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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 550x448, 2008_06_13-Ice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4099712 No.4099712 [Reply] [Original]

Im in college and my roommates and i dont turn on the heat so we can save money to buy decent food.

what are some things you sacrifice so you can buy better food

>> No.4099715

Your moms anal virginity.

>> No.4099716

Nothing. I can afford whatever I want. And got damn, op - when I was college aged, I was more concerned with having enough cash for beer. Food was just something to help me not die. I once sold plasma so I could buy a couple cases of beer.

>> No.4099720

sounds like someone is an alcoholic

>> No.4099725

Alcoholics don't graduate summa cum laude and hold down well paying jobs.

Sounds like to me you either didn't go to college or you are a social retard.

>> No.4099734

Bullshit! There are a lot of rich and famous alcoholics! Many even become presidents!

>> No.4099752

Keep trying, sport.

>> No.4099753

sounds like someone only knows how to drink shitty beer instead of cocktail master race

>> No.4099755

Translation: Someone is not a homosexual like me.

>> No.4099767

sacrifice dignity ,start sucking dicks for cash

>> No.4099776

whatever you say bro you can drink your coors while i have an old fashion and a cigar

>> No.4099800

a small portion of my free time.
get a job, asshole.

>> No.4099801

I don't drink coors crap. Give me a Grolsch and a Macanudo Crystal Cafe or Romeo y Julieta Churchill en tubo.


>> No.4099804

Theodore Roosevelt
Ulysses S. Grant
Thomas Jefferson

Why don't you go listen to some more minor threat?

>> No.4099808

Congraulations, you searched hundreds of years to find a scant few examples which are merely exceptions to the rule.

>> No.4099809

Back in my poverty days I would not eat lunch at work. Sometimes for dinner I've a couple pieces of bread. All so I could go to the bar on the weekends.

>> No.4099810

>Implying cigars aren't just temporary replacements for the feeling of having a dick in your mouth.

>> No.4099812
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I also do not run the heat. However I live in arizona so its not that bad. But I don't run the air conditioner during the summer either; it would regularly get to 95 or more in my room.

>> No.4099814

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Go google that quote then come back and thank me for exposing you to an education.

>> No.4099816

I sacrifice my dignity by singing songs by request at karoakee bars for free drinks as well as going to gay bars twice a week.

>> No.4099817

Not him but seems like among politicians there are a lot of drunks and a lack of nerdies. Fuck democracy!

>> No.4099818


However, my college days were post military so I joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars and drank 25 cent beers for a couple of hours before hitting the bar. Saves even more money.

>> No.4099822

I'm a true blue, red blooded American. I agree - fuck democracy. I love our system - a representative republic.

A democracy is 4 wolves and 2 sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

>> No.4099824

This. Everyone should be vegan in a democracy.

>> No.4099827

Troll harder!

>> No.4099865
File: 1.79 MB, 320x190, wrestler_levitates_a_hula_hoop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of sports drinks, I buy store-brand canned corn in bulk

After a workout, I'd go home, drink the corn juice like water, and eat the corn.

It's the most delicious thing ever.

>> No.4099866

that's so disgusting

>> No.4099874

>Has never consumed canned corn water

>> No.4099871


>not thor_finds_the_biggest_piece_of_licorice_in_asgard.gif

not ck related/10

>> No.4099879
File: 40 KB, 646x416, suco_milho_verde_IMG_2065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Brazil we have a drink made with sweet corn, milk and condensed milk. It is pretty good! (the corn is grinded, mixed, cooked and them strained)

>> No.4099888

>is completely ignorant to the ways of corporate drink/drug culture

>> No.4099892

Haha wow, when you grow up and hit the real world - let us know.

>> No.4099923

Check party in medical school

>People drinking until pass out, some using illegal drugs.

>Probably that guy not drinking or using any drugs will be the one that will never graduate.

Drunks support drunks, druggies support druggies and having contacts is more valuable than skill and knowledge to get a job.

>> No.4099948

itt: insecure faggots
diagnosis: micropenis

>> No.4099956

>Go google that quote then come back and thank me for exposing you to an education.

freud may or may not have said it? that's great, thanks

>> No.4099962

I'm not rich, but I make enough to where I really don't have to worry about food vs bills vs 'luxury' shit.
... though i'll still hold off on a videogame or two so I can afford my massive pile of taco salad shit.
I'm addicted to my 'taco stuff' nights.

I got this giant cake-mixing bowl I just crunch everything up in, and sit back on my chair like a fatass with my wooden spoon and eat it all day.

>> No.4099965


taco salad shit ain't even expensive homie. u gettin that organic?

>> No.4099981
File: 25 KB, 400x300, Tunneled...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, my local grocery store is just overpriced
I use tortilla chips instead of taco shells, and they're like $2 a bag, and thier onions and tomatos are priced like that shit has been shipped from Madagascar or something

>> No.4099996

>2nd place, 2nd best
>definitely alcoholic

>> No.4100080


>You have to drink to have fun in college or be social

I'm a fucking alcoholic and you're a retard. I wish I could shove broken glass down your throat.

>> No.4102402
File: 63 KB, 1063x343, who-lit-the-fuse-on-your-tampon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4102422

>all dat alcoholic rage
>all dos shattered dreams at the bottom of a bottle

>> No.4102800

>I'm a fucking alcoholic
>you're a retard


>> No.4102803

showers , deoderant

>> No.4102809

Yeah that doesn't cost much.

>> No.4102835

I stay in more often and drink less when I do go out. I cut my own grass instead of paying for a lawn service. I canceled the lawn fertilizer service last year. Shovel my own snow so I'm not spending money on gas for a snowblower. I do keep my heat lower than anyone else but I'm certainly not freezing myself to save money.

>> No.4102842

your dick must be huge

>> No.4102844

>Head to denmark
>Go to college
>Get money to be in school
>fuck bitches

>> No.4104677

>get herpes

>> No.4104795

Time because I have a job


>> No.4104924

Independence, I still live with my parents.
I'm allowed to get anything I want as long as I cook it for the family.