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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 313 KB, 426x624, macnchees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4129244 No.4129244 [Reply] [Original]

You know, this stuff isn't too bad. Add some little sausages and it's a pretty quick hearty meal.

>> No.4129246


>> No.4129250

it's not even that fucking cheesy

>> No.4129259

Box mac and cheese isn't terrible as long as you don't overcook the noodles or fuck up proportions with the sauce. It's definitely not anything amazing either though, but good enough for a quick and easy side dish and you can improve it by adding stuff like your own cheese.

>> No.4129258

Can you not read what it says on the package? It clearly is the cheesiest

>> No.4129264
File: 257 KB, 985x1369, dinner-life-10-19-1953-013-a-M5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this would be any good...

>> No.4129271

I usually add chicken, or garlic and onions or something.

I make one little 60 cent box turn into a meal by itself.

I always buy the generic kind because its cheaper and the same damn thing as name brand

>> No.4129277

Thats the most American dish i've seen in my entire life.

That shit needs a little flag or something sticking up from the middle, with a Walmart label and someone in an electric cart beside it

>> No.4129281
File: 142 KB, 251x342, Shake Wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4129387
File: 401 KB, 1432x1256, am i going to die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4129509

and a semi automatic weapon. delish.

>> No.4129530
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 51ljBe8964L._SL500_SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cooked up a box of this and threw some chopped onions and bacon in it. Pretty tasty.

>> No.4129539

Dry pasta doesn't go bad.
As long as the bag or whatever is sealed, you'll be fine

>> No.4129573

Honestly, what is the point, though?

It doesn't save you any time. In the time it takes to heat the water and boil the macaroni, you could have grated up some real cheese instead of using the powdered shit.

Making macaroni on the stove top from scratch is not that fucking difficult.

>> No.4129576

The cheese will go bad, though.

>> No.4129607


I could make a fresh mac&cheese in the time it would take me to write down the recipe.

I often make a batch in the 30 minute break I get at work. This includes the 200m walk back home.

>> No.4130139

This was one of my dinner staples when I was touring. All you need is a soda-can alcohol stove.

>> No.4130175

I like to add in pancetta.

>> No.4130185
File: 240 KB, 500x500, velveeta-shells-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Velveeta Shells & Cheese, personally. It's delicious.

>> No.4130202

Cook it up an add it to an equal amount of chilli.
Chilli mac is the best.

>> No.4130959

Would Hormel chili or some other canned chili be ok for this? I'd rather not take the time to make chili from scratch if I'm already throwing in the towel with boxed mac n cheese.

>> No.4130962

I like putting sweet peas in it and eating with a side of fried chicken.

>> No.4131109

I add ground beef, green chilis, onion, crushed red pepper and smoked paprika.

If I want it a bit creamier, I add some brie or camembert.

>> No.4131136

/r/ing this infographic, I have it on my phone but resolution is much too small to read the print/make the stove. I saved the pic cause I wanted to remember to ask about it, but I forgot, now im on my computer and I wanna make one if you guys have it it'd be sick to share it so I can make one next time I am camping and impress my pops/friends/other camping pals I thought it was a really clever idea and it'd defiantly get the babes what is punctuation

>> No.4131139

>Kraft Dinner

You shitting me? Canadians suck down Kraft Dinner like it's fucking air. We don't even call it that in the US.

>> No.4131141


>> No.4131145


Oooooohhh, I fucking love this stuff.
I don't even put milk in it.

I cut off a nice good full slab of butter and a big spoon of cheese whizz in with the cheese packet.

That stuff is just absolutely so cheesy, creamy, and delicious. Good for when your parents.

As a Canadian I take offense to that.
It was the combined efforts of both of our Great nations that invented Kraft dinner.
Now today, Canada eats more Kraft dinner then any other nation in the world!!!

>> No.4131153

on the green chilis: jalapeno/serrano/anaheim, fresh? or canned? this sounds really good

>> No.4131166

Here's how I cook 'em:

>olive oil
>sea salt
to water before you boil the macaroni

>Worcestershire sauce
>Tabasco sauce
>a little bit of Tumeric
>half n' half
to the macaroni when you put the milk, butter, and powdered cheese in.

>> No.4131174

Its almost 3:30 am and I have to get up by 9 am. I'm hungry, should I make some KD or just go to bed?

>> No.4131209

>tobasco sauce
>adding vinegar to milk

>> No.4131225

I usually mix in chopped spam cubes and sriracha sauce. Makes for a damn good meal. Makes me forget I'm eating a stick of butter.

>> No.4131226

I did and I regret it.

Why didn't you warn me that eating the whole box was not a good idea for a small person like myself?

WHY /ck/!

>> No.4131251


Hell, it's 4:30 here and I have to be to work by 6:00. Eating a bowl of cereal and haven't slept a wink. Should I just call in sick?

>> No.4131258

always call in sick. sell drugs.

>> No.4131283

>You know, this stuff isn't too bad

You know, it actually is fucking terrible.

>> No.4131555

I never have butter hanging around so I just use water. There's enough milk solids (or whatever) in the cheese-powder for it to be creamy that way anyway.

Sometimes I'll have shredded cheese from when I made tacos or something, I'll sprinkle some of that on. And taco meat too.

>> No.4131559

The point is it's cheap, quick, and actually doesn't taste all that bad.

By adding real cheese to the equation, you drive the cost up a fair bit per box.

>> No.4131693

I tried some Kraft after not having any for many years and I thought it was bland and dry. I suspect they adjusted the formula to make it either cheaper or less fatty.

The Velveta is decent, but it seems to have taken a step or two backwards.

I don't see the point of these... You're paying for the packet of powder or cheese goo. May as well develop your own sauce and use regular old noodles. Recipe below will wow you into submission (and the cardiac unit at the hospital if you eat it often):

1 C heavy cream
1/2 stick butter
1-2 C cheese of choice, I use either cheddar or parmesean. Anything that melts will work. Don't use Whiz, Velveta, singles, or any other kinky shit like that.

Heat cream and butter together in a saucepan. Do Not let it boil. When heated, start adding cheese in small batches. Stir gently and keep it moving. Keep heating and stirring until the sauce is almost as thick as you want it. It will thicken when it cools a bit.

If using parmesean, you can whisk the cream/butter to make it fluffy but it must be served immediately or you risk the sauce breaking.

To make it less rich, use less butter or sub the cream for half-n-half or milk. Serve over bowtie, shell, gnocci, or any other pasta that holds sauce well (never like macaroni for this). If just making noodles and cheese, I use it full strength. If adding meats or veges to the past, I use half-n-half and a little less cheese than normal.

>> No.4131921

had to eat this for a week cause i was broke

tried this once cause it started to get tiring:
siriacha sauce and vienna sausages

it was okay

>> No.4131942

It's been years since I ate boxed mac & cheese...this is making me want to try it again...but I must resist!

>> No.4134375

It's good with a can of tuna, some green peas, and chopped up chile pepper in it. No hatin for the Kraft Mac n Cheese.

>> No.4134377


>> No.4134378

Add bacon strips cut into large pieces and some broccoli and you have yourself an amazing dish.

>> No.4134395

I just had some a couple days ago for the first time a year, it got kinda gross. I used to love this stuff as a kid and mac and cheese is still my favorite meal. Now, I usually get Trader Joes frozen mac and cheese, fucking amazing.

>> No.4134427

vanilla soy milk, is good to