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File: 1.23 MB, 2696x3564, absolut-vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4152434 No.4152434 [Reply] [Original]

21 is around the corner (a couple of months)
and I gatta ask ya CK
where and what is the most fine ass vodka you can get with a decent amount of cash?

>> No.4152459

If you want to keep on plebin', drink vodka.

But if you want to be a man of sophistication, get yo Port on and get it on hard.

>> No.4152460

"decent vodka" means tastes like water and gets you drunk. Shouldn't you be looking for something you actually enjoy? You're going to be 21, time to start cultivating a palette, or deciding to not like alcohol.

>> No.4152480

so you suggest fine wines?

>> No.4152482


>> No.4152504

The man wants vodka, let him drink fucking vodka.

Grey Goose is pretty smooth.

But I drink beer, so.

>> No.4152539


>> No.4152544

Gin. Gin Gin Gin Gin.

Or Port. It's delicious.

>> No.4152545
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when it comes to most of the top/ultra-top shelf stuff, you're just paying for the name. something like Stoli or Smirnoff is just fine.

IMO if you're gonna hit up some liquor, go with bourbon/scotch. and i know i'm prob in the minority with this opinion, but avoid rum. that shit is vile.

pic is unrelated

>> No.4152546

But, Luksusowa is good, and $12. It's potato vodka, so it actually has a bit of flavor, but boo hoo.

>> No.4152548

Get some stoli or if you have a costco I know for a fact that kirkland brand vodka is grey goose.

If you want a nice alcohol though get some good aged scotch.

>> No.4152552

Finally. Someone else that doesn't like Rum. It's too sweet, and I'm a bourbon drinker.

>> No.4152554


I stopped drinking vodka after I discovered how awesome Gin & Tonic is.

>> No.4152556
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Get on my level.

>> No.4152564

This. G&T. Or if you hate quinine, gin+lime+simple syrup+soda. I guess that's a gin fizz.

Also, you can get some great bourbons for ~$30. I'd suggest that before looking for a scotch you like.

>> No.4152596

i heard kirkland vodka is the same shit as grey goose???

>> No.4152602
File: 26 KB, 275x300, Trailer-Park-Boys-Jim-Lahey-275x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Tito's

>> No.4152604

>I stopped drinking vodka after I discovered how awesome Gin & Tonic is.
yeahyh... big vodka guy here, but i just picked up a handle of seagrams dry gin and a 6pack of squirt for $20

also i recommend you just say fuck it n go ham on whatever gots the dopest looking bottle

>> No.4152617

I need to try a proper gin and tonic. I thought my friends had tonic water so I brought over my bottle of sapphire gin. Turns out that translated to "we have carbonated water". So I ended up drinking bubbly pine needles. Man that was gross, hope tonic water makes it taste better.

>> No.4152636
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>go on 4chan
>see anon post Eisbock

Really didnt expect that. A formidable choice by the way. Schneider is from my hometown.

>> No.4152639

It sits on a shelf at the local craft beer store gathering dust. I picked it up one day on a lark. My GOD. My GOD what a delicious beer.

>> No.4152651
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>> No.4152659
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>> No.4152661

OK here we go...

I will now reveiw vodka in ascending order of price:

To start off we have the plasic handles. The worst of these are what is known as "Heritage" (hair-e-taj). Thats ussually ten dollars a handle and 7.99 on sale. True gut rot. Then come the myriad "Vaugley russian name" vodkas: Popov, Takka, etc." these are any where fron 10 to 15 dollars and quality varies WILDLY. Personally I really enjoy Takka. I would drink it over SKy any day of the week. Then comes the "Fake Glass variety". This group is $15-$35 and includes Smirinoff, sky, the 15 dollar kirkland, and others. The notable exception to this price range is Stoli. Stoli is super dank. But be warey of flavored vodkas. If it sounds like it might taste like shit, it does. The next step is Grey Goose, Belvedere, and absolut. absolut is the cheapest and pretty damn good. But if you want the REAL good shit, buy a bottle of Tito's homemade vodka. That shits like 60 dollas a handle but its made in texas and rocks my shit. I must admit I skipped a section. The scketchy third world imported vodka. The kind that has the label written in an entirley different alphabet. Its ussually cheap as hell and tastes like curry and lamb. This is my favorite, but its hard to find consistantly. It also makes you smell like an indian and will put holes in your brain. In the end, just put some juice in it and serve it to girls. Just drink whiskey, faggot.

>> No.4152665

I don't know too many places that still sell it - I guess they're trying to turn this beer into a very unique brand. We used to serve it at the bar I used to work at for 3,40 € as far as I remember. People loved it for its taste and high alcohol percentage.

>> No.4152666

Not OP, but would Grey Goose be good for mixing a White Russian?

>> No.4152667
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Good. I'll see your double bastard and raise you this.

>> No.4152671

ciroc is cheap and good

>> No.4152699


>> No.4152701

Kirkland Vodka is not Grey Goose

It is better. Won on blind taste tests.

The myth that they are the same vodka is furthered by the fact they come from the same region of France, on the same river.

tldr Kirkland>Grey Goose

>> No.4152708

>most fine ass vodka

See, that just seems like an oxymoron to me. If you're going to pay decent money for alcohol, go for something flavorful and interesting. Get a scotch, or a bourbon, or a good cognac/armagnac.

Can make recommendations if you wish, but can't really suggest much for vodka as I really don't care much for it.

>> No.4152713

How so?

I'm normally a beer drinker and dislike scotch, but I am interested in trying a White Russian.

>inb4 hurr durr shit taste, babbys first drink, etc.

>> No.4152715
File: 71 KB, 420x562, Firestone parabola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're done here.

>> No.4152720

Mah nigga. Imperial stouts are the shit and that is a great example.

>> No.4152725

You don't need such an expensive vodka for mixed drinks. I would go down a shelf.

>> No.4152742

Cool beans, thanks.

>> No.4152745

It's overkill in the sense that you don't really need an expensive bottle for white russians. Just pour some popov in it and it'll taste the same. The kahlua masks the vodka.

>> No.4152758

While I would agree that Parabola is indeed beer, it's just a little too faggy. I mean, why has beer gone to such great lengths to imitate wine? Beer is independent and beautiful. It doesn't need to live up to anything but the quality and excecution that monks in the 16th century strove for. I'm not saying Parabola and like beers are bad, they just aren't comparable to the traditional sense of the word beer. So next time you think that your full bodied whiskey and notes of tobbacco are worth more than a nicely hopped pale ale, ask yourself: "Do I want beer to go the way of wine? Do I want to be so preoccupied with my beers reputation that I loose the experience of drinking it? With friends?" Becasue you sure wont have any if you continue on your current route.

>> No.4152775

not that guy but... dude what the fuck? Seriously, just what. Beer, like any alcoholic drink, is meant to be enjoyed. Beers like parabola are delicious so they're definitely enjoyable on that count. And besides that, why would you lose the experience of drinking it with friends? Why can't I drink good craft beer with friends just as easily as any other kind of beer? And besides that, isn't more diversity in beer a good thing? It's not like they'll stop making IPAs or whatever because people buy other things, especially since much of the new production is from craft distillers- we'll just have more different kinds of beer to enjoy, which is always good.

>> No.4152807
File: 22 KB, 525x516, wodka-vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for Vodka, there are two choices.

Cheap (pic related)

>> No.4152811
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And expensive. Again, pic related.

Grey Goose and all the rest are a fucking sham.

>> No.4152834

Expensive vodka is a sham. The only purpose for vodka is flavored vodka in cocktails.

If you want a fine spirit, try investigating whiskey, brandy, or rum.

If it hasn't been aged in a barrel, it isn't worth drinking.

>> No.4152890

As a homebrewer, I find this highly offensive. And stupid. Stupid offensive like a fox.

What this guy said: >>4152775

There is no "traditional sense of the word beer", unless you're talking about forcing beers to follow Reinheitsgebot, in which case those 16th century monks don't make beer because that shit has coriander, orange peels, and unrefined sugar in it.

Beer isn't trying to imitate wine. That's ridiculous.

>> No.4152891

>cares about wood flavored solvents

If you're going to drink liqueur it doesn't matter for shit. Beer is for taste, bro.

>> No.4152896

Drink gin you pleb

>> No.4152921

>wood flavored solvents
Wow, that is one of the silliest things I've seen posted on /ck/ and that's saying something. And this comes from someone who really likes beer.

>> No.4152927
File: 66 KB, 600x370, 25-BOURBON1-articleLarge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No beer shall ever taste as great as the sweet nectar of America known as bourbon.

And I love beer.

>> No.4152942

Couldn't agree with you more. I enjoy beer, just like I enjoy scotch and Irish whiskey and rum, but bourbon takes it for me, with cognac/armagnac coming in close second.

>> No.4152985

Does anyone here have any experience with the 'American Kirkland Vodka' at Costco? I saw a 1.75 L bottle of that, the other day for like $15. I thought the price was cheap as hell for what looked like a nice bottle. Does it taste like shit?

>> No.4152990

If it does, pour it through a coffee filter until it's worth 20+ per 750.

No. I am not joking.

>> No.4152998
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>> No.4153008

What's the deal with these gin fags? Never tried it myself. Always figured it was like some faggoty old world aristocratic type of drink.

Am I missing out? What does it taste like? Is it superior to vodka?

>> No.4153022

Definitely superior to vodka.

I'd consider it akin to a flavored vodka, except for the fact that many gins are distilled with botanicals in the mash or in the still (so the mash evaporates through it).

Gin is traditionally juniper berry based, which means it has a strong evergreen/piney taste. There are a whole host of other botanicals used in gin though and none of it tastes quite alike. Some are light and floral and others are very dry and herbal.

>> No.4153031

I like to drink my vodka neat, straight. Can I do the same with gin? Or does it have to be mixed with tonic water to 'taste right'?

>> No.4153032

>faggoty old world aristocratic type of drink
Pretty much, it's an acquired taste. There's a huge range of expressions though. Try Plymouth, Hendrick's, etc.

Neat is fine. Cheers

>> No.4153036

Alright thanks. I'll try some out.

>> No.4153044

At age 21 you should be finished with binge drinking. It's time to begin maturing your palate.

>> No.4153045
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>does it have to be mixed with tonic water to 'taste right'?

if you have to mix it with water to "taste right" then you either should stick to Shirley Temples, or you're drinking shit

>> No.4153050

Sure you can. But do try some of the gin-based cocktails too. Gin is excellent for mixing, Dry Martini, White Lady and Tom Collins are some favourites of mine.

>> No.4153078

Gin is also great for infusing. Find a brand of decent semi-cheap gin that suits your tastes and try putting different ingredients you think might mesh well in the bottle. Once you find a winning combo you can put those ingredients into some nicer gin.

>> No.4153087
File: 23 KB, 400x300, Qiki - No Fun Allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4153112

Just get some mother fucking Maker's Mark and call it a night.

>> No.4153120

I'd say Elijah Craig 12 is better bang for the buck at the same price.

>> No.4153134

You actually waited until 21?

>> No.4153271

Maker's Mark is a mixer imo, I wouldn't drink it by itself. I'd much sooner get Elijah Craig 12, Larceny, or Elmer T. Lee. Sometimes you can also get Evan Williams single barrel at pretty great prices.

>> No.4153290
File: 27 KB, 350x518, four roses limited edition single barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bourbon tends to have more alcohol to cut the sweetness with, and more spice / wood notes to balance it out, compared to rum. Good aged rum is still awesome though; if you've only tried cheap rum it's like judging whiskey off Jim Beam and Johnnie Walker.

I wouldn't bother with vodka myself OP. Go for something with more to it, like a scotch, bourbon, or brandy. My 19th birthday (Canadafag) I bought a bottle of single-barrel Four Roses (thankfully I'd been drinking for a while before that and knew what I liked already to an extent) and loved it. It's still a staple in my liquor cabinet. Can generally be had for 55 bucks here in BC so probably 30-40 in the States I'd guess.

>> No.4153293
File: 58 KB, 675x900, four roses single barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, wrong picture. Apologies, that's the expensive version. Here's the standard four roses single barrel.

>> No.4153355

I cringe whenever I read something like this. All the talk about cultivating a palette, and yet you can't appreciate the taste of vodka. It's not meant to taste like water, and it's none less enjoyable than other alcohols.

>> No.4153359

Tastes like disappointment and grasping at straws.

>> No.4153364
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Another vote for the inventors of vodka

>> No.4153393
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Only the finest.

>> No.4153455

Tried a few different brands of vodka, the friends who bought them made a deal of the price.
All tasted like fucking ass to me.
Brown liquors kinda have a more distinct taste(though I'm not really a fan of them, anything is better than vodka)
Favorite liquor would be Gin, give it a go.

>drinking age of 21

>> No.4153462

I feel bad for Americans on that count for sure. I live in Canada and 19 was bad enough, 21 would be unbearable.

>> No.4153482

Everyone thinks I'm a pleb, or alcoholic for drinking vodka, but I have a skin condition that flares up with consumption of alcohol, and vodka is the alcohol that gives you the least chance of a flare up.

>> No.4153484

That sucks. What is it about vodka that changes the likelihood of the condition flaring up, do you know?

>> No.4153486

Probably the fact it's distilled to a higher proof than other alcohols before adding water do reduce it to selling proof. This results in a drink that is mostly ethanol and water and little else.

>> No.4153488

I probably should read more into it, probably it's just more straight alcohol not a bunch of other shit. The skin condition is rosacea, by the way, it causes me to get flushed for a long time when I get hot, or really emotional about shit, or whatever. It's like the feeling of blushing for as long as it lasts.

Red wine has like a 90 percent chance of causing a flare up, beer is like 80 percent, and vodka is around 20 percent.

>> No.4153490

Hmm. So it's not the alcohol itself then, it's something created during the fermentation or distillation presumably. Weird.

Don't really know enough to help you but I'd certainly be looking into exactly what chemical causes the problem if it was me, maybe there are other things you can drink and not have issues.

>> No.4153497

Could also be a result of aging. Might be worth trying blanco tequilas and white rums.

>> No.4153503

True, that could also be it. My first guess would be something from the yeast or something that the multiple distillations of vodka would take out, but aging is another big difference between vodka and other spirits so it certainly could be from that as well.

>> No.4153505

Drink some fucking Ron Vicaro as any proper 21 year old should.

>> No.4153511
File: 681 KB, 497x189, Ketel-One-banner-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. Absolut and ketel one are both favorites of mine. Ketel one is a tad pricy, but just buy a big bottle at greens or some shit and you'll be fine. Dont drink too many vodka cranberries though, you'll be SPRAYING out your ass

>> No.4154425

Have a shot of different whisky every day/week until you find one you like. Then drink that. Much better than vodka.

>> No.4154435

From all the stuff I've ever drunk, only martini tasted worse than vodka.

Just get a nice bourbon, drinking strong stuff isn't manly and atleast bourbon got a good taste if you want to act manly.

>> No.4154440

If you must go with vodka, find an establishment that sells Polish vodka. Sobieski is smooth and tasteless, for a small sum.

>> No.4154442

>best vodka is tasteless vodka
Unless you're an alcoholic, what is your excuse?

>> No.4154450

Russian Standard is the best vodka I've tried. Look for it at your liquor store. It has a nice, mild flavor and goes down smooth as hell. The only vodka I've had which is as good to drink without any mixers as it is to drink with them.

Great, OP. Now I want vodka.

>> No.4154451

Spending massive amounds on vodka is a waste. Grey Goose and Belvedere are just smoother than Smironff and bottom shelf shit. You're not going to find a vodka that tastes amazing, it'll just taste less sharp.

>> No.4154599

Grey Goose is equivalent to ingesting razorblades, nasty shit

>> No.4154755
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rye wódka

>> No.4154814
File: 50 KB, 600x800, wlillissobieski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Sobieski, and it's only about $12 for 750ml

>> No.4154926

Vodka is only to get drunk right?

>> No.4154940


OP, don't listen to the other posters in this thread. Drinking for taste is full-on pleb mode. Get Popov, Burnett's, or whatever else cheap, shitty vodka, get used to the taste (which isn't bad at all after some acclimation, mind you), and enjoy getting drunk on the cheap. Spending money on expensive alcohol is like spending extra on a joint because it's laced with sugar.

>> No.4154979

Wait, a coffee filter will work? I know about the brita trick but just putting it through a coffee filter works as well? Brita stuff is expensive and really only for the fun of turning a cheap vodka into Grey Goose but if I could do it with coffee filters...

>> No.4154987

its grey goose

>> No.4154993


No, of course it doesn't work. A coffee filter only removes physical particles, it doesn't remove flavors. You need carbon, such as a brita filter, to do that.

>> No.4155000

We all drink before 21 though. I was really late and didn't have my first drink until I was 19 (freshman year of college). Most people start drinking a little bit in high school and everyone drinks in college (well there are the straight edge faggots but they're rare).

>> No.4155700

Eating for taste is full-on pleb mode. Just go get some day-old McDonalds, get used to the taste, and enjoy eating on the cheap. Spending money on expensive food is like spending extra on a joint because it's laced with sugar.

See how silly that sounds?

>> No.4155799

I'm too fat to get drunk and I hate the taste of vodka. Wat do?

>> No.4155833

>too fat to get drunk
Is that even a thing?

Here's advice:
1) drink less often. This will reduce your tolerance to alcohol.
2) drink somewhere quite different from where you usually drink. Part of your tolerance to any drug is a pre-emptive biological response to conditions associated with that drug; thus, drinking somewhere quite unlike where you usually drink reduces your alcohol tolerance.
3) Drink something stronger than vodka if you really have to. Cask-strength whiskies can go 60% and higher ABV, while most vodka is ~40. But the other two should do the trick.

>> No.4155837

Go back to bed, Slav.

>> No.4155853

>If it hasn't been aged in a barrel, it isn't worth drinking.

people actually believe this.

>> No.4155859

I don't necessarily agree with that statement (though whiskey and brandy are my two favorite drinks), but I've never really understood the appeal of vodka. Beer is awesome. Rum is awesome. Tequila can be quite good but it's not quite to my taste personally. I even like fortified wine a fair bit (port/sherry etc). But I've never tried a vodka and gone "man, I'd love to drink more of that!"

>> No.4155864

You're an idiot, vodka by definition is odorless and flavorless

>> No.4155875

Ah, the classic "only beer and wine tastes good ;____; i have shit tastebuds" pussy.

>> No.4155887

maybe some people just want to have alcohol in their favorite drink? Not that hard to figure out.

>> No.4155897

True. I guess I don't care for mixed drinks much, so that probably doesn't count much in vodka's favor.

>> No.4156262

I'd second this one OP. Mellow, easy to drink but flavorful as fuck.

>> No.4156428

New Amsterdam. Cheap, tastes better than rail-tier shit.

>> No.4156437

also anyone who tells you vodka isn't a good drink is a fucking pretentious moron. unless you're sipping the shit what's the fucking point. I'm a fan of rum and whisky, but OP asked about


new amsterdam.

everyone else in this thread can fuck off.

>> No.4156456

sobieski is a damn fine vodka and quite cheap
also try uv, my liquor store had a $7.99 for a fifth special for a while
bitches love the blue raspberry flavor

>> No.4156462

I'm a cheapfag and only get the get the cheapest price/oz shit there is. Typically that is in-store brand 'generic' vodka. That shit smells and tastes like what I would assume rubbing alcohol tastes like. The only way I can even get it down is by mixing it into a screwdriver. I just highly doubt higher scale vodka can get much better.

With that said, I've tried Spiced Rum and was fond of it. I would get it more often if I wasn't so concerned with price.

>> No.4157876

I has a tips for you regarding vodka:
put the vodka to the freezer, when it is ultra cold, you should not feel much of taste, unless you bought the shit tier one (don't buy the cheepest ones)
Eat some greasy food before drinking, you will not get wasted that fast

>> No.4157909

I just picked this up myself. This is now my go-to vodka. Smooth as hell and only 12 bucks. Why the fuck is it not more popular?

>> No.4157956

Also, drink FAST. Too many people just nurse a beer for an hour and wonder why they never get drunk.

Here is a surefire way to get drunk:
>Get vodka and your favorite energy drink, common one is RedBull but I prefer Rockstar Punched flavor, cheaper and more caffeine
>put two shots in a glass and fill with energy drink
>Repeat until you are wasted

You will get absolutely hammer with this.

Also try some stronger beers. Yes they will taste like ASS at first. Eventually you will want to drink them all the time. Just like coffee, most alcohol is an acquired taste.

>> No.4157961


Go and join the Country Club. $11 dollar handle.

Don't listen to these fat rich elitist fags. Kid, listen, go and join the Country Club.

>> No.4157966


>> No.4158099

Your analogy is incorrect because you are comparing the main factor of enjoyment of a substance with a secondary factor of enjoyment for another. That is, food is enjoyed primarily because it tastes good and alcohol is enjoyed primarily because it gets you drunk. I suppose if you're really eager to get both then you can pay the extra money, but a true patrician will just drink 40s and box wine. Buying any alcoholic beverage for taste is like buying a painting with added expense because it was made to smell nice.

>> No.4159979

Jesus Christ on a bike, can you just go and fuck yourself along with the other "o-so-sophisticated" bastards in this thread? OP wants to get fucked up on his 21st, like everyone wants to. You don't got drunk of your motherfucking ass on expensive whisky or cognac, that shit's for sipping. So stop whining about "maturing your palate", you pretentious bastard.

>> No.4159986

>don't get drunk off...
Rage-induced typos because of your stupidity.

>> No.4161184

The primary purpose of food is sustenance, the secondary purpose is taste.

Your analogy fails.

Personally, I believe everything that you need or want to do should be done with taste in mind.

>> No.4161246

Is titos really that expensive outside of Texas?

>> No.4161251

Start with whiskey.

Canadian hunter is a cheap and smooth blended whiskey.

I've never cared for scotch whisky, but I like Irish whiskey.

>> No.4161257

What is the best combinations for martinis? I've only had beefeater and bombay sapphire with generic vermouth
Liked beefeater but want something less harsh

>> No.4161268

try tangeray. I'm sure I'm not spelling correctly.

>> No.4161281

My favorite is Russian Standard, which I can typically get for about $20-$25 in my area. Second pick would be Stolichnaya (also $20-$25) followed by Belvedere (closer to $30-ish).

I've heard Tito's is pretty good, but I haven't gotten around to trying it yet. There's also a locally distilled vodka I've been meaning to try called Crater Lake Vodka. No clue how common it is outside the Pacific Northwest, but I've heard fantastic things about it.

Also, in my honest opinion Grey Goose is overrated and Smirnoff is shit.