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4083705 No.4083705 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about booze? Booze is food, right?

Specifically, cheap, shitty booze.

For example: Vodka + Apple Juice/Mountain Dew/etc

>> No.4083724

Exclusiv Vodka
Cheap as fuck
Liter bottle is about 20 bucks
Strong and good taste too
Favorite shot:
Mad Dong
1/3 part raspberry syrup
2/3 part vodka
3-5 drops of Tobassco sauce

>> No.4083730
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>> No.4083737

1/3 gin
1/3 sparkling wine (literally anything will do)
1/3 orange juice
Disgusting but gets you trolleyed

>> No.4083736



Try $10/1.75 liter. That's some cheap swill.

>> No.4083744
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mix 1/3 whiskey cream with 2/3 milk top it with whipcream if you like

> mfw i tasted it at first

Enjoy the holidays OP!

>> No.4083771
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I'd been doing something like:

1/4 Vodka
2/4 Whole Milk
1/4 Coffee
Bit of Chocolate Syrup
Bit of Sugar
Shitton of Ice

Was quite good. Tasted just like Bailey's, for a fraction of the cost. Might try yours, though.

>> No.4083817

That's what I was going to say.

Popov is great.

>> No.4083824


I've tried a couple different vodkas below the <$20 range.

Popov never leaves me with a hangover and tastes the same as the rest.

>> No.4083827

Skol and monster

>> No.4084030

That's basically an experimental White Russian with some extra stuffing - Sounds good tho'

>> No.4084053

>any vodka
>Green apple jones
I found a new love for life drinking it

>Any vodka
>Ginger ale
>Dickload of ice

Not as good as the jones but still good for getting fucked up with expediency.

>> No.4084058

I did try 1/3 vodka and 2/3 Mtn. Dew once.

It was....alright. I accidentally used good vodka though. Feels bad man.

>> No.4084066

I dunno. Last time I made a post about alcoholic drink combinations I got called a viral advertiser. How the fuck was I to know that there was an actual joint ad campaign by the two companies of the drinks I had used.

>> No.4084064


Oh, but Vodka + Apple Juice is probably my absolute favorite. I can never pace myself when I drink it.

>> No.4084063


I love the Dew mix, honestly. Also good: Sprite/7up/etc. Basically any soda with a citrus kick.

Really, I think I just *love* vodka.

>> No.4084070

Vodka is bum-tier liquor for alcoholics and people who want their drinks to taste like soda.

>> No.4084077
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No need to be mad, sonny.

>> No.4084133
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Cannot wait for plastic bottle vodka and cranberry after work tomorrow. I'll be shit-housed before I even get to the bar.

>> No.4084160

I don't know what vodka you've been drinking that tastes like soda. Whenever I drink vodka, which is all the time, I'm reminded of the laboratory-grade ethyl-alcohol I used to clean off my glassware with back when I was studying chemistry.

Just one sniff, instant high; also instant watering eyes.

I knew some boys that would liberate that shit and make screwdrivers. I never participated because I didn't want to wake up blind.

>> No.4084198



I tried this once and didn't really go for it.

Apple Juice is still the best.

>> No.4084210

Are you a male or female?

>> No.4084214
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Well I don't like sweet drinks. You can keep your AJ in your sippy cup.

>> No.4084224


Dat insecurity.

>> No.4084229
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I'm insecure because a lot of sugar and alcohol together makes my stomach upset?

>> No.4084233

Well that's ok then.

>> No.4084232

Drives me nuts.

You get these guys going, "Only fags drink anything besides straight liquor!"

Offer them a piece of pie and see if they sing the same tune. By their logic, only "fags" eat or drink anything sweet ever.

>> No.4084239


Equating masculinity to enjoying sweet-tasting booze suggests insecurity to me, yes.

I'm male, and the more I can get my liquor tasting like candy, the happier I am.

>> No.4084242

No, you're insecure because you implied apple juice is for babies. Or toddlers, rather.

>> No.4084244

Kamchatka vodka+crystal light

yeah baby

>> No.4084257

It was joke. Lighten up, you're on 4chan.

>> No.4084266

Make better jokes, you're on 4chan.

>> No.4084268

It sure got to you.

>> No.4084276

Who am I?

>> No.4084294
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>> No.4084296

Bottom shelf gin and orange soda

Thank me later

>> No.4084301

root beer schnapps and beer.

swig one, swig another. repeat until drunk.

>> No.4084305

cheap vodka+pink lemonade frozen concentrate (1/2 of reccomended water)

if someones not dead by morning you did it wrong

>> No.4084308

Ratios, please

>> No.4084314
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>Pink lemonade vodka


It's been fun.

>> No.4084315

>requesting ratios from alcoholics drinking poor people liquor

just enough of something that's not liquor to take the sting away and make you think you're drinking for fun

>> No.4084316

Do you use a handle or fifth?

>> No.4084323

50/50 gin and orange soda is what I do

>> No.4084328

Should this be done by dropping a shot of root beer schnapps into a glass or beer, or what?

>> No.4084330

it's really just a flavor thing just get it as potent as you want. The lemon/grapefruit really kills a great deal of the vodka flavor. typically speaking though 1/2 of a fifth to 1 can of frozen concentrate. You can just use 2 cans for a fifth and leave out the water. It's great for shots. But I wouldn't recommend just drinking it at those proportions.

I call it a lemon-driver but I have no idea if anyone has made something with pink lemonade before. I just kinda got tired of orange juice and saw something in the freezer one night.

>> No.4084332

>swig one, swig another. repeat until drunk.

>> No.4084373

invented another if you're intrested.
I call it the two indies (tea is from the east indies and rum is from the west indies)

cruzan 9 spice rum and spiced chai. (hot or iced)
sweeten the tea and add like a table spoon of heavy cream to each mug. Take shots of rum and chase it with the tea. The tea's astringent properties really clear the pallet of the rum. I started mixing them together in a 2 shot to 8oz of tea ratio but no one else has ever really liked that but me. I never used to be able to drink liqueur straight but now I can because of this.

>> No.4084383

If you're trying to be all fancy, you could make it into a bomb shot. If you're alone or with some friends just pass that bottle. Get them both in your mouth at the same time, like when you make chocolate milk in your mouth.

>> No.4084385

liqueur != liquor

>> No.4084396

I don't proof read as often as I should or use spell check.

>> No.4084399
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This shit right here is my motherfucking jam. 7 bucks a liter.

>> No.4084407


The fuck is that even?

>> No.4084408

Not bad, but I hear that Carlo Rossi wine/sangria is one of the very cheapest per ounce of alcohol.
Kentucky blended whiskey

>> No.4084420


Carlo Rossia cabernet sauvignon is really great red wine for the price, imo.

>> No.4084441

>Vodka + Apple Juice

Vodka orange juice is a classic though. Anywhere above a 2.5:1 ratio and you stop tasting the vodka altogether. Also fake tequila sunrises are easy to accomplish if you have some red fruit syrup in the household, doesn't even have to be grenadine.

>> No.4084453

Trader Joes has some Vodka of the Gods.
Plastic handle
like 8 bucks.

I usually do ginger ale/vodka for quick drunk

>> No.4084478

what state do you live in?

I'm dying to try a trader joes that sells hard alcohol but I'd have to drive like 2 hours

>> No.4084479

In states with those bullshit liquor store laws, Trader Joes usually has a liquor store next to it.

Weird that your state doesn't have that.

>> No.4084481

Carlo Rossi Sangria and 7up is awesome. We call it a Sangria surprise because it will sneak up on you. Cheap and tasty way to get fucked up. Watch out for that hangover though.

>> No.4084485

Not that guy, but I'm in California and Two Buck Chuck is actually two bucks. Alcohol prices are very low here.

>> No.4084489

California. SoCal to be specific.

>> No.4084490

How on earth can you buy $8 vodka without Trader Joe's?!

>> No.4084500

there are liquor stores all over but I'm looking for high quality alcohol for a cheap price

the cheapest vodka I know of is dubra and it costs 9.99 or soemthing like that which is the state minimum

>> No.4084510

So you'd rather drive 2 hrs for $8 vodka than buy $9.99 vodka?

>> No.4084514
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>tfw Germany
>tfw beer starting at $2.80 a gallon converted from the Euro bottle price

>> No.4084516


That's amazing.

>> No.4084536

Yeah, stuff that cheap tastes like old carpet though and is undrinkable. The lowest I go for binging is roughly the $4 a gallon range, my favorite brands are more like $8 a gallon, which is still rather cheap in the global comparison I believe, especially you don't get watered down Lite stuff for your money.

>> No.4084559


1 cup crushed ice, plus extra for chilling glass
1/2-ounce dry vermouth
2 1/2 ounces gin
1 olive


Place some crushed ice into the martini glass you will be serving in, and set aside.

Place the 1 cup of crushed ice into a cocktail shaker. Pour in the vermouth and swirl it around, making as much contact as possible with the ice. Using a strainer, pour the vermouth out. Add the gin and stir well to combine.

Remove the ice from your serving glass and add the olive. Using the strainer, pour the gin into the serving glass.

Saw on an episode of Good Eats. Any good?

Also, if I make this for friends, am I classy or an asshole?

>> No.4084585

Green apple Jones on it's own is god tier soda. I will be trying your simple recipe that I never thought of for some reason.

>> No.4084597

You don't think about what liquor you could put in anything you drink?

>> No.4084673

Holy fuck balls, I thought I was the only person who did that. I got a Carlo rossi sangria and sprite in my hand as we speak

>> No.4084685

My nigga.

>> No.4084689

That statement was alcoholism.
And I usually stick to beer, so I have no need to mix.

>> No.4084715

Pinnacle cotton candy. Sundrop. Vanilla icecream. Blue carucao (sp???) Optional.
So good.

Raspberry smirnoff
Blue carucao
Sunny d.

>> No.4084716

I already know I'm an alcoholic. I've been dry since September. I hate these threads. I still think about alcohol a lot. Oh well.

>> No.4084719

I call it the Sunday night special. Liquor stores close around 5-7ish on Sundays here, but corner stores will be open all hours and can sell beer and wine. If it is after 6 and I run out of liquor I can run to a convenience store and grab a jug of Carlo and some sprite

>> No.4084736

We usually drink the on "hood rat" nights. We start with a 40 of Mickey's and move on to the Sangria surprise while taking shots of E&J. It's fun to pretend we live in the hood.

>> No.4084737

Nothing like pretending you live in the worst places to live in America.

>> No.4084740

lol first world problems

>> No.4084745

That's the sort of first world problem that's actually quite a big problem. The worst hoods resemble some pretty shitty countries.

>> No.4084750

Yeah, but what can I do? I can't afford to donate and the government wants to sweep it under the rug.

>> No.4084754

Man I don't know. If there was an easy solution, it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.4084759
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That ain't food.

>> No.4084763

Go back to /b/.

>> No.4084764

We have plenty of alcohol threads anyways, no one ever complains, they're good fun.

>> No.4084767

I'm a fan of Platinum vodka for sentimental reasons. It tastes like shit, but you grow to like it.

>> No.4084771

Good job brah!

>> No.4084968

While living in Israel, some friends and I found a gallon jug of lemon vodka for around 5 bucks.

It was terrible and we managed to finish about half of it till we knocked it over and it shattered.

>> No.4084984

a watered down gin martini?

>> No.4085254

Hardly, it's quite dry.

>> No.4085256

>Want to enjoy alcohol
Mid shelf single malt scotch, red wine, templeton/rittenhouse rye, craft beers
>Want to get drunk for cheap
Gordon's Gin, Old Crow Bourbon, Old Overholt
>feel adventurous
100% de agave tequilas, liquers, cocktails (usually capped at 3 ingredients unless I'm at a bar)

>> No.4085269

So I got incredibly drunk last weekend and for some reason wondered into the off licence and thought I know I'll try something different! the result is I have a bottle of Gin (Bombay Sapphire) and a couple of bottles of tonic water. I don't even like gin and I hate hate tonic water.

Is there anything I can do with it? Is there a chance i'll like martinis If i'm not that sold on gin?

>> No.4085273

Gin and tonic.

You can make a very sweet martini if you use enough sweet vermouth, assuming a dryer one isn't to your liking.

>> No.4085291

I turned 21 recently and haven't done a lot of drinking due to having an issue with taste. Maybe it's just because I'm a pussy.

>Crown Royal
>smells like a magic marker
>tastes like a magic marker

>Captain Morgan
>couldn't drink straight
>had to mix with coca cola

>some kind of concord grape wine with Hebrew on the front

>a mixture of pink lemonade vodka and gatorade that didn't even taste like alcohol

>Kahlua and chocolate milk

That's about all I've experienced. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

>> No.4085294

Buy non shit tier alcohol.

Check out the two Raising the Bar episodes of Good Eats

>> No.4085370

Jesus how big of a sopping wet vagina can you be? The solution to not being used to the taste of alcohol is to drink more alcohol.

>> No.4086014

>concord grape wine
>a goy trying to get drunk off manischevitz

Try ginger ale and vodka