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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4116240 No.4116240 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I drank all the hard liquor in the house last night
>tfw I was going to buy more today after work
>tfw I forgot that things are closed on new years
>tfw no liquor stores are open til tomorrow.
>tfw I'm forced to get drunk on shitty fucking beer
>tfw I can't drink them fast enough to get a good buzz


Whats /ck/ drinking tonight?

>> No.4116247

not loneliness like you OP. jesus man, get your shit together.

>> No.4116262

should have bought a box of wine

at like 13% you need much less volume than beer and its even cheaper per vol of alcohol. im a disgusting alcoholic too and i cant pound beers fast enough to really get fucked up, but cheap red wine does me easy. pound a few cups to get started and then its pretty easy to maintain a good buzz

>> No.4116273

walmart is open

>> No.4116276

and i'll be drinking vodka and sunny D

>> No.4116278
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I can't stand wine, never have. I actually enjoy the taste of beer it just doesn't really effect me much. Beer for the taste, liquors to get smashed. I got 4 12 oz double IPA's though, I think the alcohol content is pretty high. About to crack one open.

>> No.4116283

not being an alcoholic

>> No.4116287

Nothing. I drank like half a bottle of lady bligh last night and woke up with a major tummy ache. Does that not happen to you? The stomach ache usually puts me off of drinking again at least for a couple weeks. However I did only turn 21 a couple weeks ago and got drunk maybe 3-4 times in my life before that. I have plenty of time to become an alcoholic and get desensitized to these stomach aches.

>> No.4116289

I'd quit drinking too but I'm worried I'd turn into another self-righteous fag like the rest of you.

>> No.4116304

grocery stores sell liqour.
could of gotten 4loko, malt liqour, etc and it would of at least gotten you drunk faster
the list goes on and on to avoid that shit

>> No.4116305

it doesn't take regular drinking to get rid of the stomach ache. Just dont be a faggot

>> No.4116310

but it huuuuuuuuuuuurts.

>> No.4116312

>grocery stores sell liqour
not in my state. and I'd rather be sober than resort to getting drunk on 4loko, malt liquor and box wine. I may be a drunk but I do still have some standards. I'm just going to drink beer, its my favorite drink. I just like having a few shots of the hard stuff to get the night started, drinking beer it takes me like two hours to even get a buzz going.

This double IPA is working surprisingly well though. And it tastes wonderful.

>> No.4116322
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Ill be drinking 8 ball stout and my vodka.


IPA's are terrible sir.

>> No.4116319

I've hardly ever woken up with a stomach ache or headache. My worst problem is when I drink too much I tend to fall asleep in a weird position and wake up with a stiff and painful neck.

>> No.4116320


Got hammered last night and just don't feel like looking at liquor today. If I still had beer left I'd probably be drinking it.

>> No.4116326

that's fortunate for you. I've never gotten the headache, but always a stomach ache. Every time I remember. I usually just stuff myself with food the morning after until it stops hurting.

>> No.4116330

>IPA's are terrible sir.

Yeah well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

>> No.4116335


If you love IPA's I suggest buying hops and snorting them. You can also achieve the same taste by soaking them in water and drinking it.

>> No.4116337


you already sound self righteous so what's your real reason?

>> No.4116342

I don't understand, why does /ck/ hate IPA so much? Most people I know IRL drink them and they seem to be quite popular, I mean people must like them. Hell, I like them.

Then I get on /ck/ and there is guaranteed hate being spewed if somebody says something about IPA. Fock off, IPA is great and double IPA is really great. And it gets you fucking drunk.

>> No.4116344


I'm an alcoholic. I get drunk on wine.

> hwat.

>> No.4116365


not that dude, but IPA haters really get on my tits.

the argument is always that the hops over power everything (which usually isn't true anyway), it's really bitter, etc.

well that's the point. it's an aquired taste which some people like. if you don't, fair enough. no-one drinks double IPA as beer to get rid of a thirst, because that's not what it's for. why not complain that doppelbocks aren't hoppy enough, or that pilseners are too pale?

>> No.4116367

No, actually, hopping the bejeezus out of beer is an old trick to covering up shitty brew.

>> No.4116371

exactly. Yes it is very hoppy and bitter, thats kindof the point. and no they don't all taste the same, many do have character. they aren't my favorite beer by any means but they are good when in the right mood.

>> No.4116381
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thats partially true, only if the style of beer isn't supposed to be hopped out of its ass. IPA is meant to be hopped up. Goes well with many foods too, I'm hard pressed to think of better beers to drink with a steak and mountain of onion rings.

how about not being a faggot and trying some different IPAs.

>> No.4116383


maybe over hopping has a chequered history but that's no reason to dismiss hoppy beer out of hand now. a lot of people enjoy them for their taste, so what relevance does that fact have?

When people got hold of IPA in Britain for the first time, it was wildly successful. the fact that the beers were hopped heavily for long journeys did not matter. what mattered is that people dug the taste. who cares "why" the beers are hoppy? they just are.

you could say just as reasonably that brewing darker beers is an old trick to cover up shitty brewing technique because off flavours are so well masked in big, malty beers.

>> No.4116499

Hopfag pls go
Drink yer bastardused American brown ale somewhere else

>> No.4116527

I live in Oregon. Fuck you, and fuck IPAs. BTDT, there's better beer styles out there.

>> No.4116528
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I'm on my third double IPA, this beer just gets better and better. So hoppy, so bitter, so delicious. Sorry you have undeveloped tastes and can't enjoy different tastes and flavors. Oh yea, my double IPA was brewed in the best state of Texas. I think in a little while I might go in my 100 acre yard and start fires and shoot my guns off into the sky just because I can.

You fucking mad, faggot?

>> No.4116537

>You fucking mad, faggot?
It sounds like you are.

I like how people in Texas think they have so much open space.... how cute.

>> No.4116548

Hey, urban sprawl is open, kinda. And bleak, desolate wastelands make all the bitches hot. Seriously, if we ask really nicely, d'ya think mexico will just take it back?

>> No.4116550

yo también

>> No.4116562

hefeweizen master race reporting in

fuck all of your shit

especially you oregon IPA fags

Washington State was here

>> No.4116576

hefeweizen is actually my favorite type of beer. I still enjoy an IPA on occasion though. I'm not saying everyone should drink IPA all the time, I'm just saying that it is a legitimate type of beer and there shouldn't be so much hate against it.

>> No.4116585

What was left of my bourbon, a couple splashes of vermouth and some bitters

I didn't measure it or shake with ice so it's not a real manhattan

I also drove by the liquor store and saw it was closed ;( I wanted rye

>> No.4116592

It's funny; there was a really hoppy IPA I had in Bath with 10ish british people and one canadian (I'm american). Me and the kanadski both loved it, everyone else found it undrinkable.

>> No.4116598

I believe it. It seems Americans love IPA. Euros, not so much.

>> No.4116611

I'm a red blooded American and I can't fucking stand IPAs.

>> No.4116630

water, because I'm not a fucking alcoholic cunt.

>> No.4116632
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>Not planning ahead

>> No.4116637

You're just a social shut in.

>> No.4116645

Dude I got drunk on shity champange and wine the only readon I don't wanna die right now is I hve a nutella dsandwhich

>> No.4116653

That is kind of sad that palm oil and sugar saved your life.

I mean at least have something better.

>> No.4116654

You're probably weird then.

I mean you are on 4chan after all

>> No.4116668

iktf. My other main problem is that my apartment tends to get trashed when I drink. Maybe 'trashed' is a strong word, but waking up to strewn beer bottles and the mess from my inevitable drunk cooking puts me in a horrible mood.

Actually trying *not* to drink tonight, since I have a big night out tomorrow. The boredom of sobriety is starting to set in, though, so we'll see. Have plenty of burbon in the cabinet. . . .

>> No.4116686

Haha you sound like me. When I get drunk I leave shit everywhere and never do the dishes when I cook. I just love to cook drunk, not clean. Then I wake up at the latest possible moment in the morning and see all these pans and plates and trash and bottles everywhere and I don't have time to clean it. Go to work, come home tired as fuck and this fucking mess is all over the place.

Sucks, but I bite the bullet and pick it up. Then I take a nap, get drunk, cook some shit and make a big fucking mess again.

>> No.4116751

Do you guys have opinions on vodka?

I usually get a $8 one liter bottle of Taaka, and mix it. I'm sure there are "smoother" kinds out there with less sting or bite or whatever, but I kind of like a little bite. Also, it's cheap as fuck.

>> No.4116754

Full blown wino reporting.
Alcoholism really creeps up on you. I never thought I'd be this dependent on it. I don't have an "addictive" personality, and have always been able to break my bad habits with ease. Not anymore, apparently. I constantly sip on red wine throughout the day. From waking up, to going to bed, I drink anywhere from 2 bottles to 4 or 5 bottles a day. It doesn't help that I have panic disorder. (I have meds for that, but doctor's offices give me panic attacks, so I avoid going to the doctor until the last possible time before my meds run out. Therefore, I'll drink instead of taking my benzos.) Today was pretty yucky, since I drank too much last night, I had to hair of the dog it this morning. Drank a magnum of champagne last night, plus some red wine. I really don't want to have to get medical help to break this. I'd rather do it on my own. I've been drinking on a near daily basis since August. I wonder if I can do it by myself, because I really don't want to go to rehab, I'd flip my shit in there.

>> No.4116762

>I have panic disorder. (I have meds for that, but doctor's offices give me panic attacks
I lol'd

>> No.4116764
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I don't like vodka very much. I went through a short vodka phase in which I'd drink shots of it straight, it was just a very short phase though. I do occasionally enjoy an extra dry martini.

If you are looking for some budget vodka then loor for some Ruskova. It barely costs much more than Taaka or McCormicks but it is much better. I haven't bought it in a few years but I was impressed with the value back in the day. It is distilled in Russia, for whatever thats worth. Maybe nothing.

Just my opinion, to me it seems that vodka drinkers are people who like to get drunk but do not enjoy the actual act of drinking. Correct me if I am wrong. I mean, people who drink vodka straight seek a vodka with as little flavor and bite as possible. And people use vodka as a mixer so they can get drunk on drinks that don't taste like alcohol. Not trying to be a dick, just an observation.

I say if you like to get drunk then you should find a way to enjoy the taste of getting drunk. Find a type of beer or liquor or wine that tastes delicious to you. Alcohol doesn't have to always be about getting fucked up, thats just a bonus. There are a ton of beers I've had that I would gladly drink even if they had no alcohol.

>> No.4116792

Yup, it's absurd.
It's really actually pretty funny when I look at myself from the outside, but living with it is pure hell most days.

>> No.4116796

Whoever says that they can't get drunk on beer is lying. You're just not trying hard enough. I've seen people that can go through a fifth in 2-3 hours get drunk on beer. If you're drinking 4 beers per hour for long enough you'll get drunk. It'll take more time than if you're doing 4 oz shots of whiskey, but it'll happen.

>> No.4116803

I had a panic attack last year. My one and only time I felt that way for three entire days.

It was a terrible event and for a while I was actually anxious about having another panic attack.

I have a friend with pretty bad mental illness and could never empathize with him until that happened to me. Having a completely irrational feeling like that for 3 days was pretty fucked up, especially for someone who has been pretty stable their entire life.

Not figuring out the trigger (I have my suspicions) was ever worse.

>> No.4116812

I can only speak for myself, but whenever I drink vodka+mixer, it's not really that I don't wanna taste alcohol with my drink, it's that I don't wanna fuck with the taste of the mixer. Like if I have chinotto or a nice grapefruit soda, I won't wanna put whiskey in it, but vodka'll do the job beautifully. I can't imagine getting drunk solely on vodka drinks though, I'll still have some beers available.

>> No.4116817

Yeah, that's the rub.
You know it's irrational to think you're dying/going crazy/losing control/having a heart attack/ etc., but once your body and brain get going with it, you can't stop it. It's a physiological effect. I watched a whole special on how panic and anxiety affect the brain, and while it helped me to know exactly what was happening in my brain and body, it didn't help to make it any better. When you have a panic attack, your brain just starts signaling to begin dumping certain chemicals (like adrenalin for one) and once it starts, you can't stop it. You just have to either ride it out, or use a stimulant/prescription drug to lessen the effect. Shit sucks.

>> No.4116819
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OP here and I did get drunk on beer this evening, it just took longer than usual. I really like to have 3-4 nice shots of bourbon to start out the evening, then I'll sip beer the rest of the night. That way I get buzzed immediately and just maintain a nice buzz for awhile.

I can get buzzed on beer alone but it takes so long. I don't like to chug beers, I really do like the taste and like to sip them. It takes me about two hours of beer sipping to get to the feels that I'd be feeling if I just downed a few shots of bourbon or tequila. Takes too damn long.

Liquor to start, beer for the rest. Shit, if I drink liquor all night I just end up feeling shitty. Its more like a primer for me.

>> No.4116822

I can understand that argument. Me, I don't enjoy drinking sodas or juices but nothing wrong with you if you do like those. If i'm drinking a liquor then I want to taste the liquor whether it be straight, on the rocks or splashed with water. I drink beer instead of sodas, they just taste better to me and are refreshing.

But I concur, if I had a bottle of some sort of God-soda or some really good juice then I'd probably go with a decent vodka so that I didn't overpower the soda or juice.

>> No.4116823

Going through that experience definitely made me not take my mental health for granted. I also had a period of deep introspection, something I had been neglecting for years.

I used to think, "people who pop pills because of stress are not in control and weak". But when that happened I would have taken anything to stop it.

Like I said, it made me understand my bipolar/schizophrenic friend a lot more.

But yeah, trying to rationally deduce why you are having this massive impending feeling of doom, paralyzing anxiety, weird physical manifestations, insomnia, etc. is fucked up. The worst part was that I could think rationally during the whole thing, and I was trying to figure out why I felt like that and couldn't.

I don't think I could live like that. I feel for anyone that does...

>> No.4116853

Fair enough. You could also go with stronger beers to begin with. Sometimes I'll just pick up a six pack of Fin du Monde (nice strong belgian style blonde, 9%) and follow that with a six pack of whatever shitty beer that's cheap and will keep me going. If I have whiskey though, I'll drink shots of whiskey alongside the beer. They complement each other nicely, I find.

>> No.4116862

>The worst part was that I could think rationally during the whole thing, and I was trying to figure out why I felt like that and couldn't.

Oh yeah. That's the crazy maker. I'm a perfectly sane person. Well educated, intelligent, but people think I'm a total nutjob when they find out about my panic attacks. While a panic attack is happening, I can tell you why I shouldn't be so scared, and I can tell you what is happening in my brain/body, but I can't stop the horrifying effects. My best friend always laughs at me because when I have a panic attack, I go straight into "fight or flight" mode. "Oh look! Anon's going to run!" Because that's what I want to do, no matter where I am. I've literally sprinted from my mailbox to my apartment because I started having a panic attack while I was at my mailboxes. People look at me like I'm a nutter, but I can think perfectly rationally, I just can't stop the effects of the panic attacks.

>> No.4116863

Definitely. Whiskey and bourbon are excellent alongside some good beer. And I did go with a stronger beer, a 10% double IPA. I've finished those and am feeling jolly and content, I'll be slowly sipping my hefeweizens the rest of the night. I don't work until 5:00 tomorrow evening so this is sort of like my friday night i guess.

>> No.4116868

Don't get me wrong, I'm very much a whiskey and beer kind of guy. That's my bread and butter. BUT, sometimes it's nice to mix it up. A few gin tonics or a nice bottle of red once in a while provide some variety in your drinking.

As for drinking your liquor straight, I feel like you're right on the money when it comes to whiskey, tequila or dark rums. But, vodka alone does nothing for me. It's just....boring. However, like I said, it has its uses.

Speaking of vodka, I have a friend that will tell whoever wants to listen that vodka, water and a wedge of lime is a really nice drink, because, apparently, it gives a good clean buzz without hangovers. He's a good guy and everything, but personally, I think that's just dumb. If I cared so little about the taste of my drink, I'd just give myself vodka enemas. But hey, to each his own.

>> No.4116881

My man. You got it.

However, and I know I'm going to get flak for this because Americans love their bourbon, but...bourbon is just too sweet. I've had nice stuff too, like Knob Creek aged for 9 years, and even then...too sweet. Also, Jack Daniels is fucking foul. I know some people don't consider Jack Daniels bourbon, but fuck it, it's an american, overly sweet whiskey-like substance. So it's bourbon as far as I am concerned. I prefer drier whiskeys like Jameson, Grant's or Canadian Club. No offense, obviously.

>> No.4116885

I agree. And straight vodka with water and lime....I'd try it but it sounds like another flavorless and easy way to get drunk. I think I'll try it though, it could be good. Thank you for hearing my thoughts and sharing your own in a non-confrontational way. You are a nice anon.

>> No.4116890

>bourbon is just too sweet
I've heard so many people say this so I'm not gonna argue and fight, its apparent many people find it to taste sweetish. When I drink it though I don't get any sort of sweet flavor. To me it tastes smokey and rich. Different tastes for different folk. But Canadian whiskeys, to me those taste way too sweet and sickly. I really don't like Crown Royal or any Canadian whiskey I've had, for that matter. Jameson, I like that alot.