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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4156792 No.4156792 [Reply] [Original]

know what I hate? people who don't share recipes. Food is meant to be shared, are you that insecure that you would not let someone who enjoys your food have access to it? It is a compliment if someone wants your recipe.

conversely, I also hate people that ask for recipes for basic shit, I was at some girls house and she made that weber dip and one of my friends asked her for the recipe to which I face tabled.

this shit in the picture though? they are legit.

>> No.4156800
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I don't know brother. Never met anyone who wouldn't gladly share their recipe.

>> No.4156812

You know, even if someone passes on a recipe to you, you'll never know if it's the complete recipe that you expected. There's always the possibility that the creator of said recipe left out the secret, most important ingredient(s). Then, you'll keep trying to prepare the dummy recipe and failing to make it as good as the original. The moral of this story: to hell with emulating people's recipes! Take cues from their method and adapt it to match your skill level, personal tastes, etc.

>> No.4156822

I met a person who wouldn't share, because it was a family recipe.
When I asked her mom, she didn't even know about the dish.

>> No.4156901

I knew a guy who was very proud of a pasta salad recipe, and was quite famous for it among his friends. He would tell people the obvious great lines you could guess on visual basis, but not the "family secret", which truely made a difference.

Bastard wouldn't tell but I found out by myself after a couple of years cooking it was egg yolks in the sauce which made it so coaty and flavorful.

This convinced me that there is no secrets for who knows his techniques well and how to improvise on it. With this, sharing doesn't put you in danger.

>> No.4156923

My uncle has a hot wing sauce recipe he stole from johnny max and won't share it lol.

>> No.4156955


>pasta salad
>egg yolks

Do you live in fucking Iowa?

>> No.4156957
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I like you. Let's fuck.

>> No.4156966

Not even close. Turns out egg yolks in pasta are actually pretty common, on purpose.

>> No.4156988

We have a family one. It's some kind of jelly/biscuit/dessert thing. The lady who makes it will give out the recipe to anyone who asks, but no one can make it as good as hers.

>> No.4157003

Also, i found out that eggs are the secret ingredient in the NY style of White BBQ sauce.

>> No.4157028

I wait at a restaurant and I told the owner I'd work a week without pay for her recipe to the satay sauce. She told me to make it a year and it'd be a deal.

>> No.4157101
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At the place I used to work at, the satay sauce was mostly ungodly amounts of Jiff and white sugar. I wish I was joking. The first time I watched them make it, I felt my chest get tight. There was also some fish sauce, oyster sauce, and pickled plum juice tossed in there, and I forget what else.

>> No.4157147

>know what I hate? people who don't share recipes
God forbid someone wants to keep the fruits of their labor.

>> No.4157161

and then what? you die and it's gone forever, it was all pointless

>> No.4157178

And then? You pass it on to someone you deem fit. Or you can take it with you. Who cares?

>> No.4157204

I do obviously

>> No.4157220

I bet you're one of those turds who supports an inheritance tax.

>> No.4157235

Interesting, I got to try that. Egg yolk is wonderful.

>> No.4157257

why would I support that? those items have already been taxed. I dont even support income tax

>> No.4157268

Well you certainly seem to have a problem with people not wanting other people to take their shit when they die.

>> No.4157275

I personally see no problem with not sharing, as long as you're not asking either.

>> No.4157307

My boyfriend's uncle makes some bomb red sauce... Apparently the recipe was passed down from his uncle's mother and he was the only one she passed down the recipe to.

He's asked his uncle for the recipe but he's fucking snarky about it.

>> No.4157342

Honestly, secret recipes are a crutch.

If you actually know how to cook and know what you're doing, then it's not even an issue. Good solid cook basics are far better than a one hit wonder recipe.

>> No.4157345

Freakin Italians and Sicilians are notorious for this crap. I hate it.

>> No.4157350

Why would I share my best recipes with some dipshit that will just fuck it up anyway?

>> No.4157360

My mom had a recipe for an item and she told my aunt what it was. Then later on in the year my aunt used that recipe and my grandmother, who had it a few times at my mothers, was singing praises to my aunt for the get idea. My aunt took full credit.

That's why you don't share shit.

>> No.4157368

>great grandmother made this insane sauce
>my mother asks my grandmother (her mother in law) after my great grandmother passes if she could teach her how to make it
>my grandmother pulls out this index card and hands it to my mother
>my mother looks at it
>"this is in Italian" and hands it back to my grandmother
>my grandmother puts it back away and says "yeah, I can't read it either. You can have my recipe, that's written in English and in the cookbook on the fridge"

I'm not sure my mother found my grandmother's trolling nearly as funny as I did.

>> No.4157388

This. That is why I don't share recipes with certain people. I don't mind sharing recipes, but I know quite a few shitheads who would gladly take all the credit for them. So I just say "Oh sure, I'll copy it down for you later." and then just blow it off. Now, I do have a few friends and family members who are perfectly nice and wouldn't do that, so I'm happy to share with them. Also, I have one friend who used to always ask for my recipes, and then she'd take them and change a bunch of shit (in horrifying ways) and then come back and tell me she didn't like them. She's a terrible cook. And I don't share recipes with her anymore. Now, she tries to share her shit recipes with me all the time and I just listen politely and blow it off. Truly terrible stuff.

>> No.4157394

you know who else does this?


>> No.4157481

>Also, I have one friend who used to always ask for my recipes, and then she'd take them and change a bunch of shit (in horrifying ways) and then come back and tell me she didn't like them
Jesus fuck I have a friend that does that, it's incredibly rage inducing.
>Give recipe for a currry
>Next time we talk, ask how it turned out in passing
>They say it was really bad
>Turns out they substituted some fucking sweet chili sauce thing for the curry paste, and didn't put any coconut milk in at all, among other things
>Still wonders why it didn't taste like it did when I made it

>> No.4157488
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I really, really fucking hate people that do shit like that. Rage flows through me.

>> No.4157692

I openly share techniques and ideas. I come to details when it is reciprocal.