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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 270x187, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4148578 No.4148578 [Reply] [Original]

Motherfucking cream cheese in sushi...

Americans like this shit but it's garbage IMO. And this isn't even being a purist weeaboo, I just think it tastes like crap.

>> No.4148584

Gonna have to agree with op on this one.
I fucking love almost all sushi no matter how shitty.
I adore cream cheese and am always trying to find new ways to use it.

I hate it in sushi though, it just does not work.

>> No.4148590

It's like "Hmm...this looks like it could be tasty," then you bite into it and SURPRISE, goddamn cream cheese...

>> No.4148611

I don't really like them anymore but Philly rolls were my first sushi and the reason I eat it today.

>> No.4148616

>Americans like this shit

Which ones? I don't. I'm whitemurrkan and like junk, but when I tried this the texture was all wrong.

>> No.4148623

Oh wow. I'm glad this fad hasn't reached any sushi shops around here.

>> No.4148622

cheap filler I guess

>> No.4148627

American here, cream cheese in sushi is shit.

>> No.4148641

Cream cheese in sushi is bullshit, agreed. However, I think avocado goes great with eel/eel sauce, so Americans can do some decent things when bastardising sushi.

>> No.4148642

I don't mind it with salmon, so it just sort of turns into a lox on rice.

>> No.4148644

you guys are gay. america changes all world foods to fit their pallet, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. who really gives a shit if they add 1 fucking non-traditional ingredient to sushi rolls? get over it.

The cream cheese isn't the problem. Problem is it's usually paired with some shit like low grade tuna or imitation crab.

>> No.4148651


No, it's the cream cheese. It's the cold, vinegared rice and the cheese that don't mix well.

>> No.4148661

I don't care what anyone says, I love Philly rolls.

>> No.4148708


It's not about Americans changing recipes, it's about cream cheese, as a specific ingredient in sushi, being shit.

>> No.4148721

What's the difference between putting it on vinegared rice and putting it on a bagel smothered in capers?

>> No.4148724

You are right, there is absolutely no difference.

>> No.4148728

I'm an American and I don't like cream cheese in sushi.
Also, other countries besides America eat this.
I'd be more careful before you generalize like that OP, it makes you look quite stupid :)

>> No.4148730

cream cheese doesn't go with sushi, but obviously lots of people like it, otherwise they wouldn't sell so much of it.

>> No.4148734

The funny thing is that cream cheese is good in almost everything and no one seems to know it.
Pilly is the dumbest town ever.

>> No.4148738
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My god you're right! These things are obviously comparable beyond some few correlations, I've been a fool!

My sincerest apologies.

>> No.4148742

Well your problem is you should let your sushi come up to room temperature. Learn something before you talk out your ass, fool

>> No.4148752


Yes, I should have said room temperature instead of cold. You are correct.

Sorry everybody. The problem is that the cheese doesn't mix well with room temp vinegared rice.

>> No.4148759

>"not even being a purist weeaboo"
OP confirmed for purist weeaboo

>> No.4148765

You're the one complaining about vinegar.

Oh no you didn't get the right starch and the right kind of vinegar!

>> No.4148781


I'm not complaining about the vinegar, my issue is with the mix of creme cheese and vinegared rice.

A dish is not the sum of it's parts, you cannot just say that something is good because it is made of X Y and Z. It all depends on how each of these ingredients is handled and incorporated into the final dish. Maybe Z needs to be fried instead of steamed, maybe X is best if full incorporated into Y before mixing with Z.

I love vinegar, I love rice, I love creme cheese. Creme cheese is good with the astringency of vinegar to cut through the fattiness, as with the rice where it plays well with the 'starchiness', yet when you mix the rice and vinegar and plop some creme cheese on top, it just doesn't come together all that great.

You say

>Oh no you didn't get the right starch and the right kind of vinegar

Like it's a joke, but that's what cooking is! That's why you can substitute lots of things for other things, but not all things of the same type. The fact of the matter is the base products ALWAYS plays a role in the dish.

>> No.4148789

It serves the same textural role as avocado in sushi - cool, creamy and fatty. I think it's good but I can also see why people wouldn't like it.

>> No.4148822

It's only okay with smoked salmon. I really like philadelphia roll.

Otherwise I agree, OP.

>> No.4148864

Never had a philly roll so I can't say. Doesn't sound like a bad combo to me.

>> No.4148882
File: 96 KB, 700x525, volcano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this become a disgusting american sushi thread?

>volcano rolls
>cream cheese
>the sauce they put on top of americanized rolls

>> No.4148886
File: 65 KB, 496x303, LasVegasRoll1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4148890

its as good as many of the other rolls.

>> No.4148891

I have eaten at multiple sushi places around my area and have never seen anything that fucking disgusting. It looks like they threw the top of a twice baked potato on the shitty roll

>> No.4148899

order a volcano roll sometime, it's relatively common

>> No.4148902
File: 188 KB, 1600x1200, july10 139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans at sushi

>> No.4148905
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>> No.4148910
File: 272 KB, 2000x673, Sushi - Rock and Roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tasting anything but sauce

>> No.4148911

She looks more like any pacific islander introduced to a western diet.

It does not agree with them that;s for sure.

>> No.4148917
File: 69 KB, 800x600, dynamite_roll_15234248_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4148921

yeah dude they tend to store more fat becuase they are normally used to a paleo lithic diet you ass hole.

>> No.4148922

I agree with you, OP, and I'm one of these Americans you're bitching about. I hate cream cheese in sushi. I also hate California rolls, spicy tuna rolls, and tempura rolls.
However, I do like avocado in sushi. The "green, buttery, grassy" flavor of it compliments the fish well, IMO.

>> No.4148924
File: 291 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hungry /ck/? try these delicious and rich rolls

>> No.4148926

Why would I do that to myself?

>> No.4148927
File: 166 KB, 1594x1196, bald_eagle_head_and_american_flag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4148932

Is that rice even the right type? looks like fucking instant rice

>> No.4148938
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>> No.4148944
File: 39 KB, 510x382, somairishroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mm jizz

>> No.4148946
File: 138 KB, 1632x920, 2011-06-08_21-18-58_13_1632x920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people just like their sushi differently, no need to be a snob

>> No.4148948
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What would you get?

>> No.4148949
File: 661 KB, 2048x1536, godno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The roll has smoked sausage, sauerkraut and some carrots, topped with

our original Go-Go sauce and Green Texas sauce.

Comes with big 5pcs, and it’s $7!!

>> No.4148953
File: 114 KB, 1600x1067, Rainbow Roll-7051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people sell this as a rainbow roll
>no filling
>drizzled in mayo

>> No.4148976
File: 16 KB, 280x390, Gag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoked sausage in sushi?

>> No.4148990

pls stop

>> No.4148991

Fuck sriracha mayo.

>> No.4148994

>Not understanding the philly roll

It is a take on the Lox bagel, hence why the salmon is usually not sashimi but smoked salmon. Without the cream cheese it would have no soul.

>> No.4149000

At the SUPER KING CHINESE BUFFET here in the states Ive seen deep fried sushi so yeah..

>> No.4149013

That is a bagel. This is sushi.

>> No.4149018

>implying that cream cheese in sushi is more disgusting than buying grocery store sushi.

If you thought the cream cheese was the issue with that tray of sushi, you're sorely mistaken, OP. A roll of sushi made fresh with a little cream cheese isn't bad, but most rolls with cream cheese are the kind of shit that OP has posted that is premade and left to sit out for ages.

I like cream cheese in deep fried rolls, because it gets warm and melty that way, and if I'm going non-traditional I might as well go all the way. But I also appreciate a good piece of tuna nigiri and would never dare to add cream cheese to that.

>> No.4149020


so what are you going to put in a philly roll? It's not a Japanese city, it is an American one. Most American sushi is made for Americans palettes, stop being an elitist snob, Jiro isn't impressed.

>> No.4149051

is there a good roll you can make with peanut butter? somehow peanut butter and salmon doesn't seem like it'd be that good... but there's got to be something that'll work

>> No.4149056

I would imagine a chicken tempura with a peanut sauce might work.

>> No.4149072

I can understand people not wanting cream cheese when eating expensive sushi, but when I'm shoving parasite-ridden chinese lunch buffet sushi into my 'murican gullet the cream cheese can be a refreshing bit of familiarity.

Cream cheese is pretty much my favorite food/flavor so I never pass up a chance to try it in a new vehicle. Not all innovation is successful.

>> No.4149088
File: 983 KB, 323x224, 1332972784287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no fish

>> No.4149085

Or a thai style peanut sauce. That could be tasty too.

I would do a roll with tempura prawns or shrimp, some spicy sprouts, and a slice of avacado, with a drizzle of peanut sauce and mayonnaise.

>> No.4149092


Sushi refers to the rice.

>> No.4149093

>name refers only to the vinegared rice
>toppings/filling varied

>> No.4149100

Better go tell the Japanese that, they started it.

>> No.4149125

ITT butthurt teenagers complain about stuff that other people do

>> No.4149164



>> No.4149174

welcome to 4chan

>> No.4149211

i agree 100%

if a maki roll has cream cheese in it it is completely ruined for me. it completely ruins the texture and flavor of any roll i've ever had it in.

once at a pretty nice sushi place i ordered a firecracker roll or something and the menu didn't say it had cream cheese in it. i was pretty mad. now i always ask.

fuck cream cheese in sushi. worst trend ever.

>> No.4149209

For me the sauces are the biggest drawback.

Though I much rather just eat superior Yakiniku.

>> No.4149221

>shrimp tempura
>cream cheese
>topped with crabmeat
>eel sauce
>spicy sauce

I don't know if it was a fake sushi roll, that thing was delicious. Then the restaurant fucking closed almost instantly.

>> No.4149224


*I don't care if

What is wrong with me today.

>> No.4149226

all you virgins who hate cream cheese in maki, do you order this?

if not, please can you explain your rage?
if so, didn't you learn first time you not like it?

>> No.4149262

Respectfully, OP, I disagree. When I discovered sushi (freshman year of college, go figure), a philadelphia roll with smoked salmon was my absolute favorite thing to eat. That salty, smoky fish with the cold, creamy, slightly sour cheese. Oh boy, I'd kill for that shit.

But I agree wholeheartedly with this fellow. Sushi is finger food. Why the fuck would I want to smother it in some sticky sauce so that I have to wipe my hands off every time I want to pick my nose or w/e during my meal?

>> No.4149264

Have fun killing sea animals meanies.

>> No.4149265

Combo platter my man.
Seems like such a good deal then
Philly roll.

>> No.4149288

Smoked salmon and cream cheese rolls are awesome.

>> No.4149317

also -

>go out for sushi with friends.
>we decide to all share our shit
>everybody gets cream cheese in their roll but me
>don't want to eat any of their shit. everybody still eats my shit.

also i just hate it when i look down the menu and see cream cheese as an ingredient in most of the fucking rolls. i know i can order it without cream cheese at most places. but then they look at me funny.