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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.06 MB, 1851x1388, 1358007613252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4145008 No.4145008 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4145013

I'm a mong and I find this offensive.

>> No.4145022 [DELETED] 

>no hot cheetos and takis

They should have shown what true Southerners eat. It would look much more like Ecuador. Not this pitiful excuse for a family. This is what happens when traditional marriage and families come under attack by the far left. Non-whites should not be allowed to participate in American society.

I'd like to think they gave every family the average amount of money that is spent in a week on groceries in their country, and these stupid niggers went fucking apeshit with it.

I mean, it /actually/ looks like someone on foodstamps.

>> No.4145025

I love how everything in the USA pic is in a package. Pick the food stamp niggers to represent the country. Always makes my day.

Egypt looks good

>> No.4145029

I can't get enough


>> No.4145032

Look at that German tidiness, goddamn. It's like I walked into a small shop.

>> No.4145033

Chad FTW!

>> No.4145034

the italian's wife looks pretty young to have 3 children, one who looks almost 8

>> No.4145035

Jesus Christ, Germany, stop looking so edgy. What's with all those drinks?

>> No.4145036
File: 249 KB, 320x304, 1329870204920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone's food looks nicely balanced between meat, veg, and grains, then I see UK and USA.

>> No.4145041

Oh god, I don't want this in my head again.

>> No.4145042

>thin = young

Amerifat detected

Being a healthy weight shouldn't be so dependent on having the metabolism of a teen

>> No.4145043

>Every other country: Tidy, but haphazard
>Germany: I vill have ORDER in mein table!

>> No.4145044

germans get friendly when drunk, if they don't drink then they start world wars.

>> No.4145050

look at her face, she's young. It has nothing to do with her weight. care to jump to any other wrong conclusions?

>> No.4145052

I want to live with the German family and take their ungrateful son's place. Also, do the Brits only live off sweets and snacks? All that sugar, man.

>> No.4145056

Is that a giant jar of Nutella behind Italy's head?

>> No.4145058

Way it goes.

>> No.4145059
File: 39 KB, 468x310, 38661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They know that if they don't organize everything in a way that is understandable to future generations, some futurepeople might begin to question that there was once food in Germany.

>> No.4145061

Japan is about as bad as the US and UK, to be fair.

>> No.4145064
File: 28 KB, 460x276, 1311813215476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, we only east meat and chese, those niggers got that shit wrong

jap food looks so balnd

>> No.4145067

>look at her face, she's young

I don't know how you concluded that from 50 pixels. All I can tell is she is not obese. Sorry. Am I fat shaming?

>> No.4145069

i see what you did there^^

>> No.4145073

Egypt and Italy looking great. UK & USA confirmed for diabetes. Germany confirmed for ORDNUNG UND BIER.

>> No.4145077

>older german kid on right:

>> No.4145079
File: 3 KB, 58x64, woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too small to tell it's an old woman

>> No.4145080

just shaming yourself

>> No.4145086

She is young. Especially young to have 3 kids. Congrats to Italy and their raping of children.

>> No.4145093

>that grape kool-aid in the nigger picture

Send them bacak to africa.

>> No.4145097

>See nice family with husband and wife probably not 5 years apart in age

Your just mad because you're in USA

>> No.4145100


Looks aboot 32 to me, assuming her child is in fact 8 years old, she started a family in her mid 20s. Seems reasonable.

> dem collarbones

>> No.4145105

There is no way she is 32. Mid 20s at most. Have you ever been with a real woman before? The kind that doesn't look like a little prepubescent boy, I mean?

>> No.4145110


It's ok bro. Just keep fappin to non-disgusting chicks

>> No.4145112
File: 56 KB, 399x500, cajun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what should have been

>> No.4145121

She does look like she's in her early 30's. Some women age more well than others. I close friend of mine turned 30 and she looks damn nice.

>> No.4145116


> ordnung

>> No.4145117
File: 26 KB, 755x1255, What_ccd64d_1854202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4145118


God I want this book.

>> No.4145120


That's not a bro, bro.

>> No.4145122 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 200x200, quarrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Denver, Colorado, USA. The highest population of skinny, white woman in the country.

I think you're mad.

>> No.4145153


Feels like the U.S. and U.K. grocery situations are misportrayed in this image. There're huge movements in both countries toward healthy foods, organic foods, raw foods, and getting rid of processed trash. Look at what Oliver and Doherty have been doing in Britain during the last decade or so. And in the States, there's bound to be a Whole Foods, Fresh Market, Trader Joes, Earth Fare, or other local/organic/healthy lifestyle-based store nearby. I live in a small city in Florida, and every county within a hundred miles has at least a handful of organic or free-range farms. It just seems like many people are being misrepresented, as our diets are rapidly changing.

Granted, in America, black people don't follow these movements, so I'll blame the photographer for choosing a poor subject.

> (Heh heh, a POOR subject. I see what I did there. Niggers.)

>> No.4145157

>a plastic bottle of water and some colored sand
>relevant cuisine in any way
>relevant to the picture in any way

I'd like to see one for Sweden, Greece, Spain, Thailand, India and Croatia.

>> No.4145164

You best be trolling, because i refuse to believe anyone is so stupid.

>> No.4145166

...I don't think you understand what that picture means.

>> No.4145174

>>4145153 >Huge movements
Maybe in the UK, but the lol-hippie crowd isn't doing much in the US

>> No.4145187 [DELETED] 

How can you find it offensive? The picture is too small to view properly.

>> No.4145227

Are all German boys so pale, soft, and feminine looking?
Because I have a boner right now.

> letting america be represented by food stamp fare

and lok @ the U.K

>> No.4145239
File: 26 KB, 447x495, 1356056919755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, all that packaged food. That's really depressing when it's put into perspective with other countries.

>> No.4145242

Are you responding to the wrong fucking post you fucknugget? What's with randmo HURR UR STUPID and no context whatsoever

The picture doesn't represent any of the countries

>> No.4145246

What are those drinks in the German picture?

>> No.4145261

3 sorts of beer, whine, mineral whater and fruit juice

>> No.4145262


Yeah I know. I hope some day they discover industrialization and get to have an abundance through centuries of capitalism.

>> No.4145272

>Feels like the U.S. and U.K. grocery situations are misportrayed in this image.
Guarantee you it's anti-American propaganda.

>> No.4145282
File: 973 KB, 312x213, ehlxld.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has America already declined so far that anything other than gushing praise is seen as anti-American propaganda?

I knew this was coming, I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.

>> No.4145284

Egyptians, Ecuadorians, and Germans eat the best.

>> No.4145299

post more of that teen hottie!

>> No.4145303

>nobody notices the UK table

im not quite sure what this is...
>when you see it

>> No.4145305
File: 72 KB, 625x413, duck_dynasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could, you know, have picked an actual family that eats real food.

>> No.4145319

Lol @ the duck show

>> No.4145326
File: 20 KB, 298x279, whyboner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that really a boy on the right in the germany picture?

>> No.4145329


> i'm ok with that

>> No.4145328


Anti-American and Anti-Western sentiment is alive and well. And it's pervasive even among westerners themselves. The intelligentsia was drawn to communism long ago and are drawn to Islam today. Marxism has managed to make its way into many aspects of our lives. Not in the Red Scare boogeyman way, but just as a cultural meme. It's a great influence to the post-modern movement, and we live in a post-modern society. It's why abstract expressionism is considered art, it's why food gimmicks sell, and the source of much anti-capitialist/anti-progress/anti-industrial/anti-abundance thought. Which brings us to this thread where we have people hating on the idea that industrialized, and capitalist countries have more than Chad. It's seen as perverse. This "Hurr look at all that unnecessary food" mentality that plagues 4chan.

>> No.4145332

No confirmation.

>> No.4145336


Pretty sure it has a vagine.

>> No.4145338

>implying its any different between races in america

Do you not know that underprivileged diets are caused by a lack of income? At least they have something to eat. American families look at "that great deal" they can get on food, as if they have other priorities to use their money for.

We are a convenience society, and our food reflects that. We dont take the time to cook, we want Filling, nutritious, easy food. And if you try to get all of those together, its not a good combination.

we think that becasue we are a first world nation, and dont struggle to survive in regards to eating, we dont need to invest as much effort into it.

I know that these countries arent necessarily third world or second world, but they have higher priorities than the new iPhone.

A persons diet is a reflection of their societal outlook, and circumstantial environment, i think.

brb going to /pol/

>> No.4145340

No, I mean it's depressing that a lot of people tend to pick prepackaged food over fresh food. Can you honestly tell me that half that prepackaged shit looks better than all that fresh produce?

>> No.4145343


Judging by how most of the images have a son and a daughter, and how the father's holding her, I'd say that's a female.

>> No.4145346


>it's in a package it must be bad

Here we go again

>> No.4145348

for the full list w pictures:

>> No.4145349

he's part of the brainwashed generation, just pity him and move on

>> No.4145353

>wanting to eat fresh seaweed

thats all slimy and annoynig.

>> No.4145358
File: 163 KB, 1280x960, 1315937899376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those bananas is Ecuador still good?

>> No.4145363
File: 285 KB, 580x381, weekly_food_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good find! There was a different family for USA, posted before the one in the collage pick. Much less annoying lol

>> No.4145364

they are perfectly edible. in fact, they more brown they get the tastier are they

>> No.4145365

google plantain

>> No.4145369

Why do black people rap about everything?
Is that the only musical style they know?

>> No.4145371

and yet that one manages to have 3 pizzas in it lol

there's no winning

>> No.4145373


b-b-but... those people aren't white either! Represent the majority, not both the minorities!

>> No.4145374


and yes, there are only 2 minorities, black and mexican.

>> No.4145387

Did you think we count Koreans? Hate those fuckers.

>> No.4145402


Asia doesn't exist.

>> No.4145426




You obviously don't know about Italian women. They don't age well.

>> No.4145428

It's called Russia. Those yellow people are the ones that smell worse than Arabs and Indians.

That's saying something.

>> No.4145455

Germany and Italy have the best food assortment for a family.

>> No.4145460

nigga have u seen all dat alcohol

>> No.4145462



>> No.4145492

>implying children don't drive parent to the bottle

>> No.4145499

I don't have any and I know that children are the number one cause of alcoholism.

>> No.4145523

alcohol in europe.. is not the same as alcohol in america.

sure, we get drunk the same, and probably for similar reasons, but alcohol to europe is a nutritional supplement, not an emotional crutch. It is actually good for you to drink.

>> No.4145524

You're probably joking, but seriously, why is that?

The bias and anti-American propaganda is so painfully obvious.

At least with Duck Dynasty you get a white family eating regional food (i.e. game).

>> No.4145538

>ask wife to cook food
>she says muh oppression

>cheats on you wants a divorce
>gets the house, kid,s child support, and alimony
>muh rights

>> No.4145541


It's good to be gay.

>> No.4145544


Why not move to Saudi Arabia or India?

>> No.4145545

Really do wish I was gay sometimes.

>> No.4145552


Yessuh. Ban gay marriage, I'm all for that!

> never have to deal with weddings, divorce, or alimony

My life is perfect.

>> No.4145566
File: 40 KB, 700x526, 1354506289989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love woman so much but they always fuck about. The only ones that are good are not attractive. Finding a guy attractive would make life much easier.

You gay folks are real whores though. Like, I'm surprised all of you don't have AIDS.

>> No.4145567

The fuck?
I honestly don't know any women like this. I know people who've gotten divorced, but it's been mutual and even. And most of the married people I know have been married a long time.
I guess I just am in a different class of people. Maybe change who you hang around and you'll find better women. Your post just screams trash.

>> No.4145568

Your diet today: Chad
The diet of your family: USA
The diet you would like to have: Not pictured

>> No.4145573

Those cultures are old and have extremely mature ideas about women and minorities.

America is young and thinks it's fighting the good fight with its civil rights movements. It's going to have to face reality soon and realize that it's making a huge, huge mistake.

Society should not be open and diverse.

>> No.4145575
File: 471 KB, 474x379, getout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4145578

Germany's pic would be pretty much perfect for me. I'd also go for Italy's. Looking at the USA pic makes me sad, since I'm a Amerifuck and I don't eat like that. I wish other people didn't.

>> No.4145580

where do you live.

>> No.4145583
File: 706 KB, 320x240, 1345878916587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Society should not be open and diverse.


>> No.4145591

Used to live in Texas, now I live in NorCal.

>> No.4145596


So you say you hang around the rich... and their divorces are fair and even?

2/10, Msr. Troll.

>> No.4145599

Egypt looks the best

>> No.4145600

My mom refuses to cook because she wines shes a slave. "all you want is food".

Dad : "all you want is money".

Mom : "That's what men are for"

I've never seen so many people willing to destroy their own families over innocuous house chores that would benefit the whole family.

Modern western females think that giving anything to men other than sex is oppressive, and then they are angry that men only want sex.

>> No.4145601

When did I say I only hang out with rich people? Being a better class doesn't just mean more money. Don't be stupid.

>> No.4145602


noice dubs

>> No.4145603

in addition

because she doesn't cook she buys premade junk food for me to eat, thanks mom.

>> No.4145604

The bad:

Too much packaged shit and processed foods.

The best:

Look at that order.

>> No.4145609

>Modern western females think that giving anything to men other than sex is oppressive, and then they are angry that men only want sex.
1000 internets to you!

>> No.4145610
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1353331691413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom buys his food
>he mad

>> No.4145613
File: 78 KB, 235x231, NIGGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intact black family

>> No.4145614

this was when i was a kid.

>> No.4145615


> Being a better class doesn't just mean more money

Yes it does; don't be stupid.

>> No.4145616

hell yeah

>> No.4145621

pretty sure people in the UK are mostly too lazy, too poor or just dont give a shit enough to actually have changed their diet into something healthier since that image.

>> No.4145622

>they are angry that men only want sex.

>implying all I want is sex and food.

Too bad for all you losing faggots who can't find a girl that is as cool as any other guy friend you've ever had.

>> No.4145624

Welcome to marxism

The struggle between the bourgeoisie(rich) and the proletariat (poor) has now been changed to
war between races (whites vs anything with more melanin) man vs woman, and nature vs civilization.

>> No.4145625

Doesn't sound like you've found one either.

>> No.4145630


Fuck off, Sceak.

>> No.4145632

>USA represented by nogs and spics

>> No.4145642

Oh man. Germany. Glorious ORDNUNG UND BIER.

>> No.4145654

Oh, go back to your trailer, you dumbass.
I've known white trash rich people, and southern gentlemen who were poor. You're a fucking moron, no wonder you'll never know anything but trashy people with bad behavior. You do not have any idea what class is.

>> No.4145668

Incorrect. We live together.

Yes, it actually happens to people on this site too.

>> No.4145669


I'm ok with that. But you, sir, have no idea what divorce is.

> mutual and even, my ass.

>> No.4145681

>But you, sir, have no idea what divorce is.

Personally, no. And I plan on keeping it that way. As if divorce is something to be proud of.

>> No.4145729
File: 60 KB, 720x514, 1336029738822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good to me.

>> No.4145744
File: 21 KB, 479x398, chris-crocker-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.4145898
File: 230 KB, 409x306, 1351699568550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably trolling but regardless of your intention, I'm going to correct you.
>Anti-American and Anti-Western sentiment is alive and well.
You mean like any other uniformed prejudice? No, you're specifically lamenting hatred against your culture, because selective reasoning makes it so much easier to see the conspiracy in everything.
>The intelligentsia was drawn to communism long ago
Very long ago. As in: it stopped being communist before Whittaker Chambers did.
>and are drawn to Islam today
No, they're drawn towards secularism. Islam is just about the largest enemy intellectualism faces today.
>Marxism has managed to make its way into many aspects of our lives.
Cultural Marxism is a vague buzzword that says nothing yet implies a lot. I take it you mean post-modernism judging by the rest of your post.
>and we live in a post-modern society
U wot m8? Why didn't anyone tell me? Last I checked the idea was dead among intellectuals and laughingly discarded by the general public. Like the rest of the world, the west does not regard all ideologies, explanations and positions as equally valid/invalid, because that's fucking wrong.
>It's why abstract expressionism is considered art
Try coming up with a rigorous definition of art that includes all 'real' art and excludes all the 'fake' art. The reason why you think this question should be settled by your stupid ass rather than by the author's intent is your stage-IV special snowflake syndrome.
>it's why food gimmicks sell
It's why my farts smell so nasty, it's why we can't have nice things.
[To be continued]

>> No.4145926
File: 15 KB, 528x434, 1351699967429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the source of much anti-capitialist
The western world continues to elect almost exclusively capitalist parties.
Because everyone hates progress, right? Just think of famous slogans such as 'stagnation you can believe in' and 'building an equally acceptable tomorrow'.
That's mostly the New Age retards and their appeals to nature. They're not taken seriously.
Put down 'Atlas Shrugged' and pick up a newspaper, would you? You're confusing disagreement with a means and disagreement with an end. It's because the end is so agreeable and because your ideology is so laughable.
>this thread where we have people hating on the idea that industrialized, and capitalist countries have more than Chad.
Chad went from being an exploited colony to being ruled by a dictator two years after its independence. It has almost no resources, ethnic and religious conflicts, and a scattered political opposition. It's considered a failed state. If you think that the people of that country deserve to suffer, if you think they should have just industrialized themselves somehow despite their horrific condition, you are so ignorant that it's not even funny.
>It's seen as perverse.
It is. Get over yourself and discard the just-world hypothesis. These countries are being exploited and they will not pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
>This "all that unnecessary food" mentality that plagues 4chan.
There's another mentality that plagues 4chan. It's the idea that there is some global conspiracy, half political correctness and half affirmative action, that is trying to leech resources off the 'makers'. I'm by no means an Atheism+ cunt, but there is such a thing as privilege and it puts us into a position where we can help others. Humans for the most part are not responsible for their condition. And unless we stop acting like they are, nothing will change and resources, both human and material will be pissed away.

>> No.4146522
File: 56 KB, 500x332, sealofapproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A+ good sir.

>> No.4146535

>These countries are being exploited and they will not pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
lol spoken like a true Patriot.

>> No.4146601
File: 13 KB, 500x333, 135512954771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god look at all that mad.
I have seen some spergin in my day
but lord this was a thing of beauty
Five stars and 10/10 thank you.

>> No.4146619

>round watermelon
No. We all know square is the superior shape.

>> No.4146627

This is pitch-perfect. It's exactly what somebody from /pol/ would say.

10/10, I tip my hat to you good sir.

>> No.4146639


holy fuck, you're typing this sitting over a cold starbucks latte, right?

>> No.4146667

It does actually look like a meal purchased with foodstamps. The only "americans" who eat like that, are fucking scum.

>> No.4146710

Would dinner with.

the rest are awful. Except chad whatever the fuck country that is. looks like a poor country so it's accepted

>> No.4146713

oh yeah would dinner with italy too.
well-balanced diet.

>> No.4146729

>twelve loaves of bread

I hope they're going to make some croutons and breadcrumbs over the next few months.

>> No.4146735

Where are you from.

>> No.4146745

So what's actually in the bottom half of the Japanese spread?

>> No.4146751

Am I supposed to feel bad for the Ecuador and Chad families? Why on earth would you have that many kids when you cant afford to feed them.

>> No.4146756
File: 216 KB, 939x464, Don't sleep tonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4146761
File: 72 KB, 500x350, knorr_soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see fruit, pancake mix, vinegar, soy sauce, etc., and what I'm going to guess is a lot of different noodles and soups. Think "Knorr" but for Japan.

>> No.4146762

yeah what the hell

>> No.4146763

>Am I supposed to feel bad for the Ecuador and Chad families? Why on earth would you have that many kids when you cant afford to feed them.
You don't think the Ecuadorian family has enough to eat?!

>> No.4146764

Children act as extra laborers in 3rd world countries.

>> No.4146768

>Why on earth would you have that many kids
Here in America you can get free contraception and needles.

It's one of the few things libtards have actually done for this country that is of value.

My guess is Ecuador is not as lucky.

>> No.4146770

Developed countries have packaged things, non-developed don't. Simple as that.

>> No.4146776

>implying free condoms is an excuse to not realize that cumming in a girl will make her pregnant especially when it has happened 7 times to you

>> No.4146790

Is English your first language? Please paraphrase this because it doesn't make sense.

It's not intended to be an insult.

>> No.4146820

What? It doesn't matter that contraception isn't as available to them as it is in the US. When you get a woman pregnant 7 times you should realize that you're doing something wrong unless he intended to.

>> No.4146817
File: 28 KB, 294x369, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new here. Or a really big moron.

>> No.4146835

How much is a box of wheatbix in the UK?

I saw some next to the fancy organic cereals at my local COPPs and thought about buying a box, but they were like $6 for a box of 12!

>> No.4146840

Mongolia, Egypt, Japan, Italy and Germany's look really good.

>> No.4146850

>implying that will power is more powerful than instinct
I think I see what you're trying to say now, but it still doesn't make sense.

If every time you had sex meant a baby, then you'd wind up with seven children, too.

I guess if you wanted to you could fuck goats, you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.4146879
File: 25 KB, 450x268, jackie-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you even....how high are you dude?

>> No.4146894

Italy, UK, and Germany are totally fronting. Fake ass cunts.

>> No.4146900

>Hot Cheetos
>Latino food

>> No.4146901

Egypt, Ecuador, and Mongolia look awesome.

>> No.4146909

>colored sand


>> No.4146916

Lol it's not even about income. That US family is very accurate/average. Most Americans buy shit pre-packaged.

>> No.4146925

I basically eat what Chad eats most days lots of rice, millet, etc. in my house with a bit of bean and lime. Or bananas. Seasonings are my best friends.

The Chad folk also probably eat some sort of meat but you can't shove an entire cow into a photo like this.

>> No.4146985

So what would you guys buy for a week and only a week if you had absolutely no food?

> 3 green peppers, package of whole button mushrooms, package of green onions, 4lbs of carrots, 3lb bag of onions, 2lbs red potatoes, package of mixed lettuce = $12
> 6 bananas, 6 apples, $4
> Package of bacon, 1lb package of pork sausage, half dozen eggs $6
> container of plain yogurt, half gallon of whole milk, package of butter, 8oz cheddar cheese = $9
> container of oatmeal, box of cheerios $5
> small jar of pb, package of almonds $5
> Ketchup, mustard $2
- baking powder, baking soda, small bag of flour, small bag of cane sugar, small bag of brown sugar, salt $7

> $50 per week for one person
> Holy fuck I eat way too much
> $200 per month

Well I need to cut down. Even if you take the last 3 categories out since they last I still spend $38 a week or $152 a month. Well I guess $152 isn't bad. I live in Wisconsin, USA for reference.

>> No.4147007

Why does Italy have so much soda? It's got more than the americans.

>> No.4147017

weekly grocery shopping is almost always like this
1 lb mushrooms
1 bundle romain lettuce
1 bundle celery
1 lb onion
1 lb tomato

1 lb kiwi fruit
1 bunch bananas
1 lb orange

1 lb steak
1 lb fish, usually salmon or tilapia, wild caught is available

variable amount of a variable cheese

1 lb nuts, usually walnut

rice, flour, and other staples are bought a few times a year, as are spices
in addition to normal white people stuff like vinegars and olive and peanut oil I also keep some azn bullshit like curry powder, broad bean paste, and soy sauce.

>> No.4147018

Japanese family pantry > American 'high end' restaurant

>> No.4147020

Italians love sweet syrupy shit, they just drink it in reasonable portions and small glasses.

>> No.4147022


The water in Italy is awful and filthy

think Mexico

>> No.4147025

I want to live with Italy.

>> No.4147038


You have to buy ketchup and mustard every week?

>> No.4147039


nvm, was retarded and didn't read the first sentence

>> No.4147048

>red beans
>onion, celery, bell pepper
>ham hock
>whole chicken
>salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, bay leaf
>cajun seasoning
>oil, butter, and shortening
>baking soda and powder
>hot sauce

I would eat fried chicken, red beans and rice, and biscuits every day.

>> No.4147059

Seems comparable to what I usually get. Maybe we're not fat, we just need to use more coupons? Though they generally only sale packaged stuff I don't eat.

I want to eat at your place, sounds fucking delicious. I love making biscuits as well, so I don't bother buying bread. Just a nice fresh batch of biscuits every week, yum..... buttermilk is the best kind, and then hot out of the oven you can have biscuits and sausage gravy, or have it with butter and honey. Oh god I want to bake right now.

>> No.4147208

>>prepacked so it's shit
I bet this guy makes his own mouses and carves out his own furniture too. Listen shit head. food comes in packages, Even organic 100% natural whathave you often comes in DADADA packages, you fucking dipshit. there is nothing wrong with packaged food, and often unpackaged food is still just as good or bad as the food you CAN find packaged.

>> No.4147211

Yeah this is about accurate for middle class.

>> No.4147233
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>> No.4147244

I just want to lick up the exposed side of his neck and stick my hand down the front of his jeans.

Ughughugh he's too pretty and frowny.

>> No.4147259


I didn't know Alan Ginsberg hung out on /ck/. I guess we should feel honored?

>> No.4147271

What? Whole foods is the most packed grocery store in all of Salt Lake City.
Source: I live in downtown salt lake city.

>> No.4147284

the only thing i took from this picture is that people eat bananas all around the world

>> No.4147295

The american picture is so off for white families. I'm sure the poor and blacks eat like this, but nearly every family I've known enjoys well balanced meals every night. Hell, I live alone and I still go to the grocery store every few days to pick up fresh meat and vegetables to make meals. The pizza part is true though. Most families order pizza once a week or so. Usually on weekends like sometimes Friday will be pizza night or whatever.

>> No.4147301


Nearly every white person I know eats like shit. Ok let me clarify, they think they eat "healthy", but iceberg lettuce and frozen chicken breasts slathered in jarred white sauce isn't healthy.

Recent immigrants such as the kind you get from Mexico, South America, and Eastern Europe seem to do alright, but the kind of generic white people who define America eat like shit and seriously disgust me beyond belief.

>> No.4147325
File: 20 KB, 460x276, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can probably eat everything Chad has in like a week or less

>> No.4147344
File: 142 KB, 334x400, 788128316_587748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw my table would consist of a half dozen fast food bags, a pizza, the ingredients for one cooked meal, and about 75 beers.

>> No.4147807

Having been to many of these places I can safely say that this picture does not represent each nations average eating habits. The only thing it represents are the habits of the families pictured.

>> No.4147858


>> No.4147870

it's a traditional ecuadorian hat, its manufacture is a matter of national pride.

>> No.4147880

'Cause they stylin' on us.

>> No.4147943

USA confirmed for colorful food of FREEDOM

>> No.4147956
File: 69 KB, 304x304, louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, UK looks so bad. Crisps and chocolate? Fucking cat food?

That's not a representation of most people, definitely a fair few though.

>> No.4148108

Look at those germans, they are able to look down on you just by showing you their food

>> No.4148123

Most of those colors are labels printed on paper. lmao

>> No.4148133

Everything in America is all packaged.. between all of these countries I would choose either Germany, or Italy.

>> No.4148161

I'm from Italy. I would choose Egypt. I don't know what part of Italy those people are from, but that bread looks foreign to me. He's also very dark and short looking. I assume they are southerners.

>> No.4148201

So much beer

>> No.4148209

These are old pics, from before those movements really started taking hold. Most people shopping at places like that are younger anyway, not really families but more like the college crowd

>> No.4148213

>I'm from Italy. I would choose Egypt
I'm from Germany, I would also choose Egypt (by that pic at least)

>> No.4148218

Well, all available obesity statistics belie the claim of "huge movements toward healthy foods" in the UK and of course in the USA. Healthy eating is a thing exclusively for the privileged classes who can afford it and who are lucky enough to not have grown up as food-illiterates.

>> No.4148229

>5 leeks, 1.5kg of potatoes, vine tomatoes, mushrooms, chillies, sweet pointed peppers, pak choi, beansprouts, green onion, peas, fresh ginger
>prawns, extra lean beef mince, eggs, ham
cheese, milk, butter
Rice, Pasta (inb4 it's not a grain, i know but fuck it)

> chocolate spread, 6 pack of crisps, coffee

I'm assuming that I get to keep my spice-rack because otherwise this will end up being really expensive.

This was my shop last week for 2 people: £40.

>> No.4148250



>> No.4148257

> sour mustards, onions, bell peppers, black cabbage, garlic, ginger, tinned tomatoes, fresh oyster and/or shiitake mushrooms: everything around $11 total
> pears, $2
> bacon, Neapolitan sausages, 20 - 30 eggs, whole chicken: everything around $15 total
> whole milk, skim milk, parmigiano, collier's, bel paese, American cheese: everything around $19 total
> 5lbs of AP flour, 5lbs sticky rice: $6
> unsalted almonds, $3
> fish, soy and oyster sauces, kochujang, doenjang, sugar, vinegars, salt, olive oil, $29
> baking soda, $1

To be fair, that $86 would probably last me two and a half to three weeks.

>> No.4148269

So in America all we eat is pizza, fun dip and a few grapes?

Yea OK.

Just one thing bread makes you fatter than candy so why aren't the other countries so fat?

I call bull shit on this whole ad thing.

USA #1 always a good time,beautiful faces, beautiful places!

>> No.4148279

Anyone else notice how Japan is the only country eating a substantial amount of seafood in the chosen countries?

I wonder what a pic of your average middle-class family would look like for the different parts of China.

And huehue...or North Korea.

>> No.4148288
File: 762 KB, 3264x2448, americaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


American women I bet your mum is a fatty

our superior women dosn't get fat with children/age because we're healthier and we eat better than you get over it fatty

>> No.4148290

It isn't an ad and "bread doesn't make you fatter than candy" when you actually exercise... and don't eat candy everyday.

>> No.4148291

>Anyone else notice how Japan is the only country eating a substantial amount of seafood in the chosen countries?
Look at the countries in that picture.

>> No.4148297

In case you guys wanted to check out more, OP's pic is from a book called Hungry Planet: What the World Eats.

I looked through it at a library a few years ago. It was cool.

>> No.4148299
File: 39 KB, 500x347, 05062005hindenberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's just midwest, midatlantic, and southeast. In superior northeast, women don't turn into the hindenberg the second they reach 20.

>> No.4148314

Of my travels in the U.S., northeast was definitely superior. I really like Vermont, Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire, etc. People actually seemed normal there.

>> No.4148340
File: 99 KB, 450x298, prix-koweit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in kuweit they are healthier than in america


>> No.4148341
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>> No.4148352

Of course they are - Kuwait is a pretty rich country that doesn't have the shit food culture of America.

I don't know how anyone can be surprised that other countries eat better than The Greatest Country in the World.

>> No.4148383
File: 1.96 MB, 267x151, Thumbs Up Ranger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very nice.

>> No.4148396

Why were only Americans allowed to use take-out?

Do other countries not have restaurants?

>> No.4148476

my brother's girlfriend feeds him chef boyardee canned scraps and a bunch of stuff like that
I feel so sorry for you

>> No.4148483

>implying you can even into ubermensch
>implying you can even into intellect

>> No.4148486


UK family doesn't have an excuse when we're an island nation- it's not hard to buy fresh fish and seafood anywhere in the UK, it's mostly quite inexpensive, and it's usually very good quality. And yet we export loads of it to France while families like that don't eat anything except battered cod.

>> No.4148517
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1347067268879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw america is who gave the Chadnigerians their sacks of grain
You so you should not count that as theirs

>> No.4148520

why are the egyptians family 2-3 times the size of everyone elses?

>> No.4148545

>my face when the united kingdom eats dog

i cant even fucking that third world

>> No.4148984
File: 159 KB, 609x1088, 1358025087598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a few more that haven't been posted already, I'll just dump them.

>> No.4148986
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>> No.4148987

Look at all that Coke

>> No.4148988
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>> No.4148989
File: 345 KB, 529x385, 1358026963694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bretty good australia

>> No.4149008

You forgot caucasian

>> No.4149027

Noodles are essentially made out of the same shit as dorritos.

>> No.4149030
File: 1.19 MB, 1851x1388, 1358115375032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4149034


do it w/sweeden now!! lol

>> No.4149050

please tell me this is monthly intake

>> No.4149065
File: 186 KB, 600x401, 1344864046443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to post russia, it's just volka, volka everywhere, we know.

but then jebus UK, junkfood more?

Also, that is not the real US n*gger family, the real n*gger family's food list would be only the following: weed, dope, crack, purple drinks, chips, some orange colored drinks and pancakes.

>> No.4149087


Why did you just post the same one as OP?

>> No.4149091

Not trying to correct you but you do know the word is Vodka, right?

>> No.4149268

>favorite foods of americans

>> No.4149278
File: 679 KB, 200x199, albundy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That redhead from France is seriously hot.

>> No.4149284

He's from Russia. They do not have first grade there. Just volka.

>> No.4149301

>no beer
>water cooler jug in the background
>no maple syrup
>diet coke
>those shit-eating grins

I'm disappointed in my own country

>> No.4149310

What's with Ecuador being filled with neckbeard hat wearers?

>> No.4149336

Is the difference between canada and america really this big? If so, LOL

>> No.4149358
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>> No.4149375


>> No.4149387
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>> No.4149393
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>> No.4149409
File: 20 KB, 329x357, feels good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW Grew up in an American Household were my father loved to cook (He wants to open a restaurant when he retires)
>TFW never eat shit, always freshly prepared meals
>TFW going over there for Thanksgiving dinners every few years
Captcha: Steatin Refrigerator

>> No.4149418

jesus lmao

>> No.4149450
File: 19 KB, 314x353, Christ's sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, my angry brother! well spoken.

>> No.4149451
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>> No.4149522

>The western world continues to elect almost exclusively capitalist parties.
Enlarging the size of the state through restrictive legislation and higher taxes is the opposite of capitalism. You should learn what words mean before using them.
>Because everyone hates progress, right?
Just about everyone who uses that phrase uses it to put a nice touch on collectivism, which, when forced on people, has met with disaster,
>That's mostly the New Age retards and their appeals to nature. They're not taken seriously.
I submit the "green" movement in the US and the billions of dollars in subsidies they receive every year.
>You're confusing disagreement with a means and disagreement with an end.
Your means end in disaster every place and every time they're tried. Collectivism is proven unworkable in every generation. How about we try what works, like freedom?
> you are so ignorant that it's not even funny.
Says the dipstick looking at the world through the lens of "fairness." Industrialization leads to greater wealth and prosperity.
>These countries are being exploited and they will not pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
If by "exploited" you mean entering into trade treaties with approval from both sides, then yes, you're correct. If you're concerned about the individuals in these countries ruled by despots, then you should be concerned for the protection of their individual rights, from which prosperity flows.
> It's the idea that there is some global conspiracy, half political correctness and half affirmative action, that is trying to leech resources off the 'makers'.
An attitude among politicians elected by people with the same attitude isn't a conspiracy. People who have never understood that the abundance we have in developed countries is historically unprecedented, fragile and rare assume that what they have is normal and if someone else doesn't have as much as they do, there must be something wrong.

>> No.4149551

This attitude stems from ignorance of history and the fact that wealth is created, not distributed.
>but there is such a thing as privilege
Vague buzzwords, much? Nobody in a developed country should feel any guilt about having been born, brought or moved there. The notion that there is such a thing as "privilege" the way you mean it implies that there is someone granting the privilege over others.
>where we can help others.
Yes, WE can. Voluntary charity has always done more effective and efficient good for the downtrodden and less fortunate than any act of coercive redistribution. Take a look at the levels of waste, fraud and abuse in any governmental benefit and you'll see what I mean.
>Humans for the most part are not responsible for their condition.
Adults are wholly responsible for their condition and their attitude and reactions to it. Children are not responsible for their condition.
>nothing will change
What do you propose "we" do?
>and resources, both human and material will be pissed away.
Modern use of resources, both labor and material, are more efficient now than they've ever been. Food, clothing and shelter make up a comparatively minuscule portion of an individual or family's income. This is observable even in developing countries that actually bother to enforce their citizen's property rights.

>> No.4149616

holy fuck that german kid's face

>> No.4149638

I like you a lot more.

>> No.4149744

>underprivileged diets are caused by a lack of income

Uh, not really. It's more likely from lack of relevant knowledge. If you ask some urban negress how to, say, make a cake from scratch, they probably couldn't answer. Similarly, poor urban families also lack knowledge of proper nutrition. They might also not really have the time to cook (or at least they think they don't) (or they're stressed out from the nightmare that being severely impoverished is).

I and at least a dozen other frequenters of this board could tell you how to eat well with $50/person/month. It's not an INCOME issue, it's more a CLASS issue.

>> No.4150937

Prepare thy anus for four posts of prime sperg rage.
>Enlarging the size of the state through restrictive legislation and higher taxes is the opposite of capitalism.
Actually, if a party bases its ideology on a market economy, it's considered capitalist.
>Just about everyone who uses that phrase uses it to put a nice touch on collectivism
You used it first. I just responded saying that every party, of every ideology ever, has used progress for propaganda. Also, collectivism doesn't mean what you think it means. A social market economy is a capitalist system with collectivist elements. It's not the opposite of capitalism. The reason you like to pretend that it is, is because the libertarian platform doesn't sell unless one advertises it as the only true form of capitalism. And yes, putting collectivism as the highest principle of society leads to authoritarianism and failure. That's why I'm not a socialist. But consider my native country of Germany. It was obliterated in World War II and became a major economic force within twenty years (the West). Why? Because it had a social system and a government that invested. Governmental action is the reason Germany isn't Chad today. This includes actions by other governments as well btw.
>I submit the "green" movement in the US and the billions of dollars in subsidies they receive every year.
Green != New Age. I don't know if you deny climate science, but clean energy (and stricter regulations on industrial output of pollutants) are necessary. Desperately so. But as a skeptic, I agree that it's borderline criminal to fund this New Age scam. But a lot less money goes there than towards worthwhile green causes, so don't conflate a necessary budget with a superfluous one.

>> No.4150939

>Your means end in disaster every place and every time they're tried.
I. am. not. a. communist. Or a socialist. Never have been. I used to be a libertarian, though. Don't argue against something stupid like socialism here. It's not that easy. I believe in a market economy based in private enterprise, that has a progressive income and inheritance tax, as well as public school system, unemployment benefits, and universal healthcare. Hasn't ended in disaster in Germany thus far.
>How about we try what works, like freedom?
Good idea. But if you consider it freedom to let industry do whatever it will, you might want to move to Africa, where they already have what you're looking for. No country has ever successfully been libertarian in the 20th century. Chile came close, and it worked out great - for the rich people. Brazil took my 'collectivist' approach and is now better off.
>Says the dipstick looking at the world through the lens of "fairness."
Chad is costing you money. No amount of isolationism will change that. All the other piss poor countries in the world, where people have twelve kids - and a dollar's worth of food a week - are costing you money. If we help improve their condition to the point where these counties can sustain themselves, we give away less money than we do for an Africa ruled by tribal conflicts, scarcity and disease.
You view the world through a lens of fairness, not me. I view it through a lens that acknowledges the usefulness of moderate income gaps, and recognizes the dangers of large income gaps. You think the world IS fair. I think that it can't be, but SHOULD be a little closer. Look up the just-world hypothesis, and tell me whose lens is myopically focused on fairness.

>> No.4150940

>If by "exploited" you mean entering into trade treaties with approval from both sides, then yes, you're correct.
You're right. They shoulda got themselves a better deal.
>then you should be concerned for the protection of their individual rights, from which prosperity flows
The poorest African countries can hardly keep their people in check. These are the people who will have the least de facto government influence in their lives. If they want to survive though, they have to surrender themselves to a foreign corporation that is left completely alone by that despot. You know, freedom.
>An attitude among politicians elected by people with the same attitude isn't a conspiracy.
That isn't the attitude, though. Apart from socialist asshats like the Left Party here in Germany, nobody taxes and spends out of a grudge against the rich. It's an investment, and history has shown it to be a worthwhile one.
>is historically unprecedented, fragile and rare
Which is why I'm against ruining it with socialism. But the resources of the western upper classes are not nearly fragile enough to be destroyed by a progressive tax rate. If they were, it would have happened.
>and if someone else doesn't have as much as they do, there must be something wrong.
As I said, I love income inequality. In reasonable doses, it keeps the economy going. But saying the poor in Africa and the poorest in Europe don't have "as much" as I do, is a perverse understatement.
>This attitude stems from ignorance of history and the fact that wealth is created, not distributed.
I bet you support a gold standard, though, am I right? But no, I do in fact know that wealth is created. And I'd love to see Africans do the same. Protip: They're not gonna do it by themselves.

>> No.4150944

>Nobody in a developed country should feel any guilt
Did I use it in a way that suggested some sort of original sin, or did I explicitly distance myself from the modern feminist interpretation?
>it implies that there is someone granting the privilege over others
How silly of me. I probably would be in the same situation I am in now, without middle class parents, public education, health regulations and vaccination laws. I'm just THAT much better than all the dumb, lazy Africans.
>Voluntary charity has always done more effective and efficient good for the downtrodden and less fortunate than any act of coercive redistribution.
The WHO called. They think you might be retarded.
>Adults are wholly responsible for their condition and their attitude and reactions to it.
There is no free will. Please stop talking about supernatural nonsense. And even if there were free will, saying that adults are wholly responsible is just objectively wrong. It must be fun though, seeing the world in black and white only.
>What do you propose "we" do?
Excellent question. First: strengthen the UN. Increase funding for medicine, education and welfare in these countries until they can afford it by themselves. Put the UN in a position where they actually have means to put pressure on rogue countries. That'd be a start.
>Modern use of resources, both labor and material, are more efficient now than they've ever been.
Yeah, if you consider a person a worker only (you'd have something big in common with Stalin then), Africa is extremely efficient. If human resources means teachers, engineers and scientists though, there might be room for improvement.
>Food, clothing and shelter make up a comparatively minuscule portion of an individual or family's income.
No. It's not all people spend money on, but it's far from miniscule.

brb uni