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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 550x360, wtf man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4126551 No.4126551 [Reply] [Original]

So how does this make you feel /ck/.

>> No.4126561

His face says kill me now.

>> No.4126562

I had totally forgotten that he watch MLP.

>> No.4126564

why are bronies so effeminate?

>> No.4126569

I doubt he understands the significance of the thing, he's probably just accepting the gift obligatorily.

>> No.4126572

>all dat denial

>> No.4126573

To be fair, I think these guys (the two on the left) are the people who run some business called "Big Gay Ice Cream Truck" or something like that... NTTAWTT

I think he's posing for the picture more for his daughter. Apparently she's a big MLP fan (also a big AT fan too)

>> No.4126578

The same reason why girls who watch shonen are tomboyish I suppose.

>> No.4126579

Hunh, neat. Doesn't bother me at all as long as he doesn't act like an ass.

>> No.4126588

his daughter is probably an mlp nut.

>> No.4126597

Its to late he belongs to /mlp/ now.

>> No.4126637

WTF-ery indeed


>> No.4126730

Bourdains? no it doesn't
that's the happiest face I've ever seen him put on

>> No.4126736


He tweeted a bunch before about how he had to track down mlp shit for his daughter. Didn't sound thrilled in the least.

>> No.4126778

Lost all respect for him. Not going to watch his shit anymore.

>> No.4126781

Guy loves his daughter, can't blame him for making sacrifices. He's still way more bad ass than anyone on /ck/.

>> No.4126782

lol he had to haggle with fat neckbeard forever alones to get a toy for his daughter

>> No.4126791

I'm Okay with this

>> No.4126923

that thread was beyond bamboozaling

>> No.4126927
File: 5 KB, 241x209, inigo-montoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.4126930

He did a lot of cocaine in the kitchen, man knows how to party.

>> No.4126931

>bad ass
still think smoking is cool, eh?

>> No.4126934

My former brother-in-law was one hard partying motherfucker. I've never known anyone who could match him in that respect. He was also the biggest wussy I've met.

>> No.4126936

Feeling good is winning at life.

>> No.4126945
File: 95 KB, 514x517, h0HT4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still trying to figure out why bourdain was tweeting about nickelodeon tv show iCarly

>> No.4126955

coke isn't badass, it's stupid as shit. And this is coming from a line cook who did coke with a dozen other cooks in our kitchen

>> No.4126977

What's a coke high like (speaking relative to alcohol)? How is it working on a coke high?

>> No.4126981

because he was watching with his daughter like some dads do.

>> No.4126983

Cocaine made me chatty and arrogant mostly. Kind of subtle actually, I think I prefer standard amphetamines but I don't do any uppers or downers these days except for cannabis and alcohol. I don't think it's worth it, all I can say for cocaine is that it made me feel glamorous. Might be great if you have self-confidence issues.

>> No.4126987

It makes you feel like you have the greatest personality and everything and everyone around you is completely awesome. You could be sitting in the middle of the woods all by yourself out in the middle of nowhere and if you were on coke, it would be the best place and best time you ever had.

That's why people get addicted to it. When I first tried it, I loved it so much that it scared me. I had some of the best times ever while high on that shit. But I gave it up quickly. My experience with it last about one month.

>> No.4126988

He has a daughter. Parent's end up watching alot of children's television. whether they want to or not.

>> No.4126989

To me his face says... "I'm holding in this mouthload of cum for this photo op, now get out of my face with the camera so I can back to sucking cock and trying to sound cool on the shit channel, next destination... the brambles."

>> No.4126992

"Alot" isn't a word. It is two separate words.

>> No.4126995

Daww... someone has self confidence issues. Does Mr. Bourdain threaten you?

>> No.4127006

>knowing what the brambles is

Confirmed for elderly gay man with the hivvy.

>> No.4127015

Wouldn't this make you one also?

>> No.4127048

No, I'm not impressed by celebrity chefsies. Why do you ask? I was answering the OPs question, I answered it. It seems that you're the one with the problem, notably, other people's opinions.

>> No.4127056

You were visably upset. I'm actually surprised your keyboard still works after you shed so many tears.

>> No.4127063

I've had a beer with this man several times. When he comes to Detroit he has a favorite dive here in Hamtramck.

>> No.4127069

No you haven't and he's been there a grand total of once.

Yeah, I live here too.

>> No.4127097


It turns all your bad feelings into good feelings
It's a nightmare!

>> No.4127109
File: 75 KB, 259x194, dewey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want any part of this shit.

>> No.4127118


EVERY professional chef, cook, or food-preparer that I know just absolutely loves cocaine...

>> No.4127120

Visably? Not as visable as you and bourdain all snug in your fag rug getting eachother off to high effect. Now that would make a more entertaining filler between the commercials. Just be your homo self, you know you want to.

arr I could go for 80k, captcha: gar-dock-$80,000 carisks

>> No.4127121


I'm in culinary school right now.
I'd love cocaine if it was easier to find good shit for a good price.
For now, I just prefer mdma.

>> No.4127125
File: 10 KB, 204x247, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you ARE upset.

>> No.4127129

Rick James, "Cocaine is a hell of a drug."
-- Chappele Show

>> No.4127137


Yes, and neither of those particular enhance the sensory experiences associated with food. I remain perplexed.

>> No.4127142
File: 104 KB, 400x219, nigger_copter-1356400719598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beotch, you need a ride on the nigga copta

hahaha capcha: 1971 roorices

>> No.4127146

Pretty lame that compared to all of those that came before you and didn't use drugs, except for the celebrity types, you need to. Your skills must suck.

To each their own, your way is fleeting at best, so why bother?

>> No.4127168


I don't use them for food.
I just use them to have a good time.
Guess people like Bourdain follow somewhat of a 'nightlife culture'.


What does what I do after work and school have to do with my skills?

>> No.4127181

I....I am disappoint. :(

>> No.4127196

yeah, celebrity chef and chefettes follow whatever culture will fill the space between commercials. That's sure special and makes them a paragon of information... to people like you.

Enjoy your life, hoorah!!!!

>> No.4127201


I don't understand why you're so bootybothered by this?
My hours mean my socializing times are after hours. After hours usually entails drugs.

>> No.4127214

I'm surprised no one has posted this yet.


Skip to 1:13 to get to the point.
It pretty mush sums up this whole thing sort of from Bourdain's perspective.

>> No.4127227

You don't have to understand, you're a drugged out moron who thinks his rantings matter, like bordain. They only matter until the next commercial, he serves a business function which is filling time between the commercials, and I don't care about his opinions or the commercials supporting him or the network that he's on, I find him boring.. Period... EOL.

cap: business ytemini

>> No.4127243

"America is really awesome."

>> No.4127252


K, buddy.
Glad you voiced your opinion.
Be cool. Be you.

>> No.4127265

The point is, is that I don't care about his perspective, all I want to see from so called informational TV channels are things with information in them; I can't think of anything produced within the past 15 years that has that, I can see it being an advertisement in disguese for specific places and stuff, but nothing that actually has to do with anything useful, such as cooking techniques or stuff that has anything to do with what the channel was originally about.

This comes from them using old programming, the good stuff from old BBC and old PBS, before the moving cameras, before the backround music, and before stupid ass studio audiences, when it meant something to put useful information on. Now even BBC and PBS are following these assholes.

I like places that don't have the hoity toit. Good places, damn good places, and I don't see a reason to pay extra for some celebrity type. Emeril may have started it, his first two shows on food network were really good, 1/2 hour shows that showed a lot of technique and skill. Then came the third show, not yet moving camera stuff, but a band... why does a cooking show need a band? And a studio audience... what? why? And waiting for clapping every time he mentions garlic or something. That's when it became time to fill space between the commercials again. Some things are good, remember them, they never last, then they get monitzed.

>> No.4127274


Cynical as fuck

>> No.4127283

I'm not a cynic, I'm a realist.
There's a difference you know.

>> No.4127319

I'm a real realist, I have no reason to trust some celebrity's opinion over my own. You must be some weak ass bastard to trust someone because they make more money or are on camera more than you. We all eat the same number of meals per day pretty much, why the fuck would I think that some celebrity has a better opinion than my own? That and I don't care if other people like or don't like my opinion; That's your failure for thinking that they know more than you because they're on camera or something stupid like that.

One of these day's you'll grow up and realize that these celebrities aren't paying your bills or taking care of your kids, they just don't matter. Cheers!

>> No.4127324

Rainbow Dash sums up Bourdain nicely. I bet Batali is more Applejack.

>> No.4127329

why the fuck would I think that some celebrity has a better opinion than my own?

I mean, simple fact of the matter is some people have experience with a wider variety of flavor combinations and good experience with a greater differential of quality than the average person.

That's not to say I don't put a great emphasize on subjectivity and personal taste, but at the same time we stand on the shoulders of giants and we shouldn't discount how much the historical legacy can make our jobs so much easier and allow us to break new ground within a single human lifespan.

>> No.4127358
File: 614 KB, 1024x974, slushie_drunk_girl-1356498270200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahah! You fucking faggot, get outta town and go eat your tofu and sprouts and raw fish and rice. You're fucking full of shit and while you're full of shit, do have a meaningfull discussion with celebrities as to why, someone such as myself who can cook for himself and others, should give a fuck about them? You fucking troll fagot!
You're meaningless, like the celebrities that you defend.

>> No.4127377
File: 90 KB, 765x1024, Bourdain & his wife, Eric Ribert & his wife halloween costumesA6QL8hHCMAAWTp3.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His daughter likes that pony show. The guys on the left are from Big Gay Icecream.

Calm the fuck down.

>> No.4127383


>> No.4127431
File: 115 KB, 768x1025, Irish-Celtic-Cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seven Drunken Nights - The Dubliners

The Dubliners - Whiskey in the Jar (best version!!!)

Enjoy :-)