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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 244 KB, 1600x1200, butter-heart-big-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4178582 No.4178582 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /ck/. I need recipes that call for pic related. A lot of it. preferably recipes that will keep for awhile.

>> No.4178588

So how much of this butter are you stuck with? I'd say freeze as much of it as you can. Nothing that involves butter keeps for a really long time just because like all fat it goes rancid eventually.

>> No.4178590

>any paula deen recipe

>> No.4178607

make pies. A lot of pie crusts takes almost 2 sticks of butter.
Cookies also take a lot

>> No.4178618

well let's get real here, I am making edible cannabis treats and in order to make people want them they have to be delicious. I have bananas that are about ready and I would like to make banana muffins, but all of the recipes call for 1/3 cup of butter for 12 muffins, and for 12 doses, I need to use at least 2/3 cup. I usually make and freeze my edibles and they keep pretty well....
I have made in the past:
Peanutbutter ice cream cups
chocolate chip cookies
caramel chews
so far the caramel chews have been the most popular...

>> No.4178625

nobakes then?

>> No.4178626

er... bad math. I'm too stoned, I need 1/2 cup of butter for 12 doses... I might be able to make the butter stronger and roll with 1/3, but what if I use 1/2 cup what would the outcome be?

any tips for making really good cookies? I made some perfect once but I eyeballed an addition of peanut butter and an addition of sugar

>> No.4178628
File: 120 KB, 960x541, cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh, now the ball is in wumplord's court
Shortbread is probably the single best thing to make. Lemon bars are another good choice, since they are basically just lemon curd on top of shortbread. Dont be too concerned about increasing the quantity of butter in baked goods. It makes them denser and kind of gooey, but you arent going for culinary perfection here.

Pic related, some shortbread i made a while back

>> No.4178629

I was gonna suggest a bathtub full of hollandaise, but a tub full of pot hollandaise might not be the best idea

>> No.4178632

its all cooked, the only ones that were baked were the chocolate chip cookies, I suppose nobakes would be alright, but I kind of try to make them nice (use ghiradelli chocolate and adam's peanutbutter, wrap them up nicely and things like that, it's pretty professional) so baked/cooked edibles are better... I've been considering something savory, but I've no idea what would be small enough and sound good(plain) enough to sell to people who normally don't get edibles....

>> No.4178634

also http://boards.420chan.org/weed/

>> No.4178636

I live in the Midwest, all the people here kind of raise eyebrows to things like shortbread that look like a cookie but aren't sweet. I'll probably make some without weed now though cause I like shortbread...

>> No.4178637

banned from there I don't know why, probably my siblings

>> No.4178639

cookie dough truffles coated in lighty cianne spiced dark chocolate? Or are you bent of baking these? I've always been too scared of them loosing their potency to actually bake them.

>> No.4178640
File: 376 KB, 1276x1452, 1325086913859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who says they arent sweet
Theyre just shortbread cookies
also do this

>> No.4178654

no, not bent on baking, i'd actually like if they weren't baked for the reasons you said, I just can't think of anything not baked that sounds semi-gourmet

>> No.4178658

what about something with pastry cream? can use the butter in the pate a choux as well if making puffs or eclairs

>> No.4178665
File: 148 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_0354-41[1].jpg_9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you (not authoritatively) cookie dough truffles. They're modern they're not baked and they're easily packaged. I see people put em on little sticks a lot too. Makes em look really professional.

>> No.4178668

good idea for personal, but these are meant to keep at least a day or two at room temperature, eclairs and puffs don't do very well.....

>> No.4178679

I'm gonna do this. any decorating tips?

>> No.4178682

is that trader joes butter it looks like trader joes font

>> No.4178693

buy colored/shaped sprinkles to press into the chocolate. Make two batches of chocolate and swirl them a little before dipping to get a marbled look. Or dip it in one cool then dip in the other to get a two toned look. Or just google them there's some pretty aesthetic looking ones.