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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4066554 No.4066554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4066562

I love eating live octopus and have it move around it my stomach. After a while it gets really desperate and move around a lot then it stops.

>> No.4066564

> google translate
> wtf does this mean
> click wikipedia
> click read read read
> click read read read

Fuck you op now I'm going to be late for work.

>> No.4066566

That octopus isn't alive, just fresh. Nerves are making it move like that.

Also, you have a vore fetish. So do I. If only the thing could plead to escape while struggling. God that would get me off like.....3 times.

>> No.4066576

Dripping soy sauce
Sodium activates neurons which set off the ATP in the fresh squid's ... muscles?
I'm unsure of the anatomy, but that's how it works

>> No.4066582 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4066586
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>> No.4066587

>I'm unsure of the anatomy, but that's how it works

>> No.4066665


Anatomy =/= Cellular chemistry.

>> No.4066936
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>> No.4066940

>salt on frog legs

>> No.4066943

so is this good or bad?

>> No.4068101
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>> No.4068140

Good. That means it was killed shortly before serving.

>> No.4068155

How far back did you have to dig to bump your shitty weeb garbage, OP?

>> No.4068396 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4068501
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>> No.4068538
File: 244 KB, 1559x454, Lolliguncula_brevis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 9000 hours on Google:

"Activation of the betaine transporter and Cl- current in hypertonic conditions may affect both volume regulation and excitability in L. brevis motor neurons."

Hypertonic means saltier than the squid's normal physiology.
Lolliguncula brevis is a type of squid.

"Our findings indirectly show that the betaine transporter inL. brevis plays a role in adapting to hypertonic conditions that may include modulation of neuronal excitability"

Basically when it gets too salty the squid involuntarily swims away. Or if you pour soy sauce over its head...same thing.

Full article:

inb4 debunked

>> No.4068541

Is it possible to have a thread about squid without some faggot posting Squidgirl?

>> No.4068544

I think you know the answer to that question.

>> No.4068545


Live fish >> sashimi
China >> Japan

>> No.4068556

Fuck you and your science, Jesus' love made him move.

>> No.4068561

Aside from maybe that fish towards the end, that snake was very much dead. It was moving for the same reason the squid in OPs pic was

>> No.4068563

Oh holy shit I'm a wuss, that shit was so brutal

Man how horrible would it be to be that fish, Get your skin flayed off then have the bottom half of your body fried in oil and then covered in some crazy Chinese sauce

ah man those chinks are savage

>> No.4068573

I think the only wrong thing that chef did was forgetting to sever off its brain. It just looked like he flayed the body and left all the internal organs intact

>> No.4068591

Where did we all get sympathy pain in?

My right leg and right hand started to itch. Odd.

>> No.4068599

Turtles are great in soup. Has medicinal purposes.


>> No.4068615

The comments on that video are gold. Holy shit.

>> No.4068620
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I like how the comments are far more retarded than anything I've ever read on 4chan.

>> No.4068627

>dddddddddddddddd6886 5 days ago
>Those poor animals I hate that country now

> Solou Sohai 1 week ago
>mother fuckers do you know the painess of the animals , fuck you fuck you idoit

>Nova sin 1 week ago
>need to nuke this place so these assholes will burn alive.

It just goes on and on. It's even worse if you look at the shit some of these people have on their history. I really genuinely believe the world would be a better place had none of these people ever been born.

>> No.4068648
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It's funny how everybody there seems to blame asians for the practice of torturing animals. Given the average IQ of the user base on that thread, my money says they are/were all Michael Vick fans.

>> No.4068663

>> implying wild animals always immediately kill their prey

I'm 99% sure I've seen documentaries where lions are nomming zebras that are still alive

>> No.4068691

Cleaning fish is super brutal. You can't wait for them to die, they spoil really fast. You pretty much have to whack them on the head hard a few time with the butt of the fillet knife and go to work. This keeps them from thrashing while you peel away their sides.

I remember one time, my uncle was cleaning a northern pike (these fuckers have teeth). Well, I guess he didn't hit it hard enough, because part way through it flailed and caught my uncle's hand with its teeth.

My uncle got super pissed and stabbed it clean through the head before continuing.

>> No.4068692

People always think their community is bad, but it always looks amazing when you compare it to youtube.

>> No.4068818
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>> No.4068888


my cat plays with a bird for 2 hours before it presented it to me

good cat

>> No.4068910

Somewhat related video I found while poking around youtube.
I don't even see the point in this sort of thing. The snake in particular- I don't see the appeal of eating something that was basically just boiled for a few seconds and served with a side of peppers. And the fish is just cruel.

>> No.4068926


>> No.4068981

Glutamate is a neurotransmitter.

>> No.4068982



>> No.4068987 [DELETED] 

It is the sodium, not the glutamate.

>> No.4069020

muscles are controlled by the NT acetylcholine. Glutamate has no effect at neuromuscular junctions.

>> No.4069279
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a master is out

>> No.4069286


oh man, not even /b/. Not.even./b/

>> No.4069290
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>> No.4069293
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poor thing knew what was up.

>> No.4069303


Oh shit, nigger!

I know everyone bangs on about, "hurr durr, this is where your food comes from derp" but being super serial, pretty sure my sausages aren't sat there thrashing around and looking up at me.

Asians seem to have this weird disdain for animals. Not just in food terms but with all the poaching of super rare animals for their gay medicines and bear bile collection. Not to mention their total lack of respect for the environment leading to the extinction of that faggot dolphin that died out recently.

People abuse animals the world over but these niggers seem to take some kind of weird pleasure in it.

inb4 edges

>> No.4069306
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I used to go fishing with my dad a lot. I never had to do any of the cleaning or gutting and never watched it. Last time I went fishing I just happened to watch him clean it and the fish was still fucking breathing when he was gutting it. Dem bad feels man

>> No.4069309


Why didn't he decapitate it first or something?

>> No.4069335

I don't understand, people are bothered by these things? Given the fiscal cliff the USA has fallen off, of all things, some Asian somewhere in a country you don't live in eating something in a way you disagree with upsets you?

Fuck man, Obama should just set the Bill of Rights on fire and play the octopus scene from Old Boy to distract the country. Everyone will be too busy muttering racial slurs to do anything.

>> No.4069337


yeah, that's a well researched, well balanced response, anon.

Also, faggot.

>> No.4069341

This. I don't understand why Chinese believe in their some of their Chinese medicine when we know most of the time it doesn't. I can't think of anything animal part that is better than it's Western medicine counterpart. And we're not talking about just poor ignorant farmers, we're talking about rich people buying rare horns thinking it's as good as Viagra. I think shark's fin is stupid personally and it doesn't even taste like anything.

>> No.4069347


Exactly. Why do Asians hate everything. People - oppressed; animals - hunted to extinction for no good reason.

Fuck those guys.

>> No.4069354

I can understand people eating these animals in times of starvation because there is no choice, but it just confuses me that they still continue the same behavior in times of plenty. Why eat an animal until extinction? That's just retarded.

>> No.4069450

I'm asian. I actually love everything, including you.

>> No.4069462


What the fuck? All I got was something about 'Arctic Oscillation'.

>> No.4069472


>why would other societies do something that my society does not do?

>> No.4069478

ITT: Ignorant Americans

>> No.4069479


>Why do Asians hate everything. People - oppressed

Atlantic slave trade etc.

>animals - hunted to extinction for no good reason.


>> No.4069487

Most of that is in the 1800 before people knew any better. What's Asia's excuse?

>> No.4069500

>What's Asia's excuse?

They don't know better?

>> No.4069505

In the year 2000?

>> No.4069516


>White people can use ignorance as an excuse but chinese can not because it's the year 2000 according to the white people's calendar

>> No.4069519

I know huh? That's why China gets for being backwards.

>> No.4069526

>That's why China gets for being backwards.

They get to eat gasping fish too.

Now go back to your suburb and pretend the only culture is the one you know.

>> No.4069547

Don't forget the eggs made with piss!

>> No.4069700


>not realising people can form opinions about other cultures that are both negative and not ignorant

Yeah, the Nazis were cool guys too. You just didn't get their culture you ignorant fascists!

>> No.4069712

>white people's calendar

Oh lawds!

Ching harder, chongwong.

>> No.4069720


yeah, I guess destroying the planet comes second place to preserving a culture that locks people up for wanting freedom of speech.
Hey, while we're at it I guess that it's ok for Saudi Arabia to oppress women and allow them to go to prison for being raped.

Moral relativism is so fucking lazy, bro.

>> No.4069729


>> No.4069750


pleb harder

>> No.4069794

>white people's calender

What? The christian calender is brown as shit

>> No.4069824
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>> No.4070426
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a master is out

>> No.4071182


>> No.4071214

ikamusume is my wife

>> No.4071218
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>> No.4071247
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>> No.4071327
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>> No.4073151
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>> No.4073382

what? i think your d is backwards buddy

>> No.4073476

whats that from?

>> No.4073483


I dunno man. I'm having difficulty even saying that /b/ would be into vore.

>> No.4073519


This must be your first week here at 4chan. Please stick around another day or two and come back and reanswer that question.

>> No.4073524
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Are you trying to rustle my jimmies, faggot? I don't go on /d/. Why would I.
If you had any knowledge you'd know full well I'm right and your wrongness far outstrips any I might have.

>> No.4073583

you're incredibly stupid

>> No.4073625

why are japs such pretensious cunts that they eat this repugnant shit and somehow feel superior to those of us who'd rather have a decent meal?

This isn't high culture, this is barbarism no better than licking the underside of a rock or sucking on a root.

>> No.4073655

Thanks for bumping a dead thread that loathe so much! Every day around this hour someone tries to stir drama everywhere on /ck/. Coincidence?

>> No.4073674

>it's the year 2000

Oh gosh, how long have I been online updating my Geocities website with 6kb gifs? My parents will be furious if they wake up and I'm still tying up the phone line with Compuserve!

>> No.4073705
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>> No.4073706
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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Ika-musume to die.

>> No.4073747

Won't you invade Super GT?

>> No.4073759
File: 53 KB, 1361x768, bladerunner_6_tearsintherain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there....