.4202152

>don't the people already get paid, or do the bosses pay them fuck all and expect the public to help them out?

what happens in other countries is completely irrelevant, as this incident happened here in the good old states. she was paid $3 an hour, so waiters in the states literally depend on tips. despite what autists who try to rationalize their stingy behavior think, you're supposed to tip when you dine in. whether it be 10% because you're too fucking poor to pay a dollar more, you should still tip. no matter how pleb or patrician the restaurant.

it's common knowledge that if you have a party of 20 people, you're getting an automatic 18% tip added. it's written all over the menus.

>> No.4202163

why is she paid $3 an hour?

you'd expect the cost of food to be such and such a price, with set paychecks already in place.

how much does food (from such an outlet) normally cost compared to supermarkets/suppliers. how much do the bosses get paid.

>> No.4202166

Or that black people with money are about the most entitled crowd there is?

>> No.4202178

Anyone else that's Christian(or was brought up Christian) experience their parent(s) acting like dicks when going out to eat after church on Sunday? I know my mom was usually sort of a cunt, never said thank you on a refill she didn't have to ask for, or when she got a refill in general. On a few occasions I literally saw her snap at a waiter.

>> No.4202200

They get away with doing that because if the tips they make per hour don't match up to minimum wage then the restaurant has to cover the difference. But they have to split their tips with bussboys, reception (which is RETARDED) and chefs, so they basically end up making minimum wage before taxes if they work some place like Applebees.

If you have a problem with this then you should just NOT eat somewhere that treats their employees like that. This is why I don't order pizza, I believe the delivery guys deserve tips because they get paid shit, mostly don't get paid for gas and use their own cars, but the price of pizza delivery is so retarded I am not going to pay all of that with the delivery fee (which DOESNT go to the drivers) AND pay a tip, I can drive my happy ass over to little ceasers and get a $5 hot n ready, if I want good pizza i go to a pizza restaurant, and I tip the way you're supposed to in the US (based on service)

That said, living in europe was awesome, not having to tip like that.

>> No.4202211

>I am outraged every time a restaurant automatically adds tip to a check, I refuse to pay it too.
No you don't. You are a beta and you'll pay whatever they tell you to pay.

>> No.4202214

I agree that the whole idea of the tipping system is bullshit, but thinking you are making a difference to change the system by not tipping is bullshit. The only people you are screwing is the person serving you all because you feel like an entitled prick

>> No.4202215

so, how do you fuck the system with fucking the employees?

>> No.4202216
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some assholes don't belove in tipping

>> No.4202227

Sometimrs I wonder if a friend who gets the chque last takes whatever extra tip I put in and leaves less and keeps the difference for himself.

>> No.4202232

>the system is stupid but I must be complacent and follow it

Cool logic and passion bro.

>> No.4202236

No, I care about the people working the job. If I dont tip them then I am not helping them pay their bills. Not tipping isnt some sort of radical act of justice, its just a justification to not pay

Through legislation. You know, how civilized people do things

>> No.4202241

and how long would that take? you know, for the civilized people rolling in it?

>> No.4202244

It wasn't really news til she got the waitress that posted it fired.

>> No.4202266

In many states waiters are tipped less than minimum because it's assumed tips will bring them up to at least minimum.

Anyone that doesn't tip in the USA needs to remember this: Americans as a society decided food service runs on tips. That's just the way it is here. If you disagree with the practice, that's fine, either lobby for change or don't eat at a table service restaurant. Because when you don't tip, especially in the states that don't pay minimum, the server and bussers and host staff are working for free on your table, and all you're doing is hurting the little guy. And I'd hope we can all agree that's just not right.

>> No.4202267

Sorry, by tipped less I meant paid less

>> No.4202275

no one has answered my questions about food price to restaurant price. and somehow I don't think lobbying will do shit.

pffft, the whole debate just makes me hate America more.

>> No.4202277

sorry, not your debate, I actually found it well formulated, just the whole tipping thing in general.

>> No.4202282
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My parents were pastors. We were dirt poor so if we went out to eat, we went to McDonald's for cheeseburgers and ice water. If we were really good we would get an ice cream cone- the kiddie kind that were only 75 cents (at the time).

I don't go to church anymore because as a PK I've seen that most people who go to church are judgmental assholes. They usually don't tip well. I don't see a problem with paying 10% of my income to "God" though I like what>>4200870 said. Tithing historically was used to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, support the widows and the destitute, etc. I believe in tithing for that purpose but most churches these days have become weekend entertainment sources, not holy congregations who use the money for good. When I tithe, I give my money directly to a charity (and I research them first to see what they do with the money and how much of it goes to actually helping people vs. paying a CEO, etc).

What irks me most is that this "pastor" (let's not even get into the fact that she's a woman or black... I'll set those opinions aside) as the leader of a congregation should be living her life in a way that preaches the gospel through actions. What she did was NOT something a spiritual leader should do.

That pastor should be fired. There was no need for her to complain about her church being shamed. She should be shamed. What she did was wrong and now she is reaping the benefits of her fuck up. She had the audacity to complain to the restaurant about it because it embarrassed her and her church. What about reaching out to this poor waitress as a "witness of God's love?" THAT is what real Christianity is about. I've been to a good 20 different denominations of churches and I've found that the worst sinners are often in "leadership." She deserves to be embarrassed. She should be fired.

>> No.4202306


>how much does food (from such an outlet) normally cost compared to supermarkets/suppliers. how much do the bosses get paid

are you literally asking the cost of raw ingredents at a local grocer, vs. the cost of preparation, materials, service, and environment at any restaurant? what kind of question is that? they buy in bulk to begin with.

if you eat at a pleb diner, you could probably get two scrambled eggs, toast, and some sausage. raw eggs would probably be 50 cents total, toast would probably be 15 cents a slice, sausage would probably be 50 cents. if that's what you're asking?

>> No.4202307

I think there may be a relation between religion and poverty. People who are poor are more likely to be religious in terms of organized religion. The poverty mentality is that your lot in life is based on what God wants for you. It's funny because the mentality of the wealthy is the exact opposite. Wealthy people tend to believe that they created their own success.

So the poor wait for God to do something to make sure their needs are met. "Trust God!" but for the rich, "God helps those who help themselves."

>> No.4202310

>living in europe was awesome, not having to tip like that.
all I remember about europe was paying 2,40 for glasses of water.

>> No.4202311

Is your mom's name Kim?

I only ask because she sounds just like a cunt I know.

>> No.4202314

don't be such a poorfag autist, if you live in the states you have no excuse. don't eat out if you can't afford to add a few bucks for that $3/hr waitress.

>> No.4202322
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>> No.4202325

Nah, her name is Mom.

>> No.4202326

>for the rich, "God helps those who help themselves."

the 'rich' excuse for being miserly is "being charitable would only disadvantage you and break your character, you need to learn how to make it on your own--just like I did by having a rich daddy".

>> No.4202327

why and when did 15% tip become the norm?

>> No.4202333


>> No.4202334
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It was listed in the Constitution. It's the most American thing you can do, besides declaring war on non-threatening nations.

>> No.4202341


>>4202307here, the problem is the polarity of the system. The rich and the poor all lose in one way or another when we don't work together.

But the paradigm is shifting...

>> No.4202343


>> No.4202348

The person who left the zero tip was a black lady. As expected of them...

>> No.4202353

though, you always have people who abuse the system when we 'work together'.

won't get too much into this since I'm sure this will upset 99.99% of you out there, but my example is community college. I see it as a stepping stone for the disadvantaged--for those who were not given the right opportunities, or for those with domestic issues that hindered their academic abilities. when you transfer, being considered 'independent' at the age of 22 vs. being an 18yo, you're generally given lots of finaid.

I go to a good uni. a couple kids from my old high school (rich whitey town) transferred in. who are they? top lawyers' kids who thought hs was for getting high, and didn't give a single fuck. now they're stealing finaid from people who actually need it, not to mention, stealing the college opportunities from kids who pulled themselves up from their bootstraps.

>> No.4202364


No one who refers to it as "uni" is going to a good school. This is generally the domain of petrol huffing straya cunts.

>> No.4202366
File: 99 KB, 2400x749, don_t_tread_on_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from kids who pulled themselves up from their bootstraps.

Tea party thread?

>> No.4202375


cheap people will find any reason to justify being assholes if it save them a buck

>> No.4202385

>>4202282 > Tithing historically was used to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, support the widows and the destitute, etc. I believe in tithing for that purpose but most churches these days have become weekend entertainment sources, not holy congregations who use the money for good. When I tithe, I give my money directly to a charity (and I research them first to see what they do with the money and how much of it goes to actually helping people vs. paying a CEO, etc).
Very good point. In theory, churches are supposed to be doing God's work and help the poor and needy and hungry. Of course that doesn't preclude your from tipping and giving money toward people working to serve you food. You can also be a good Christian and share your wealth with those around you.

Sadly, we don't live in theory and many many churches don't really help people and too many pastors pocket them bills from the coffer.

Also, speaking of religion, my Jewish friend says he and some other Jews he knows tip extra to make sure they avoid the stereotype that Jews are cheap.

>> No.4202392

>>4202366 > Tea party thread?
Naw. He's bitching about rich white kids with rich white parents taking away opportunities from the less fortunate.

I bet they don't tip well either even if they're using their trust funds and daddy's credit cards while also maybe using some kinda financial aid.

>> No.4202404


Tip on total and tax?
Tip on initial meal total?

I argue with my dad on this. He acts like it's da guberment taking more money from him when I try to explain it's a person working for a living and not da guberment tax man getting the extra money.

>> No.4202410

I'm throwing a shitfit over that phrase "PICK YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS" like any one person is completely in control of how their life turns out. You don't guarantee yourself success by walking into a job interview with a spotless resume, perfect work history, and fantastic personality. At the end of the day it comes down to the mouthbreather you're sitting across from and their own biases.

You know, people have been passed over(and of course this is never disclosed) based on gender, height, and physical appearance, just to name a few.

A fat fuck trying to get a job at Victoria's Secret/Abercrombie/insert soulless clothing shithole here? Yeah, good luck.

>> No.4202419

>people have been passed over(and of course this is never disclosed) based on gender, height, and physical appearance, just to name a few

This isn't true. Look at {tokencelebrity}, and he's even a republican. If there really was discrimination, exceptions like him wouldn't exist to defend the 1% like the spineless lap dogs that they are. Why should I have to apologize for being white. That's racism.

>> No.4202426

I'm sorry, but what?

>> No.4202429

I call it uni because everyone does on 4chan. it's easier to type out, you mad?

>> No.4202432

Then why should I have to apologize for the shenanigans of other blacks? The cunt that wrote that tip was just that, a cunt. He being black causes me to be treated like shit. Why do I have to apologize?

>> No.4202438

People who are against tipping, I just want to you to admit that it actually has nothing to do with the idea of tipping. Just admit that you are a selfish prick and that all you truly care about is paying less. Thats all I ask

>> No.4202441


If they were capable of that kind of self reflection and pragmatism, they probably wouldn't have the mid of money management problems that they see as forcing them into acting in a socially unacceptable fashion while trying unsuccessfully to argue their way into being accepted.

>> No.4202451

as if you have absolutely no control for how your life turns out? sorry you got worked up by the terminology I chose. I just meant that I know kids who had e.g., poor immigrant parents who couldn't supplement education, abusive households, went to a hs that didn't offer the same quality of education, had poor parents who couldn't pay for college, etc.

it makes total sense for them to go to cc--but for kids spoiled by wasted opportunity, with rich parents who could have afforded to send them to $80k/year institutions, who chose to weasel in the easy way.. you can't deny the discrepancy.

>> No.4202464

>like any one person is completely in control of how their life turns out.
well now, that's why things like CC are meant to level out the playing field? I'm all about equal playing field, not equal outcome. whenever something 'levels the playing field', it always runs the risk of being abused.

>> No.4202491

No, I'm not trying to say there aren't ways to move up if you're from a low-income background, I'm talking about this
>You know, people have been passed over(and of course this is never disclosed) based on gender, height, and physical appearance, just to name a few.
This is the shit that drives me up a wall. I've seen whores in ripped jeans and t-shirts walk into a Best Buy interview and walk out with hired papers. Of course they have a round ass and thick thighs and big tits. I've seen an overweight chick walk out and get the run around that "Oh, you applied for x position, we thought it was y, we'll get back to you." Only to never get a call back and have to practically demand to get a manager on the phone a week later to get any sort of answer.

>> No.4202509

are you a fat chick, or are you annoyed by other men who want to hire chicks with big tits? I mean obviously Victoria's Secret wouldn't wan to hire whales--though the one near me has two (very convincing) trannies.

to be fair, if you're a sales associate or receptionist, your image counts more than the behind-the-scenes workers.

>> No.4202522

I'm not a fat chick, I've just seen this shit happen to overweight women. This just backs up my claim that you're not completely in control of landing the job you want. You could just be an ugly son of a bitch and never get hired for a sales position, or anything else where you're exposed to the public, despite the fact that you might provide excellent example pitches in an interview and have a wonderful resume.

>> No.4202529


>implying community college provides an equal opportunity to an expensive university

sure is ron /pol/ in here

>> No.4202535

As an employer I can tell you that all that matters is what you can sell.
Hot chicks sell better than overweight women. Sure there are some hot women with no talent and a few fatties that can overcome odds but for the most part its far more profitable to hire fit ladies over fat ones.

>> No.4202538

>implying all public universities are shit

I looked at the stats for mine, and they admit over 3,000 a year. so yes, it provides an equal opportunity. and yes, $20-30k a year is expensive to poor people.

>> No.4202541

wonderful resume and perfect interview--for a minimum-wage sales position?? I think you need to look into higher-education positions where your accomplishments speak more than your face. I work at a research lab, they sure as hell don't care about appearance up here.

>> No.4202546
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But what at Best Buy would someone even SELL? Unless they're working the cell phone section where they might try and upsell like crazy, I can't imagine what a Best Buy rep would sell. Device protection plan shit? Wow Ms. Tits, you're so fucking kawaii, I'll take twenty!

>> No.4202550

Could anon possibly have meant a wonderful resume and perfect interview for the position being applied for?

>> No.4202556


man you need to attend a community college for logic 1010101

>> No.4202559

all anon's examples are min-wage positions. in all the positions where higher education and skill counts, I can't foresee this being that much of an issue.

but I will agree to a certain extent, in that your degree/level of education is weighed heavier than it should be--esp. as a businessman. if you never got much of a proper education, but you have countless years of experience, you'll get fucked over.

>> No.4202562

aren't you precious?

>> No.4202563

So are you trying to imply that a community college has professors that are at the same level of quality as a UC or Ivy league professor? Please tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.4202568

And there are some of us who need to pay the bills prior to getting their degree. Not everyone is blessed with reasonable parents that are willing to house them through college. My mom is a republicunt who pretty much forced me out of the house at 18 and demanded I make something of myself. Financial aid isn't going to cover everything bro, some of us need to get a job, and some of us aren't David Beckham with a 3 foot hanging elephant trunk in the pants.

It's a given that in the white collar/professional world, looks hardly mean shit. They want that pretty piece of paper that says "I know some shit, so now retrain me". The struggle is surviving long enough so you can get there.

>> No.4202573

if you're just getting basic requirements out of the way--as you do in CC--it doesn't matter terribly. of course you're sacrificing two years of shit, but that really wasn't the main point. you're implying no one who transfers can properly acclimate to a 4-year institution, which is dead wrong.

hypothetically, you could argue that smaller class sizes would lead to a higher quality of education--as I never interacted with my professors in my 800+ student intro courses.

>> No.4202574

No they dont want 20 but I can tell you that customers come back to businesses staffed with attractive sales people more than they otherwise would. They will remember the last time they needed some computer crap and the hot associate sorted them out.

>> No.4202582

are you really so hideous that you can't find labor anywhere? if you're 500+ lbs, I'm sure it's incredibly difficult to find a job. but otherwise, if you look hard enough you can find work; if you have serious physical deformities from some chromosomal defect, you could classify yourself as disabled. I'm ugly as shit, I had various part-time min-wage jobs through high school and college.

>> No.4202589

Mate, I've heard stories where kids my age and older people talk about the difference between community college professors and University professors. The amount of dicking around that some professors get away with at CC's is beyond belief. I currently have a poli science teacher who said he was taught almost nothing the entire semester he took political science at a community college. He said 90% of the class period was taken up by the professor recounting recent vacations and providing "real fuckin' neato" stories. Study guides practically provided the answers to the quizzes. Everyone "loved" this teacher and people would scramble to get this guy's class every semester because of his reputation. When my current professor transferred to a UC to pursue his degree he was gobsmacked by how little he was taught. He said he got put through the ringer and had to adapt fast or be drowned out by the workload and the amount of knowledge he was required to have for the courses involving his major.

Community College's get a bad wrap because some of the stereotypes are TRUE. Professors who practically give the fuckin' farm away and don't teach you shit, kids who dick off in the back talking amongst themselves while the professor acts like nothing is happening, kids smoking up their Fin aid money or using it to trick out their shitty lowered Honda Civics.

I'm not saying it can't happen elsewhere, it's just magnified at your local community college.

Captcha: carried ownlkin

>> No.4202593

>are you really so hideous that you can't find labor anywhere? if you're 500+ lbs
Neither of these apply to me. I am chubby, and I'm a fucking manlet according to the Internet, and I also happen to live in a town of nearly 20% unemployment that's filled to the brim with illegals. I'm also white, do I need to check my privilege?

>> No.4202602

>The pastor is a thief.
You are shocked by this?

>> No.4202608

How is not wanting to tip 'twice' being a bad person, or a thief?

Your tip has already been collected. Without your consent.
They expect people to give MORE?
Am I the only one who thinks this is just a little greedy?

>> No.4202609
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The system IS broken, restaurants don't want to 'pay' their employees a lot because overhead is already overwhelming.

Most restaurants fail instantly and others can close at the drop of a hat.

I think tip is definitely obligatory for a table of 6 or more, but NOT if you're just serving me.

I fucking hate tipping when I eat with my friend, it's just two people, he can carry our plates easy in one go.

>> No.4202616

>When my current professor transferred to a UC to pursue his degree he was gobsmacked by how little he was taught.
oh my god, with poli sci?? are you fucking kidding me?

I go to a top UC, I took classes at CC's over the summer to get basic requirements out of the way. sure the professors weren't amazing, but imho they weren't bad by any means. I found amount of student-prof interaction impressive--as I said, in your 800+ entry-level courses, all you have is your graduate instructor. who, by definition of only doing this to pay bills, is likely not that great. at least, I've had few great grad students (they're focused on their own research, they're not there to teach--and they're sometimes learning the material with you).

it's not like the material is impossible to study on your own, if given the textbook. sure, a bunch of of people who transfer are incompetent and got themselves in over their heads--but I know TONS of intelligent, capable students who just couldn't afford a full 4 years--and CC was a life-saving stepping-stone for them.

the general environment of CC's, though, is shit. I definitely agree with you there--you're stuck in a sea of lazy incompetents, wading through life. it can certainly rub off on you. but I still disagree that (especially with poli sci) you're completely unprepared. it might take a semester to acclimate properly, but if you're so far behind to begin with and can't catch up, chances are you weren't meant to go to that school.

>> No.4202631

>it's not like the material is impossible to study on your own, if given the textbook
I totally agree, and my professor more or less conveyed that he got lazy real fast in a class like that, opting to skim through the book instead of reading every page down to every sidebox definition of whatever. It's pretty human, if you're relieved of all pressure, you tend to just kick back, and him not being vigilant and studying the material is partly what fucked him. The professor teaching him fuck all didn't help either.

>> No.4202688

it's a broken system, only because people abuse it. just consider the tip an automatic part of your meal, because if the restaurant had to pay full min-wage for each server, your food would be more expensive. it's incentive for waitresses to act as nice as fucking possible, or suffer a poor tip. if being courteous wasn't literally how they earned money, I can only imagine how most wouldn't give much of a fuck.

tax in restaurants annoys me though.

>> No.4203059

Restaurants? Fuck restaurants!

>> No.4203153

Post more tip receipts

>> No.4203169


>> No.4203199

so are you saying that if I went to a resturaunt and ordered food, and the waiter literally squatted down on my table and took a shit on my plate, im still a bad person for not tipping them?

>> No.4203202
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>> No.4203204
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>> No.4203205
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>> No.4203207
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>> No.4203209
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>> No.4203212
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>> No.4203214
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>> No.4203217
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>> No.4203219
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>> No.4203222
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>> No.4203223
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>> No.4203224
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I want to punch who ever did that.

The sperg lord probably took the picture of his own receipt.

>> No.4203225
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>> No.4203229
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>> No.4203230
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>> No.4203231

>white culture
Pick one.

>> No.4203232

>the waiter literally squatted down on my table and took a shit on my plate

how fucking autistic are you that you would automatically jump to that? stop trying to rationalize what a cheap-ass poorfag you are. if you don't have a few bucks to spare, stop eating out.

>> No.4203234
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>> No.4203236

haha what a bitch

>> No.4203238


They deserved this. Act like an asshole, don't get tipped, you entitled little english-degree having shitwads.

>> No.4203239

oh shit, must be a shady restaurant

>> No.4203242

pastor should have just written this.

>> No.4203243


If you cross out the gratuity and deduct it from the total, does the restaurant have to charge your card the new total?

>> No.4203246


I dislike religious people being overly religious and shoving it down my throat, but more than that I hate people like the person who wrote this message for being oversensitive to someone just trying to be kind.

>> No.4203247
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>> No.4203248

>tipping a waiter
Line chefs and the dish pit guys are the only people who actually work at a restaurant.

>> No.4203251
File: 63 KB, 920x459, 1358804192443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I feel your pain

>> No.4203252

>Act like an asshole, don't get tipped
exactly why waiters live on tips. act like shitheads, get reduced tips or no tips. but of course, autists in the states can't comprehend why they're supposed to tip when waiters don't give them dinner and a show.

I think though, it's fair to say tips are ~10% for young teens. at least, that's what my friends and their parents told me back in the day.

>> No.4203250
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>> No.4203254

these people ruin atheism for everyone, seriously.

>> No.4203258

funny that the pastor from op is a black woman

who would've guessed

>> No.4203259


Yeah, no. I expect decent service, not a dinner and a show. Funny how you call ME the aspie but you jump to that fucking conclusion.

If you make a comment about me or flirt with my partner, guess what, fuckface? You're not getting a tip. This is how life works, you should have been taught this by your parents but they're probably from the yuppie generation which is entitled as fuck and has passed down this shitty, entitled, "I can say and do whatever I want and you still have to pay me" attitude,

No, fuck you. Think whatever you like about me or my girlfriend's tits, but keep your fucking mouth shut. Be professional and courteous and you WILL get a nice tip. This is simple.

Believing that waiters "deserve" tips even if they make fun of you within listening distance or spit on your plate or engage in other shitty behaviors is simply childish.

>> No.4203264

like fucking sweden.
Want to know the price of something, look at the price tag. It has all taxes etc included on it.
On vacation in Florida, I got so annoyed everytime when shit had sales tax and when I had my money counted out and ready, it was always the extra tax shit. FUCK THAT.

>> No.4203275

Where in Sweden are you at? Uppsala here.

>> No.4203283


please respond

>> No.4203286

but tax changes so often they would have to reprint menus a lot

>> No.4203288

I HATE people like this. If shes a single mom and so poor to tip. WHY THE FUCK is she spending 138$ on shit. Fucking bitch needs to have kids taken away or some shit.

>> No.4203310

but "thank you it was great" makes it ok, doesn't it?

>> No.4203326

A lot of churches use the money they get to do good charitable works. Don't be a gaytheist or fagnostic, religions actually deliver valuable services.

Also the guy isn't a fucking holy man, if he's tithing then he's a member of the church. Do you fucking think people are give 10% of their goddamn money to a church that just gives it all to the preacher? No they want that money to be doing the Lord's work, which means doing nice stuff for poor people and spreading the word of Jesus, mostly.

Also automatic tipping is gayer than gay.

Also polite sage for not cooking /pol/ tier shit.

>> No.4203370

it was a black female pastor you moron

>> No.4203386

this ones pretty good

>> No.4203392

our party of 3, me roomate and girlfriend tipped like 120$ combined to our long time waitress at an ihop we went to a lot when we worked the night shift, on christmas. something like that anyway. one of them threw down 25, so the other upstaged them with 35 and i did 50 just because i dont really care about money and THEYRE A GOD DAMN WAITRESS IN AMERICA THEY NEEEED IT

>> No.4203394

Alright, In general in the food/service industry the cost(The price of the ingredients plus labor etc) is normally about 30-35%(depends on the restaurant really).

This means that if you pay $1.00 for something, you need to charge minimum of $3.34. It may seem like you are charging a lot more than necessary, but keep in mind that you aren't just paying for the food itself.

You are paying someone to prepare the food, serve the food, and clean up after the food. Everything in your restaurant, from payroll to the electric bill needs to be covered by the food you serve.

Take Filet Mignon Dinner for example.
The initial cost of a filet mignon dinner can be broken down into the following areas:

• The beef filet costs you $6.00 per portion
• The wrap (the potato, vegetable, salad and bread that comes with the filet, as well as any condiments the guest asks for) costs $2.50
Therefore, the entire meal costs you $8.50.

The formula for costing goes as follows:
Cost of your product/.35=menu price or $8.50/.35= $24.29

$24.29 is the absolute minimum you need to charge in order to make a profit off the filet mignon dinner. But $24.29 is an awkward looking number, so you might bump it up to $24.99, maybe even $29.99 and then you just dropped below 30% food costs so you make a bigger profit.

Now assume you had to pay your wait staff fair wages.
You would have to tack on maybe $1-5 a meal(depending on location/busy or not). You are throwing out money. Instead keep costs the same, and then expect the customer to pay the difference in wages for you.

>> No.4203396

Tip: Escalating situations is dumb.

>> No.4203397

then again, my roomate went to a christmas celebration outing where the manager had a company amex black card and they tipped like 500

>> No.4203408

>Believing that waiters "deserve" tips even if they make fun of you within listening distance or spit on your plate or engage in other shitty behaviors is simply childish

who the fuck said shitty waiters get full tips? this is about lazy cheapskate faggots who ONLY tip when they get to fuck the waitress in the ass. Your original comment--or whoever I was replying to--said that only *********EXCEPTIONAL*********** service necessitates tips.

>> No.4203418

I don't see why you jumped to the conclusion that I think waiters who shit on your food deserve tips, especially since you were replying to
>exactly why waiters live on tips. act like shitheads, get reduced tips or no tips.

for fuck's sake, no one said waiters who take a dump on your food deserve tips--we were always talking about average service. you know, courteous but nothing remarkable. I was against the notion that

>Tipping is supposed to be ONLY done if the service is EXCEPTIONAL

>> No.4203542

>mfw I almost always tip 20% unless the service is absolute shit

I never lived a hard life growing up though and my parents are pretty well off and always tip at least 20% though, so I guess that's where I got it from.

>> No.4203574


I always do 17%, 20-25% if its great service (or if its a smaller bill)

its bullshit for people who stiff or give lesser tips, because they have to split the tips. I work at a restaurant and servers only get like half the tip, the rest gets pooled for hosts, bussers, and the service bartender.

>> No.4203576


False. They can't "treat you however they want", they are still employees working for the house and their manager / boss / whatever will fire their ass on the spot if they randomly mistreat a customer.


Shitty system, shitty job, shitty pay. If you accept a job that doesn't provide minimum wage, you are a dumbass. Waiters get too much credit for what they do.


>If you are too poor to tip when going out you shouldn't be going out, period.



False. I've been to the U.S. and everything is WAY more expensive than my home country, where we don't get blackmailed so as to not have secretions in our food.


Don't get the feeling that I condone tipping with this post. If you wanna tip, go ahead.


I live in a civilized country and EVERY SINGLE JOB has minimum wage.


>when you don't tip, especially in the states that don't pay minimum, the server and bussers and host staff are working for free


>> No.4203629


>how to get arrested.jpg

>> No.4203635

Gbg min neger!
Then stop changing taxes so often, or make simpler menus without all the razzle dazzle, laminated hd picture bullcrap.

>> No.4203637

>20% tip growing up
The standard tip used to be 10%, 15% for exceptional service. 20% is relatively new. Must be nice being a rich 15 year old.

>> No.4203645

Worker should be paid for his/her job by employer not beg random people. MUH socialism.

>> No.4203827

>Shitty system, shitty job, shitty pay. If you accept a job that doesn't provide minimum wage, you are a dumbass.

But in america, waiting is very well paid because you are paid directly by the customer.
How does that make a waiter a dumbass exactly?

>> No.4204035

signed a. jew

>> No.4204068

this will only work until customers come to their senses and stop with this ridiculous tipping.

>> No.4204073

Why would they ever do that? Everyone wins, the waiters make a good living and the customers get amazing service. Have you ever even been abroad? Service is cold. No smile. No banter. They just bring you the food. Servers are average looking at best.

Not at all what you are used to.

>> No.4204085

>Everyone wins, the waiters make a good living and the customers get amazing service.
Except when we don't.
>Have you ever even been abroad? Service is cold. No smile. No banter. They just bring you the food.
Confirmed for never having been abroad in his life.

>> No.4204089

Just include everything in the price. Then both parties know where they stand. It works everywhere but america.

>> No.4204103

>service is cold
>no smile
>no banter
>servers are average looking

Lies. Lies and slander. I'm starting to think that YOU, sir, have never been abroad. Or if you have, you probably didn't even look for a good place.

I've been to France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Holland, Greece, Germany... tipping is not customary, yet you don't have to look around a lot to find a nice place to enjoy a meal or have a drink. Every restaurant I went to, every bar I frequented, every little coffee shop had a smiling waiter/waitress, very good service, CHEAPER food (especially true in Portugal, you can have quite the meal for almost nothing), smiling staff... and all I did was smile, be friendly, meet people - you know, the usual social stuff. I was never blackmailed to not have snot in my meal, everyone appreciated the fact they had a job and seemed to give everything and do their best.

>> No.4204122
File: 1020 KB, 220x300, 1358608430275.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some people think "abroad" is the 3 restaurants they went to on vacation in the tourist zone of a western european city
>mfw these think the class of restaurant doesn't matter

Every time I go to a new country, even if it's only for a couple of days I manage to set foot in the highest class local restaurant I can find and the best ordinary people restaurant I can find. Preferably several examples of each, if time and budget permits.

>> No.4204209

Maybe legally, but you'd have to go through all sorts of hoops to get the charge disputed.

I know at the POS system where I work, I'm pretty much in charge of the tip myself. I'm not a cunt, and generally beta, so I don't do anything about it, but there's nothing electronically stopping me from charging you a $200 tip.

>> No.4204221

>but there's nothing electronically stopping me from charging you a $200 tip.
...except for me looking at my receipt.

>> No.4204228


If you guys get enough disputes the CC company will shut you down. Of course, you'll be fired long before that happens.

>> No.4204229

Uh, great post?

>> No.4204235

Service in Japan, where tipping is pretty much frowned upon, was amazing.

The majority of restaurants I have been to outside of N. America have had excellent service: Vietnam, Thailand, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, New Zealand, Russia, etc.

Not sure why you think service is only good in the U.S. because of the tip culture.

>> No.4204280

I don't think you can do that.

They ate at Applebees and it probably says on the menu, or somewhere visible, that parties of X or more are charged Y% gratuity automatically.

Just like it almost always says that consuming raw or undercooked food is a health hazard so you can't sue for getting sick from eating a rare steak.

They ordered and ate food which means they agree to comply with that stipulation.

She was just trying to get around that. And she doesn't give any money to God, but her church.

>> No.4204298

>forced gratuity and the fact its 18
They weren't forced to eat there. They knew >>4200933
No one forced them to eat there. They could have decided to go somewhere else. I doubt that there wasn't a sign somewhere saying that parties of 6/8 or more were charged a certain percentage gratuity.

And black people are always the worst tippers

>> No.4204399

You Americans do understand that in other countries serving staff is paid a proper salary. Because of this, it is no different wether they spend their working hours tending just one table or ten tables. They don't get tipped, work 8 hours a day and get paid the same amount. If they do a crappy job, they get a warning and eventually fired.

>> No.4204423

they do give 100%, especially when running away from the cops

>> No.4204436

American here. I tip 0% unless I receive exceptional service or food, in which case I will put some amount of money extra on the table equivalent to how much I feel that service was worth extra, irregardless of how much the price of the meal was.

The employers are also required by law in my state to pay full minimum wage regardless of how much you might make in tips.

I have never made a big deal to the restaurants about the fact that I'm not tipping, nor have they made a deal about it to me. I have never had someone spit in my food as a result. Maybe he should have just left the tip field blank and not been a dick about it.

>> No.4204462

No, we understand that. But we also understand it's not the server's fault that they are getting paid subhuman wages and having to live off of tips. It's the restaurant owners faults and they are the ones whom people should be angry at, not the servers. Everyone here also knows that the only reason people take serving jobs is because they couldn't find anything else. Waiting tables is the fallback job when you are
1. a young college student that can't keep normal hours
2. someone who's lost their good job and needs to make ends meet.
3. unemployable for anything else, which is pitiful enough.
NO ONE voluntarily says "Hey, I'd think I'd like to devote my life to getting verbally and emotionally abused on a daily basis as job!" Which is pretty much what waiting tables is like in the US.
Personally, I waited tables while I was in college, and it was awful. I was a great server, and most customers were quite nice to me. But, I literally walked out on two serving jobs because the abuse from management and certain customers was so out of control. Example: I had a boss (owner of the restaurant) who was so abusive, that if he didn't like the way the night shift left things, he would literally go through the dining room and throw everything on the floor (vases with flowers, tablecloths, cutlery, napkins, everything at the wait station (checks, aprons, etc) on the floor and then make us, the lunch staff, clean it all up. This same guy was also prone to accusing everyone of stealing money and then deducting it from their checks, even when they hadn't even worked that day.
That's just an example. Things happen in the restaurant industry in the US that would NEVER go down in other workplaces/industries. If you've never experienced it, you can't understand how bad it can be.

>> No.4204478


We do know that it is the employers fault for not paying a proper salary. The thing is that most Americans just start to defend the system and think that you just have to tip because otherwise the staff go hungry. Maybe you should try and change the broken system, instead of just fighting bad tippers and spit in your food.

>> No.4204512

That's a great idea, why hasn't anyone thought of that?!? (I hope you can taste my sarcasm.)

No, that's right, but that's not nearly as simple as it sounds. There's no particular government entity that can exercise control over it. The Department of Health and Safety is really then only control group that checks restaurants, and they only care about sanitation. Oh, and the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) to check for the illegals that everyone hires in the kitchens.
There's not one politician who gives two shits about servers wages and/or rights. Sure, we can start a grassroots campaign, but in our economy everyone's just going to blow it off and say "You just be lucky you have a job at all!"
It's going to take a LOT of people, across the country, both the workers and the people who dine in restaurants, to band together to get anything done.
It sounds simple on paper, but it most certainly isn't a simple fix.

>> No.4204510

>I'm not surprised no one respects or likes you
i lpve a racist,fight the power!

>> No.4204532


All this will start with just one person.

Maybe you should start a restaurant where you state that workers will not accept tips and the customers are informed that the staff is well payed. This would get you good workers, because they would know that you will pay them a good salary that is not dependant on the customers. Maybe this idea will get people to come to your restaurant and you can start new branches for your starting chain of restaurants. Maybe you could do something about it and not just complain on the internet.

>> No.4204536
File: 130 KB, 1162x1090, welfare food stamps and race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's different in the South. My girlfriend and I made good money on Sundays with the church crowd.
>as long as they weren't dark skinned people whom I think have high moral character and are definitely my equals in every single way or else it would be racist, infact they're so much better that they deserve affirmative action because that's how good of a person I am.
>yeah right

>> No.4204557

That's a lovely idea, but if I had the money to invest in opening a restaurant, I wouldn't BE sitting here "complaining on the internet". And, by the way, I'm not complaining, I'm explaining. You don't understand the real time situation in restaurants in this country, so someone needs to explain it to you. There a big difference in explaining things and complaining. My complaining days are over, as far as serving goes, I've been out of that business for years now. But I still remember and sympathize with how shitty it is.

>> No.4204577

Wait, 10%?

I give 15%, 10 seems kind of low. So not only are they ass holes but they were cheapskates to begin with.

>> No.4204607

Some chick on my FB was like %20 and I was thinking WOAH WOAH WOAH Thats out of control. Then she said "double the sales tax" and here I think that's %15. I've always done %12 minimum for decent service more for better service. and then for shit service I leave like 2 bucks minimum, I feel bad leaving less. One time we had REALLY bad service and left a pile of change.

Everybody's good enough for some change.
some fucking change.

>> No.4204631

Asian master race. Get on my level humanity.

>> No.4204650

>and if you are really against tipping that much would you prefer to just have all meals go up in price to reflect having to pay the waiters full minimum.
i am a poor tipper. i am poor. i try to minimize the amount i go out
unless the meal is fronted, then i leave a fat tip... and then later im like 'fuck just that tip is more than whatd i spend feeding myself the whole day'

>> No.4204665

i hate waiting there silently/patiently for 5 minutes waiting for the waiter to notice me so i9 can ask them for a bottle of mustard n finally start eating. so then they can hustle real fast to the kitchen thinking 'oh, they gotta tip good now'

i wouldve really rather walk up to the counter and just grab a bottle from that side room thing but no, that would be inappropriate

i alsoo only tip the bartender if they mix me a drink

why cant i just walk up

>> No.4204675

I love how affirmitive action pretty much works against asians, since they clog up all the top-tier schools. I know some girl who's half mexican, half asian--what race do you think she played up during college interviews?

>> No.4206011
File: 26 KB, 500x349, 1358058833802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of churches use the money they get to do good charitable works. Don't be a gaytheist or fagnostic, religions actually deliver valuable services.

>> No.4206034


>> No.4206372

He should have written, "I'll donate your tip to the church ;)".

>> No.4206376

it's a she and her "church" is nothing more than a storefront used for tax evasion.

Somebody posted this picture on le re-ddit and a bunch of news sources picked up the story after the person who was served contacted the restaurant and asked for every female server to be fired.

>> No.4206425

I wish i can slap every fucker that gives me that "we live on tips" spiel. who the fuck cares. if you dont like the fact that you depend on another persons gratuity to pay your bills, GET THE FUCK OUT AND GET ANOTHER JOB! There's more unskilled labor you can do like being a maid or a janitor or some shit. hell, even mcdonalds and burger king is always looking for faggots like you...

>> No.4207393

> unskilled labor

Pick one asshole

>> No.4207408


Stop resurrecting dead threads.

>> No.4207414

And when all the good servers get different jobs you'll be back here crying about how terrible the service is at all the restaurants.

You can't have it both ways, bub.

>> No.4207420

I'm not sure you know what 'unskilled labor' means. Electrician is a job that would be classified as 'skilled labor'. Arborist. IT technician. Welder.

>> No.4207454

>Remembering to check on your tables, and not being a dick is a skill

The only useful thing about a waiter is them knowing the menu and thats something anyone can learn in a day

>> No.4207491

I agree with this. Tipping culture was implemented only as a way for restaurants to pay their employees even less. And they do not even realise how they're screwing themselves (The employees) by still forcing this culture

I should NOT be forced to tip, even less some random % that who-knows implemented.

If your service as a waiter/tress is what is expected, you shouldn't get any tip. Just like a tip is a bonus to the payment, your service must be have a bonus to itself as well

>> No.4207492

Tipping just allows restaurants to be cheapskates when paying their wait staff, offloading that "responsibility" to the customer. Fuck that noise.

If everybody stopped tipping and all the good waiters moved on to other jobs, restaurants themselves would suffer if they didn't step up and pay proper salaries to ensure that customers received proper service. Good. If that raised prices for customers, even better. Restaurants would become luxuries again, and people would cook at home more, which is healthier anyhow.

>> No.4207499

You have to be amazingly good at multi tasking.
I tried to do it in college and found it to be far too demanding for me. You have to move fast, remember 5 things at once and never make a wasted movement.

It is deceptively challenging.

Remember that at most places the waiters are doing stuff like preparing your salad and desserts in addition to all the other stuff.