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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 198 KB, 894x1600, Rosemary_white_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4197081 No.4197081 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/

What is the one herb/spice that you guys absolutely cannot stand in any preparaton, shape or form ?

Mine is pic related. Rosemary.

I absolutely hate that shit and how it overpowers just about anything its in.

>> No.4197097

fennel and anise

>> No.4197100

fennel :(
why does it even exist

>> No.4197103

anise and cumin

what is the deal with that shit?

>> No.4197101

There is literally nothing. I love every spice, I have yet to encounter one I don't enjoy.

>> No.4197099

I have never had a spice that I detest.

>> No.4197109


>> No.4197115


It's genetics. Fennel, anise, and cilantro tastes different to us than it does to people who enjoy it. Except for cilantro for me.

>> No.4197116

>not liking herbs and spices

>> No.4197121

>all this hate for fennel
I love fennel ;_;

Cilantro tastes kind of like nickels to me, but I can tolerate it.

>> No.4197124

Rosemary is for seasoning meat OP, don't put that shit on anything else.

>> No.4197125


>> No.4197126

raw cilantro is often too soapy for me
anise ruins whatever it touches
also not a curry or nutmeg fan

>> No.4197133

This thread is rage fuel

>> No.4197137

Saying I hate it would be a stretch, but I'm not a big fan of thyme. It just tastes too earthy for me.

I'm not a big fan of anise as a spice either, and I hate liquorice, but oddly enough, I like Jagermeister. Never figured that one out.

>> No.4197139

curry is not a spice. it is a mix of spices that varry. in india curry refers only "spices" not even a apecific type fo spice blend.

anise for me, who eats this? Just why?

>> No.4197141

Jager is a liqueur, i.e. a fucking ton of sugar, and gets you drunk, i.e. extra addictive.

>> No.4197143

Liquorice has sugar in it too bro, but I fucking hate that shit.

>> No.4197151

You've probably never had anything better than pleb-tier licorice.

If you like jager and claim to not like licorice you don't know what you like, or your tastes have matured to the point you don't have a suitable reference to judge.

>> No.4197160

That shit literally tastes like seatbelt.
I was a weird kid, suffice it to say I know what seatbelt tastes like.
It tastes like fucking Cilantro.

>> No.4197165

That's a possibility. I never eat liquorice because I know I've always disliked it, so I think the last time I had some was several years ago, way before I had Jager.

Maybe if I tried some decent liquorice, I'd like it.

>> No.4197168

I HATED licorice when I was a kid, never ate any while I was a teenager, and then tried some halfway through college and thought it fucking rocked.

My #1 food rule?
>Never trust your childhood memories

>> No.4197169

True. After all, I used to not like gravy. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me when I was a kid, but I couldn't fucking stand gravy. Now I fucking love the stuff.

>> No.4197177
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Anise. Ruins anything it touches. Like, seriously.

Love cilantro though, rosemary as well. Nothing like a bunch of rosemary stuffed into a chicken before you bake it.

>> No.4197182

you're right, my mistake.

>> No.4197186

I hate tarragon. Spent $20 on a shrimp dish at this fancy ass restaurant, and it was COVERED in fucking tarragon. The first time in my life I actually struggled to finish my food when I was starving.

>> No.4197187

If you have an anise problem buy a bottle of sambuca and drink it.

You'll either never be able to stomach anise again or it will completely break you.

>> No.4197241

I am not a huge fan of the whole anise/licorice thing, but roasted fennel is excellent.

>> No.4197509

Another cilantro hater here. Can't describe why I dislike it other than to say it honestly makes me want to throw up just smelling it let alone eating it.

>> No.4197518

hate anise
licorice is just too odd of a taste for me

>> No.4197524

Fuck anything with that anise flavor. It fucking ruins dishes for me when all I can taste is fennel blaring in my face. Its disgusting.

>> No.4197530

Cumin. I just can't stand it after I had a bottle thrown in my face.

>> No.4197554

Is mustard a herb or spice?
I'm not sure where it comes from but it fucks up anything it touches, I hate any kind of mustard from the fake yellow shit in a plastic bottle to the fancy shit in a jar with seeds and shit in it.
Restaurant menus should have warnings telling you that their food may contain traces of mustard.

>> No.4197561


herbs are the flavorful leaves of a plant, spices are the aromatic seeds. mustard seed is therefore a spice. mustard the condiment is a sauce made from mustard seeds, vinegar and other spices, usually turmeric.

>> No.4197572
File: 107 KB, 460x738, colmans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stopping by to remind you that you're a faggot and God doesn't love you.

>> No.4197585

itt: culinary midgets with the palate of a 1st grader

>> No.4197639





>fennel and anise

You would have had it a million times in asian cooking. Don't tell me you hate asian cooking. You just think it tastes like it smells fresh. it doesn't



Crust that shit with garlic powder and your own choice of other season onto skewered lamb over open coals. cook it well, baste with oil and same seasoning. You'll love it



Thai food baby. Also tear it fresh onto finished curry. heaven


add a touch to hot chocolate. chili too

fuck yes



throw a sprig in with any fish based cooking. adds a hint of 'what is that i dont know that but its good whatever it is'






ground up the seeds add to marinade with honey, sesame, soy for god tier chicken



>> No.4197644

>Japanese food had the blandest taste in the world they said

>> No.4197648

The Aspie King has awoken. Must be my bedtime.

>> No.4197651

This thread confirms /ck/ is incompetent to criticize food & cooking in any authoritative capacity.

>> No.4197652

I take issue with this as a person with Asperger's. What is it that makes this person come off as being an "Aspie", exactly?

>> No.4197655

is cilantro aka parsely? I went for years occasionally tasting this vile thing in various dishes before finally tasting a fresh parsley leaf and realising that yes, this is the foul tasting green thing, I now avoid it like the plague

>> No.4197656


>but but but muh allergies

i actually have a mild allergic reaction. i can handle the tiny amount in a traditional chocolate lava cake, but in its pure form it makes me itch and sneeze like a faggot.

>> No.4197658

aspies is fake so potentially everything and nothing

>> No.4197660
File: 159 KB, 480x360, 1345361078934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget you were on 4chan again?

>> No.4197661

Cilantro is another name for Coriander, and it's an integral part of every curry in existence.

>> No.4197663

So "Aspie" just here serves to be a byword for disagreeable knowitall twat. Good to know. Why he fuck are there so many people who make it look bad for the rest of us who have Aspergers but aren't insufferable? God.

Lotta anise haters...why?

>> No.4197664

>cilantro being mentioned

Its one of those things that some people are sensitive to. Personally, i cant get enough. Some people though, taste something that i can not in cilantro. a horrible chemically flavor. This is where the subjectivity of taste gets genetic.

similarly in beer, there is a particular yeast ester in hefeweizen that most people experience as a pleasant, slightly sweet fruit/clove flavor, but some (maybe 1 in 10 based on my casual observation) experience as adhesive, "band aid" or "medicine"

>> No.4197665

>implying these coincidental preferences are exclusively to 4chan

>> No.4197685

I fucking despise Cinnamon.

>> No.4197719

Lemon Grass, yuck

>> No.4197731

i'm sure there's something, just can't recall it atm

>> No.4197745
File: 1.68 MB, 235x190, teacup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like rosemary either OP. It dominates whatever you put it in I especially hate it when people put it in chicken breast marinades since chicken has such an impressionable flavor.. Tfw someone says rosemary anything..

>> No.4197748

Rosemary is lovely if you have it with something with a strong taste on its own, like lamb.

>> No.4197751


cumin, garlic powder, fennel seeds optional, lamb skewers (羊串)

cumin is only acceptable in halal, indian and/or xinjiang food?

>> No.4197752

Thats an idea. I know mint is great with lamb, Ive always liked that combination

>> No.4197755

parsley on pastas
they always go on seafood and its a good combo but i hate it sprinkled on the pasta

>> No.4197886

For me? Coriander. I don't know why, but to me it is the taste of dried vomit. I grow all herbs that I can for my climate, but I choose not to grow Coriander.

>> No.4197937

Ever had a curry?

>> No.4197949

curry is a pretty broad sweep, lots of curries don't use coriander.

>> No.4197955


Those do not always go together

I like Fennel, anise is ok depending on what it's in, but anything with cilantro tastes like it has soapy dishwater in it to me.

>> No.4197960


No, Cilantro is another name for Coriander leaves

Coriander seeds are just called Coriander in places that use the term Cilantro.

Also, as someone who can't stand the taste of Cilantro, I like the taste of Coriander Seeds

>> No.4197977

Makes ham taste better but oh my fucking god the smell it leaves around the whole house is awful, it feels like someone blowing cigarette smoke right up my nose and the smell sticks around for hours.

>> No.4198752

i love the smell of clove but hate it in my food now aint that some shit

>> No.4198828

Tomato sauce and soup

>> No.4198839 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 1600x1200, beef-tenderloin-w-rosemary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aphrodisiac power of

“there’s rosemary, that’s for rememberance”- Ophelia from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

In addition to encouraging digestion, (no, it won’t whip you into teenie bikini form but it might burn off a pre-copulation feast), Rosemary is noted for its powers to increase circulation. Bathing in a tub scented by a few drops of rosemary essential oil promises to circulation to the skin and sensitivity to touch.

Folkloric legend associated rosemary with the Virgin Mary, for whom many originally thought the herb was named. But it was actually named for Aphrodite/Venus and, in many early depictions, the goddess of love was portrayed clutching or wearing a sprig of the fragrant herb.

Placed under your pillow, rosemary is thought to promote pleasant dreams. Steeped as a tea, it can calm nerves. In ancient Rome, the herb was considered an aid to empowerment.

Rosemary has not lost its power in the present day. Added to any savory dish, its intense flavor and comforting aromas are unforgettable. And perhaps, used at the right time and for the right person, rosemary may find you love.

>> No.4198848 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 1600x1067, lamb 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah it's also good with lamb.

>> No.4198864

rosemary reminds me of nursing homes and fat lonely women who cover everything in plastic

I second rosemary, fuck it.

Theres also some weird asian spice I can't stand in chinese food. It might be star anise? but they don't exactly give you a list of spices

>> No.4198867

It's nice in strong clear liquor, it's a bit of an acquired taste though and definately overpowering

>> No.4198869

jaeger tastes like herbal cough medicine not just anise, theres more to it to balance the flavor

>> No.4198874

Try honey mustard, it's really sweet and mild

I too cannot stand ground or spicy, and can only stomach yellow because it's so bland

>> No.4198881

I have no idea what to use cloves for, the only thing I've ever done with them if sucked on the whole clove

That was nice, like a spicy tea, but as an actual ingredient it sounds awful

>> No.4198885

oh god fennel. I will never understand

>> No.4198886

I think it just relaxes you. Hence the improved circulation, amazing sex, and common pairing with old ladies.

>captcha: ocultst civilization

>> No.4198893

Rosemary. I just don't like the taste in anything.

>> No.4198920

Oh, this. And thyme.

Thyme just tastes like chemicals to me. Cinnamon I'm allergic to, and physically can't eat. It gives me a headache just smelling it, and I break out in a rash if I eat it.