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File: 131 KB, 500x375, old-rasputin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4086974 No.4086974 [Reply] [Original]

ITT massively over-rated beers

>> No.4086982


>> No.4086996

All of them? Generally beers taste the same. Like sodas but with more depth.

>> No.4087011

Why are american beers (not lagers) carbonated? I've never once seen that in england. Was really confused when served a fizzy pint.

>> No.4087019


Go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself.

That being said - Enlighten us with what kind of exemplary beer *you* prefer.

>> No.4087025
File: 113 KB, 575x1024, harveys-sussex-best-bitter-ldn-cocktail-scholars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but here's my favourite.

>> No.4087030
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Kate the Great

>> No.4087034

you must mean artificially carbonated, as the fermentation process produces CO2 by it's very definition.

And to answer your question, not all American beers are.

>> No.4087035

ROUGE Hazlenut Brown Nectar

>> No.4087076
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domo arigato

>> No.4087106

All IPAs can suck my ass.

>> No.4087143

In other words, you're too much of a pussy to actually enjoy the taste of hops. Faggot.

>> No.4087168

American beers are poured very cold, hence more head on the light beers. Europeans tend to pour closer to room temperature, hence less head.
Or so goes my minimally informed best guess

>> No.4087174

Aww, someone got their wittle feelers hurt.

>> No.4087182

why do people hate on IPA's? I can understand people not liking the taste but why does /ck/ and others think that only hipsters and tryhards would drink an IPA? I actually enjoy the bitterness and taste and don't give two fucks about what beers are trendy and in vogue right now.

If you hate IPA because you think it tastes bad, then you are fine. If you hate IPA because lots of other people drink them, then fuck awf.

>> No.4087184

everything from Rogue
Laughing dog IPA (b/c $17 for a 6pk)
Hopslam (good but not for the price)

>> No.4087216


i'm with you fellow gentlecoo/ck/ ... the more bitter, the better ... knocking back a Flying Dog Double Dog IPA right now

>> No.4087229


oktoberfest would like a word with you

>> No.4087240

I haven't had anything I didn't like from Flying Dog. I've probably tried 8 beers of theirs.

>> No.4087256
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i need to visit their brewery soon ... i think i live less than an hour from them ...

feels good man

>> No.4087260

Pliny the Younger.
It sells out within a day or two at my loal store.
It's good, but not superior to any other strong double IPA out there.

>> No.4087261

American craft beers tend to be too hoppy for me. I prefer malty beers. Any pointers for American malts?

>> No.4087289

Well, Europeans are good when it comes to giving head you fairies.

>> No.4087305
File: 98 KB, 800x600, nb_1554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel the same OP

i always see people fapping to old Rasputin, then when i finally found some i almost shat myself.
Was exited as fuck to try it then....the disappointment!

tastes like goddamn car oil i swear to god.

i still have 2 of the 4 pack that i brought in the fridge.

1554 is better

>> No.4087323

I didn't care for it that much and I even enjoyed the Goose Island Bourbon Stout.

I think that Rogue - Dead Guy Ale is extremely mediocre and that Unibroue - Trois Pistoles is incredibly overrated.

>> No.4087330

>enjoying massively bitter tastes
No thanks.

When they do something about the bitterness, Hops can add good flavors. Hell they can add great flavors. (I had a Stone Collaboration with Citra Hops that was fantastic). But American IPAs tend to out bitter the taste for me.

Deschutes Hop in the Dark Black IPA is great example of the lack of bitter. Though Black IPAs arent really IPAs, they are like the bastard child of an IPA and Stout.

>> No.4087332

This isn't even true

Head is mostly due to the beer style, and nothing to do with the weight of said beer. Light beers can have massive heads at times. Yeast can change this. A clean glass on a light headed beer will give more head than a dirty glass and a huge RIS.

>> No.4087335

dont you be hating on my unibroue. best cheap fake belgian brewery in north america. nothing compares to real belgian shit though.

all rogue stuff is shitty and over priced
also talking about IPA's im kind of pissed off that every second craft brew beer is a fucking american double IPA. They litterally all taste the same, every brewery can just make a fucking 9% IPA and be considered beer gods fuck that.

if anyone wants a GOOD and UNIQUE IPA try the Jaipur IPA by thornbridge brewery. The hops aren't there just for the point of it and its balanced with other flavours other than HOPS UP THE ASS.

also i love hops and high ABV IPA's, its just do we need 40000 of them?

im kinda drunk sorry

>> No.4087344
File: 99 KB, 333x500, terrible-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am about to join in hating on a Unibroue beer.

Terrible is godawfully overrated. That isnt a beer, its a fucking desert. All those spices and shit.

That is the only one I hate though. I usually get their Trader Joes Vintage. That tends to be a decent beer.

>> No.4087349

Indeed. A good craft beer place serves beers at their optimal temps, not 2 Degrees C.

>> No.4087347


>This isn't even true.

Plus the idea that all "American" beer is served ice cold.
Brew pubs don't do that. Some bars and taverns do, but it's usually with mass produced corn beers (bud, coors, and the like).

>> No.4087346

TJ Vintage is so cheap, I wish I lived closer to a TJ that carried beer.

>> No.4087351

Unibroue represents french canadian taste and is probably the most complimentary shit for their stupid snooty culture, sweet and spice. The only thing anyone could complain about with Unibroue is it's lack of complexity or it being convincing. You ever taste a real Belgian wit? Tastes like fucking grass. No north american brewery would have balls to release something that didn't taste like generic hops.

>> No.4087361

I don't agree with the people that say they are overhyped. If anything under. Most beer snobs circlejerk the top traps in belgium and disdain anything else.

I'll keep drinking my St. Bernardus that's super cheap while they pay 100 bucks for 6 Westy 12s. Their loss, because the recipe is identical. It was shared with another brewery long ago to commercialize westy, but when that deal ended, St. Berny was created by the brewmasters and they make almost identical beers to Westy.

Just fucking hilarious.

>> No.4087366

st bernardus is one of my favourite brewerys. My favourite is weihenstephaner, beer snob or not its the best stuff for the best price. i really hate the over priced trapist shit for the most part, chimay is passable.

>> No.4087380

Weihenstephaner brofist

I'm drinking some of their dunkelweizen atm, about to pop open a bottle of Korbinian. Had some Vitus last night. Their hefe is the only hefe I bother to buy. Why settle for less?

>> No.4087783

Yes, love the Weihenstephane Hefe. Easily available and cheap to boot. Makes me wonder why people go apeshit to find super obscure beers to fulfill hipster cred requirements.

>> No.4089244

Not a beer that I am huge fan of, OP, but how can you say it is overrated?

Shit, did I just get trolled?

>> No.4090347
File: 22 KB, 250x339, sierra nevada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one that thinks Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is massively over-rated.

Everywhere I go people rave about this stuff. I don't mind pale ales, but I'd much rather drink a Lagunitas, Stone, or Mirror Pond if I'm going to drink a pale.

I live in Northern California, so I'm familiar with just about everything from Sierra Nevada. I just do not like their hops. About the only thing I really like from there is their Ovila Abbey Dubbel. That shit is great!

>> No.4090385

east bay reportin. i feel that way too. my bro is such a fanboy for this stuff and its my dads and uncles favorites. try their celebration ale though, they did pretty good on that one

>> No.4090395
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>> No.4090413
File: 68 KB, 332x500, 1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old rasputin XII was fucking delicious andi wouldn't call old rasputin overrated
it's well on it's way though, people see it as the beer on the far end of the spectrum of good beers.
as in, they think that only superb beer connoisseurs can enjoy something so dark and complex. so when the topic of microbrews comes up in conversation they throw the name 'old rasputin' out in an attempt to seem more versed than they really are. kind of like people on /mu/ who listen to bands with only 10 lastfm listeners so they can try to seem better than everyone.

either way, has anyone had Old Motor Oil before? i've never been able to find it but i really want to taste it.

>> No.4090421

Yeah, Celebration ale isn't too bad. I do like hoppy beers, but for some reason I just don't care for the flavor of their hops. I'm not sure what it is. Almost like they overshoot hop bitterness and undershoot hop flavor.

Even their brown ale is screwed up by the hops. I could also just not be giving them enough of a chance. There are just so many good beers coming out of California that I haven't really messed with Sierra Nevada in a while. Speakeasy, Lost Coast, Stone, Bear Republic, Gordon Biersch, Lagunitas, even Eel River are all much better breweries in my opinion, but don't get much coverage across the country.

>> No.4091334

holy fuck i should meet up with you. i like pretty much all those except for lagunitas. never had eel river. have you tried karl strauss red trolley ale?

>> No.4091526

God bless your soul Anon

NO Anon Hops (& IPA's by nature) hide poorly crafted shit tier brews

>If you hate IPA because you think it tastes bad
>IPA tastes bad
Fucking bingo, AND becuase they're trendy ass hipster non beer drinking assholes don't know any better.

Read the history IPA' came bout to beat the long boat trip from goddamned dreary England o India Hops fucked up the beer just enough to keep the spoilt flavor away. FFS.Next thing you know, Iodine will be in bottled water

>more head than a dirty glass
Oh yes you philthy bitch


obvious trash tier beer

Any American attempt at IPA. May as well stick a dick in my ass and insist it feels good.

>> No.4091541


You are fucking retarded, but that's ok I guess

>> No.4091545

I'm in the Northeast. Some Long Trail brews are a bit too over-rated. Not all their beers are good.

>> No.4091747
File: 82 KB, 250x348, ommegang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cough syrup...

>> No.4091781

Cpt. Autism

>> No.4091787

dat shit IS good nigga. Besides that, mothership and Fat Tire though New Belgium kinda sucks ass

>> No.4091864

You better be trolling, son.

I'm generally a wine drinker but I'll still admit that beers have a far wider taste range. IPA, lager, stout they are about as similar as coffee and grape juice, both are a bit bitter.

>> No.4093062

i disagree with you. that beer is amazing. it is very strange but in no way does its taste remind me of cough syrup

>> No.4093113

>either way, has anyone had Old Motor Oil before? i've never been able to find it but i really want to taste it.

Fat Tire is plainly boring, that one is for shit overrated.

1554 and some of their lips of faith series is decent, the rest is nothing that I go out of my way to drink.

Also, not sure if its true and I haven't looked it up, but their brett one was sterilized which is a pretty dumb fuck thing to do, I guess...unless you want that.

>> No.4093117

Disregard the green text, although, Old Motor Oil is pretty damn good, but I have other preferences.

>> No.4093896

I agree
IPA's taste like marijuana and therefore make me feel like trailer trash when I drink them

>> No.4093900

i never made that connection until now. Fuck, if hadn't had that brownie (or read your post) I would have never known.

Oh well, I don't like them very much anyway.

>> No.4093930
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>> No.4094369
File: 17 KB, 220x220, Corona-6Pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you nailed it with that last sentence - it's "anti-hipster cool"


Incorrect. They are not overrated, just massively popular.

>> No.4094383


Fucking corona

Mexicans don't even drink that shit.

The only people who drink it are retarded ass Americans who think of it as a "party" beer because they drank it on spring break.

>> No.4094400

>Hops fucked up the beer just enough to keep the spoilt flavor away. FFS.Next thing you know, Iodine will be in bottled water

>salt preserved meat enough to keep it from spoiling. Now we have refrigeration. FFS. Next thing you know, people will be adding salt to food because they think it "tastes good"

Awesome logic there, anon-kun :)

>> No.4094409

hops are incredibly closely related to the cannabis plant
the more you know

>> No.4094423

Aw I actually really like that one...
I tried it once never hearing about it and loved it.

>> No.4094429

Which is hilarious because morons drink it but it has like 4% ABV.

>> No.4094432

one thing was used to cover up a bad taste. The other was used to actually preserve the meat, and had nothing to do with taste. So that is a terrible analogy. Absolutely terrible.

It would have been easier if you had pointed out that the idea that the high hopped ales were created to survive the voyage to india is most likely false, because they were shipping porters to india too. Basically the market in india liked the higher hopped longer fermented beer, so other companies started copying that, and selling it to india.

>> No.4094443

autismal as fuck

you must be one of those "supertasters" i hear about on the news

>> No.4094524

blue moon. the perfect beer for the man that wants to pretend he has taste.

>> No.4094532

blue moon is ayte

just another wheat beer

>> No.4094539

Beer is getting far too pretentious now. Fuck hipsters and craft brewers.

>> No.4094544

I was hungover/tired one morning a few years ago - usually drinking a beer helps me feel less hungover so I mixed half a can of Steel Reserve with some strong coffee and I swear it tasted EXACTLY like Rasputin. No joke.

>> No.4094543

i for one enjoy the vast supply of brews. go drink your bud light pisswater.

>> No.4094550

>faggot that looks down on what other beers people drink
Exactly what I'm talking about

>> No.4094599

BMC is for proles largely. Blue Moon is a bit better, but there are better witbiers. At least it's not swill. Batch 19 is the best adjunct lager on the market, and one that actually makes sense. It's made with 20% corn grits, and 80% 6-row malted barley- what the first american lagers were made with. You had to use a bit of adjunct with 6 row to make it as clear as lager made in europe with 2-row barley, because 6-row has more enzymes, more protein, and a far huskier flavor and color.

>> No.4094774

>implying that Blue Moon isn't the creation of Molson Coors Brewing Co.

>> No.4094783

>huskier flavor

Get fucked, asshole.

>> No.4094828

>comparing 1554 to old rasputin
They are completely different styles.
That being said, I am sad New Belgium stopped making 2 below, but 1554 is my go to for them now.
Old Rasputin is a thick, rich, complex beer, and I enjoy it; but it is easy to see why some people dislike it.

>> No.4094852


The fuck do you think hops are? The entire reason they started being used in like the 1st or 2nd century was as a preservative. Their use for a flavoring was completely secondary. The analogy you're insulting was completely fucking spot on.

Holy crap just google "hops used as a preservative"

>> No.4094859
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>drinking beer in a wine glass

>> No.4094873

>wine glass
