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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 800x641, Reinheitsgebot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4078556 No.4078556 [Reply] [Original]

So it's a pretty common thing around here to be a food purist of sorts. Coffee and tea should be prepared properly, and be taken without cream, sugar, or other additives. Chocolate should be dark. Steak should be minimally seasoned, either rare or medium rare, with no steak sauce or catsup.

So why all the Reinheitsgebot hate up in this bitch? Shouldn't beer be made with, you know, beer ingredients? Isn't adding fruit or spices to a beer analogous to putting catsup on a perfectly good steak? Not even trolling.

>> No.4078564

amerifat seconding.

fuck faggot additives and adjuncts

>> No.4078567


as Austrian I completly agree with you.

>> No.4078575

Funny you should ask. I'm all for a good heavy 25,000 IBU American IPA, but it's like America can't produce good tasting beer without making it taste like a hard core porno.

See also: American wine which is designed to be compared with infographics instead of actually being tasted.

>> No.4078578

Belgianfag here, I agree with you OP. Fuck the faggots who drink fruitbeers.

>> No.4078583

because it's an archaic bread protection law and no more than a marketing shtick today

>> No.4078594

Most of the things you listed are autistic groupthink that people subscribe to so that they can feel their tastes are validated.

People who suggest following the Reinheitsgebot in this day and age are faggots who want there to be one snobbish opinion about beer so that they can have the "right" opinion without having to make up their own minds, or having a compelling argument.

>> No.4078597

>So why all the Reinheitsgebot hate up in this bitch
because its antiquated and stifles innovation

>> No.4078600

>but it's like America can't produce good tasting beer without making it taste like a hard core porno.
No, its just that europe is too poor to import most of america's good beer, so they focus what little resources they have on the most extreme ones

>> No.4078609

Your logic is off.

>> No.4078611

out of curiosity, which top america beers are even available over in europe?

>> No.4078612
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>> No.4078617


It has nothing to do with wealth, more like the market. There is a reason America doesn't have a wide selection of European beers (outside the major brands), and vice versa.

It wouldn't make sense to import a large amount of micrbrews if there was no market for them.

>> No.4078619

lol perfect response

>> No.4078626

>There is a reason America doesn't have a wide selection of European beers
actually thats not really the case, a lot of euro brands established markets in america back in the 70s and 80s when american beer was really bad and still sell there

meanwhile american domination of good beer is a more recent development, and it is expanding so quickly locally that they can't even keep up with demand at home

From my experience it seems that americans are much more familiar with good euro beers than euros are of good american beers

>> No.4078630


>half of Amerifats are in debt
>all niggers are poorfags
>You guys can't even afford healthcare and proper education.

Lel, troll harder americlap.

>> No.4078633

>>all niggers are poorfags
yeah, but they all live in the south, not where the good beer comes from

>> No.4078635

> proper education

ameica has the best universities in the world

>> No.4078636

>Lel, troll harder americlap.

Sounds like a redditor has lost his way to 4chan. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? WHYYYYYYYYY?

>> No.4078639

The average American is factually more affluent than the average European

>> No.4078641

>that no Americans can afford

>> No.4078642

You know Europe isn't a country, right?

>> No.4078644


You have good universities, but your own people can't even afford to study at them. Fucking fail, amirite?

>> No.4078646

>You know Europe isn't a country, right
yes, why does that matter in this discussion?

>> No.4078647

>has never heard of scholarships or financial aid

>> No.4078648

>generalizing a continent
heehee butthurt American

Why so defensive?

>> No.4078649

Then what country are you from?

>> No.4078651

Is this what your media actually tells you?

Sure they are expensive, but its not like no one can afford it

Basically every one except the poorest people go

>> No.4078652
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Look at all dem butthurt americlaps, my work here is done!

>> No.4078653

I dunno, man. Africa is pretty poor.

>> No.4078650
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Guys, I.. I just wanted to talk about beer.

>> No.4078655
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no different than generalizing america

The american south is nothing like the american north economically or culturally

>> No.4078656

But we're Amerifats, redditor.

>> No.4078657

>$50k tuition
>be in debt for years after graduation

Good system bra.

>> No.4078660

Yeah, but it's one country, europe isn't.

>> No.4078661


It was only $45k for me. And I should be paid off by the time I'm 40, I hope.

>> No.4078665

>By the time I'm 40

You mean by the time that most Europeans are at the top of their carreer, have nice houses that are PAID OFF and a nice family?

>> No.4078668


>> No.4078669

>>$50k tuition
thats not accurate

There are many large public research schools that you can go to for much less than that that are better than every european school besides Oxford and Cambridge

>> No.4078670


>> No.4078671

Single currency and you all speak English. Are you sure you're not a country yet?

>> No.4078672

>That are better than every European school

Mhmmm, source? Oh right, you don't have one.

>> No.4078673

>but it's one country, europe isn't.
ok, but why does this matter in the scope of our discussion?

the EU is very comparable to america despite having slightly different political designations

>> No.4078675

>All speak English

Is that what you actually believe? Each country has their own language, you retard.

>> No.4078676


>> No.4078678

Who wants to bet on when the next school shooting in America is, and how many killed?

I'm saying February, 12 dead.

>> No.4078679

I went to a top 20 university from that previously posted rankings
Graduated with 13k debt, had it paid off in 12 months

Its not as big a deal as your media makes it out to be

>> No.4078680

>most Europeans

I think you mean Scandinavians. Unless you mean like the Greeks or the Irish or the Italians.

>> No.4078681

Our media doesn't report about that, it's just common knowledge.

>> No.4078685

Sounds like a lie you just made up. Why do people from the country of Europe like to lie so much?

>> No.4078689

Stop thinking that Scandinavia is like fucking heaven or something, they're the most boring countries of the EU. Ever heard of Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France? Those are welfaring countries too.

>> No.4078690

>have nice houses
lower class americans have nicer houses than upper middle class europeans since you people have so little land

>> No.4078695

>Scandinavia not better than everybody else

Really now.

>> No.4078697


>> No.4078698


I wouldn't call a McMansion built out of wood in a huge suburban neighborhood nice.

>> No.4078701

They need bigger houses to account for wheelchair ramps. Enjoy ur diabetes complications, amputations, etc.

>> No.4078702


>> No.4078705

most of the suburbs I have been in are pretty nice, there is a reason all of americas middle and upper classes live there

>> No.4078707

>bigger homes are better

What? I grew up in a 4000 sq. ft. home and would never want to have something even half that size.

>> No.4078710

>most boring countries

Ah, one of THOSE types of people. Well, we certainly do not need your type here. An "exciting" country by your ideas means a violent, criminal-infested squalid shithole on the lines of your dear old America.

>> No.4078711

>argumentum ad populum


>> No.4078715

Bigger homes don't mean nicer or better houses. You all live in fucking wooden boxes with a garage attached to it. IF that's your idea of a house, well then fuck me.

>> No.4078717

gtfo faggot BMC shill

>> No.4078718

>implying you don't want to know the excitement of knowing if your child was one of the dead at the most recent school shooting

feel sorry for u Europoorz

>> No.4078714
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>> No.4078720

bigger homes are generally better

Why would you want to live in a cramped little home?

>> No.4078722

Califag here, not into hop bombs so much myself (though I do enjoy a nice west-coast ipa from time to time), and I'm a huge fan of the Reinheitsgebot. Wish we had something similar in the USA, at least as far as naming goes. For instance, anything containing ANYTHING except water/barley/hops/yeast could not be called "beer," or something to that effect. Force the macro's to call their bullshit "alcoholic malted beverage product" as it really is.

>> No.4078726

Why would you want to live in a large wooden box that get's destroyed in every puny little storm?

>> No.4078724

It is only cramped if you have too many unnecessary made-in-China possessions.

>> No.4078725

Wait, why wouldn't you want a garage attached to your house?

You want to have to walk through the snow to get to your car?

>> No.4078727

shills, shills, everywhere.

Protip: you can recognize shills by their absolute reliance on ad hominems and nothing but ad hominems. Their posts never contain any facts nor salient arguments. They simply attack the character of whatever position they're being paid to systematically oppress.

>> No.4078728

>have 5000 square foot McMansion that looks identical to every other home in your gated community
>have 20 feet of invasive grass lawn to coddle over

>> No.4078729

That's not what I ment, you retard. It's just the idea that every sub-urb home is like that: wooden square with smaller wooden squares and a frontyard.

>> No.4078730

totally disagree. how so?

>> No.4078733


..oh the wonders of public transport and walkable city design.

>> No.4078735

it's just residual because of the shooting, whereby there was an influx of faggots from reddit among other fag-tier websites

>> No.4078736

This. A big home that consists of improperly-spaced studs and drywall is just as shitty as a smaller home of equal 'quality'.

>> No.4078732


Stop talking about beer, this thread is about Europe and America.

>> No.4078737

Where you getting this stuff from?

Americans own much more land on average than europeans, and very few of americas suburbs are the ones where they all look the same, and McMansion is a dumb buzzword, stop using it like it really means something

>> No.4078739

yes, yes, yes, we're all aware. It just makes more sense to compare the USA to all of Europe because no one country can come close to competing in any meaningful way.

get fucked harder

>> No.4078740

What about all the Scandanavian countries?

>> No.4078743


I agree. Just some sort of labeling requirement so the consumer knows what they're paying for would be very nice. I think a law actually preventing people from brewing as they please, on the other hand, is just silly and oppressive (kind of like americlap distillation laws).

>> No.4078744

Ofcourse you own more land, because there is so fucking much of it.

>> No.4078745

>and very few of americas suburbs are the ones where they all look the same
O Rly



>> No.4078748

poor people live in inner cities in america, so all the good people moved to the suburbs.

Everyone in america owns cars though so it works for the best, no one wants to live like a poor person and have to rely on the government for something as basic as transportation

>> No.4078749

>What about all the Scandanavian countries?
They are maybe comparable to only the upper midwest of america

>> No.4078750


I have to disagree, at least in terms of the midwestern US. Subdivisions are almost exclusively the only form of residential construction going on.

>> No.4078751

Isn't being in debt because of your home and car worse than not being in debt and taking public transportation?

>> No.4078752

>Ofcourse you own more land, because there is so fucking much of it.
yes thats why, and that is a good thing

>> No.4078753

Less debt, longer life, happier people, etc.

>> No.4078755


You're responding to an obvious troll.

>> No.4078756

not necessarily

>> No.4078757
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>> No.4078765

oh wow, euros really have no idea what america is like

>> No.4078770

>europeans know their beer is no contest for glorious american beer anymore so they have to change the subject but end up losing the new subjects too

>> No.4078774
File: 222 KB, 500x367, somalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize Finland isn't Scandinavian?

That aside, Scandinavians are happy. They just enjoy playing with the preconceptions and stereotypical portrayals visitors have formed of them through American popular culture and other feeds of garbage.

Really, comparing Scandinavian countries to a Schoolshootistanese state is just hilarious. Squalid, festering dens of systematic social injustice like "midwestern states" have more to do with Somalia than Scandinavia, as does most of the United States. Disgusting evolutionary throwbacks and their invasive anticulture that strangles creativity, personal freedoms and the free exchange of ideas.

>> No.4078776
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>ever speaking for the entirety of Scandinavia

>> No.4078777

>You do realize Finland isn't Scandinavian
since when?

>> No.4078784

See, this is the sort of results the American educational system produces. While Scandinavians manage immensely stable high results with public schooling.

>> No.4078788

Please return to the subject of food, otherwise take this to /pol/ or /b/ where political discussions belong.

>> No.4078793

Yeah, it would really be worthwhile for america to waste time teaching their kids where arbitrary regional boundaries in europe are, that should be a top priority

>> No.4078795

This kind of feels like a /sp/ thread

>> No.4078796

Nice dubs, but fuck you.

>> No.4078812

Despite the conspicuous lack of German beers on these lists, enjoy having shit-tier beer compared to USA. Belgium saves your shit-ass continent from complete devastation at the hands of based Americans.


>> No.4078832


Eh, I'm sure it made sense in the Dark Ages

Right now, there's so many tasty Belgian beers filled with extra ingredients it'd be better to toss the Reinheitsgebot into the trash and let Germany start competing a little in the strong dark ale department.

>> No.4078841

Food purists are easily the stupidest faggots ever. If they ran the government it would clearly be a Fascists state.


>> No.4078848


I'm a food purist and I think steak sauce is fine on a steak.

I don't think you know what a food purist is.

Go back to pushing your hyperforeignisms in another thread, junior.

>> No.4078850

as i said in previous posts, beer purity law is a great idea if it only applies to naming

>> No.4078851


Those lists are mostly done according to the taste of Americans. You like your beer flashy and extravagant.

>> No.4078859

I can't believe some people are debating whether having a bigger house is better. Why would I want to be squished together with no yard?

>> No.4078861

I personally don't like my beer flashy and extravagant, but the maj ority of beer drinkers on these two websites do, at least according to your definition. I wouldn't consider any of these beers "flashy" nor "extravagant." Belgian trappistes and DIPA's are higher in alcohol and sweeter/more complex in flavor, but that doesn't make them flashy nor extravagant per se.

>> No.4078864

Then name a international beer competition and see what the ranking are.

>> No.4078865

because you're spiritually unenlightened. the same reason why most americans in this gay country want, not a 90" flat screen hdtv, but a 100" flat screen hdtv. Not a car that gets you to/from school/work, but the latest useless POS unnecessary money drain. It's all brainwashing.

>> No.4078875

It's not wrong to be happy and bicycles hurt my legs from usage.

>> No.4078880


I don't really care about international competitions.

I just want you Americans to stop spouting bullshit about you objectively having the best beer in the world and attacking Germany and other European countries for sticking to the centuries-old Reinheitsgebot and the way we like our beer.

>> No.4078883

Well, stop being a fat fuck then.

>> No.4078884

From 2012 World Beer Cup:

Category 57: Belgian- and French-Style Ale, 22 Entries
Gold: FSB Spring Brew, Front Street Brewery, Wilmington, NC
Silver: Saison Noir, Bastone Brewery, Royal Oak, MI
Bronze: Gift of the Magi, The Lost Abbey, San Marcos, CA

Category 58: Belgian-Style Blonde Ale or Pale Ale, 32 Entries
Gold: Ommegang Rare Vos, Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown, NY
Silver: Leffe Blonde, AB InBev, New York, NY
Bronze: Troubadour Blond, Brouwerij The Musketeers, Ursel, Belgium

Category 59: Belgian-Style Sour Ale, 27 Entries
Gold: Oude Geuze Boon, Brouwerij Frank Boon, Lembeek, Belgium
Silver: Oude Kriek Oud Beersel, Oud Beersel, Beersel, Belgium
Bronze: Fifth Element Vintage 2011, Squatters Pub Brewery, Salt Lake City, UT

>> No.4078888

honestly, just get a bike that fits better. biking will strengthen your knees/legs.

>> No.4078889

That would be a valid point if there were any dissenting opinion, but regardless of what your tastes are, the international consensus is american beer is great and only Belgium can come close to competing

>> No.4078890

It's easier to be anorexic.

>> No.4078891

Category 60: Belgian-Style Flanders Oud Bruin or Oud Red Ale, 16 Entries
Gold: Oude Tart, The Bruery, Anaheim, CA
Silver: Monomoy Kriek, Cisco Brewers, Nantucket, MA
Bronze: Oud Jeremiah, BJ’s Restaurant & Brewery - Brea, Huntington Beach, CA

Category 61: Belgian-Style Dubbel, 39 Entries
Gold: Leffe Brown, AB InBev, New York, NY
Silver: Belgian Dubbel, Bier Brewery, Indianapolis, IN
Bronze: Ovila Dubbel, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., Chico, CA

Category 62: Belgian-Style Tripel, 57 Entries
Gold: Westmalle Trappist Tripel, Westmalle Trappist Brewery, Westmalle, Belgium
Silver: Nectar des Dieux, Bastone Brewery, Royal Oak, MI
Bronze: Steenbrugge Tripel, Palm Breweries, Steenhuffel, Belgium

>> No.4078895

Wait, wanting a big TV is brainwashing?

>> No.4078896


Category 63: Belgian-Style Pale Strong Ale, 33 Entries
Gold: Piraat, Van Steenberge, Ertvelde, Belgium
Silver: Thor’s Hammer, Bastone Brewery, Royal Oak, MI
Bronze: Prisoner of Hell, Dock Street Brewery, Philadelphia, PA

Category 64: Belgian-Style Dark Strong Ale, 41 Entries
Gold: Batch 333: The Velvet Fog, Sun King Brewing Co., Indianapolis, IN
Silver: Two Tortugas Belgian Quad, Karl Strauss Brewing Co., San Diego, CA
Bronze: Grand Prestige, Hertog Jan Brouwerij, Arcen, Netherlands

Category 65: Other Belgian-Style Ale, 41 Entries
Gold: Seef, Antwerpse Brouw Compagnie, Hove, Belgium
Silver: Gauloise Amber, Brasserie du Bocq, Purnode, Belgium
Bronze: Rhinoceros, Telegraph Brewing Co., Santa Barbara, CA

>> No.4078898

I'll just get a segway.

>> No.4078899

lmao Belgium are you even trying???

>> No.4078906

Nice results and Amurika and the Belgiums are on top.

>> No.4078908


>World Beer Cup
>Held in the US

>> No.4078910

They tried on category 65.

>> No.4078911

>I just want you Americans to stop spouting bullshit about you objectively having the best beer in the world and attacking Germany and other European countries for sticking to the centuries-old Reinheitsgebot and the way we like our beer.
We are attacking you for being ignorant and afraid to try anything new.

There are plenty of american beers that follow Reinheitsgebot and plenty that don't, america has a massive variety of different beers doing all of them pretty well which is a much better scenario than having all of your beers taste pretty much the same and only having a small handful of styles

Also american hops are better than european hop varieties, sot hat helps too

>> No.4078912

Really? You want a country that's thousands time smaller and has like 1/30 of your population to score better?

>> No.4078918

the UN is held in the US too, that doesn't mean shit

>> No.4078922
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The part of america in blue makes better beer than all of europe combined

>> No.4078926

We're making fun of this guy >>4078851 who implied that our top rankings were due to having bias to our own beers.

>> No.4078928

How is this even relevant to what I said? I was talking about Belgium, not Europe.

>> No.4078924

nigger, these are only the BELGIAN-style results. America absolutely sweeps the other categories, except some of the german-style categories.

>> No.4078925


And over here in Vienna as well as in Switzerland.

Anyway just apologize for saying your beer is better and we can end this thread. Next you're going to say American wines are better than French ones.

>> No.4078930

>Anyway just apologize for saying your beer is better and we can end this thread.
How about you actually try some of our beer instead of just ignorantly saying its not as good

>> No.4078931


How does it not show bias when an event hosted in the US by an American brewer's association is mostly won by Americans?

>> No.4078932

in a style of beer specifically named after- and practiced because of Belgium...yes.

However, based USA wins again

>> No.4078933

Its not I just wanted to make fun of the american south again because fuck those rednecks

>> No.4078934

>ITT: Defensive Americans.

We get it, you guys are the best. Why can't you be confident?

>> No.4078936

It can be taken that way. Any other notable competitions we can use to compare?

>> No.4078938

the judges come from all over the place

There is no evidence to suggest any of the results are inaccurate when every other beer source comes to a similar conclusion

>> No.4078940

it's your head in the sand.

look, if you'd actually go to a competition, interact with the judges, homebrew yourself, etc., you'd know that people don't just sit around picking their favorite breweries out of a hat. There are hundreds of judges at each event, judging the beers on a very specific metric according to each style. This shit isn't as subjective as you think.

Face it, America does actually make better beer according to the only way iti can be judged.

>> No.4078941

They are one of the nicest people though. Food is pretty good if not overly fatty.

>> No.4078946

>ITT butthurt insecure eurotrash insult superior american beer industry with nothing but blind conjecture and MUH HISTORY whilst ignoring the fact that USA is running laps around them in the beer world.

Stay awful, yurope

>> No.4078948

Okay then? I'm Belgium and I really don't care that you guys are better in a competition, in fact, I see it as a compliment that you guys try to perfect our style of beers. Stop seeing everything as a competiton that you have to win no matter what.

>> No.4078949

These beer people don't give a shit where beer comes from

We drink beer from all over, we like trying new things, but at the end of the day it turns out the americans do beer better

>> No.4078956

I mean I'm Belgian, not Belgium, wtf...

>> No.4078957

>I see it as a compliment that you guys try to perfect our style of beers
We try to perfect every style because we now carry the torch, we are responsible for the world's good beer now so we try to perfect everything

>> No.4078962

Fine. Stop ignoring that American beer is superior to Euro beer despite having 1/10th the number of years to develop it, and I'll stop seeing it as a competition, because, in reality, there is no competition. It's not even close anymore.

>> No.4078966

I mean, ok. Except every time we try and have a reasonable conversation about beer, the Europeans flood the thread with retarded generalizations about Budweiser and Coors.

So, it's a little disingenuous that, when we point out how much better the American craft beer industry is doing, you accuse us of being overly competitive.

>> No.4078975

fucking exactly! this anon knows whats up

>> No.4078979

0/10 try harder

>> No.4078980

W..w...what? I never said that you guys are inferior. Don't judge all of us on what some of these individuals sprout out. I actually enjoy American beers too, and honestly: is brewing really about competition? No, it's about refining a taste and making the customer happy. Take that from a real drunk, Belgian basterd.

>> No.4078983
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>world beer cup

I seriously can't believe you degrade yourselves like this, in public even, just because you're intimidated by foreign things.

>> No.4078986

This post is retarded, and we are all dumber for having seen it.

You should be incredibly ashamed of yourself.

>> No.4078989


>> No.4078996

only if we can stuff ourselves on phallic shaped foods with cheese after.

>> No.4078999


>we yurope now
>we pathetic now
>we making a fool of myself now

>> No.4079010


It might well be and probably even is the case that the judges don't show any particular bias towards American beers.

Hosting the competition in the US still creates a barrier to entry for European breweries. Especially those which you would call micro-brewery. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of local brewers don't even know about this competition.

Anyway, I'm done here.

>> No.4079013

>I've been proven to be a closeminded dickbag multiple times.
>Anyway, I'm done here.

Well. Bye.

>> No.4079020

haha, just like my ex gf.

>scream a bunch of retarded shit
>hang up
>won't answer the phone

yep, i guess she won that argument

>> No.4079024
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Forgot picture.

>> No.4079066

There's actually nothing whatsoever in terms of a complete coverage roof organization that would, and could, hold competitions. There's no "Olympic foundation" for beer, and nations do not actively go around grooming and selecting their best beer candidates and sending them to widely monitored, screened competitions. These "beer world cups" are commercial ventures, for commercial means, as is the American way. It sounds mighty fine, but in truth the pedestal of this world cup victory is just marketing.

>> No.4079068



>only ingredients that could be used in the production of beer were water, barley and hops.

So...no more hefeweizen, no more lambic, no more rye beer, no more oatmeal or cream stout, no more honey beer, no more Trappist ales, no more auld bruins, no more sour ales...

You know what the Reinheitsgebot gets you? The same dozen or so BMC pissbeers over and over and over. I'm not interested in drinking Heineken and St. Pauli Girl for the rest of my life.

Fuck it, and fuck you you fascist pig-fuckers. Stay the fuck way from my beer. Leave it to the fucking Germans to take the art out of life. Stick to building watches and machinepistols and shit that doesn't need innovation or an artistic soul.

>> No.4079083

>The part of america in blue makes better beer than all of europe combined

Fixed it for you

>> No.4079084


Be sure to add your insights next time there's a best gatorade flavor thread. You stupid cunt.

>> No.4079091
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oops forgot the pic.

>> No.4079092

>blah blah blah no fruit or spices blah blah blah
> but smoke is okay

Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.4079101
File: 44 KB, 447x335, oh_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THAT is the limit of your debunking of my argument? That Heine may (or may not) be in line with the rest of this Teutonic beer bullshit?

You can do better than that.

>> No.4079102

>better beer than all of europe combined

That's just being childish.

>> No.4079114

OK, so yeah, it is childish. It's still pretty much true. For years I preferred euro beers over American ones, then suddenly about 2002 or so, American breweries started putting out all this amazing shit. There were still shining jewels to come out of Europe (Duchesse De Bourgogne for example), but by-and-large, American craft brewers have surpassed euro breweries in almost every aspect of brewing.

>> No.4079117

Historically, beer has been made with a myriad of ingredients; the restriction of ingredients is a relatively new thing and is a culturally rare occurrance. Prior to the use of hops in Europe, people were using cassia and gentian root for bittering, among other things; ginseng and ginger were used in the East. In 19thC England and earlier, licorice, burdock, spruce, coriander, caraway, orange peel have all been documented. The use of various plants and fruits has been documented in nearly every society that has made beer. Various starch and sugar sources were used also; not everybody had had access to malted barley throughout the course of human history. Restricting beer ingredients to water, hops, barley malt and yeast serves no purpose but to limit the possible incarnations of the beverage.

>> No.4079127

>American cxraft brewers have surpassed euro breweries in aggressive marketing and loud "fans"

Fixed a little.

>> No.4079131

Funny, The breweries I like best, hardly advertise at all. Part of why the fans are so loud, our approval IS the advertising.

>> No.4079432

Eurofag here.

Everyone in this thread arguing about US vs Europe is a fucking faggot. You can find good beer in both places. Just because there is an abundance of crappy beer in America, doesn't mean you can't find good beers (Laughing Skull is a personal favourite). Americans are far better at experimenting with beer then Europeans, yet Europe has already developed great recipes and so mainstream beers (and many craft) tend to be of a higher quality in general.

Having lived in many European countries as well as multiple locations in America (parents had to relocate a lot for work), the only thing I can say for sure is that the drinking culture in Europe is far superior to the one in America. In Europe, even in countries such as the UK which has a pretty crap drinking culture, it is far more sociable and relaxed. In the US, a lot of people will drink any old crap just to get as drunk as possible. I personally think this is because of the 21 drinking age and the cunt cops that crack down on minors for drinking. By the time American kids can start drinking, their European counterparts have been drinking legally for at least 3-6 years and have gotten over the fact they can drink whatever they want and have had time to develop their own tastes in beer.

Also pubs are a million times better than bars for drinking and America just doesn't do pubs as well. You go to a bar to get drunk whilst you go to a pub to socialise with a drink.

TLDR: both Europe and America have great beers but Europe has a better drinking culture.

>> No.4079466

That's just it, buddy. Every time we start a beer thread, immediately we have Europeans mouthbreathing over our shoulder about Coors and Budweiser, like it comprises the sum total of American beers.

In other words, you guys usually start it.

>> No.4079478

Reinheitsgebot created so only Bavarian royalty could brew wheat beer. this thread insists german beer is superior. hard to regulate beer in belgium, england, and the rest of (non-unified germany). Outdated law is outdated

>> No.4079481

Also, I take issue with the "drinking culture is better in Europe" thing. I'm going to guess that the drinking culture, regardless of your geography, is going to be pretty clearly tied to the company you keep. So, sure, there are douchebags who get rowdy drunk at bars. That happens on both sides of the pond.

And there are Americans who get together and drink at local brewpubs to enjoy really good beers and socialize. Even in my chucklefuck corner of Georgia, we've got a reasonably decent local brewpub where beers nobs get together and chat.

>> No.4079489

I will agree to that and stand you to a nice pint of Arctic Devil on the strength of your wisdom and maturity sir.

>> No.4079493

Beer snobs, anyway.

>> No.4079499
File: 5 KB, 144x200, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest only autistic retards care about who has the better beer.

Really wish that Hitler had conquered Europe just so we could have them sent directly to the nearest gas chamber

>> No.4079510

This entire thread is the cancer destroying 4chan.

Everyone calm the fuck down.

>> No.4079512


Shut your whore mouth before I kick your ass.

>> No.4079517


>> No.4079518


>> No.4079529

I'm not saying that America has a bad drinking culture, just that it's more developed in Europe. Of course company you keep is important but as mentioned before it takes longer for people to develop maturity towards alcohol in America since it is harder for younger people to go out an enjoy a drink.

I actually go to Georgia for University and have found a great drinking group however I find them to be a minority of people who enjoy good booze. Most of the other people inc. many of the adults just drink Natty Lite or Bud or some shit. Niggers don't know shit about good booze. I appreciate that there are people in America who know good stuff about beers but the abundance of crappy beer makes it harder for many people here to develop a sophisticated taste.

I just wanna punch some of the dickheads who go to a bar and get Bud lite. At least get Yuengling or Sam Adams which are both decent imho

>> No.4079533

We only think of three groups when we think of the whole "rowdy drunk" thing: Brits, Aussies and Murricans. Kiwis, Canucks and Irish might be rowdy drunks IRL, but the continent rarely sees tourists from any of those three.
Basically, people from English-speaking backgrounds tend to have a bizarre drinking culture, equating alcohol consumption with machismo and machismo with being a prick.
It's so bad, we even call this asshattery what would translate as "the English Disease."
Murricans might think that we believe they're the worst when it comes to drunken acts of jerkishness, but trust me: English. Fucking. Tourists. They're the worst. Everyone hates them whether the Brits are drunk or not.

>> No.4079540


Ask me how I know you are not actually from Europe and are simply romanticizing the place.

Binge drinking shitty alcohol is a class thing, people do it in almost every country to some extent. Go to England or any commonwealth country with a lot of British expats and you'll rapidly be disabused of your misapprehensions.

>> No.4079544

Isn't that the point of sophistication, though? That it's held by an elite few?

But I understand the frustration (oh, also, Athens is a rocking town, especially for music; miss that place). When my wife told my in laws that I was "in to beer", they bought me a Miller Lite racing ball cap for Christmas.

>> No.4079549
File: 53 KB, 468x321, hitlerlols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an English person I agree.

We only let these people leave the country because it means we have less of them to deal with at home. The 98% of us who hate them wish we could deal with them the same way Hitler dealt with the Jews.

mfw I become PM, leave the EU and gas the chavs

>> No.4079557

See >>4079533
It's the English Disease, man.
Even the lowest class scum of non-English-speaking Europe isn't rowdy like the English. They drink. They stumble in the street. They sleep. They wake up. They drink. That's it.
The English, though...
They drink.
They become loud pricks.
They're asked to settle down.
They start a fight.
They get their asses kicked.
They go home, hating the continent.

The English are the worst. Not the Scots, though. Oddly, they're pleasant, regardless of their reputation within the English-speaking world. So nice.

>> No.4079558

I'm literally sitting in London right now. E2 born and raised

I refer you to my other post

>> No.4079599

all dat damage control

>> No.4081156


OP here. I wasn't insisting it's better. In fact, I'm an Americlap who's completely in favor of US and Belgian beer over anything else I've tried. I just feel that if people here want to be purist snobs in so many ways, why not do so with beer as well.