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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4192469 No.4192469 [Reply] [Original]

what's your size and diet /ck/?
>145lbs / 65kg
>around 5'9 / 175 cm
>50% vegetarian 50% raw vegan diet

>> No.4192474

>50% vegetarian 50% raw vegan diet

I'm sorry sir, but your kind is not welcome here, if you would please remove yourself from the board and delete this thread at your earliest convenience.


>> No.4192476

97 kg
186 cm

>> No.4192480

100 kilos
Fruits, meats, rice.

>> No.4192486

150 lbs

>> No.4192490



>> No.4192516

weighing in at 22 stone with a belly full of pork a man who hides behind his profession as an executive chef at a hotel chain somewhere in the south of united states to make his eating disorder socially acceptable.
>tell me more about why I am not welcome here

>> No.4192518

Because you're snide and nasty

>> No.4192519

50% Sadness 50% fruit

>> No.4192520 [DELETED] 

Because you sound like a douche

>> No.4192521

100% homosex

>> No.4192529

did it ever occur to /ck/ that if they treat people with prejudice that they will repsond in a negative manner?

>> No.4192530

I eat whatever but no premade shit.

>> No.4192532

5 foot 6 inches (female, hurr durr)
meat, rice, potatoes

>> No.4192531

cave man pls go

>> No.4192533

No never.
Could you explain that to me in detail please?
Go slow.

>> No.4192535

drop the potatoes, fattie

>> No.4192537


If you had more animal protein in your diet maybe you wouldn't be so angry and bitter.

>> No.4192538


muffin top?

>> No.4192539

50-55 kg
around 160 cm

>> No.4192543

147 lbs.
5' 11"
Mostly meat and pasta.

>> No.4192553

72.9 kg
90% vegetarian 10% pescetarian

>> No.4192556

124 lbs

>> No.4192560

5'10" 145lbs
100% omnivorous
Usually for every meal I have a protein main dish and usually toast(maybe some kind of left over pasta) and/or salad on the side. Usually fruit for dessert if I'm not stuffed.
I don't eat junk food. Fruits and veggies as snacks.
Drink mostly water and tea. I'll have 14oz coffee in the morning. Almost never drink soda, unless I'm eating out somewhere that's "junky" like pizza, wings, etc. Then I'll have a beer or soda.

>> No.4192573

>120-115 lb
>whatever the dining hall is serving

>> No.4192589

240 lbs
whatever i feel like eating

>> No.4192601

having a diet is pretty faggy to begin with.

whats wrong loser? lack the self control to be around good tasting food so you must avoid them at all costs? faggot

>> No.4192612

>6' 0"
>230 lbs and dropping
>oatz and salads
>I mean, they're Taco Bell Cantina Bowls because that's where I work
>but at least I'm not eating 5 fucking Gorditas a day like some people do
>walking two miles each way to work
>rejoined the gym, lifting
>feels fucking good

>> No.4192625
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63 kg
184 cm

>> No.4192629

> implying that it doesn't take creativity and talent to create art without meat...
>implying there is nothing wrong with consuming intelligent life

>> No.4192632

>implying there IS anything wrong with consuming intelligent life.

Fixed that for you.
It's the way of the world, baby. Get used to it.

>> No.4192631


Omnivore, but I hava a preference for pastas and rice

>> No.4192633


I eat pretty healthy but don't have a lot of things that are off limits. I don't tend to eat things with a lot of dairy (lactose intolerant) or fried foods. I don't drink regular soda but I drink a lot of diet soda. I do cardio and lift most days of the week.

>> No.4192639
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>63 kg
>184 cm

>> No.4192642

195 lbs
Mostly fruit, veggies and whole grains. Plenty of milk and eggs. Some fish and chicken. Little red meat and pork.

>> No.4192651

at that weight you best be a girl

>> No.4192698 [DELETED] 

>mostly pescatarian

>> No.4192725

135 lbs
Leaning paleo, but no real diet

>> No.4192730



>> No.4192762

vegetables, meat protein, carbs
(and too much takeaway)

>> No.4192765

OP your picture looks amazing. Zucchini noodles and cucumber noodles are glorious.

>> No.4192793

well then in that case..

chilis later? ;)

>> No.4192837


I eat whatever I want to eat.

>> No.4192858
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I eat anything and everything. Mostly meat, beans, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and bread/tortillas.

Only water and tea/coffee masterrace

>> No.4193018


no breakfast, protein+vegs lunch, a light afternoon snack, dinner like a murrican, and from there i'm likely to smoke weed, so a couple other snacks until i go to sleep.

>> No.4193019


>> No.4193180

>120lbs / 55kg
>6' / 1.83m
>Practically anything excluding hfcs products and fast foods.

>> No.4193187



>> No.4193194

Vegetarian in that I refuse to eat non-local free range meats, mostly rice and soy sauce

I eat very little, most days under 800 calories save for days I bake or make candies

>> No.4193207
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>> No.4193218


Semivegetarian. I eat meat ~3 times per week, alternating between meat meals at dinner and vegetarian meals at dinner. Breakfast and lunch is almost always vegetarian.

The only things I don't ever consume are fast food and soda with HFCS (or anything with HFCS, if I can help it). Eat more rice/oats/pasta than bread, and do most of my own baking.

Food philosophy is whole, natural, from scratch. So far my weight hasn't changed since middle school and I'm 29.

>> No.4193229

I like you anon

>> No.4193236


Thanks anon, I like you too.

>> No.4193253

what a meaningless term

>> No.4193274


Nope. It's used pretty frequently in medical literature. Describes a reduced animal protein intake, and it's a lot fucking shorter than writing out "diet includes meat but on an infrequent basis" every time.

sage because your shit is irrelevant

>> No.4193392

6'1" 140lbs
eat once or twice a day, try to make it healthy, if not then not a big deal.
drink shit loads of coffee.

>> No.4193399


Lol "medical literature" my ass.

The term exists for people who want to call themselves vegetarians (and therefore act holier-than-thou) but cannot actually give up all animal products. It's simply sad and pathetic.

>> No.4193406


And you're an uneducated retard who's probably never read a research paper in your worthless life and couldn't understand one even if you did, but you don't see me complaining about it.

>> No.4193414

>implying anybody who reads research papers would ever condone being vegetarian

>> No.4193416

mostly fruits and veg and shit ''diet'' foods/shakes

>> No.4193423

Mountains of carbs

>> No.4193429

6'1" 140lbs
I eat whatever I want, I just don't eat often.

>> No.4193430

im jelly

>> No.4193437

166 cm, 53 kg
Mostly chicken,veggies,oats,fruits but I don't limit myself. Portion size is the key.

>> No.4193458

225 lbs

Breakfast: apple, banana, handful of almonds
Lunch: usually chicken-based with grain and veggies
Dinner: something made in the crock pot with lots of veggies
Snacks: yogurt, fruit, granola

I eat relatively well, I just take in too many calories so I'm a fatass. I do get free Chipotle burritos about 2x a week because my gf works there, but that's about it for fast food.

>> No.4193517

>240 lb or so
>semi-paleo, no gluten, minimal to no dairy, some grains in the form of rice of quinoa
>dem gains with no grains

Feels absolutely fantastic.

>> No.4193523

I eat small amounts of a bunch of different foods throughout the day.

>> No.4193543


chicken, fruit, fish, rice.

>> No.4193561

>tfw 5'8", 120 POUNDS
>tfw you realize that your mom never really made great food and that's why you're like this now

>> No.4193570



>> No.4193589

100 lbs
Anything, but I really like vegetables.

>> No.4193593

A bit too much meat and not quite enough veg.

>> No.4193596

135 lbs
vegan, vaguely healthy. avoid sweets except for cookies every once in a while. eat a lot of beans, greens, grains, and wheat.

>> No.4193600

155 Ibs
Basically anything except fast food or soda or salty foods.

>> No.4193634

5'10, 128 pounds. Male. Vegan. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.4193650
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Haters would probably snap your feeble ass in half

>> No.4193668

126 Pounds
5' 8
Everything, I eat, like, 5 meals a day, 80% of it healthy. I prefer seafood over everything else, though.

>> No.4193674

Shit, time to google unit conversions...

100kg (220lbs)
203cm (6'8")

Not a whole lot since I'm stupidly self-conscious about my appearance but too lazy to exercise properly. I'm also pretty broke; so mostly toast, rice, and grilled meats. Some apples, berries, etc. as snacks throughout the day. I've been conditioned to feel bad about eating sweets, but I like black tea with a bit of sugar in the afternoon and evening.

>> No.4193671


>> No.4193677

5'9 143
Try to eat healthy, I like vegetables and fruit, chicken, good lean cuts of meat.

I also love my grain, and a full english breckie from time to time.

>> No.4193681

This. Every Vegan I have ever met has a fucked up attitude. It must be because of lack of meats and fats and no eggs or milk? How can one live like that tip toeing around every item on the menu at every restaurant. They eat alone because no one wants to eat soy-limabean-plant food with no taste.

>> No.4193710



>> No.4193714

6'0, 265lbs.
Diet consists mainly of vegetables and fruits from my garden, meat that I raise or hunt, fish I catch or get fresh, some baked goods that my wife or I make, alcohol(bought and homemade) and small amounts of sweets and snacks.

>> No.4193719

I'd put that as your epitaph in a few years. That is, if you don't get cremated because nobody wanted to pay for a double-wide coffin. Maybe they can write it on the empty ice cream tub they pour your ashes into.

>> No.4193727

>9.5st / 60.3kg / 133lbs
>6' / 180cm
>general student diet

I will eat one large-ish meal at night, and snack throughout the day. Generally try to make a healthy meal 5 days at least in a week. I only drink water and alcohol.

>> No.4193739
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185cm., 70kg., 2/7 vegetarian and 5/7 meat/standard diet.

Making sure that I'm getting 100g. of protein each day - the vegetarian part is because it saves me money and it's fun to cook in various ways.

>> No.4193742

>it's a lot fucking shorter than writing out "diet includes meat but on an infrequent basis" every time.
except that's exactly what you did

>> No.4193750

155 pounds
Never eat breakfast or lunch, dinner is usually a meat, a vegetable, and a potato.

>> No.4194117

70% fish 30% fruits and veggies
Don't eat fast food, sugary food or dairy products.

>> No.4194363

>212 lbs. (lean)
>keto (low carb, high fat, moderate protein) 6 days/week, whatever I damn well please 1 day/week

I eat lots of fatty grass-fed beef that I get from a local farm and organic free-range eggs from another nearby farm. That's where I get 80% of my calories. I also eat a lot of vegetables, local when possible.

Yes, I do believe that all that shit is better for you, I do have the money for it, and I do feel better supporting local farms and businesses.

>> No.4194427

145 lb
Semipaleo (Rice, potatoes, dairy allowed)
Currently bulking

>> No.4194446

Whatever I want, just not in retarded amounts.

>> No.4194472

No boxed anything ever. Hardly ever any red meat. Breakfast everyday (cold or hot cereal), tea and coffee throughout day. Small lunch. Try to make something new/different every dinner with a carb, meat protein, and lots of vegetables. Experimenting with making my own breads and broths.

>> No.4194494
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>> No.4194918

51 kg
192 cm

No diet. I just eat whatever.

>> No.4194949

Around 140lbs
I make most everything from scratch (weakness for pizza though, keep that shit to once or twice a month). Eat a lot of wild game and home-grown veggies. Make a lot of southerny comfort foods, pseudo-vegan some meals, hispanic, and pseudo-asian stuff. Have an addiction to my insane spice collection.

>> No.4194959
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8% body fat
mostly vegetarian eat meat about 2 times a week. 28 years old. Primary exercise is long distance running.

>> No.4194961

Your super annorexic, fuck.

>> No.4194988
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Dude you're a bit flabby and chubby.
You could actually healthily lose about 15 kilos.

>> No.4194993

I like me a mantelope. Goddamn.

>> No.4194999

170 lbs
homemade soup, kale with eggs, quesadillas, tuna, beer.

Trying to eat a bit more meat and beans

>> No.4195007

You're just skinny-fat, more on the skinny side. You need to learn to lift.

>> No.4195017

>eating out a lot (mostly fast food), or processed frzn food.
still fat as fuck, but a lot lighter than I was before. use to be 280lbs, so clearly my processed food diet is working.

>> No.4195023
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> soy-limabean-plant food with no taste

Who doesn't like fruits and vegetables? Who doesn't like pasta and rice? I don't know what you people think "plant food" means to hate it so much, but the thing that makes meat taste good is the plants you season it with

>> No.4195024


Muesli for breakfast, normally a sandwich for lunch, meat and veggies for dinner.

Wash all that down with 4 beers or so at the end of the day, maybe some ice-cream or a few cookies.
I naturally have a pretty solid build but I'd like to loose a bit of weight, my weight went up a bit when I quit smoking and regained my appetite.

>> No.4195031

>the thing that makes meat taste good is the plants you season it with
The thing that makes meat taste good is meat.

>> No.4195033


I guess you like bland food but I like to put herbs on my meat

>> No.4195040

176 cm (~5'9"), 70 kg (~154lbs)

Both me and my wife mostly cook our native Polish cuisine (which is pretty heavy, lots of meat, cream and eggs) when we have the time and sometimes inauthentic Italian stuff because that's much faster.

We usually eat two-three course dinners every day.

>> No.4195041

I guess you like tasteless cuts of meat that require additional flavorings but I like meat for its taste, not burried in so many herbs it tastes like soap. Meat, salt, fire. Done. Feel free to treat meat as a flavorless sponge whose only role is to soak up the flavor of whatever you're cooking it with, but what's the point of using meat in the first place if you're not eating it for the taste?

>> No.4195046

>but what's the point of using meat in the first place if you're not eating it for the taste?
getting high quality protein into my diet

>> No.4195052


Because like many plants do, it tastes good by itself and great when you flavor it with other things. Cooking is about complimenting flavors. It makes no sense to call plant food bland and flavorless when it works the same as meat. Nobody outside of Eskimos eat a 100% meat diet, and Eskimos eat that way because they have no plants to eat. Give me a steak with some rosemary on it, some broccoli on the side topped with balsamic vinegar, some egg and onion fried rice, and a salad with spinach and avacado. That is a meal

>> No.4195057

I wasn't saying plant food was bland or flavorless, I just said meat tastes good on its own and doesn't require plants to taste good.

>> No.4195060
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You already admitted to needing crushed salt berries on your meat

>> No.4195064

I don't get this argument.
One anon like meat with vegetables.
The other anon likes vegetables with meat.

>> No.4195065

You can get that from plants too. So there's really no point in you eating meat.

>> No.4195067
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>buy some ezekiel sprouted grain bread
>complete, high-quality protein from several different sources and tons more nutrients than meat

>> No.4195068

>using salt berries instead of powdered salt voles
I shiggy diggy.

>> No.4195069

65 kg
184 cm
infinite jest

>> No.4195071

180 lbs

>> No.4195076

>55kg / 121lbs
>155cm? / 5'1" (Haven't measured in a while)
>Fresh foods as much as possible, little processed carbs, sugars, fats.

Recently lost 4kg but rebounded when work came around :(
Pilates is a heck of a work out.

>> No.4195095

5'9 160lbs.
Vegan sort of, but I eat eggs occasionally because I can't drop that aspect of my dietary indoctrination (i.e. protein is important) and because I lift. I feel very healthy and happy that no sentient beings were killed to feed me, and also being vegetarian has forced me to learn to cook and prep food properly. I'd recommend it to weightlifters out there because I haven't lost any strength, and it's great being lean all year round.

I think the most important thing though is to totally cut out food that has no business being inside you: processed sugars, bread, sweets, dairy, soda

>> No.4195106

>I think the most important thing though is to totally cut out food that has no business being inside you: processed sugars, bread, sweets, dairy, soda
it was fine until you started proselytizing in second person

>> No.4195108

6'2 80 kilos.
Steak. lots of steak.

>> No.4195114

6 ft.2
Fish fingers, pasta and ramen mostly

>> No.4195121
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mounds of green veggies (usually 10+ australian servings a day), chicken, fish, lean beef, kangaroo, deli meat, brown rice, cheeses (usually cottage cheese, my god that shit is good i eat kilos in single sittings), yoghurt (natural or greek natural, fuck that sweet shit), whole milk, fruits, many many eggs, whey protein (always make a smoothie or something out of it, never just chuck it in a shaker with water like a pleb), beans (canned is best), sweet potatoes, bacon, bacon, bacon. This is what i look like after eating like this for a bit over 6 months. I actually lost weight even though i eat about 3000 calories a day

>> No.4195123

5"4, 100lbs
I tend to only eat one or two meals a day, usually pastas and meats.

>> No.4195127

140 lbs
balanced healthy diet WITH DELICIOUS MEAT

>> No.4195146

Any food I want to eat.

>> No.4195153


5 ft 3
235 lbs

I fucking eat everything man. devour the world.

>> No.4195170
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155cm and 48kg.

I eat very little in the way processed foods as I enjoy cooking and like to prepare everything myself. I like to know what goes into what I'm eating. I tend to eat a large quantity of low-cal foods as opposed to a small quantity of high-cal foods.

I'm a student, so I try and eat cheap. I eat a LOT of bananas, oats, chickpeas and lentils.

Having said that, I exclude nothing from my diet and eat everything. I love to try new foods. I don't tend to buy sweet or unhealthy things, but if people give them to me I eat them. I'm pretty laid back with my diet; I exercise. Although I am trying to lose a few kilos at the moment... damn winter weight!

>the sort of food I would eat daily, were money no issue

>> No.4195198

meat, meat, lots of veggies (no I don't count potatoes as veggies just because I'm a fatass), some bread, beer, booze and more meat
I might be the total opposite of OP.

>> No.4195199


>> No.4195201

oh I forgot fruit, tons of yoghurt and cheese and cigarettes

>> No.4195203

147 lbs

I don't follow any strict diet, but I don't eat junk food all the time.

>> No.4195211

7" - your mom's asshole.

>so clever

>> No.4195254

So you people actually eat shit like flightless bird embroys, minced organs in intestine skins, slices of hog flesh and burnt ground grass seeds dipped in animal fat and call yourself civilized?

>> No.4195268

I never claimed to be civilised

>> No.4195476

I never claimed to be people.

>> No.4195492 [DELETED] 

im 1.87m tall and 212lbs, i lift every day and work as a construction worker. i eat whatever i want. i am a garbage disposal of food and beverage. i will sit down and eat an entire cheesecake if i feel like it or a pint of icecream for a snack while working on a gallon of milk throughout the day mixed with flavored protein powder. i binge drink sometimes. most of the time i eat one giant meal at night and eat whatever i feel like for lunch and hardly eat breakfast. when i work a lot i wake up and shovel some cottage cheese and ham into my mouth from the fridge because i dont want to wake anyone up in the house at 6am. when im not working i eat about 1/4 as much. my weight fluctuated between 195lbs and 235lbs depending on how much i work, have been eating lately, and whether or not i have shit that day or not. people still refer to me as "tall and thin". all that being said i do know how to eat correctly, so "whatever i want" is usually something full of protein and carbs and i avoid soda and excessive sweets (dont like em anyway) i had 5 pieces of pizza yesterday and lots of water and vitamin supplements. that was 12 hours ago. i will not be hungry for another 9 hours because i havent been working lately

>> No.4195507


Ramen, rice, boneless skinless chicken breasts and coffee.

>> No.4195520

>50 kg
>165 cm

>> No.4197969

whatever i want because fuck yea, food

>> No.4197975

I'm 5'2, at least 200 pounds, and I'm vegetarian. I make almost everything I make.

Alas since I've moved into a dorm I can't cook elaborate foods anymore. Bean burgers and mushroom burgers work fine.

>> No.4197976

>150 lbs.

I just started cutting out fast food and soda out of my diet, and started going to the gym again. Lost about 10 lbs in 3 weeks, planning on being down to 135 by May.

>> No.4197978

>I make almost everything I make.

>> No.4197987

or just get your protein from... Actual Meat? veggies and vegans i swear you all are retarded

>> No.4197991


I meant "I make almost everything I eat".

Almost. I can't make everything all the time.

>> No.4198014

>5' 10"
>135 lbs (femanon)
>I eat a mostly vegetarian diet but that's because of my self imposed ban on non-local/humane meats. I try to stay away from heavily processed grains, too. If i bake the bread or make pasta myself, it's all good. I'm also a sucker for some chicken strips... and i've got a freezer full of delicious deer meat i can't wait to eat, mmm.

>> No.4198026

6'2 1/2

>> No.4198065

48 kg
164 cm
Oriental food.

>> No.4198091

>50% vegetarian 50% raw vegan diet

What the fuck does this mean?

>> No.4198096

>omnivorous, mostly eat japanese and japanese fusion because i live in japan. lots of lotus root, gobou, and rice. just ate korean miso nabe with chicken balls and spring onion.

>> No.4198439

170 lbs

i live alone and generally just snack throughout the day; that is unless my girlfriend comes over and wants to cook, or she and I go somewhere, or i'm at someone's house and they have food prepared. I'm not too picky, generally at home i eat bananas, toast, chocolate, yogurt, peanut butter, nuts, etc. I have colitis, so sometimes if i eat too much at once i get stomach cramps. Plus, the idea that one MUST eat three meals a day, at roughly the same time seems rather stupid to me; i eat when i'm hungry which is quite frequently. I just can never seem to gain weight, even though i lift weights and eat a lot.

>> No.4198445

lots of cookies and potatoes, i'm a student. also a lot of protein like chicken eggs and whey. my breakfast is normally a whey shake and a biscuit. i eat anything.

>> No.4198451

>can't gain weight
>eating a lot
nope. eat more. you're not a special snowflake, you can gain weight if you eat more calories than you need. eat 500 calories a day more.

>> No.4198458

>225 lbs and dropping
>essentially a limited Paleo diet

I've lost a lot of weight (I started at 290 lbs) since I've adopted a diet that cuts out a lot of processed foods and sugars, and started being more active, though I do fuck it up more than I'd care to admit.

>> No.4198497

i know you guys always post that shit, literally i've eaten a half pound of peanuts on top of a day's worth of food for a month in the past and gained maybe one pound in body weight. This was during a time when I lifting weights 4+ times a week, too.

There's something seriously fucked up with my GI system or something; I feel tired all the time and generally have no energy, despite eating more than most people. I attribute it to the Colitis, but I really don't know.

>> No.4198499

260 pounds
i'm on a juice fast (today's day 11, lost 23 pounds so far), i come to /ck/ these days to fap to food porn. i miss food so much.

>> No.4198500

Are you sure you're not diabetic? No blood sugar problems?

>> No.4198505

what kinda juices you on Anon?
I miss my cucumber/green apple/kale juices
Can't wait til summer for my own harvest and the farmers markets to open up

>> No.4198507

i don't think i am; i've been to a fair number of doctors recently for this fucking colitis flare up i've been going through and none of them ever mentioned diabetes when I told them my symptoms.

I've felt like shit for long enough now to not even care anymore. i just eat when i feel like it, because it seems no matter what i do the same problems occur. I figure at the least, i'll find some way to enjoy myself.

>> No.4198510

breakfast i have a variety of fruit, usually toss romaine and/or spinach in there to make sure it's not too fruity

today it was blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, romaine, mint, and wheatgrass
yesterday i had pineapple, orange, sweet potato, and romaine (fucking delicious 10/10 would drink again)

lunch i do something with carrots, every few days that's apple + carrot + beet but on the non-beet days I do whatever.

dinner i always have the "mean green" from fat sick and nearly dead, which is kale cucumber celery ginger apple and lemon.