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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4064247 No.4064247 [Reply] [Original]

My boyfriend LOVES peanut butter cookies,

Tell me how to make them!

>> No.4064256
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inb4 you gun start a fire

>> No.4064260
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That only happened one time.

>> No.4064261

starting a fire or sucking dicks?

>> No.4064264
File: 58 KB, 700x400, 534234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting a fire accidentally..

>> No.4064265

When you rub two sticks together it starts a fire.

>> No.4064269

homosexuals and weeaboos are not welcome here

especially homosexual weeaboos, like you OP

>> No.4064276

this is the cooking board. is it really that hard to imagine a femanon here?

>> No.4064281

wow why is everyone so mean here. Anyway, I think you should have just googled.

1 cup peanut butter (any kind)
1 cup sugar (granulated)
1 large egg

Preheat oven 350°F.

Mix sugar and egg together, then add peanut butter. That's it. Now form into 1" balls an press with fork. Dip fork in a little sugar so it won't stick.

Bake for 10 to 12 minutes at 350°F.

Reese's Peanut Butter can be used; add chocolate chips, raisins, M&M'S® - be creative!

Makes 1 dozen cookies.

>> No.4064283

I dunno if it's the kind you're used to, but...

1 dl of butter,
1 dl of peanutbutter,
2 dl of sugar,
1 egg,
2 dl wheat flour,
1 tsp baking powder,
(salt, vanilla sugar)

With an eggbeater, stir butter, peanut butter and sugar into a foamy consistency. Then stir in the flour and baking powder in small portions while whisking slowly. If you want to, a sprinkling of salt and vanilla sugar will liven up the flavour.

Using two spoons, pick nobs of the batter and form into cookies. Should make about 30-40 pieces. Bake in 225'C for 10 minutes. If you use American measurements, please refer to google for the going rates.

>> No.4064286
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Oh, add the egg after you've foamed up the butters and sugar.

>> No.4064287

Please refrain from mentioning your sex and/or gender while visiting /ck/. Although you may not be aware of this (although I think you are), many people posting on 4chan are not in an intimate relationship.

Therefore, referring to your femininity can be highly offensive to others, as they visit /ck/ to have fun and intellectual discourse, not to be reminded of their shortcomings (as perceived by society).

I hope you remember this in the future and refrain from using any key words that can be used as gender identifiers. It really is not that much to ask and will prevent threads from degenerating into flame/troll disasters.

Some of us also choose to be single and our virginity is not a badge of shame. The inherent superficial and highly opportunistic behavior of women is not attractive to every male, and therefore we do not have to be constantly reminded of your kind while on /ck/. It is not necessary and can be considered, "attention whoring" (a very just term).

Thank you very much,

- /ck/

>> No.4064299

where did they say they were female?
for all we know, they're a gay dude

>> No.4064305

Go back to /R9K/.This board is for people that aren't waste of oxygen.

>> No.4064313

95% of this board is overweight, so much for "people that aren't a waste of oxygen"

>> No.4064320

Man you're a gigantic faggot, did you know this?

>> No.4064325

You are not "/ck/". You are just a random bitter cunt. Not even the uncontributing kind of cunt, but the counter-productive kind. The kind of cunt whose fault it is that this board can't have Nice Things.

>> No.4064339
File: 135 KB, 1400x1050, rq5435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much!, appreciated.

Why are the rest of you so mean, i just wanted to bake cookies.

>> No.4064346

In hindsight it was not a well worded insult. The point still stands. Last time we attempted any sort of census this board was roughly 40% female.

>> No.4064348
File: 53 KB, 500x333, laughing carlton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this guy

>> No.4064385

This recipe doesn't create cookies, it creates FIRE!

>> No.4065131
File: 30 KB, 381x280, rofl_mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw she bought that crap

>> No.4065151

I made these for thanksgiving and they were a hit. instead of using peanuts though, I just used crunchy peanut butter and used an extra tablespoon of it.

1 1/4cups unbleached all-purpose flour (6 1/4 ounces)
1/4teaspoon baking soda
1/4teaspoon table salt
4tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1 large egg
2teaspoons vanilla extract
1cup packed dark brown sugar (7 ounces)
2tablespoons chunky peanut butter
1/4cup salted dry-roasted peanuts, chopped coarse

>> No.4065173

I'm just wondering how these work without flour.

>> No.4065174


>> No.4065179

They don't really. I've made them before and they're extremely crumbly.

Very tasty as a topping for ice cream, though.