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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 210 KB, 1600x1200, 1358600868683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4164679 No.4164679 [Reply] [Original]

someone posted this in /tv/ (god knows why) and it made me wonder, how long since you had one of these from mcdonald's?

I don't mean a mcmuffin or mcgriddle I mean their actual breakfast. I have to say this looks good, weirdass eggs and all.

>> No.4164683

Since never.

>> No.4164690

whats that thing in front of the pancakes?

>> No.4164694

I don't think I've even seen that outside of clapistan. It has been times that I have dropped by McDonalds in the morning because there hasn't been anything decent nearby, but all they have are the regular burgers. This is Sweden.

>> No.4164695

Wow, this is the first time I've looked at a meal from McDonald's and realized everything in that picture is made as cheaply as possible.
That looks gross as hell, nigga.

>> No.4164697

Pretty much this. The last time I had a big breakfast from McDick's was probably 3 years ago. This picture reminded me of how low quality their shit is. I can just taste it, too. Equally as low quality. All of it tastes the same. tastes like the color "tan". No distinct flavor in anything. The fake butter and syrup mask it all to where it all tastes like the same item. I'll never eat that shit again. It's way more effort to do it at home, but goddamn, if I want to eat that many calories, they're going to taste good.

>> No.4164706

I had one last summer. It made me sad.

I also had my first mcgriddle last weekend. It could have been worse.

>> No.4164735

the tator tots are delicious. everything else i pretty bad

>> No.4164748

Just think about how much profit they are making from selling these few pathetic scraps of food they call a breakfast.

>> No.4164752

I like the pancakes, I give the eggs to my dog

>> No.4164880

I don't even think I eat at McDonald's on a yearly basis anymore but I get a full breakfast everytime I visit the US. Except from the hash browns everything sucks but I like it.

>> No.4165326

MicDombuls Hursh Brewns

I could eat those golden crispy delicious niggers all day every day. They beat the shit out of their fries IMO.

>> No.4165337

At least 5 years..

>> No.4165357

Sometime last year. I was disappoint.

>> No.4165364
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The only acceptable breakfast item at McDonald's

>> No.4165368

A biscuit. They're pretty good.

>> No.4165379

I think I had some back in middle school during a class trip to DC, but I don't really remember.

The only thing I've ever craved from McDonald's is the McGriddle cakes. Not even the cheese, bacon, or eggs that are supposed to come with it.

>> No.4165380

Never actually. Even the freaking eggs look processed somehow. WTF?

>> No.4165381
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>> No.4165390

Since I work at McD part time it's actually the only food I would still eat. Shame that I'm never around any restaurant (lol) when they serve them.
It's a damn shame they only do that until 10:30.

>> No.4165402

That's a biscuit. The meal looks to be the "Big Breakfast with Hotcakes".

Imo, I haven't had scrambled eggs there in many years, but they used to use regular eggs in the shell and besides a bit of salt I don't think they added anything. It was like any other egg. Whole thing was pretty good, just a bit heavy.

>> No.4166476

Months ago. Everything is fine, it's a bit too expensive though. A mom and pop's diner can offer something cheaper and much better tasting. The eggs are an abomination though. Tastes like rubbery cardboard. Never again, I went home feeling like a pile of crap.

>> No.4166477

haven't had it in a while, but yeah i do like their breakfast, but it's sort of expensive... for like 7 bucks I could just go to my local restaurant and get a heartier breakfast.

>> No.4166480

Nope. Just worked at McDonalds a couple months ago and the eggs come from a carton. It's all so bad. So, so bad.

>> No.4166483


It's probably a good thing they only serve them till 10:30. Those fuckers are probably 300 calories each.

>> No.4166870

Yesterday, actually, for shits and giggles and lazy. Hotcakes were cold as shit and dry. Eggs were rubber and sweaty-tasting. Biscuit was a refugee from hardtack. Also they fucked up three of four of my McMuffins, meaning my kebap-loving GF had no kosher breakfast. They gave me shit over the phone and the chick said she 'personally wrapped those McMuffins and no way they were wrong' so I personally went back and fast-balled them at the drive-through window. Noticed as I was leaving that there was a cop watching me from across the street. Evidently no fucks were given because all he did was flash lights and then make a shooing motion while laughing his ass off. Fuck that place. McDonald's hates you.

>> No.4166883

Mcdonalds is pretty good quality ingredients wise. Their pancakes taste like pancakes. The hash browns are delicious. I don't know why you are all such autists.

>> No.4166886

I had this on my way to court about a month ago, it's a meh breakfast to kick off a meh day.

>> No.4166890

They're actually about half that amount of calories.

Like 20% of threads of /ck/ seems to be about mcdonalds. I guess it's easy because everyone has an opinion on it.

>> No.4169032
File: 71 KB, 800x600, 20080916214502_random august 2008 (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Mcdonalds breakfast, A&W is where its at. Their black coffee is even fucking good, best way to cure a hangover

>> No.4169114

last time i had it was when i was like, 8 years old. i doubt i'll ever have it again.

i live around a lot of good, cheap diners that make a great breakfast, so unless i'm in a really nostalgic mood or something, i won't order from mcdonalds.

>> No.4169139

I've never liked pancakes. I'd rather have a bagel, toast, an english muffin, a waffle or french toast in that order.

>> No.4169145

>not steak bagel

>> No.4169155

I've only been to white castle for breakfast once but I swear that they just cracked open two eggs on a grill for my breakfast.

>> No.4169161

I've never had McDonalds breakfast food. Ever.

>> No.4169176

Yew w0t m9?

>> No.4169177

You're missing out.

>> No.4169287
File: 57 KB, 843x401, thefuckamIlookingat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister and I usually split one.
We only got food like this on road trips.
I always remember wanting to take an extra syrup packet to sip later.
It was very salty and the juice was ALWAYS warm and gross. And that ****ing packaging was just awful, pancakes flapping around everywhere.

>> No.4169314

re: your picture

Mcdonalds used to(might still have) a southwest chicken salad. Instead of using the dressing I would squeeze lime juice on top of it (it came with a lime.) It had black beans in it and corn and some other shit.

Of course I negated the quasi-healthfulness of it by opting for the crispy chicken instead of the rubber grilled chicken.

Just some shit I did occasionally when I lived nextdoor to McDonalds.

>> No.4169318

I usually just get hotcakes and a hash brown. It's enough to fill me up.

>> No.4169327

well over 6 years at least. i gave up mcdonalds looong ago.

>> No.4169544

Since very recently? I love McDonald's breakfast more than their breakfast sandwiches. Cheaper and less starchy filler. Just give me the damn eggs, sausage, hotcakes and hash!

>> No.4169564
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It's an altered picture btw

>> No.4169691

Isn't McDonalds Full Breakfast like 1100 calories? And nearly your entire daily value of sodium?


>> No.4169701

lol I just looked it up.
McDonalds Big Breakfast with Hot Cakes
Calories 1090 (54% Daily Recommended Value)
Fat 56g (87% DRV)
Sodium 2150mg (90% DRV)
Saturated Fat 19g (96% DRV)
Cholesterol 575mg (192% DRV)


>> No.4169734
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>knows enough about mcdonalds to know it's a fake and has the effort to find and post the original.

>> No.4169752

Their hashbrowns are pretty good from what I remember.

Haven't had one in years though so I don't know if they've changed the recipe and made them shittier

>> No.4169757
File: 134 KB, 467x463, 1358738855287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know how to use the paper ketchup cups properly

>> No.4169791

Are you talking about unfolding it? Only an aspie would sit there and do that. Normal people just fill an extra.

>> No.4169804

They can be easily expanded

>> No.4169809

A comment regarding McDonalds breakfasts: Always ask to substiture the round egg in for the folded one on sandwhiches.
The folded one is stored frozen and just heated in-store, while the round egg is (gasp!) an actual egg, made when or shortly before you order.
The more you know.

>> No.4169824

>ctrl f burger king

>zero results

Really? Burger king has some great breakfast.

>those hashbrowns
>those mini cinnamon rolls
>those french toast sticks

Been years since I had bk breakfast. They do still serve breakfast right?

>> No.4169831

It's just as easy to simply use two of them if you want more.

Plus you won't end up looking like a dipshit standing in front of the ketchup dispenser expanding your cheap paper cup so it'll hold slightly more ketchup.

>> No.4169910

>not using cup lids

You kids even trying?!

>> No.4169949


I opened the thread just to post this, but you beat me to it.

>> No.4169957

Glad I'm not the only person to think of this. Those tiny cups suck balls. No way to get maximum ketchup:fry ratio.

>> No.4169963

How much ketchup do you need? Jebus

>> No.4169970


Not a whole lot, but having it dispersed among a wider area makes it easier to coat the fries properly.

And fuck mcdonalds. I can waste their ketchup if I feel like it

>> No.4170006

Where's the bacon and sausages? Why is there a biscuit? What is that other thing by the biscuit?

American Mcdonalds you disappoint me

>> No.4170014

My mom worked in an airport with only a few places that served breakfast, so I'd usually split one of these with her or my sibling before a flight. I loved the hash browns.

>> No.4170024

>Where's the bacon and sausages? Why is there a biscuit? What is that other thing by the biscuit?
Bacon doesn't come with the big breakfast. That next to the biscuit is a sausage patty.

>> No.4170063

you are probably a 13 year old who does not cook himself his own food, that is why you can't tell that the ingredients are bad. you have spent all you life eating crap that you literally cannot tell the difference anymore. I bet you eat at Chipotle regularly

>> No.4170130

Probably 15 years. Absolutely no intention of ever having it again in my life.

>> No.4170534
File: 645 KB, 678x840, 1334011899743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple months ago. The hotcakes, biscuit, and Hash browns are actually pretty good. Don't bang with those eggs and sausage though. Shit's ratchet.

>> No.4170565

y'all niggas don't know shit about BK master race

>> No.4170567
File: 40 KB, 360x233, bkmasterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dammit, captcha

>> No.4170570
File: 365 KB, 800x600, jack_box_jumbo_breakfast_platter_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Carl's Jr.'s Jumbo Breakfast Platter, /ck/?

>> No.4170595


how are you going to call some thing "jumbo" and then serve some GD mini pancakes?

>> No.4170618

I know, that platter in the picture looks really small compared to the food. When I've ordered them there's usually about a 1 inch gap between the food in the center and the edge of the plate.

>> No.4172047

McGriddles are delicious.

>> No.4172054

Hard Tack

>> No.4172068

What are those deep fried bar things?

>> No.4172073

4 butters

>> No.4172076


hash browns

>> No.4172097

>tfw no more egg and steak bagels

at least i still got eggs, cheep steak and 10 pounds of rosemary

>> No.4172099

do they sell the sausage pattys individually at Mc Donalds?

>> No.4172289

>Not mcmuffin

>> No.4172298

Maybe two years ago.

I've had it maybe three times total, though I've never gotten eggs.

It's not terrible.