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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 640x480, bagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4164917 No.4164917 [Reply] [Original]

If there is a finer breakfast sandwich than mcdonald's steak egg and cheese bagel, I'd like to know what it is.

>> No.4164920

>bagel not toasted

disgusting 3/10 would try but not finish

>> No.4164923


Hardee's/Carl Jr's Steak egg and cheese biscuit.

>> No.4164929

It's perfectly grilled on the inside part of the bagel.

>> No.4164932

I love their steak, egg and cheese bagel. I've never known anybody else to get them. I found these frozen steak patties that taste identical to those, but they're not the same texture.

>> No.4165112

YES! The steak bagel is the best thing on McD's breakfast menu.

>> No.4165115

My dad and I get these whenever we have to get up really early. Hands down the best thing on McDonald's menu, not that that is hard.

>> No.4165116

Bojangles steak and egg biscuit.

Unfortunately I think Bojangles is limited to the southeast US, dunno.

>> No.4165124

My local bagel place does a cheesesteak bagel sandwich. You can add an egg if you want. The meat he uses is a bit less satisfying than the McD's "steak" but in exchange it's fresh egg and bagel prepared right there.

That having been said, what you show in your picture is exactly what I get for McD's breakfast 100% of the time that I go.

>> No.4165148

Yes, a non-McDonalds steak, egg and cheese bagel.

>> No.4165153

Guys, this isn't even food.

Guys. ;_;

>> No.4165185

>not food
I don't see how.

>> No.4165202
File: 6 KB, 210x240, deadbynoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a challenger appears

>> No.4166781

slap your hashbrown in the middle of that sucker and you have a crushing defeat

>> No.4166786

Nutritionally I don't think mcdonalds egg stuff is THAT bad.
Greasy maybe,but it's alright.
Jack in the box egg/sausage stuff is a little "heavy".
And by heavy I mean I went there with my grandmother one time after my forced church session and she pooped her pants in target.
Bad day.

>> No.4166808

I personally think that JitB has the best eggs on sandwiches and biscuits. They are the only fast food place that clearly cracks an egg into a circle on the grill. McD and such has the carton eggs(while I don't mind them, having separation of yolk and white is much better).

>> No.4166810

>eating breakfast
I skip breakfast every single day. Come at me.

>> No.4166812

I still love their stuff,don't get my wrong I just thought somebody would enjoy my nightmare story.
Didn't know micky d's did the egg jug thing.

>> No.4166813

>egg jug thing
Reread his post, please.

>> No.4166816

I think he meant carton eggs,meaning eggs shelled and poured into a wax carton like milk or "egg beaters" come in.
Now I'm confused man.

>> No.4166821

Just don't get folded eggs?

>> No.4166823
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Tim Hortons' breakfast sandwich is pretty great.

>> No.4166824

So if you get an egg sandwich where the white/yellow is seperated like on a McMuffin it's not a jug egg?

>> No.4166840

Why do Canadians have such a hardon for that place?

>> No.4166842

Why do Americans have such a hardon for Starbucks? Timmy's is the Canadian equivalent. They're everywhere. Popular by attrition.

>> No.4166844

I'm not American, I wouldn't know.

>> No.4166845

>people eating burgers for breakfast
Fucking Amerifats

>> No.4166847

not really. tim hortons is in a different price bracket from SB. timmies is more akin to US's dunkin donuts, or even 7-11.

>> No.4166849

I really hope nobody eats it every day.
Occasionally it's cool. Thanks for trying to make us all feel guilty for enjoying a treat,your majesty.
Go away.

>> No.4166851

Why do people see disgustingly fattening and unhealthy things as "treats"?

>> No.4166855

Because if you don't eat it every day and exercise it's not fattening.
I eat shit tons of calorie dense peanut butter every day and I'm 6'2" 150lbs constipated.
Because I do stuff.

>> No.4166857

I guess what I'm trying to say is,this stuff is tasty and eating it is okay but don't do it every day or you'll be a fatty fat. It's really that simple guiz.

>> No.4166860

It's really weird that this just gave me nostalgia. My dad use to buy them for me in 6th grade before school. 11 year ago now...

>> No.4166861



fruit and a cup of tea/coffee/water you fat fuck

>your bowel movements

spleet spleet spleet

>> No.4166862

mcdonalds plain sausage mcgriddle is the best thing there is

>> No.4166863

Hey now,oatmeal is cool too.
Dude oatmeal makes me poop kitten sized turds.
It amuses me.

>> No.4166897


>tfw a solid slider and near clean first wipe

>> No.4166899

>drinks coffee
>calls others "fat fucks"

>> No.4166903

Wendys in my area just started serving breakfast a month or two ago. I went and got a bacon egg and cheese biscuit once. It was the best fast food breakfast I ever had. The egg was not even a perfect circle - it look like a fried egg you'd make at home, with really good tasting bacon. The biscuit itself was nice a moist - I was really impressed.

>> No.4166902

There are no calories in coffee. Adding a quart of cream and a cup of sugar is what makes ya fat.

>> No.4166905

>implying anyone drinks plain coffee
anon pls

>> No.4166906

Odd, mine's always sticky after eating Oatmeal.

>> No.4166911

Everyone in my family does. Stop drinking Maxwell House

>> No.4166914

I bet you drink it scalding hot as well, pleb.

>> No.4166924


>people are this stupid

more cweeeam!

moooar sugggah I can still taste teh bittttaaa mooom

>> No.4166927


>> No.4166929


cweamy cweam cweamy cweaminess sweetiness mikshayke coffee mikshake mmmmm

>> No.4166930

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.4166931


>> No.4166933


>people are this stupid

please stop

you think a coffee is bad for you

Maybe the way you drink it

fwee sugahs pweese and wots of cweaaam!

>babbys first coffee

>> No.4166934

Just stop right there. There's nothing wrong with putting cream and sugar in coffee. You sound like a whiny 5 year old.

>> No.4166939




arguing on /ck/

not reading the whole thread

>being here

this is embarrasing


>> No.4166945

Enjoy your yellow teeth. Learn to green text.

>> No.4166951


do you have autism?

>> No.4166952


>> No.4166953

On the note of this pointless argument, is there a /ck/ guide to coffee?

>> No.4166955


me too

>me too

me too

>me too

me too

>me too

>> No.4166958


>> No.4166968

A creamcheese bagel with NachoCheese Doritos or preferably Cheddar Ruffles.
Everyone I have had try this became hooked. FUCKING DELICIOUS

>> No.4167015

Didn't they have a bacon egg and cheese bagel too at one point?

>> No.4167023

>mfw not the sausage/egg/cheese on a muffin

>> No.4167049

it's a terrible breakfast sandwich. The tough, cheesy steak always pulls out of the bagel, and the bagel tears up my gums.

>> No.4167076

>Not waiting until 10:30 for Lunch menu

Fuck your breakfast

>> No.4167082

>eating fast food breakfast
not even once

>> No.4167158

>for breakfast
Jesus fuck..

>> No.4167163

That is my complete guilty pleasure. If it's freshly cooked it is the greatest thing on earth.

>> No.4167167
File: 11 KB, 321x264, steak-egg-cheese-bagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I find them dry and bland. McDonald's has so much grease that it overflows with flavor.

>> No.4167172

> steak egg and cheese bagel

Something mysterious/suspicious about these things. When they are fresh they really do have taste good enough to make you moan, but when those things cool off I can't even eat them. Reheating makes it worse. Never seen such a stark contrast in taste between something being fresh and being 30 minutes old. All mcd's is like that, but not this bad.

I suspect it is the grease.

Taco bell bean burrito is similar.

>> No.4167178

Yeah I used to love it, so much sodium though, I would eat one and go into a food coma and wake up feeling hungover from dehydration.

>> No.4167183

YES. A bean burrito turns into paper mache and rubber cement when reheated. And chalk or something also.

>> No.4167190

No, really? Are murrikans this ignorant and inept? How about you spend 20 mins preparing your own shit properly and sitting down to enjoy your work.
I can't think of 1 reason to eat this processed plastic shit, especially in the morning.

>> No.4167194

because when you need it, it's there.

>> No.4167219

dude the only people who eat mcdonalds here are really low class. Every time I pass one it just looks like a bunch of retards are having lunch.

>> No.4167228

Any sandwich from just about anywhere else. McDonalds is shit and you should feel like shit for eating it.

>> No.4167227
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>> No.4167231

because I don't want to buy an entire steak so I can have one small sandwich

fat fuck

>> No.4167232

Only autistic people like Mcdicks

>> No.4167264


They really are that ignorant and inept dude.

>> No.4167275

>Something came up and now I'm running late for work

How about that, you stupid fuck. Oh wait, you're European, probably don't even have a fucking job.

>> No.4167300

there were some good frozen breakfast sammiches but they had tons of calories.

>> No.4167322


if you went to bed at a decent hour, say 6 or 7 pm, like your great-grandparents did, you would not have a problem starting work first thing in the morning, after a healthy home-cooked meal.

>> No.4167335

I tried it once and thought it was a bit weird but okay... like a coarse hamburger patty with rosemary.

The second time I had it I didn't like it. Way too greasy.

If they had the "real egg" and not that weird folded egg thing it would be a lot better.

>> No.4167340

haha someone hit a nerve

>> No.4167343

You know Europe isn't a single country, right?

>> No.4167358
File: 66 KB, 750x600, europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay classy Yurope.

>> No.4167403

Silly Americans, think they can samefag just because they weigh the same as two people

>> No.4167442

If you ask nice, they'll do it with the hockey puck egg. I don't think they have it in my region any more, though. I was sad.

>> No.4167457

Yeah, looks like Germany

>> No.4167505

might as well be, they stupidly linked their economies together more so than even the states have. If california is in trouble, texas is not suffering because of it.

>> No.4167519

Dat honey mustard

>> No.4168753

the bacon egg and cheese bagel

>> No.4168779
File: 12 KB, 318x238, TaylorHamSandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breakfast sandwich

One word, fuckers.

pic related, it's a porkrolleggandcheeseonahardrollsaltpepperketchup.

>> No.4168798
File: 91 KB, 500x375, south.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcdonald's Southern Style Chicken Biscuit, made fresh at 6 in the morning. I have had very few things better. Half your hasbrown, and place it within the luscious folds of the biscuit, and you have achieved nirvana. Say what you will of Mcdonald's, but their breakfast is god tier. Unfortunately, I live in the South, so I don't get to have the breakfast bagels. Arby's also has good breakfast; I highly recommend their cheap ass breakfast burritos, they're scrumptious.

>> No.4168853

Too soggy. All of it.
They were really good when they first came out, but now its low tier

>> No.4169300
File: 15 KB, 350x300, nobacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Chilly morning
>Fridge empty
>Jumps into car
>McDonalds here i come!
>Drive throughs always faster!
>Getting my bacon, egg and cheese bagel + coffee
>At work
>Finished my coffee
>Takes a bite of that delicious bagel
>No bacon?

>> No.4169302

I got a Sausage McMuffin and didn't realize it was actually sausage on a muffin without egg.

I was so sad.

>> No.4169351

this board is garbage and it's because of the smug elitists, proverbial food police, and /fit/ rejects who make it impossible to read without hitting "lel u so unhealthy" or "cook ur own fud" every few posts. the only thing this thread is missing is the edgytarian ALF wannabe enraged by the prospect of three animal products in one item

>> No.4169403

>going to Micky-D's for anything other that the hobo lunch (AKA one buck mcdouble)


>> No.4169409

>If you ask nice, they'll do it with the hockey puck egg.
I will do that if it ever comes back...

>> No.4169476


>> No.4169507

Now I want a sausage biscuit with cheese

>> No.4169843

No way those are awesome with added bacon

>> No.4169854

why do americans call burger patties sausages?

>> No.4169856


>McD's sausage, egg, and cheese...

>CFA (sorry north fags) Chicken, Egg, Cheese Bagel

Both capable of beating the steak egg and cheese imo

>> No.4169862

Are you retarded?

>> No.4169863
File: 157 KB, 365x285, Chicken-Egg-Cheese-Bagel-on-Sunflower-Multigrain-Bagel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just wanted to post a link so you can all CRAVE. If you don't have cfa in your area.. i feel bad for you son.


>> No.4169864


Because it's not a burger patty if it is made of sausage. If it's made of sausage it's a sausage patty.

>> No.4169865

>burger patty
>implying standard ground beef
It's sausage meat formed into a patty so you can eat it with country biscuits if you choose so. Why keep it in a hot dog form if you're not gonna put it in a bun?

>> No.4169866
File: 81 KB, 334x265, Snorlaxisprobablymyfavoritepokemoncausehedontgiveafuck..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all europeans look so emaciated?

>> No.4169870
File: 67 KB, 882x294, Grands-Biscuit-Sandwiches_BaconCheese-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat one every goddamn morning. They make me wet.

>> No.4169876

they make me wet too, but not in a good way

>> No.4169879
File: 98 KB, 508x406, 63468XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a sandwich but very much master race breakfast

Schwan's Bright Start mini scrambles

>> No.4169881

Chickfila chicken biscuit's blow that out of the water

>> No.4170207
File: 43 KB, 400x297, moka-pot-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe someone buys this and feeds it to his family every morning. You americas disgust me now. And don't make me start on coffee /pic related

>> No.4170208


Oh my god. Love these. CFAs are rare as shit out here in new england though so I only get to have them when I visit home (iowa)

>> No.4170270

You know, I used to put tons of sugar and cream in my coffee, I used to drip brew. Then my bf started using a French press to make coffee for me and its fucking delicious black.

>> No.4170622

it's not a sausage anymore damnit, it's a patty

>> No.4170711

Cuz you're not cooking them really hot on a flat top on both sides at the same time

>> No.4170783

Real Food

>> No.4170822

I had a chik fila chicken biscuit for the first time and put sriracha on it

tasted good
>breakfast ending at 10:30
>not serving all day
why do this

>> No.4170847
File: 356 KB, 800x600, 8005651568_4b5589ec63_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck all this greasy shit, go subway.

egg n cheese with extra spinach and tomato with salt n pepper. (banana peppers and/or honey mustard is optional)

right now you get that with a drink for 3bux

>> No.4172141

I wasn't even aware McDonald's had steak. What's it like?

>> No.4172182

>it has stuff that grows in trees on it so it's healthy!

>> No.4172192

And the egg is brought in frozen and left to thaw the day before.


>> No.4172191


Former Subway employee here. You dun goofed.

Also, never fucking order the salad.

>> No.4172229

Storytime please.
It's okay,we're all friends here bro.