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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4108841 No.4108841 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4108842

I like Stouffer's salisbury steak and macaroni cheese. I also like Banquet swedish meatballs and beef enchiladas.

>> No.4108845

>Banquet swedish meatballs

>> No.4108875
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This dinner used to come with cheese fries. None of the dinners come with cheese fries anymore. Anyway, I like Hungry Man frozen dinners.

>> No.4108878

I wish that in my long, dark period of eating TV dinners there were one that I thought was actually good after I learned to cook...but no, unfortunately not.

I never opted for the top-shelf stuff, though, that might be why.

>> No.4108881

Boston Market's are alright, if expensive as hell. Same goes for Hungry Man.

>> No.4108887

They would be better if the tray had dividers.

>> No.4108906

Can't stand Marie outside of pot pies anymore (bulking so the excessive calories are a bonus)

Stouffers is by far the best.

>> No.4108917

I like Lean Cuisines, specifically most of their meals with rice or the sandwiches.

I can't stand sweet and sour chicken frozen dinners that have breaded chicken, my parents bought one for me once instead of the lean cuisine version and eurgh

>> No.4109810

The cheese fries were always fucking frozen and when I put it in the microwave for longer it nuke my mashed potatos

>> No.4109825

love marie callendars, best of the best in my book

>> No.4110462

I just found my new favorite board.

>> No.4110776
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I like Hungry Man even if they are a 1000 calories

Marie Calenders are okay. Lean Cuisines are tiny as fuck for me (I'm not fat but I don't exactly eat small shit either)

Banquet is good for nostalgia, because I used to eat it when I was little. They're also so simple that i's hard to fuck up

>implying we made our own chicken fingers and fries

>> No.4110880

none, that stuff is shit and tastes like cardboard. spend thirty minutes and make yourself some real food and stop being a lazy faggot

>> No.4110909

That ramen you just ate is so much better, right?

>> No.4111022
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Hungry Man & Banquet are utter garbage. How can anyone eat that stuff?

Marie Gallender's is decent for frozen dinners, surprisingly so, but the price isn't worth it. It just isn't.

I can get everything I need to cook like four or five quick cook meals with meat + side for the same price as two of those frozen dinners.

Just buy frozen potatoes/veggies and fry them if you want to have long storage times and easy preparation. It's hardly more complicated or more time consuming to pour some oil into a pan and fry something than it is to microwave one of those dinners.

>> No.4111033

The only ones I bother with are the smart ones lasagnas. Because making a real lasagna takes too long when it's just for me.

>> No.4111039
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quick, get out now while you still can

>> No.4111047
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>> No.4111051
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Frozen dinners provide convenience and variety.

Also, this is pretty good.

>> No.4111053
File: 45 KB, 420x313, michelina_s-frozen-dinners-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys, seriously, you guys. You guys.

These are dirt cheap, and they taste better than any of the other TV dinners out there. The only problem is they're a little small, but you can still buy two Michelina's for the price of one of the other brands.

I'm trying to cut my portion sizes down anyways, so I'll usually have one of these, a small bag of chips or something on the side, and a drink, and I'm good for the rest of my shift.

>> No.4111074

You do not lie. I'm a fan of the smaller portions myself but I'm pretty sure the fat/calories are just as atrocious as the bigger boxes.

They're so damn good, though.

>> No.4111077

I'd have to say, those things are generally great. But they're tiny, I'd rather have a Hungry Man or the like than feel like a fat fuck eating three of those.

>> No.4111083

Lean Cuisine>All

>> No.4111092

> Banquet is utter garbage
I mostly agree, but >>4110776 their chicken was okay

>> No.4111103

It's not that hard to make lasagna, but you run into the problem with the fact that it's hard to make enough for just one person and dealing with leftovers can be annoying.

Fuckin' no. I lived on those things for a couple years, they are awful compared to Lean Cuisine and they are terrible for you.

>> No.4111256
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Not entirely on-topic, but since this is for poorfags anyway...

Does anyone have that imgae with all the ramen preparation ideas, like adding green onions and other ingredients depending on which flavor of ramen you get?

Pic related. Headdesked when I realized I didn't save it last time I saw it.

>> No.4111260

Fuck off with that disgusting shit.

>> No.4111269

> disgusting shit
Man, you're in a TV dinners thread. You can't diss people for being lazy faggots who eat ramen when you are too lazy to even boil water.

>> No.4111274
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>> No.4111284

>but I get to use my kawaii chopsticks to eat my noodles!

Ramen is easily 10x worse. It barely even qualifies as food. I'm just glad that all the sodium in that nasty shit will eventually delete the idiots that eat it from this planet.

>> No.4111307
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I prefer this one. Night Hawk frozen dinners are fucking good.

>> No.4111315

> complaining about sodium in ramen
> ramen has ~700 mg of sodium in one package
> Most TV dinner entrees mentioned in this thread have 600 or more mg of sodium, some like that Hungry Man have 1800 mg
My sides are moving on their own!

>> No.4111317

>he thinks that tv dinners aren't just as bad for you as ramen

Stay uninformed, anon-kun :)

>> No.4111322

Each package of ramen contains 1,750 mg of sodium (at the least) and has absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. It's disgusting shit for weebs and the poor.

You eat ramen, so I wouldn't expect you research what you're discussing before you post.

>> No.4111323

ITT: poorfags

>> No.4111324
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Welp, this thread inspired me.

I just came back from the store and pick up pic related.

Also picked up others, but I forget what they were.

>> No.4111376

I fucking love adding extra asparagus and garlic to the Vodka chicken bertolli. I haven't tried the soups, but hear good things.

>> No.4111382
File: 915 KB, 1000x3400, Ramen Universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't say nobody did nothing fo you ass

>> No.4111385

Wait, when you add an egg to ramen, you add a cooked egg, and not just drop it in raw?

>> No.4111390
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These are pretty good. My favorite is the orange chicken.

>> No.4111392

I've done both. I prefer a cooked egg.

>> No.4111395

What does rock bottom feel like?

>> No.4111401

Like puberty. In a few years, you'll know what I'm talking about.

>> No.4111408

The potstickers are okay, the rest are crap.

>> No.4111412

yeah, i liked the cheese fries ones.

pic related. i get there for $1 and add a bunch of mozarella and garlic powder. ghetto as hell and so good.

fetuccini alfredo anything is pretty good to me.

>> No.4111414
File: 68 KB, 200x200, banquetlaasagansa'sa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit. ok here's the pic. banquet "lasagna"

>> No.4111415

>doesn't eat like an adult
>implies other people are prepubescent

This is exactly what I'd expect from something like you.

>> No.4111418

Fucking SHIT. I can taste that shit IN MY MOUTH.

Grossest TV dinner ever. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.4113390
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