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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 674 KB, 3473x2605, DSC_0749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4185408 No.4185408[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's for dinner, /ck/? I made a mashed potato volcano with lava gravy, and dinosaur meat, on a bed of jungle greens. It's all about presentation.

>> No.4185409 [DELETED] 

>a bed of
>It's all about presentation.

At least you have a sense of humor.

>> No.4185413

brb buying dinosaur nuggets.

>> No.4185416

>mashed potato volcano
>lava gravy
>dinosaur meat

ITT: OP is 8.

>> No.4185414

something tells me op is a parent.

(please for the love of god you made this for your picky daughter..)

>> No.4185417

I'd eat that.

>> No.4185418

i saw this on reddit too

you even used the same text from the post title

>> No.4185422

Nah. Just american.

>> No.4185423

I love it!

I strongly feel these dinosaurs should be standing up, though.

>> No.4185424

10/10 for cleverness.
You would make a great parent.

>> No.4185426

oh go fuck yourself
british food is 9001 times worse for you than american food.
not even suggesting you're british, but if you're gonna bitch, then do it right

>> No.4185427

wow, what an astute observation!!!!!!1!!1

>> No.4185430

It's funny, everyone snapped on sceak for posting shit food

But at least op doesn't pretend it is fucking Gordon Ramsay tier cooking like sceak does.

I would definitely eat OP's meale

>> No.4185432

Butthurt murican

>> No.4185442


im sorry wahts even!?

>> No.4185447


Son, I am disappoint

>> No.4185460

OP's meal is awesome.

>> No.4185477

What the hell just say, do not care about me, you bitch? I have you, I finished top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I participated in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I'm more than 300 confirmed kills. I teach a gorilla war, and I top sniper in the entire U.S. Army. You are nothing to me but just another target. I'll wipe the fuck up highlight of which was, as never before seen on this earth, you are my fucking words. Do you think that you can play with words, that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, dammit. As we speak I can contact my secret network of spies in the U.S., and your IP now, so you better prepare for the storm tracked, Maggot. The storm destroyed that miserable that you call your life. You're a hell of a dead child. I can go anywhere, any time, and I can kill you in more than 700 species, and this is just my bare hands. I am not only a lot of training in hand to hand combat, but I do have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps, and I will use it in its entirety, to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If you only knew the reward of the wicked come to your little "clever" comment at you, maybe you would not have a fucking language. But you can not, you know, and now you pay the price, you fucking idiot. I shit on you, and anger, not to drown in it. You're fucking dead, baby.

>> No.4185508
File: 89 KB, 1366x768, My ck rant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU, OP, are a piece of shit. You want to get real, we'll get real on /ck/ing, faggot.

>> No.4185514



>> No.4185516

>pic from Reddit 6 days ago

>> No.4185526

You're really too old to be behaving like this online. Grow up already.

>> No.4185529
File: 304 KB, 1600x1200, dinosaur pizza 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene depicts the extinction of the dinosaur nuggetz.

>> No.4185539

lol I used to go to this place that made really good chicken cheese steaks but if you ordered "chicken" on your pizza they would give you cut up chicken nuggets

>> No.4185541

It's TOLD outside

>> No.4185548
File: 187 KB, 800x602, kfc_singapore_shrimp_star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares if its from reddit- more unnatural shaped nuggets plox.

>> No.4185575
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 619Kw+xm+rL._SL500_AA300_PIbundle-12,TopRight,0,0_AA300_SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matar paneer curry (from a box)

Still better than your shit

>> No.4185580
File: 229 KB, 720x720, mcnuggets1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had no idea that McNuggets are formed into 4 distinct shapes until recently. I guess I just never paid attention.

>> No.4185599

>boot, Pacman ghost, diamond, round
lol never noticed that

>> No.4185607

boxed, frozen, canned, powdered.
I see you've got all four of the four basic food groups covered there champ.

>> No.4185618

do they have the same amount of meat?

>> No.4185626

That tomato in that background looks delicious.

>> No.4185629

It appears so, though the first one looks like it has an extra chicken bump.

>> No.4185632

Actually! The potatoes and gravy were homemade and the vegetables were frozen. There's nothing wrong with frozen veggies.

>> No.4185635

while that's about as pleb as you can get that actually looks really fucking tasty, op. it's like food porn and nostalgia rolled into one pic

>> No.4185669

I actually dipped the nuggets in the potatoes and gravy, that's why I didn't have a dipping sauce. It was actually pretty good.

>> No.4185726

fuck the tomato that bowl of weed looks delicious.

>> No.4185746

How do you make gravy with no meat juice?

>> No.4185848

Beef broth.

>> No.4185853

stop responding like you ate this shit today

this meal looks like a home made frozen dinner

I'm not saying I wouldn't eat it but just stop bragging about heating up some things and mixing potato flakes with butter and milk

>> No.4185866

Potato flakes??? Surely this is not real

>> No.4185872

I ate it six days ago and telling them how I ate it is bragging? I think you've had enough to drink tonight, my miserable little friend.

>> No.4185881

Actually, I shouldn't have said miserable, being easily aggravated while you're drunk doesn't necessarily mean you're miserable. I apologize.

>> No.4185900

I doubt you even made this meal but even if you did you should've been upfront and said it was from a week ago

>> No.4185906

You're right. Just be glad it was actually something fun instead of the typical slop in a bowl we usually get.

>> No.4185935
File: 66 KB, 1280x960, scaek1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of the typical slop in a bowl we usually get
you rang?

>> No.4185951

how the fuck is this shit not slop in a bowl? shit is downed in your fucking powdered gravy. you may as well be eating that out of a trough.

>> No.4185969

Someone's fussy. It's not powdered gravy and I at least tried to make the OP fun. What did you eat for dinner tonight?

>> No.4185980
File: 1.20 MB, 2480x3720, 1358098616372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP makes colorful easy meal, is proud of it, then shares it with /ck/, after posting on reddit.

>good job OP for being creative
>shoulda came here to your home before ever even thinkign of going to a faghole like reddit
>its time to make something new

i honestly dont even know what is going on. but its time we stop being gay, and move on. why are you all not making something delicious to eat, or drink?

>> No.4185988
File: 2.43 MB, 3072x2304, DSC00074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4186025
File: 92 KB, 683x564, 1358292439516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about reddit
>browses reddit to stay updated on which threads and posts to lambast in 4chan
autism goes where?

>> No.4186033

I made calf liver with onions and bacon. Gawd that shit was good. One of my all time favorite meals and super cheap. The gravy you get with it is so rich as well. I tossed some cucumbers with rice vinegar for a side. It's perfect to cut through the richness of the liver. I do love organs.

>> No.4186035

Dude you're going to die if you eat this shit everyday.

>enjoy your salt

>> No.4186043

I don't even know what you ate today and I know you're going to die if you eat every day

>> No.4186044

made chili and some cheese biscuits

>> No.4186047

>Cowboy boot, Tombstone, Chili Pepper, Sun

Western themed.

>> No.4186108

Fuck yeah op.
le master chef.

>> No.4186114

My grandfather ate every day and he died of cancer.
Eating causes cancer.

>> No.4186132

I'd eat the fuck out of that no problem

>> No.4186135

Step up your game with presentation OP.

>> No.4186143

This meal needed a good bread roll to go with it.
I am very dissapointed in you right now.

>> No.4186150

Made a thick chicken soup and cornbread yesterday and finished off the leftovers today.

>> No.4186346

I had chorizo and egg tacos and trust me, it wasn't pretty.

>> No.4186359

Made a sandwich outta fried onions and mushrooms, roast beef, tomato, cheddar and lettuce.

Wasn't all that hungry.

>> No.4186412

Grilled lamb chops in a red wine sauce, Caesar salad, truffle mashed potatoes, chocolate mousse. Fancy day is today.

>> No.4186418

peanut-butter flavored clif bar.


>> No.4186756

banana and some honey bbq flavor twists mmm

>> No.4186792

two glasses of red wine, beechers cow milk cheese and some crackers

I'm a light eater late at night :3

>> No.4186793

a bottle of kaluha and a salad

>> No.4186799

>a bottle of kaluha
>a bottle
>of kaluha

hows that liver?

>> No.4186806

that's not even that much booze.
im only an occasional drinker and im not that drunk. its only 10% alcohol

>> No.4186848

dinner was 12 hours ago but i had...fried wild flounder, cream spinach and some wide noodles with a nice butter sauce was very good

>> No.4187733
File: 109 KB, 800x600, mampf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had this nice peace of meat

>> No.4187744

I don't know, OP. It's not ready yet.

I forgot to take the salmon out of the freezer. It's almost 10 pm, and I haven't eaten yet. Shit's bad, yo.

>> No.4187761

wow. sauce on the sauce

>> No.4187770

ITT: OP makes a fun meal and gets shit from the arrogant part of /ck/.

>> No.4187901

I had rice with a delicious, although spicy vegetable sauce, a form of white, airy bread that could be described as naan, and a sweet substance of unions.
For dessert: mango sorbet, but since I hate cold stuff, I waited for it to melt, so I could drink it.
All served by a hairy man named Bo.

>> No.4187917


>> No.4188641

Why is everyone jelly of OP's meal?

>> No.4188645
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penne pasta & shrimp for tonight.

>> No.4188650
File: 276 KB, 980x735, IMG_1378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last night's dinner.

>> No.4188654

Looks delicious, but there are holes in your fork.

>> No.4188660

Those are speed holes.

>> No.4188683
File: 462 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN0520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium NY strip steak finished with balsamic vinegar and butter.

>> No.4188714
File: 23 KB, 543x407, shimanocrane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're called lightning holes

>> No.4188750

See,now that looks fancy,but fancy in a way I could eat and feel comfortable about.
I'm just saying it looks tasty.
Real tasty bro.

>> No.4189033

I made some split pea soup in the slow cooker since I was out all day. I added a shitton of diced veggies to it but I didn't season it quite enough to make up for that I guess. It's still good, just a little bland.

>> No.4190977

Looks delicious. I hope you enjoyed your dinner, my friend.