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File: 19 KB, 800x300, Vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4181166 No.4181166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Advice, economy, nutrition, taste, philosophy.

>> No.4181167

>inb4 220 posts omitted

>> No.4183288

makin' this tomorrow

>> No.4183350
File: 202 KB, 480x480, Picture of me 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explore more Indian food and learn herbs and spices to a god-mode level. You are removing huge portions of flavors by omitting meat, eggs, or dairy.

Shop local ethnic markets, farmers markets. Always use fresh, never frozen veggies. (This is just common sense for everyone).

Don't eat processed vegetables. French fries are just as unhealthy for you as someone who eats meat. Eat natural leafy foods, eat a variety of colors, eat nuts, eat berries. Be careful with grains (I eat primal).

See >advice

I have a problem with being responsible for the death of an animal, but I still eat meat. Too much culinary interest to cut it out of my life, but I believe in ethical and humane slaughter techniques, regardless if it's a cow or an ant. I mostly stick to fish and chicken, and support local markets/economy (ethical reasons + let's face it, it's just fucking better.)

Also vegans that are vegan by choice are pretentious fucks. Almost everything eats the eggs of other animals, and as for milk - dairy isn't great for your system, but it has a vast variety of uses.

>I bet you're pro-life too. Fuck off.

>> No.4183360

I was just about to make a vegan troll thread but now I dont have to. Thanks OP!

>now as for you filthy fucking vegans, line up so I can punch you in your cunt faces.

>> No.4183465

I heard that frozen and canned veggies are not bad. Maybe even better than fresh because they ripe fully on the plant, not on the store shelf.

>> No.4183477

it was time magazine's cover story a few weeks ago.

>> No.4183492

Link? or was it just in print?

>> No.4183563

Don't try to replicate meat, it usually comes out tasting disgusting.
Try to eat vegetables when they're in season, shop at farmers markets as often as possible
Buy berries while they're in season and freeze them for smoothies during the off-season
Quinoa is your best friend, VegaOne is great for post-workouts, Maca is a must. Bean burrito bowls are the best quick nutritious filling dinners.
Pretty much anything can be made veg*n now, so taste isn't really an issue. I personally love Italian, Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine.
I just don't believe I have any right to eat an animal that was raised in a factory farm. I would eat meat if I went out into the wild and hunted it myself, but I have no desire to do that.
Same goes for eggs and milk, if I were to do it myself I would do it, I just don't want to eat anything that I can't control. Also dairy is bad for your hormones and there's lots of awesome substitutes so why consume it?

>> No.4183594

>replicate meat
>tasting disgusting

>> No.4183624


>> No.4183647

>I have a problem with being responsible for the death of an animal, but I still eat meat
well, at least your not pretentious, amirite? that's the only thing that matters. That's why I stopped working at the food shelter.

>> No.4183696

I think that mostly newly converted vegetarians have the desire for meat replica. Habit.

>> No.4183704

Definitely, I remember craving chicken nuggets all the time the first year I went vegetarian - thank goodness I'm past that now

>> No.4183708

>don't replicate meat

Fucking this. There is no substitute for meat nothing is even close to the taste and texture. I love tofu, but don't tell me its pork.

>> No.4183718

>I have a problem with being responsible for the death of an animal, but I still eat meat

not directing this at you, but I hate that first-world invention. most of us are so disconnected from the methods by which we transform animal to meat, we get squeamish at the image of a cow being slaughtered. but we can still eat a burger because we're never forced to confront that image.

>> No.4183728

I personally love them because I love tofu. like, to the point where I could get a block, drain the juices out, and eat it plain.

as close as some have gotten in terms of texture, you'd still have to rely mostly on whatever sauce the meat-equivalent is bathed in, to give you that same feel.

>> No.4183741

Look good.

>> No.4183753

Advice: don't.
Economy: meat fills you up.
Nutrition: meat has essential amino acids and B vitamins which cannot be produced by the body
Taste: bacon bacon bacon
Philosophy: Vegetarianism is a decadent luxury afforded by the abundance of food in developed countries. Most vegetarians in the US are pseudo-intelligent self-righteous hipster faggots. If you went to, say, Eskimo country and asked, "do you have any vegetarian cuisine for me?" they'd look at you like you're a fucking alien retard. There are many cultures around the world that rely almost entirely on cattle, dairy, herd animals etc. because that's what their environment provides. meat has been the predominant food source throughout human history. only for the past 8000 years has eating veggies and grains even been an option.

>> No.4183758
File: 107 KB, 274x500, lychee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetarians are retarded. Cheese has animal stomach aka rennet. Too pussy to go vegan ya idiots?

>> No.4183772


Being vegetarian/vegan is hard. These fuckers already suffer malnutrition, they'd probably go twice as insane if they didn't eat all the crap they do.

>> No.4183787

You can find cheese without rennet fairly easily if you do your research
I'd be more concerned about the fact the calfs get pulled away from their mothers than cheese having the byproduct of an animal that was already slaughtered for meat consumption, personally

>> No.4183791

Not true. Not all cheese contains rennet, in fact mo... WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE , WHO GIVES A FUCK. GO SUCK ONE VEGAN FAGGOT.

>> No.4183794

Well this is just rude
>These fuckers already suffer malnutrition

>> No.4183829


I eat with fucking tables, a calculator and years of experience and even I suffer malnutrition to some degree.

>> No.4183831

You can't deny cheese is insanely unhealthy for you. Enjoy having shit loads of grease in your stomach.

>> No.4183832

Is malnutrition the cause of nipple slippage?

>> No.4183845

I'm a vegetarian and I eat cheese. Mostly because of nutrition concern, not taste.

>> No.4183848

What do you feel you need cheese for?

>> No.4183854

Yes, people that live in tundra and arctic eat meat. Human is not supposed to live in such climate. We are apes.

>> No.4183859

Vitamin B12 i guess, maybe something else.

>> No.4183860

They don't live that long. Same with Mongolians.

>> No.4183856

Vitamin B12 i guess, maybe something else.

>> No.4183862

>only for the past 8000 years has eating veggies and grains even been an option.
Sure bro.

>> No.4183874

Tofurky italian sausages and boca burgers are your friend. Also.. Gimme lean sausage..

A pan of roasted veg with a bit of evoo, mustard and italian seasoning, thyme, and rosemary... Keep pretty well.. You can toss them in pasta and all sorts of other dishes through out the week.

Granola is tasty. Avocado and tomato salad is one of the most delicious things in the world.

If you will drink milk, carnation instant breakfast has a good bit of protein and vitamins.

>> No.4183877


In part, I guess. That's actually improving, I think.

>> No.4183880

got it

>> No.4183895

I am so unused to milk, I even find it revolting.

>> No.4183915

>start lifting weights and trying to build muscle
>read about animal products being unhealthy

Alright, I'll eat soy

>read that soy gives you cancer unless it's fermented in the form of natto or soy sauce

Alright, I'll eat brown rice and beans

>read that brown rice has "anti-nutrients" and is in general bad for you

Alright, I'll order vegan protein powder
>found a healthy as fuck organic raw food powder made of tons of sprouted seeds/grains, cereal grass juices, enzymes and shit, etc that has good protein in it

Lately I've started using dairy products though. Drank some organic skim milk a few days ago, ate some greek yogurt today, put nice quality mozzarella on a pizza I made. I just want to be healthy, but literally every single study on every single thing ever has two natures. One side says "this is the healthiest thing in the world, your body requires it or you will die in a week" and then the other side says "this is literally poison, you will die if you eat this"

Every single fucking thing. Nobody knows what is healthy. I'm buying into the raw food shit now but I expect to find an article eventually telling me that raw enzymes and probiotics are actually flesh-eating parasites

>> No.4183922

Just posting to let you guys know that you're watered-down humans.

>> No.4183923


>Nutrition: meat has essential amino acids and B vitamins which cannot be produced by the body

As do plants. Bananas are full of B-vitamins, and there's complete protein in plants like quinoa, buckwheat, chia seeds, hempseed, soy, etc that contain all the essential amino acids, plus you can combine incomplete protein chains to make complete protein, like peas + rice. If you include some raw pineapple, which contains bromelain, in your diet, it'll also break down those proteins to their base form and make them even more digestible and useful to the body

>> No.4183937

I agree with you, wish I knew ultimately what is healthy what is not.

>> No.4183938

I think you are right, protein is not a problem for a vegan.

>> No.4183940

>believing everything you read
somebody needs to calibrate their bullshit detector.

meat, soy, brown rice, are all fine unless you're eating several pounds of that shit a day.

>> No.4183943

raw food does have the unfortunate side effect of low nutrient density by volume, since you aren't cooking out any water.

>> No.4183953
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Ex-vegan here

I went vegan 8 years ago. 3 years ago i suddenly wanted to try eggs, since i was becoming more athletic and desperately wanted to double my protein intake. Im still intolerant to milk, and it makes me nauseous, but ive found myself craving cheese OUT of Nowhere. Apparently i can eat higher quality cheese. I hated cheese mostly, and it made me sick, but my tastes seem to have changed.

Today i woke up, prepared an almond butter sandwhich with 1 red dried chili, an apple, a banana, and come cranberry juice...and some potato chips. it was afternoonish...

Through the day ive been eating fruit, and ..mostly fruit. I did manage to eat an entire bag of chips though.. 2400mg of sodium and 64g of fat.. im horrible with chips. Im super fit though so i pass it off like nothing. Plus the potassium from the juice and fruit balances it out, and the fact i drank plenty of water.

my typical breakfast is 5 semi-scrambled eggs with kale and spinach (i call it a green omlette), fruit of the day, and steel cut oats.

i guess a philosophy to think about is "do whats good for your body, and do it with a good conscience".

my favorite meat is smoked pork/turkey, and ribs, and crab...i have dreams about eating meat. Does that make me a bad vegetarian? lol

>> No.4183957
File: 289 KB, 757x1269, 81XJoAKyUNL._SL1269_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I do is cook my meals and supplement my raw food intake with this stuff
Gives good energy and lots of protein on top of a huge array of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and enzymes. There's also a second powder I just got in the mail today that overlaps it in some ways but also includes more veggie/fruit enzymes, but it also tastes like total shit so you'd probably be best with just that Raw Meal powde
I also like to take carrots with me when I go out and just eat them raw when I'm bored

>> No.4183958


Eat your pasta from the box you stupid cunt.

>> No.4183968

Jesus if I ever take eating as seriously as I take looking after my car I'd rather kill myself.
I bet you even know how many times the factory worker farted the day they made your steel cut oats.

>> No.4183984

If you know what you're making, you should know every detail of whats going inside you.

You may think that i count my calories, and do a lot of math..

I only add up sodium and fats, and only from packaged and artificial foods. like those chips, they were hardly negligible. But when it comes to foods naturally containing nutrients i dont add them in. eggs have 65mg sodium and 30mg cholesterol... i dont include that in my total.

And if you want to compare my tedious diet to your car.. my body is my main mode of transportation. I like to keep it in good order.

>> No.4183986

>having a favorite meat
pretty sure you're not doing it right

>> No.4183987
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>And if you want to compare my tedious diet to your car.. my body is my main mode of transportation. I like to keep it in good order.

Nice one

>> No.4183994

we've all got memories man. If i could duplicate the sensation of eating smoked pork, on a whole rye sandwhich with tomato, lettuce, onion, and horseradish.. man..

>> No.4183998

In the future, you will be able to. They already have fake chicken that's virtually indestinguishable from real chicken. Food science is progressing fast in regards to fake mea

>> No.4184002

yeah, but i don't go around telling people i love fried chicken. also, i used to get meatmares too. it's pretty common

>> No.4184000

that's true about combining the incomplete proteins, i'll give you that. but none of the foods you listed have any B12. you can get away with not having b12 for a couple years, but then pernicious anemia begins

>> No.4184005

supposedly the "incomplete" protein thing is a myth.

>> No.4184006


A shit ton of food is fortified with B12. I eat grape nuts in the morning that have B12 in it, the almond milk I eat it with has B12 in it, and this vegan powder has 200% of the daily requirement for B12 too: >>4183957

>> No.4184008


gosh jolly, i bet the entire vegan movement/industry hadn't thought of that or addressed the issue at all!

>> No.4184010


How so? There are different amino acids, some of which are vital, but not every food with protein has every amino acid in sufficient quantities. By eating a diverse amount of high-protein plants, you get all the proper amino acids

>> No.4184011
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is..is t-that sarcasm...?

cuz alternatively my diet could consist of McDonalds pancakes with sausage and extra syrup, with a pint of milk, and a donut from duncan donuts. and the coffee i need to giev me the energy my food failed to deliver despite being full of RICH calories. For a midday snack i could have a bag of chips and a coke, and maybe a king size snickers, then for lunch a extra crispy bucket of chicken, mashed potatos, macaroni and cheese with gravy corn braed and biscuits, and a slice of my friends pizza just cuz it looks so good.

then for dinner i might have a lovely hamburger, with deep fried prepackaged frenchfries with ketchup, and a big heaping pile of cake and ice cream and a box of chocolates at midnight when i cant sleep because my body is crashing from sugar intake and i dont know how to deal with it and i start craving MORE sugar.

ALL of which, i personally could get away with BECAUSE i dont eat like what i described, and if i chose to do it one day, id recuperate perfectly fine.

>> No.4184012

Just wanted to share a fond memory. A male friend of mine moved out to San Fran to join his kind. His kind being fags or something, I'm not entirely sure. He's 32 and still not married or had a girlfriend since high school so I have suspicions. But anyway, he weighs a good 250 pounds at 6'1 and has been vegan for ten years. It makes me laugh. Not really sure what the fuck he's doing.

>> No.4184014

why's that so unbelievable? agriculture didn't start till 6000 BC (a generous estimate). there are so many poisonous flora that our ancestors probably completely avoided them. it's not worth the calorie expenditure to go foraging for 300 calories worth of berries that might kill you.

>> No.4184016


Wasn't sarcasm, I just liked how you worded that

>> No.4184019

synthetic fortification is not the same as getting the natural vitamin. take your smug elsewhere.

>> No.4184020

Totally cool. Just the idea of this is amazing. technology is GREAT!

>> No.4184022

woah, that's kind of creepy. too bad they can't do a better job of mimicking cheese

>> No.4184024

Ive read that when one craves or has dreams about a certain food, their body is craving the nutrients found in those foods.

>> No.4184025


>synthetic fortification is not the same as getting the natural vitamin

In this case, how is it any different? Actually, with B12 you're much better off with supplementation and fortication over what you find in food since tons of people can't properly absorb B12 from food sources and require B12 injections or vitamins instead

>> No.4184029


>technology is GREAT!

Sometimes food technology goes too far though. Like those Japanese scientists who make burgers out of shit. They take sewage poo poo gunk, filter and cleanse it, and season it so it kind of tastes like a burger

>> No.4184030

thats what it is though, its fortified. Naturally occurring nutrients are always more available and nourishing than fortified nutrients. But still, it couldnt hurt to get it from somewhere.

>> No.4184031

oh ... well ill let my statement stand. =P

>> No.4184032


naturalistic fallacy

plenty of meat eaters eat multivitamins and assorted suppliments, take your smugness to them as well.

you were simply proven wrong, bitch.

>> No.4184034



that b12 really fills your stomach, huh?

how does it feel to be full of shit?

>> No.4184039
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I accept your hostility and supplement it with an equal amount of tolerance and love.

Be easy man, no need to fret, its all good. Just have a salad to get your spirit up.

>> No.4184040

fair point. people who can't properly absorb it due to pernicious anemia do depend on shots because they don't produce intrinsic factor to absorb the b12. the key is to stimulate your bowel to produce intrinsic factor... which you do by eating animal protein!

>> No.4184042

refer to this

>> No.4184043

i'm sure their urine is very rich in those supplements

>> No.4184046


They also say that the human body synthesizes B12 if it has the necessary nutrients, the main one being cobalt

>B12 synthesis is known to occur naturally in the human small intestine (in the ileum), which is the primary site of B12 absorption. As long as gut bacteria have cobalt and certain other nutrients, they produce vitamin B12

>> No.4184050

you actually don't need a dietary source of b12. There's been long term studies of people with no dietary source of it and their b12 levels initially drop, but then stabilize at a healthy level. Kind of strange. We don't know as much about nutrition as we think we do.

>> No.4184052

Eh, I read a nutrition book a while ago that explained it. I can't be arsed to go into the details as I can't remember them well enough, but the woman who invented the idea of the "incomplete protein" or what she called "protein combining" actually changed her position in later editions of her book (fucking DECADES ago--just goes to show you how antiquated our popular conceptions of nutrition are)

>"In 1971 I stressed protein complementarity because I assumed that the only way to get enough protein ... was to create a protein as usable by the body as animal protein. In combating the myth that meat is the only way to get high-quality protein, I reinforced another myth. I gave the impression that in order to get enough protein without meat, considerable care was needed in choosing foods. Actually, it is much easier than I thought.
>"With three important exceptions, there is little danger of protein deficiency in a plant food diet. The exceptions are diets very heavily dependent on fruit or on some tubers, such as sweet potatoes or cassava, or on junk food (refined flours, sugars, and fat). Fortunately, relatively few people in the world try to survive on diets in which these foods are virtually the sole source of calories. In all other diets, if people are getting enough calories, they are virtually certain of getting enough protein."

>> No.4184059

i'd like to have a read of these studies

>> No.4184067

That sounds a bit like something someone pulled out of their ass.

>> No.4184070

>Naturally occurring nutrients are always more available and nourishing than fortified nutrients
>more available
no, that's not the case

>> No.4184072

Except that pernicious anemia affects meat eaters as well so that doesn't mean a great deal.

>> No.4184075

I am a vegetarian, almost vegan.
I eat cheese, mayonese.
I do not drink milk, eat eggs.

>> No.4184077


Perhaps means biologically available? If so, it is indeed the case. As it turns out, it's pretty hard for our GI tracts to take in essential inorganic material if it's just added wholesale to food.

>> No.4184079

advice: fake meat is fucking gross don't eat that shit... there's plenty of really good greek and italian vegetarian recipes that are actually worth eating and not overly complicated.

>> No.4184083


>i eat mayonese
>i do not eat eggs

you totally do eat eggs

>> No.4184085

yes, i meant bioavailability. typo'd.

>> No.4184090

except he didn't say that

>> No.4184091


I challenge you to go vegan for an indefinite period and prove yourself wrong.

>> No.4184095


Is being vegan so hard that even you can't do it?

>> No.4184098

there are many factors that can affect b12 absorption. it is likely that those particular people have some sort of small intestine damage or crohn's disease. the best way to stimulate your bowel to produce intrinsic factor is to eat meat

>> No.4184103

Nice one

>> No.4184108

hypermacho vegan lol

>> No.4184109
File: 39 KB, 452x700, 67587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i Was vegan.. for 5 years. and according to my doctor i was healthy as a horse. I was lacking in vitamin D, but that can be attributed to me being negro. I was also lacking in B12...mystery solved and those of us that disputed the discrepancies between naturally occuring vitamins and artificially added ones were proven right.

sorry bro lol

have a salad to calm down.

>> No.4184119

and here's another source that changed it's position on complimenting proteins

>Later, the ADA reversed itself in its 1988 position paper on vegetarianism. Suzanne Havala, the primary author of the paper, recalls the research process:

There was no basis for [protein combining] that I could see.... I began calling around and talking to people and asking them what the justification was for saying that you had to complement proteins, and there was none. And what I got instead was some interesting insight from people who were knowledgeable and actually felt that there was probably no need to complement proteins. So we went ahead and made that change in the paper. [Note: The paper was approved by peer review and by a delegation vote before becoming official.] And it was a couple of years after that that Vernon Young and Peter Pellet published their paper that became the definitive contemporary guide to protein metabolism in humans. And it also confirmed that complementing proteins at meals was totally unnecessary.

It cracks me up that people still talk about this stuff as if it's fact. You still even see it in nutrition articles in mainstream magazines and newspapers occasionally. Kind of a shame, really

>> No.4184125

the b12 thing might relate to you being a nigger, too. Most of the people I've seen who needed injections were black.

>> No.4184128


>> No.4184132


mayo has eggs in it, eating mayo is eating eggs.

>> No.4184140

its actually quite possible, not having vitamin D can result in not being able to absorb other nutrients.

>> No.4184142

the standard method of treatment in the case of low levels of intrinsic factor is not eating meat. I don't know where you heard that. Injections or sublinguals are used.

>> No.4184153

what i'm saying is to not let levels get low in the first place. by. eating. meat

>> No.4184156

What i meant is I eat mayo and don't eat omelet, scrabled eggs, boiled eggs.

>> No.4184168
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like in the same way i eat cheese but dont drink milk. ..and oddly enough eat the heck out of eggs, but wont touch mayo.

people are funny how were all differenty and stuff ^_^

>> No.4184170

stop posting white women

>> No.4184177
File: 20 KB, 332x432, 56456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about that bro. they just look so good with all their whiteness and stuff. heres one for you.

>> No.4184179
File: 94 KB, 400x477, sarah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you queer?

>> No.4184181
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>no salad
>0/10 would not dine with

>> No.4184182
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>> No.4184222


>I was lacking in vitamin D, but that can be attributed to me being negro

But black people love Sunny D

>> No.4184245


>> No.4185082
File: 24 KB, 350x350, choco-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumped for a late lunch

rum, lime, and chocolate.

>> No.4185091

You can stop bumping your troll thread any day now.

>> No.4185107

Also don't forget you can't drink alcoholic beverages. Isinglass etc etc.

>> No.4185216

its not even mine, an despite the troll appearance, there was some discussion to be had here, and i was enjoying it.

>> No.4185374

there are plenty of alcohols that don't use animal products/biproducts in the filtering process


>> No.4185376

I know, but most people have no idea.

>> No.4185392

so you just thought you'd bring it up to muddy the waters?

>> No.4185401

Yes, so vegetarians can clean their water again and be pure.

>> No.4185407

I'm not a vegan but my friends vegan cooking is so fucking good.

I could eat hummus forever. Put it on ever single thing i eat. Eat it with a god damn spoon.

>> No.4185411

Also learned, chard and kale Exist and are cheap as hell and you can eat the leafy part of radishes. Get fucked lettuce I found new leafy friends.

>> No.4185421

dude what!? you can..eat the leaves on radishes? i was going to throw them on my eggs one day.. but i wasnt sure if they were edible.

man spinach+kale makes an awesome addition to eggs and now so do radish leaves. Though radishes really arent breakfast material...

>> No.4185438

Yeah but i can't remember if they were one of the kinds of greens you got to eat young or cooked or if you can just eat the things raw like lettec.

>> No.4185445

Thats why i was hesitant lol i didnt wanna get sick or something. Ill read up on it next time i have some radishes!

>> No.4185464

I never ate hummus, wanna try, I heard that many people very like it. ("ate" probably not the right word, I mean "did not eat it even once", English tenses are still confusing for me sometimes)

>> No.4185481

Don't worry, "I never ate hummus" is correct. However "people very like it" sounds a bit weird and "people really like it" is more grammatically correct.

But yeah hummus got tons of flavor and is really filling because its high in complete protein.