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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4123557 No.4123557 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, please help me, I'm hungry and poor.

For the next 2 weeks I have to cook for myself and I don't have any idea how to do that, since I don't have a stove and I won't have one in the near future. All I have is a microwave, a fridge, pots and pans. I have to find a way to eat cheap (I'm kind of poor) and yet nutritious food with just that.

Do you think I would be fine if I just ate cornflakes with milk, apples, pears and bananas and the occasional noodles for those two weeks? I tried today, but I'm still hungry as fuck.

Also, please, post those cool infographics I see occasionally.

And remember, no stove.

>> No.4123562

Or just link me to a site where I can find a way to do those things, I really hungry and want to go to the market to buy some food.

>> No.4123566

>canned refried beans
>cheese and hot sauce
>wrap it all up

>> No.4123571

>hungry and poor

Sucks to be a non-US citizen.

>> No.4123573

That would be really expensive where I live.

Yeah...I'd love to have food stamps, no kidding.

>> No.4123583

/ck/ should have a "eat cheap and not bad" sticky.

>> No.4123607

It's lunch time, no one is here.

>> No.4123614

Why do you have pots & pans but no stove?
That's like having a DVDs & no DVD player.

Make microwaved baked potatoes. Potatoes are very cheap & filling.

>> No.4123617

My roommate used to have a stove, the pots and pans are his.

He is out of state though, so I'm eating solo for a while.

Ill google baked potatoes, thanks.

>> No.4123621

>Sucks to be a non-US citizen.

This is what americans actually believe

>> No.4123624

>implying getting money (without having a job) isn't awesome
>implying cooking and buying what you want with that money isn't better as food-stamps

Must suck to be US-citizen.

>> No.4123625

You can microwave bacon as well. Oh, and wonton wrappers microwave nicely. Like amazingly well. They get all crunchy. Fill them with whatever.

>> No.4123626

Ok, I'm totally buying potatoes, that sounds easy as fuck to bake. Anything else before I go shopping?

>> No.4123627

>getting money (without having a job)

Where the fuck do you live?? Switzerland?

Third world country here. No one helps you out.

>> No.4123634

Eggs. A dozen eggs are cheap and versatile as hell and a good source of delicious filling protein.

>> No.4123635
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Get tinned stew.
If yall have, this you're golden.
Get bread. I think they sell microwave rice, too.

>> No.4123638

Germany. But, correct me if I'm wrong, West-European countries do all have this, if you are an official citizen.

>> No.4123644


Every First-World country does it.

Too bad your ancestors were retards who couldn't build a decent country, and your current ethnic cousins can't either.

>> No.4123685

go get yourself some charcoal and have a blast!

>> No.4123712


>look at all that privilege

>> No.4123720

>Dirty Whore
>Beef Slut

>> No.4123745

OP here, just ate a baked potato, it was the first time I did it, it was good, except it wasn't as crispy as in the pictures I saw. Maybe I should peel it next time?

I also bought some eggs and noodles for tonight.

>> No.4123747

Op, do you think you can afford 6-10 dollars for a hot plate from the local thrift store?

>> No.4123751

For every meal? No.

>> No.4123752

stop luring sandniggers to our beautiful country

>> No.4123760

>For every meal?

6-10 dollars(once) to buy a hot plate so your cooking options aren't so limited.

>> No.4123762

noodles + green vegetable such as broccoli + tuna;
oats + some sort of nuts + milk

>> No.4123817

You dun went full retard there OP. He means a hot plate, as in a single cooking element, so you can do things like fry an egg in a pan.

Google it.

If you can't find a hot plate, try looking for a toaster oven. It'll also open your options a bit (you can hard cook eggs in a toaster oven, for example, or bake a salmon filet), and might be easier to find than a hot plate.

>> No.4123830

Are you fucking kidding me?

That's European standard.

Goddamn Ameripoors and their fucking idiotic "OMG not letting people die on the streets because they happen to be sick and/or poor = socialism" propaganda.

>> No.4123838

>No stove
You need to invest in a hot-plate. You're not getting any cooking done with a microwave alone, don't even try. It can only end in tears.

A hotplate isn't the best solution, but it is the cheapest that will produce good results. Once you have that, rice and beans are the best cheap food around. Potatoes too, wash them off, wrap them in a paper towel, microwave them for ~3-4 minutes, and they'll taste like a baked potato.

Stay away from meat. Meat that isn't trash is expensive and trash meat is horrible for you.

>> No.4123842

Everyone is so goddamn lazy.


Now go, get out.

>> No.4123850

Please note, that guy isn't American, he's from a third world country.

>inb4 Lawl, MURRIKA is a 3rd wrld cuntry xP

>> No.4123851

Oh not this guy again.

>> No.4123878

America has something similar, but it's almost impossible to get unless you're a single mother. As an actual policy, they refuse every non single mother until the third time you apply, and that's just when they actually start to look at you.

There are a TON of black people working in government assistance, and many of them show blatant favoritism, so if you're white you have to get lucky with the agent looking at your application, or else it goes right in the trash.

Oh, and throughout all of this, you never, ever get to talk to anyone. There is zero communication between you and them, you have no phone number to call, no address to mail to, nothing. There are offices, and those offices have phones, but if you call them there will be a hold time of over an hour on a good day, you will be occasionally disconnected for shits and giggles without ever encountering a human. If the planets align and someone answers your call, it will just be a clerk who has no access to anything and no power to do anything. There is no one they will transfer you to either. If the real people want to say something to you, they will send you a letter. If they want to talk to you, they will call you from a private number.

What's more, if you're single with no dependents, the income threshold where you even become eligible is so low it's impossible to even afford a studio apartment in the ghetto.

Basically, poverty is punishable by death in USA.

>> No.4123917

Well, damn. That sounds really bad anon, I'm very sorry.

There's that "where you should be born in 2013 if you're lucky" list making its rounds, and Germany and the US are sharing an embarrassing place #16, which makes me scared for my Germany but it doesn't seem quite fair.

Sure, we're going straight down the shitter and nothing's as good as it was 15, 20 years ago, but we're still having a social net that's working quite well (yet) and really good health care (yet), so, meh, I guess that's a plus.

>> No.4123955


Germanfag here. I would raise my children in Germany without a doubt because we have nearly free school and especially uni education (~600€ a year), a good health care and a fucking working social net. So basically, even if you are born poor as fuck and living out of social aid, you can become a educated and normal member of the society, it just depends on your motivation and discipline. Currently studying in med school with people from all types of society, it is nice to see the system working. Since I am a quite young fellow, I can't tell if it was better 30 years ago, but Germany is a nice place to live.

>> No.4125862

Is OP still here, or has he died from sodium overdose yet?

>> No.4125868

Government assistance in America basically keeps the poor fed and in ghettos. It makes no effort to give people the tools to become educated and productive members of society.

>> No.4125872

>So basically, even if you are born poor as fuck and living out of social aid, you can become a educated and normal member of the society,
And that, my friends, is real freedom and justice.

>> No.4125885
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But some people will always take advantage, this is guaranteed. I don't know how you guys can stomach this, the idea of someone freeloading off my money makes me physically ill.

WW2 was over 50 years ago, you probably believe the myth of the Holocaust and that's why you've gone soft. I can't begin to express how glad I am to live in America where if you want to live like a king, you have to earn it first.

>> No.4125887


God forbid that people would do that for themselves and instead expect the government to do everything for them

>> No.4125889


Why do you guys keep saying your education and health care is "free", yet you pay absurdly high income tax, VAT, import duty, etc?

Is your education system that bad that you cannot see that you do indeed pay for your education and your health care?

>> No.4126024

Egg mcmuffin clones-- get egg, fry it and put it on toasted bread or bagel or English muffin. Optional bacon/ham or cheese. Also relevant: egg salad sandwiches, boiled eggs, fried eggs, etc. Eggs are cheap and good.

Bean salad-- canned of mixed beans (drained) + garlic + parsley + salt/pepper + olive oil + lemon juice.

Rice-- if it sucks plain, try adding butter or a bouillon cube.

Canned vegetables. Taste like ass but they're often cheaper than fresh.

Oatmeal. Eat it, it's good for you.

Sausage, chicken legs, other kinds of cheap meats. Add rice and canned veg for an actual meal.

>> No.4126078

I can only tell from what I've heard, but aren't a lot of students in high debts after university? Rarely happens here.

Thing is, I don't pay all the taxes etc. Older generations do it, my very basic English now comes to an end, sorry. It's something called "Generationenvertrag". Basically, working citizens pay for my education and when I am working, I will pay their pension. This system has a little bit of trouble because of demographic changes, but it's working.

In addition, I never said that our health care is free. It is maybe expensive, but it is working. You get as much as you need when you need it.

>> No.4126109

There are some freeloaders, but not as much as you would think. You have to write applications, accept every job you are offered or your social aid gets cancelled. You have to see the positive side. 'All men are born free and equal', isn't that something one of your leaders once said? We try to maintain equality.

>> No.4126138


>But some people will always take advantage, this is guaranteed

You design a system to reduce that, and see that the benefits far outweigh a few people taking advantage

>the idea of someone freeloading off my money makes me physically ill

Your taxes are being spent on other things you don't like, that would cost way more than a proper welfare system. Do you know how many billions of dollars are spent on things that are of no use at all? Weapons stored in warehouses, billions of dollars given to organisations to come up with endless mathematical models that can't be applied to the real world.

> if you want to live like a king, you have to earn it first.

Ever heard of equal opportunities? You have to supply an equal playing field for children (it's not their fault their parents are poor) so that they have an equal chance of 'earning it first'. Otherwise the cycle of poverty continues.

>> No.4126164

What is wrong with having a better educated and healthier, more productive society?

Don't tell me you believe in the "self-made man" myth. It is only third-generation rich folk or people who had a lucky break and don't want to recognize their fortune that say this.

>> No.4126282

This is why I like /ck/.
Sorry, but I have problems to relate the holocaust, the social net and your living-like-a-king. Could you explain this to me?

>beside of that, I do believe in the holocaust. Visited Auschwitz

>> No.4126320

>WW2 was over 50 years ago,

Oh yeah, I'm going to listen to the guy that can't do basic math. It ended 67 years ago, 68 in April..

>> No.4126346

According to your reading comprehension, 50>67

>> No.4126448

That was in no way implied.

>> No.4126450


Sure it was. You bitched at someone for "not being able to do basic math" but apparently in all your high-and-mighty rage you missed where he wrote MORE THAN 50 years ago....which is certainly true, yet you felt the need to "correct" this?

>> No.4126541

1/10 for replying. Please leave

>> No.4126547

The best friends of the poor will always be beans and rice. Perhaps at tuna sandwiches to that, eat a lot of raw vegetables and steam some brocolli and heat up some peas once in a while and you'll be fine.